
Student Affairs Communications Group Minutes
April 29, 2015
Attendance: Kami Hammerschmith, Brianna McNall, Majeed Badizadegan, Wendy
Little, Colleen Schlonga, Carolyn Boyd, Ruth Sterner, Sarah Norek, Michele Ribeiro,
Bonnie Hemrick, Linda Howard, Vanessa Johnson, Kayleen Salchenberg Steeves,
Natalie Gill, Sal Miramontes Jr.
Next meeting of the Student Affairs Communications Group will be Wednesday, May
13, 2015, 9 a.m. – 10:30 a.m., Meet in Student Experience Center lobby. Topic:
Resources available from Student Multimedia Services (Teresa Preddy) and Orange
Media Network (Bill Gross).
Carolyn shared results from the branding exercise done at the March 11 meeting. We
were asked 1) How do you feel that the division as a whole impacts student success?
2) How does your own work or the work of your department impact student success?
After sharing your responses to the above questions with other members of your group,
please collectively decide on three to five words or phrases that you think best describe
the division and its impact.
Carolyn performed the exercise with the Student Affairs Communications Group and
the Student Affairs Leadership Team (SALT). She will be looking at the results to help
with language on the Student Affairs homepage and the “About” section on the website.
Later it will be used in broader messaging.
Carolyn is working on the homepage for Student Affairs. She is taking a two-phase
approach. 1) Minor updates to better describe the Division. 2) Fall 2016, once a new
strategic plan for the Division is in place, a more comprehensive revision to the
homepage will take place.
We discussed major areas of focus for the next year. What themes should we focus on?
It was suggested we focus on the themes from the Blueprint for Academic Success and
Wellness. Ruth suggested we support what is already in place and work to strengthen
How can we support the three groups already in place?
1. Human Justice and Diversity – Ruth gave a report on the work of this group. They are
looking at compassion, embracing difference and reducing bias. They have four subgroups.
2. First-Year Experience – Carolyn gave a report on the work of this group.
3. Student Care – Carolyn will check in with the leaders of this group and ask how we
might support them.
It was decided that Experiential Learning is part of the first three groups and does not
need to stand-alone. Career Development is also part of the first two groups. Carolyn
will ask Leslye and Michael about support.
In the next year we can identify what areas we can support and how. We should also
work to integrate assessment throughout all the initiatives. Think at the front how
assessment will be used — what do we want to know, follow-ups, reporting back.
We should check back in before classes begin in the fall with each initiative group to see
where they are and how we can help.
Wendy asked how this work ties in with campaigns in our own departments? Carolyn
said individuals are still welcome to share details of their campaigns and ask for help, as
needed, but the larger group would focus more on the Division initiatives.
It was asked if we are moving away from department-focused events/messaging to
broader themes/areas of focus. Carolyn said she would be sending out another invite to
participate on the planning committee for next year’s meetings. She would like to see a
priority project for each term.
The group was interested in developing a communications calendar for the year.
Carolyn suggested some meeting topics for this summer. She suggested they be
workshop meetings.
• Graphic design – creating effective communications
• Lightroom tutorial (photo management)
• AP Style Guide overview and differences in writing for different mediums
• Technical trainings – Creative Suite
Graphic Design and AP Style Guide were the top two selections for this summer.
Carolyn asked what resources would be helpful to this group?
• Calendar
• List of contacts
• Websites, social media sites in Division
Carolyn shared promotional cards for the OSU Guide.
Take Back the Night is tonight at 6 p.m. in the MU Quad/SEC Canopy.
Carolyn mentioned the student nominations for inclusion in Commencement. There is
an online form to complete.
Michele shared the new logo they created based on feedback from the last meeting.
They are using the tagline “Shaping a Culture of…”
Vanessa said that the Campus Inclusivity Survey closes on Friday, May 8. She asked us
to urge students to complete it and to check their onid email for an invitation. They are
100 responses from a 20 percent return.
The next meeting we will be touring Orange Media Network and Student Multimedia
Services. Please meet in the Student Experience Center lobby at 9 a.m.
It was suggested that on Wednesday, May 27, we have an informal breakfast meeting.
Carolyn will look into scheduling this.