Professor of Civil and Environmental
Engineering at the University of South Florida
While several research laboratories have embraced water supply and drinking water treatment in the developing world as an important component of their research porPolio, the wastewater field has not yet been elevated to the importance that it deserves. The
WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water
Supply and SanitaWon’s latest report confirms that progress on providing improved sanitaWon will not meet the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) even as the world is on track to meet the drinking-‐water target by
2015. Billions of people sWll lack access to improved sanitaWon, including over one billion who pracWce open defecaWon.
This talk will provide a brief overview of the current sanitaWon crisis, and then provide results of recent research that supports the Millennium Development Goal
(MDG) target related to provision of improved sanitaWon including understanding pathogen destrucWon in compost latrines and determining the water and nutrient reuse potenWal of community managed wastewater treatment systems.
12:00-‐1:00 FREE EVENT in Burke Auditorium, Kroon Hall
Lunch will be provided – first come, first served