Pre-Professional School MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 124 Semester Hours 2010-2011 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Name: Advisor: Oklahoma State University College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology Admission Requirements for the Mechanical Engineering Professional School. Year 2 Year 1 Preparatory Courses Admission to Professional School is required to take the upper level MAE courses. ENGR 1111 ENGR 1412 ENSC 2113 ENSC 2123 Intro Engr Engr Comp Prog Statics Dynamics Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem 4 Please refer to the OSU Catalog corresponding to your matriculation date for detailed admission requirements. The following is an overview of the minimum curricular requirements necessary to be considered for admission to the MAE Professional School: •Completion of at least 60 college level semester credit hours (SCH). 1* CHEM 1414 ENGR 1332 ENSC 2213 ENSC 2143 Gen Chemistry Engr Design Thermo Strength Mat’ls Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem MATH 1715 HIST 1103 PHYS 2014 PHYS 2114 ENSC 3233 Coll Alg & Trig American Hist General Physics General Physics Fluid Mech Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem MATH 1513 MATH 2144 MATH 2153 MATH 2163 ENSC 2613 Coll Algebra Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III Elec Science Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem MATH 1613 ENGL 1113 Trigonometry Fresh Comp I Grade Sem Grade Sem •Completion of at least 12 SCH from OSU. •Completion of at least 57 SCH from the PreProfessional School courses. •Completion of MATH 2144, 2153, and 2163; PHYS 2014 and 2114; CHEM 1414; four Pre-Professional ENSC courses; ENGL 1113 or 1313, and, if required, ENGL1213 or 1413. MATH 0123 Int Algebra OR •An overall GPA of 2.6 or better at OSU. Grade Sem 1 3 2 “H” (3) Grade Sem •A GPA of 2.7, or better, in all of the collegelevel math and statistics courses which you have taken at OSU and which are required for the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. MATH 2233 SCI ELECT (3) Diff Equations Grade Sem Grade Sem POLS 1113 •A GPA of 2.7, or better, in all of the collegelevel science and engineering courses which you have taken at OSU and which are required for the B.S. in Mechanical Engineering. These courses depend on your MAE degree option; but, include PHYS, CHEM, BIOL, GEOL, ENGR, ENSC, MAE, etc. •A final grade of “C” or better in each of the above technical and English courses. American Gov’t Grade Sem 1. Students with less than a “B” in ENGL 1113 or 1313 must take ENGL 1213 or 1413; and may not choose ENGL 3323. 2. At least 6 hours designated (H) and at least 6 hours designated (S). Of these, 3 hrs must meet the International Dimension “I”., and 3 hours must meet the Diversity “D” requirement. The total (H) and (S) program must satisfy ABET Accreditation criteria. Consult an advisor and the Departmental policy. 3. Select one course from ASTR 1014, 1024, BIOL 1114, CHEM 3053, GEOL 1114, 3413, PHYS 3213, 3313, 3713. 4. Or CHEM 1515 Shaded Area Indicates Common Engineering Curriculum Requirements NOTE: This flow chart is for planning purposes only. Students matriculating in 2010 must meet the degree requirements as stated on the official degree requirement sheet dated “Academic Year 2010-2011.” MAE RDD 5-13-10 MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Name: PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL OF MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 2010-2011 Advisor: MASTER’S PROGRAMS 2 PREREQUISITES MAE 3033 ENGR 1332, ENSC 2123 Oklahoma State University College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology 3* “S” (3) “S” (3) Grade Sem Grade Sem Engr Design Grade Sem F & Sp 2 ENSC 2123, ENSC 2613 MATH 2153 10 7 IEM 3503 MAE 3113 Engr Econ Meas & Instr MAE Category III Grade Sem Grade Sem Grade Sem 1* F & Sp F & Sp 6 10 MATH 2233, ES 2123, 2613 MAE 3013 MAE 3723 .5* Engr Analysis Dyn Sys Grade Sem Grade .5* MAE Category IV Grade Sem F & Sp Sem F & Sp F & Sp F & Sp Sem MATH 2233, ENSC 2613, ENSC 2123 ENGR 1412 8 MAE Category II 9 5 MAE 3403 MAE 3233 .5* Com Meth & Des MAE Category I .5* Heat Transfer Grade Sem Grade Sem 10 F & Sp MAE Elective Grade Sem 10 Grade Sem Sp F F & Sp ENSC 3233 9 MAE 3223 ENSC 2213 .5* Thermo II Grade Sem F & Sp ENSC 2113, ENSC 2143 ENSC 3313 CHEM 1414 Mat’l Science Grade 2 MAE Elective “H” (3) Grade Sem Grade Sem 10 F 1 Mech Des I ENGL 1213 or 3323 Grade Sem Grade Sem MAE 3323 Sem 1* Criteria for admission to the Graduate College to pursue the Master of Science or Master of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering degree include: 1. Receive a B.S. degree from an accredited institution (the Bachelor of Science degree or certification in an accredited engineering program is required for the Master of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering degree. 2. Academic performance in undergraduate work at a level that indicates a high probability of success in a graduate program requiring a 3.0/4.0 minimum grade point average. 3. Recommended for admission to the Graduate College by a Professional School in the College of Engineering. F & Sp For further information, contact the School or the Office of the Dean of Engineering. 5. Category I (Thermal Systems Realization): Select one course from MAE 4243, 4263, 4703, 4713. 6. Category II (Mechanical Systems Realization): Select one course from MAE 4353, 4513, 4363. 7. Category III (Laboratory): Select course from MAE 4273, 4333, 4733. 8. Category IV (Capstone Design): Select course from MAE 4344, 4354. 9. MAE Elective: Courses to be selected from MAE 3123, 3253, 3293, 4053, 4063, 4313, 4623 or from courses in the four categories listed above but not used to satisfy that category. 10. See the OSU Catalog for prerequisites to specific MAE Electives. NOTE: A flexible study plan is designed to meet each student’s individual goals. I. A 2.00 GPA is required in all course work listed in the right hand column of the requirement sheet. II. A minimum overall 2.00 GPA is required in 4000 level MAE prefix courses. III. A minimum grade of “C” must be made in ANY course used as a prerequisite for a required course. * Number in right hand corner within each block reflects hours of Design credit. Sixteen total hours of Engineering Design must be completed to meet graduation requirements and ABET criteria. CEAT Student Services: vn 5/13/10