Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools A. Vick, I. Jordan, W. Workman Requirements on reporting tools used by the Long Range Plan subgroup of the Observing Planning Team (OPT) are given in this document (original framemaker document located at /data/operational1/www/html-data/ lrp_doc/web1/mupid/ ). In the tool usage subsections, the following conventions are used: parameters in curly braces {} are optional, parameters in square brackets [] are required. A description of the required functionality is given for each tool, followed by a usage section, and then example output. Some of the tool descriptions have expanded length where the data used is extensive or complex. 1.0 The available tool (and must-go) The available tool reports information on prime external visits in a given (or assumed) LRP for a given time interval. Visits that have a status of withdrawn, failed or completed are not reported. Internal visits and pure parallel externals are not reported. The report prints out one ASCII line of information for each visit (sunit_id) in order of when the plan window closes (extra lines are output if the PW and CWV information is also requested). Available also prints out summary information for all such visits within that interval. The tool is based largely on the functionality of [], however a few features are added in these requirements. The tool’s use includes providing statistics and details of what is available for a given calendar, examination of the properties of the visits available for calendar building within a given period, and as raw input for other LRP analysis and work. 1.1 Information Reported • The tool reports a single ASCII line for each visit intersecting the given interval (unless extra window information is requested). • The tool by default reports prime external visits (unless internals or parallels are requested) that have not been scheduled or executed. • The tool sorts the visits in the output by plan_window.window_end in increasing order. • Extra window data (verified constraint window and plan window data) is formatted identically to the constraint window data and placed immediately below the constraint_window data when they are optionally chosen. Other than the sunit_id and window data, no other data are included on that line. • Using the mustgo command line option, the tool functions as and replaces the existing mustgo tool. The tool will report only visits whose plan windows close in the given time interval. 1.2 Data Content The tool returns two general kinds of information: visit level, and a statistical summary. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 1 1.2.1 Visit based information • Basic information: Information about a visit which can be retrieved directly from assist database tables: • sunit id (su_track.sunit_id) • program coordinator (prop_track.pc) first three characters is unique • cycle (prop_track.cycle) • proposal type i.e. GO, GTO etc. (coverpage.type) first two characters will work if DD is substituted for GO/DD. • estimated orbits (su_track.est_orbits) • internal or external visit (1st char from su_track.internal_su and su_track.external_su) • fixed or solar system target (visit_derived_data.target_type) • status i.e. scheduling, implementation, pi etc. (su_track.status) first two characters are unique • Select visit-level and exposure-level special requirements: summary codes identifying some visit-level special requirements on a visit, or are on visits linked to it, that could impact planning activities. (visit_special_reqs, spss..qslink_timing, spss..qslink_orient) • CVZ • PERIOD/PHASE and tolerance (e.g., value=period*phase in log10 seconds) • BEFORE <date> • BETWEEN and tolerance (e.g. log10 seconds) • AFTER <date> • AFTER <visit> BY(both visits linked as such) and tolerance (e.g. log10 seconds) • GROUP WITHIN and tolerance (i.e., log10 seconds) • SEQUENCE WITHIN and tolerance (e.g. log10 seconds) • ORIENT RANGE, # of ranges & % of total degrees available (tens digit rounded down) • ORIENT FROM <visit> (both visits linked as such) • SAME ORIENT (both visits linked as such) • ON HOLD or ON HOLD FOR <visit> (both visits linked as such) • linked to executed visit? • Constraint Window information: summary information which identifies which weeks or periods starting from the beginning of the interval are potential scheduling opportunities. The summary information also captures special information about the opportunity such as whether the visit hides the SAA or has a CVZ opportunity in the given week or period. (The periods currently used are -2 weeks, -1 week, each of the next 8 weeks, 916 weeks, 17-32 weeks, 33-infinite weeks from the beginning of the interval.) (constraint_windows.window_begin, constraint_windows.window_end, constraint_windows.status) • Verified Constraint Window information: Knowing whether or not constraint windows have been made is useful in determining the reality of cutoffs on constraint windows. • whether or not verified constraint windows are present • optionally information about suitability/no suitability could be represented like the information presented for constraint windows on a seperate interleaved line. • Plan Window information: • earliest plan window start (minimum of plan_windows.window_begin) • latest plan window end (maximum of plan_windows.window_end) • number of windowlets (row count the number of returned records in plan_windows) • short window flags: flag visits with the approximate plan window size (to the nearest day) when the integrated plan window length is less than a certain length, e.g. 8 days. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 2 • optionally suitability/no suitability could be shown on a seperate line like that for constraint windows. • Alignment-level information: This is a crude attempt at modelling the “SAA friendliness” of a visit. Represent the number of contiguous orbits starting from the beginning or end of the visit which are comprised entirely of alignments of less than a certain length. Several lengths should be used in the calculation (e.g. 22 min., 27min, 35 min). The maximum number of orbits which fit in the visibility model (from the front and the back of the visit), should be output. By specifying 3 models, 3 columns of single digit values are output. • Instrument usage information: summary of what detectors in which science instruments are used and whether the usage was as a prime or parallel instrument. Also report whether or not coronagraphic apertures are used in the observations. 1.2.2 Summary information The summary information is a sum of the orbits for the following categories: • • • • • • Visit Status (su_track.status), with subcategorization by the visit orbit-sizes. Visit orbit-size. MAMAs, with subcategorization by the visit orbit-sizes. non-MAMAs, with subcategorization by the visit orbit-sizes. SAA-hiders, with subcategorization by the visit orbit-sizes. Instrument usage. 1.3 Tool Usage The tool should have 1 required parameter, the end_date of the desired interval, and several optional parameters: available {start_date} [end_date] {LRP} {pwv | cwv | mustgo | internals} where the default start date is the current calendar date minus 1 year, the default LRP is the latest released. Any combination of the optional parameters may be supplied and must be accepted. unixprompt> available 2002.190 Report available visits up through 2002.190 from the default LRP. unixprompt> available 2002.190 01117A Report available visits up through 2002.190 from the 01117A LRP. unixprompt> available 2001.330 2002.140 Report available visits from the default LRP over the given interval. unixprompt> available 2001.100 2001.170 01117A Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 3 Report available visits from the 01117A LRP over the given interval. unixprompt> available 2001.100 2001.170 01117A pw cwv Both PW and CWV info requested. unixprompt> available 2001.100 2001.170 01117A mustgo Only report must-go visits in the interval. unixprompt> available 2001.100 2001.170 01117A internals Report internal visits in interval (no externals) for the given LRP. When run with no arguments the tool should give a short description of its purpose, the required and optional arguments, and the expected order of the arguments. 1.4 Detailed Tabular Data Because so much information is needed in a single line, the information is condensed and coded as is appropriate. For example, the su_track.status field is condensed to two letters, the sogs format plan windows have the first 3 digits of the year stripped off as well as the seconds field (and attendant colon), and program coordinator is abbreviated to two or three characters. Special codes are used to represent such characteristics as instrument usage, special requirements, and potential schedulability. In the report, the following information is formatted (also note Tables 2-5): TABLE 1. “Available” Primary Key Fields Columns Information 1-7 su_track.sunit_id 9-10 pt.cycle (integer) 12-13 su_track.status (1st 2 character abbreviation) 15-16 su_track.est_orbits (integer) 18-28 plan_windows.window_begin (abbreviated, sans 1st 2 chars & sans last 3 chars) 30-40 plan_windows.window_end (abbreviated, sans 1st 2 chars & sans last 3 chars) 42-43 computed from plan window showing if window < 1 week long, and how many days long 45-46 number of plan window-lettes. An indicator of the “choppiness” of the plan window. 48-62 constraint window status summary. Specifies whether CWs cross the given week and what the constraint_windows.status field contains (see table 2). 64 Do verified constraint windows exist (“v”=yes, “-”=no)? 66-68 Alignment/SAA/Visibility compatibility summary (see table 3). Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 4 TABLE 1. “Available” Primary Key Fields Columns Information 70-73 Program Type (coverpage.type). First 4 characters of program type. 75 internal/external sunit indicator 77-78 Target type. Derived from exposure.extern_tar_type 80-98 Instrument usage flags (see table 4). 100 Coronagraphic Aperture used? 102-120 Special requirement codes (see table 5) 122 Linked to an already scheduled/executed visit? (“L”=linked, blank = not linked) 124-126 Program coordinator (first 3 char abbreviation) Note that in Table 1, there are various sections which contain more detailed information than are defined. In Tables 2-5, the content of that information is expounded upon in greater depth. Table 2 contains codes which represent what is stored in the constraint_windows.status and constraint_windows.window_begin and constraint_windows.window_end fields. This information is used for a number of different tasks where it is desired to know if a visit is schedulable and how it might schedule (i.e., is it an SAA hider or a CVZ opportunity?). Each of the columns covers a given time period, with the first 2 columns corresponding to calendars weeks which have already been built in the preceeding two weeks. The next 8 columns correspond to next eight calendar weeks which have not yet been built. The final three columns correspond to 3 time periods beyond those 8 weeks: weeks 9-16, weeks 17-32, and weeks 33+. If a time period (column) does not have constraint windows crossing it, the value is set to “-” (minus). If the time period (column) does have constraint windows crossing it, anywhere, it may be set to one of several values, depending upon whether constraint_window.status fields which lie within that interval (“.”, “S”, “C”, or “X”). If constraint windows cross the time period, but none of them have special status fields (SAA, CVZ or SAC), then the value is set to “.”. If any of the constraint windows crossing the time period have any of the special statuses, then the summary field will be set to a different value as follows: • If more than one status type occurs in the time period, or if SAC occurs, “X” is placed in the field. • If only one type of status occurs (SAA or CVZ), only that type is signified in the field (SAA=”S”, CVZ=”C”). TABLE 2. Constraint Window Summary Key Fields Columns Information 48 The calendar built on the previous week. 49 The calendar under construction in the current week. 51 + “n” The week of the calendar to be built in the “n+1th” week following the current week. 60 The 9th-16th weeks 61 The 17th-32nd weeks 62 From the 33rd week out through the end of the planning interval. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 5 Note that in Table 1, three columns are referred to for “alignment length and sequencing”. This refers to a crude attempt at determining the degree to which a visit can schedule cooperatively in SAA impacting orbits. Visits which use some detectors (such as MAMAs and Solar Blind Channels) never schedule in orbits intersected by the SAA. Other detectors can schedule in such orbits if the alignments are short enough and/or the target visibilities mesh well with the SAA passages. These three columns try to determine if a visit can be partially or wholely scheduled in SAA-impacted orbits by examining the detectors used, and if so, attempting to model if the alignment structure is compatible with placement of the visit into each of three arbitrary visibility intervals (which mimics the impact of the SAA on some arbitrary orbit). Table 3 shows that the three numbers output in columns 65-67 are estimates of the maximum number of est_orbits of the visit which could be scheduled in a non-optimal visibility length of a prespecified size. This yields an approximate guess of how “friendly” a visit is to SAA-impacted physical orbits. The values of the size of the visibilities for the three models are to be specified in the code. Currently, we are using 22, 28, and 34 minutes as the model visibilities. In determining how many orbits fit within the limited visibility, the following rules are used: • MAMAs (STIS or ACS) are assumed to NOT fit at all (0). • The maximum number of orbits is reported for each visit by evaluating the alignment structure from the beginning and from the end of the visit. • The algorithm searches from the beginning of the visit (or the end) for the first alignment of length greater than the model visibility. The sum of alignment times up to but not including this alignment divided by the total alignment time gives a fraction of the visit which can schedule within the reduced visibility. • The fraction of the alignment time which will fit within the reduced visibility times the est_orbits (rounded down) is the number of orbits reported. TABLE 3. Summary of Alignment Data Meshing with Visibility. Column Information 65 Maximum number of orbits which fit in Model “A” visibility 66 Maximum number of orbits which fit in Model “B” visibility 67 Maximum number of orbits which fit in Model “C” visibility Columns 80-98 detail which detectors or channels are used with a given instrument. Table 4 details which instruments and channels are desired, and the order they are given in. Note that some of the instruments may not yet be installed on HST, and some are deactivated or removed (or will be). The fields are populated with one of three values (“Y”, “N”, or “P”) depending upon whether the detector is used at all and whether it is used in a parallel mode or prime mode. To avoid many fields for instruments which have been removed or have not yet been installed, some fields have multiple instrument indicators. In such cases, one needs to know what cycle the visit was from in order to determine the appropriate instrument. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 6 TABLE 4. Instrument Detector/Channel Summary Column Instrument Detector/Channel 80 WFPC2 or WFC3/UVIS [or WFPC1] 81 FOC or WFC3/IR 83 NICMOS Camera 1 84 NICMOS Camera 2 85 NICMOS Camera 3 87 STIS/CCD 88 STIS FUV/MAMA 89 STIS NUV/MAMA 91 Astrometry (FGS) 93 ACS/Wide Field Camera [or HSP] 94 ACS/High Resolution Camera 95 ACS/Solar Blind Channel 97 COS/FUV [or HRS] 98 COS/NUV [or FOS] Table 5 shows the special requirements section and how the fields are reported. Some of the fields are populated with just one value, while others are populated with a second--and in one case, a third--value derived from the details of the special requirement. For Period/Phase, Between, and the timing link visit special requirements, the second fields value is the log-base-10 of the time value relevant for that special requirement. TABLE 5. Special Requirements Summary Column(s) Special Requirements 102 CVZ “C” 103-104 Period/Phase “~” 105 Before “<” 106-107 Between “B” 108 After “>” 109-110 After By “+” or “-” 111-112 Group Within “G” 113-114 Sequence Within “S” 115-117 Orient “O” 118 Orient From “F” or “f” 119 Same Orient “=” 120 On Hold “H”/On Hold For “h” Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 7 TABLE 6. Auxilliary numerical values in the Special Requirements section. Visit Special Requirement How single digit value is computed Period/Phase log10(visit_special_reqs.argument_1 [in seconds]) Between log10(visit_special_reqs.argument_2 - visit_special_reqs.argument_1 [in seconds]) After By log10(visit_special_reqs.argument_2 [in seconds]) Group Within log10(visit_special_reqs.argument_1 [in seconds]) Sequence Within log10(visit_special_reqs.argument_1 [in seconds]) Orient 1st field: number of ranges specified. 2nd field: (%age of 360-degrees available for scheduling) / 10 [rounded down] 1.5 Example Output - no suitability n not used . suitability Y primary S SAA C CVZ x both P parallel C CVZ, ~ period/phase, < before, B between, > after, +/- after by later/earlier visit, G group within, S sequence within, O one orient range or R multiple orient ranges, F orient from, = same orient, H on hold or h on hold for sut min max # 13 c 223 WFPC2,FOC,NIC,STIS,FGS,ACS,Cornagraph su id cyc st orb PW begin PW end dt PW -0 12345678 62+ v 272 Prog I Ta WF 123 CFN A WHS CO C Special Reqs------XLnkPC 0000000 00 xx 00 0.000:00:00 0.000:00:00 <0 00 .. ........ ... x 000 XXXX X XX II III III I III II . C~_<B_>+_G_S_O F=H L XXX 0824431 8 pi 2 1.035:12:00 1.107:11:59 2 -. ...----. ... - 000 GO a F NN NNN YNY N NNN NN h ROM 0824441 8 pi 2 1.035:12:00 1.107:11:59 2 -. ...----. ... - 000 GO a F NN NNN YYN N NNN NN h ROM 0824451 8 pi 2 1.035:12:00 1.107:11:59 2 -. ...----. ... - 000 GO/C a F NN NNN YYN N NNN NN h ROM 0861107 9 im 2 1.120:09:08 1.121:19:23 <2 1 SS SSSSSSSS SSS - 000 GO a F NN NNN YNN N NNN NN B3 -7 L PER 0861108 9 im 2 1.127:07:05 1.128:15:39 <2 2 SS SSSSSSSS SSS - 000 GO a F NN NNN YNN N NNN NN +9 PER 0865803 9 sc 1 1.129:07:10 1.134:04:46 <6 4 .. -------- --- v 000 GO a S NN NNN NYN N NNN NN B5 O24 ROM 1061109 10 im 2 1.134:06:19 1.135:13:04 <2 12 SS SSSSXSSS SSS - 011 GO s F PN NNN YNN N NNN NN . ~3 +2 PER Total external orbits: Total external orbits set to ’scheduling’: Total external orbits not set to ’scheduling’: Status/Orbit breakdown: orb dur su_track.status 1 implementation 2 implementation 3 implementation 4 implementation 5 implementation 1 scheduling 2 scheduling 3 scheduling 4 scheduling 5 scheduling Orbit orb dur 1 2 3 4 5 total #of # of SUs orbits 19 19 10 20 4 12 7 28 0 0 26 26 24 48 23 69 13 52 12 60 334 255 79 avg per week SUs orbits 9 9 5 10 2 6 3 14 0 0 13 13 12 24 11 34 6 26 6 30 breakdown: #of # of SUs orbits 45 45 34 68 27 81 20 80 12 60 xxx xxx Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 8 MAMA Orbit breakdown: orb #of # of dur SUs orbits 1 14 14 2 10 20 3 19 57 4 12 48 5 11 55 total 66 194 Non-MAMA Orbit breakdown: orb #of # of dur SUs orbits 1 31 31 2 33 66 3 26 78 4 20 80 5 12 60 total 122 315 SAA hider orbit breakdown for the coming week: orb #of # of dur SUs orbits 1 7 7 2 5 10 3 1 3 4 6 24 5 0 0 SAA hiders for the coming week Total: orb #of # of dur SUs orbits 19 44 Prime candidates WFPC2: STIS: FGS: FOC: NICMOS: ACS: SUs: 50 82 6 0 0 0 Orbits: 90 238 6 ~ ~ - 2.0 The move-it tool The function of the move-it tool is to identify the prime external visits which potentially can (and cannot) execute in a given time interval. The tool does this by intersecting the windows stored in the assist..constraint_windows and spss..constraint_windows_ver tables with the requested interval and then reports the visits and information about the visits to the user. The requirements are based largely upon the functionality of the [] tool, however, a few new features are added. • The tool must produce two reports--one showing which visits and a summary of what can move, and the other report containing a list of visits and a summary of what cannot move. • The tool should produce a single line of output for each visit formatted identically to that specified for the available tool, with the only exception being an additional three characters (one of which is a space after the PC name field) appended to the end of the ASCII line denoting whether constraint_windows and/or constraint_windows_ver intersect the target interval. • The tool should produce summary output identical to the available tool for each generated reports. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 9 • The tool reports prime external visits whose constraint_windows and/or constraint_windows_ver intersect the target time interval from the given (or assumed) LRP. • A file output option is unnecessary since unix tee & piping can be used to create such a file. 2.1 Tool usage The tool should return usage information when run with no parameters. The tool requires at least 2 parameters: the start and end dates (format YYYY.JJJ) of the interval into which visits are desired to be moved. Optional parameters are the LRP (default = released) name and a date range from which visits with plan windows should be moved from. move-it {LRP} {start_check_interval} {end_check_interval} [target_start_date] [target_end_date] {output options} unixprompt> move-it 2002.007 2002.021 Check for visits not having PWs in 007-021 which can move into specified interval from default LRP. Report both visits which can move and that cannot move with separate summaries. unixprompt> move-it 01198A 2002.007 2002.021 Check for visits not having PWs in 007-021 which can move into specified interval from 01198A LRP. Report both visits which can move and that cannot move with separate summaries. unixprompt> move-it 2002.161 2002.175 2002.007 2002.021 Check for visits with plan windows crossing 161-175 which can move into 007-021 from default LRP. Report both visits which can move and that cannot move with separate summaries. unixprompt> move-it 01198A 2002.161 2002.175 2002.007 2002.021 Check for visits with plan windows crossing 161-175 which can move into 007-021 from 01198A LRP. Report both visits which can move and that cannot move with separate summaries. unixprompt> move-it 01198A 2002.007 2002.021 2002.007 2002.021 f Check for visits with plan windows crossing 161-175 which can move into 007-021 from default LRP. Report only visits which cannot move and the associated summary. unixprompt> move-it 01198A 2002.007 2002.021 2002.007 2002.021 m Check for visits with plan windows crossing 161-175 which can move into 007-021 from default LRP. Report only visits which can move and the associated summary. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 10 2.2 Example output The tool should produce output formatted identically to that of the available tool’s single ASCII line for each visit. Separate reports (both visit-level and summary) should be produced for visits which can move and visits that cannot move. As noted in 2.1, there are two fields added on to the “available” formatting to indicate whether or not constraint_windows or constraint_windows_ver records exist which intersect the target interval. So, for example, the single ASCII line output for a visit generated by move-it will look like the following in the case where both constraint_windows and constraint_windows_ver windows intersect the target time. 0824431 8 pi 2 1.035:12:00 1.107:11:59 2 -. ...----. ... 000 GO F NN NNN YNY N NNN h ROM wv Note that there are 3 extra columns--one is a space, and two are data: the first data column contains a “w” if there are constraint_windows crossing the target time interval, the second contains a “v” if constraint_windows_ver windows crossing the target time interval, while the corresponding field should be blank if there are no window records intersecting the target time interval. 3.0 The what-sched or visits-sched-in-interval tool The function of this tool is to list the visits scheduled which intersect the given interval of time. The tool should be versatile enough to pick all visits scheduled on the global baseline as well as chose visits from a specific input calendar or calendars. The tool is used variously by the LRP for determining safing victims as well as a source of data for special studies. 3.1 Data Reported The report has two different formats depending upon whether the “safing” format is chosen or not. For the safing format, there is an additional parameter which defines whether all visits in the given interval are reported and summarized for output, or whether visits containing only certain instruments are reported and summarized. The following fields are reported: su_track.sunit_id, prop_track.type, su_track.internal_su, su_track.external_su, su_track.est_orbits, su_track.status, prop_track.pc, spss..qscheduling.execution_time . 3.2 Tool Usage what-sched [interval_start] [interval_end] {safing [ instrument(s) ] } unixprompt> what-sched 01.057 01.064 safing ALL unixprompt> what-sched 01.057 01.064 safing STIS unixprompt> what-sched 01.057 01.064 Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 11 3.3 Example Output 3.3.1 Default “Operations” format Below, the default general analysis (for use by operations people) formatting is displayed. Note that currently only WFPC/FOC/NICMOS/STIS instrument usage is shown, however all instruments should be output in the format specified under the “available” tool. The sections of data output are: • Basic Information: This data includes sunit_id, program type, internal/external SU, est_orbits, su_track.status, program coordinator. • Scheduling Information: scheduling time and roll, • Instrument Usage Information: as defined in the available tool. • Special Requirements Information: as specified in the available tool. unixprompt> what-sched 01.057 01.064 sunit_id ProgType Ext Orbs status PC Scheduling time Scheduled Roll 08601B2 SNAP a 1 comp LUCAS 2001.169:23:53:51 62.7623 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 088283M CAL/WF2 n 1 comp JANUS 2001.170:00:31:28 0.0000 PN NNN NNN N NNN NN B . . . 0859732 SNAP a 1 comp LUCAS 2001.175:04:03:20 267.7252 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 0908610 GO a 3 comp PERRI 2001.175:04:30:01 288.2899 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN = sunit_id ProgType Ext Orbs status PC Scheduling time Scheduled Roll 0858327 SNAP a 1 comp LUBEN 2001.175:09:50:22 66.5743 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 0926701 GO/DD a 3 comp PERRI 2001.175:11:12:27 74.3370 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN OR . . . 0834549 SNAP a 1 comp MILLE 2001.176:19:16:37 42.2925 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 0863417 SNAP a 1 comp PERRI 2001.176:21:05:05 74.5765 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN > 0859230 GO a 1 comp LUCAS 2001.176:23:35:57 292.0000 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN >+ = ================================================================================================================================ ---------------------------------------------------------------Prime Regular External Visits: Status Program type Orbits Visits completed CAL/WF2 5 5 completed GO 58 28 completed GO/DD 6 2 completed SNAP 26 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------Sum of prime external orbits / visits: completed 69 35 ---------------------------------------------------------------Sum of SNAPSHOT orbits / visits: completed 26 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------Regular Internals: Status Program type Orbits Visits completed CAL/WF2 30 29 ---------------------------------------------------------------POMS Externals: ---------------------------------------------------------------Scheduled interval: 2001.170:00:00:00 to 2001.177:00:00:00 Status/Orbit breakdown: orb dur su_track.status 1 completed 2 completed 3 completed 4 completed #of # of SUs orbits 18 18 4 8 9 27 4 16 avg per week SUs orbits 18 18 4 8 9 27 4 16 Orbit breakdown: Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 12 orb #of # of dur SUs orbits 1 18 18 2 4 8 3 9 27 4 4 16 STIS/MAMA total prime orbits: ~ Instrument Usage breakdown: WF 123 CFN A . Sus: Orbits: YN NNN NNN N 35 69 Prime candidates WFPC2: STIS: FGS: FOC: NICMOS: SUs: 60 0 1 0 0 Orbits: 94 ~ 1 ~ ~ 3.3.2 Safing format Some output is deleted for brevity in the example below. Note that the current version of the tool as implemented on VMS has a few problems, such as reporting SNAPs twice (in the MAIN section as well as the SNAP section). Note that for the safing format, an individual instrument can be specified in the command line, and all other unique instruments should not be reported. The sunit data should be reported in 4 distinct, mutually exclusive sections: • MAIN SUs: (non-earth-flat, pointed, non-SNAP visits) • SNAPs: (as defined in coverpage.type) • Pure Internals and Unpointed Externals (internals defined in su_track.internal_su; unpointed externals are earth flat proposals) • Pure Parallels (coverpage.type like “%PAR%”, and su_track.external_su != “none”) Within each of the four sections, data is reported in the following manner: 1. visits are grouped by proposal. 2. The first line of each proposal group specifies the prop_id, coverpage.type, Cycle, Program Coordinator, Scientist, and coverpage.title. 3. Subsequent lines detail individual visit information: sunit_id, su_track.est_orbs, instrument usage, and execution start and end times. The following visits were lost because of the suspend of 2001.057:00:00:00 To 2001.064:00:00:00 . MAIN SUs -------------------------------------prop_id type cyc pc cs Title UX N O A ACS CO SU orb 123 CFN WHS FN Begin Time End Time 7407 0740720 GO 7 PERRIELLO SCHULTZ Continuation of Temporal Monitoring of the Crab Synchrotron Nebula 1 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 2001.063:19:57:02 2001.063:20:54:04 8177 0817742 GO 8 LUCAS 2 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN CASERTANO Investigating Type Ia Supernovae and an Accelerating Universe 2001.057:08:00:00 2001.057:13:30:45 8561 0856103 0856104 0856105 GO 9 2 NN NNN NYN 2 NN NNN NYN 2 NN NNN NYN The Ionizing Flux from Star-Forming Galaxies 2001.061:23:14:32 2001.062:01:54:00 2001.063:15:24:02 2001.063:18:02:53 2001.061:00:45:30 2001.061:03:24:58 LUBENOW N NNN NN N NNN NN N NNN NN Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 13 8569 0856905 . . . 8783 0878304 0878305 0878309 GO 9 LUBENOW 1 NN NNN YYN N NNN NN 8832 0883206 CAL/OTA 9 TAYLOR 1 NN NNN NNN N NNN NN Long Term Monitoring of FGS1r in Position Mode 2001.059:10:00:10 2001.059:10:54:33 8833 0883303 . . . CAL/AST 9 TAYLOR 1 NN NNN NNN N NNN NN Long Term Stability of FGS1r in Transfer Mode 2001.063:05:28:06 2001.063:06:25:52 GO 9 2 NN NNN NNN 2 NN NNN NNN 1 NN NNN NNN A New Survey for Low-Redshift Damped Lyman-Alpha Lines in QSO MgII Sys 2001.063:21:16:00 2001.063:22:18:47 PERRIELLO Orbits of Pre-Main Sequence Binaries N NNN NN 2001.063:02:13:17 2001.063:04:44:21 N NNN NN 2001.059:05:05:52 2001.059:07:36:43 N NNN NN 2001.060:09:59:40 2001.060:10:54:02 SNAP SUs -------------------------------------prop_id type cyc pc cs Title UX N O A ACS CO SU orb 123 CFN WHS FN Begin Time End Time 8581 0858121 0858159 . . . 8721 0872140 SNAP 9 LUBENOW 1 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 1 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 8731 0873134 0873145 . . . SNAP 9 TAYLOR 1 NN NNN NNN Y NNN NN 1 NN NNN NNN Y NNN NN A search for low-mass companions to ultracool dwarfs 2001.059:11:26:57 2001.059:11:58:59 2001.057:06:26:38 2001.057:06:55:40 SNAP 9 SOUTCHKOVA A UV Imaging Survey of IR-Bright Star- Forming Galaxies 1 NN NNN NYN N NNN NN 2001.059:03:54:50 2001.059:04:33:55 A High Angular Resolution Survey of the Most 2001.060:04:45:22 2001.060:05:25:07 2001.063:06:43:42 2001.063:07:20:37 Massive Stars in the SMC Internal and External Unpointed SUs -------------------------------------prop_id type cyc pc cs Title UX N O A ACS CO SU orb 123 CFN WHS FN Begin Time End Time 8811 088115V 088115W 088115X 088115Y 088115Z 0881160 CAL/WF2 1 YN NNN 1 YN NNN 1 YN NNN 1 YN NNN 1 YN NNN 1 YN NNN 9 NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN JANUS N NNN N NNN N NNN N NNN N NNN N NNN NN NN NN NN NN NN WFPC2 CYCLE 9 Standard Darks 2001.057:10:07:35 2001.057:10:43:35 2001.057:11:46:30 2001.057:12:22:30 2001.057:13:30:45 2001.057:14:06:45 2001.057:15:11:34 2001.057:15:47:34 2001.058:04:58:04 2001.058:05:34:04 2001.058:07:00:56 2001.058:07:35:56 8812 CAL/WF2 9 JANUS WFPC2 CYCLE 9 INTERNAL MONITOR 0881236 1 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 2001.057:16:50:01 2001.057:17:17:01 8815 088152A 088152B CAL/WF2 9 JANUS 1 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 1 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN WFPC2 CYCLE 9 EARTH FLATS 2001.061:08:21:49 2001.061:08:43:49 2001.061:01:45:53 2001.061:02:12:53 Pure Parallels -------------------------------------prop_id type cyc pc cs Title UX N O A ACS CO SU orb 123 CFN WHS FN Begin Time End Time 8562 08562VE 08562VF 08562VG . . . 08562WU 08562WV 08562WW 08562WZ . GO/PAR 9 LUBENOW 1 NN NNN PNN N NNN NN 1 NN NNN PNN N NNN NN 1 NN NNN PNN N NNN NN Probing the Large Scale Structure: Cosmic Shear observations with STIS 2001.057:06:34:40 2001.057:07:26:34 2001.057:08:06:32 2001.057:09:01:29 2001.057:09:40:27 2001.057:10:32:21 1 1 1 1 2001.063:10:48:26 2001.063:11:57:16 2001.063:14:06:42 2001.063:12:56:44 NN NN NN NN NNN NNN NNN NNN PNN PNN PNN PNN N N N N NNN NNN NNN NNN NN NN NN NN Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools 2001.063:11:06:45 2001.063:12:18:15 2001.063:14:27:41 2001.063:13:09:59 August 23, 2001 14 . . 4.0 The targets-in-a-box tool This tool is used for identifying what visits have pointed targets lying inside of some RA/Dec boundary or within a given number of spherical degrees of a given point. It has historically been used to determine if there are visits at particular pointings that can be used or avoided during meteor showers, or during special spacecraft pointing restrictions, searches for whether targets in a specific part of the sky have been observed historically, or to facilitate the task of scheduling visits which have problems due to FHST updates impacting visit schedulability (the latter should no longer be an issue). 4.1 Information Reported: The default behavior of the tool should only report visits which have not yet been completed/failed/withdrawn, however such visits should be reported with user specifying an optional parameter. Note that some visits will have multiple targets, and that a separate line should be reported for each of the targets. The targets should be grouped by sunit_id and reported in sunit_id order, then target name order. The report will contain the following output information for each target/visit: • Basic Information: This data includes sunit_id, target name, program type, est_orbits, su_track.status. • Scheduling Information: , scheduling time and roll (if executed). • Instrument Usage Information: (as specified in the available tool) • Other Information: target name, target coordinates, and distance from center of box or specified point; plan windows min(start), max(end) from the most recently baselined LRP are reported. 4.2 Tool Usage targets-in-a-box [ {box RA_east RA_west Dec_south Dec_north } | { radius [radius_in_degrees] RA Dec }] {x} where ‘x’ means that already scheduled or executed visits should be reported along with unscheduled/unexecuted visits. Right ascension and declinations and radii are to be specified in decimal degrees. unixprompt> targets-in-a-box box -15 22 -7 8 report targets/visits within bounding box RA=[-15deg, 22deg], Dec=[-7deg, 8deg] unixprompt> targets-in-a-box radius 8 0 -90 report unexecuted targets within 8 degrees of the position [RA,Dec]=[0,90] degrees. unixprompt> targets-in-a-box box -15 22 -7 8 x reports targets within the specified bounding box, including those which have executed. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 15 4.3 Example Output sunit . . . 0257801 0296518 0302401 0309302 0309304 0309305 030930B . . . 0517201 0513501 0513501 0513501 0513501 0513501 0545006 0547970 054795V . . . 0823301 0859003 0859003 0859003 0859003 0868305 0868308 09042B8 0868306 0858103 0859907 0916971 0857214 . . . Orbs RA Dec in qsp? Type PW-let begin PW-let end WF 123 CFN A WHS CO . Target Exec Time 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18.8213 9.0339 10.6679 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -1.4514 -4.1790 -0.0106 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 co co co co co co co GO SV/FOS SAT/HRS SV/HSP SV/HSP SV/HSP SV/HSP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN N N N N N N N NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN PKS0112-017 BKG-HD2880 NGC1068 EARTH-CALIB EARTH-CALIB EARTH-CALIB EARTH-CALIB ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 17.5678 18.4298 18.4592 18.6075 18.6270 18.6679 5.3719 19.1775 21.5667 -2.3145 2.3715 2.3689 2.3353 2.3092 2.2995 -3.0271 4.3153 2.1881 co co co co co co co co co GTO/HRS GTO/AST GTO/AST GTO/AST GTO/AST GTO/AST GO SNAP SNAP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ NN NN NN NN NN NN YN YN YN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN N Y Y Y Y Y N N N NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN Q0107-025B 0111+021INCA221 120-REF 122-REF 121-REF INCA221-4-REF QSO-002403-0245 MARK567 UM105 1994.265:11:48:35 1994.268:14:32:30 1994.268:14:32:30 1994.268:14:32:30 1994.268:14:32:30 1994.268:14:32:30 1994.270:14:11:18 1994.286:03:21:38 1994.287:06:49:25 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9.2671 10.7083 10.7083 10.7083 10.7083 18.7400 21.4968 18.2325 20.8597 4.7988 18.8775 3.4134 15.9385 -1.1522 2.6136 2.6136 2.6136 2.6136 0.4307 -1.3404 0.9811 1.7070 0.5050 -0.8614 0.3233 0.5392 co co co co co co co co co co co co co GO GO GO GO GO SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP SNAP GO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 01.163 01.167 01.180 01.206 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 02.185 ~ 01.165 01.168 01.193 01.219 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 02.189 NN NN NN NN NN YN YN YN YN YN YN NN NN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN YNY YYN YYN YYN YYN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NYN N N N N N N N N N N N Y N NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN 3C15 GAL-UCM0040+022 GAL-UCM0040+022 GAL-UCM0040+022 GAL-UCM0040+022 ABELL168-BCG ABELL194-BCG NGC428 ABELL189-BCG SD0019+0030 NGC450 WD0011+000 BRI0103+0032-GA 2001.027:16:09:26 2001.031:11:43:42 2001.031:11:43:42 2001.031:11:43:42 2001.031:11:43:42 2001.149:06:22:38 2001.181:02:27:53 2001.184:05:48:14 2001.190:17:32:11 2001.190:19:03:53 2001.193:11:21:48 2001.208:22:01:33 2001.209:23:45:51 5.0 The su-history tool The purpose of this tool is to provide a history of the plan windows for a given visit. It has been used for a wide variety of reasons ranging from determining which of a pair of visits had their plan windows first, determining why visits were not selected for a given flight calendar, identifying if there are problems in LRPG software or SPST software, identifying the occurence of implementation problems, and analysis of the behavior of SPIKE. 5.1 Information Reported • For each LRP, the tool returns a single line of output summarizing the states in that LRP sorted in order of lrp_cat.lrp_create_time . • If a visit is missing completely from an LRP (i.e., it does not have a plan_window_status record), a summary line is not generated for that LRP. Each summary line contains the following: • plan_window_status.sunit_id • lrp_name • plan_window_status.status (abbreviated) • plan_window_status.processing_error • plan_window_status.schedulable • plan_window_status.su_track_status Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 16 • • • • • • • plan_window_status.lrp_state minimum(plan_window.window_begin) maximum(plan_window.window_end) plan_orient.v3_min_ang plan_orient.v3_max_ang plan_orient.v3_pref_ang plan_window_status.execution_time • Immediately after reporting this data, a single line is reported showing the su_track.status and su_track.lrp_state fields in the same columns as those from the previous report.. • Immediately after reporting this data, if override orients exist in the override_orient table, they are reported in the same columns as first report. • The tool must pull data from both archive_assist and assist. Archive_assist data may appear before assist data or the two table’s data may be interleaved as long as create_date order within the corresponding database is preserved. 5.2 Tool Usage su-history [sunit_id] {all} when the optional parameter “all” is used, data from all LRPs is retrieved as opposed to defaulting to only baselined LRPs. unixprompt> su-history 0917801 Print info from only baselined LRPs. unixprompt> su-history 0917801 all Print info from all cataloged LRPs. 5.3 Example Output unixprompt> su-history 0852304 all SU LRP history. ------- --------------|-pws-| Pr|Sc|sut.stat|lrp_state|Plan Windows -| SU lrp_name status Er ? hist hist earliest_start latest_end 0852304 00006A notpl N N imple not_r ~ ~ 0852304 00014A plann N Y sched ready 00.045:00:00 00.051:23:59 0852304 00021A plann N Y sched ready 00.045:00:00 00.051:23:59 0852304 00028A sched N Y sched ready 00.045:21:46 00.045:21:46 0852304 00035A sched N Y sched ready 00.045:21:46 00.045:21:46 0852304 00042A sched N Y sched ready 00.045:21:46 00.045:21:46 25-Jul-2001 19:26:27 SPIKE V3PA angles | min max pref ~ ~ ~ 251.94 251.94 251.94 251.94 251.94 251.94 251.94 251.94 251.94 2000.045:21:46 251.94 251.94 251.94 2000.045:21:46 251.94 251.94 251.94 2000.045:21:46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SU LRP history. 25-Jul-2001 19:26:27 ------- --------------|-pws-| Pr|Sc|sut.stat|lrp_state|Plan Windows -| SPIKE V3PA angles | SU lrp_name status Er ? hist hist earliest_start latest_end min max pref Current su_track.statuses: compl ready Over-ride orient record exists: Override_angle_minimum Override_angle_maximum 250.00 252.00 Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools Override_angle_preferred 251.94 August 23, 2001 17 6.0 The get-su tool This tool retrieves a broad spectrum of information from the database on a specific visit or an entire proposal. The prime, over-riding feature of the tool is to run as quickly as possible with minimal processing of information, dumping the results to the screen. Speed is the most important feature of the tool, and run-times on the order of seconds are the required goal, as the old VMS version runs at this speed. The report has performed as an important general troubleshooting tool for the LRPG. get-su subsumes the functionality of the current pair of tools: getsu and getprop . 6.1 Data Content The tool breaks down the data which it displays into discrete sections. The way in which it is reported and the number of sections was chosen for efficiency and speed of execution (which must be paramount in considering architecture issues). • Target Data: sunit_id, target name, RA, Dec, parallax, redshift. • SPSS BWD Data: sunit_id, obset_id, window_start, window_end, window_type, critic_flg from qbwindows. • Alignment Data: sunit_id, obset_id, alignment_id & type, sequence, interrupt, min_interrupt, int_aftr_ths, sam_time,acq_time, time_require, time_calc, saa_avoid, max_int_dur, min_sep_dur, max_sep_dur, max_al_dur from qalignment. • Guide Star Data: sunit_id, obset_id, data_set_id, low_v3_angle, up_v3_angle, str_tim_usbl, end_tim_usbl, create_date from wgacquis. • Instrument Configuration Data: prop_id, visit_id, config from exposure with prime and parallel exposures in separate sections. Report special configurations (i.e., coronagraphic apertures) as well. • Special Requirement Data: sunit_id, special_requirement, sr_id, argument_1, argument_2, argument_3 from visit_special_reqs making sure to report visits which are linked to a given visit (implicitly). If SPSS linksets are requested, report link_set_id, sunit_id_1, sunit_id_2, link_delta, link_tol from qslink_timing and _orient data separately. • User Specified Constraint Data: sunit_id, USC name, mode, window_start, window_end, create_date, and comment. • Constraint Window Data: sunit_id, window_start, window_end, status, and create_date from constraint_windows. • Verified Constraint Window Data: sunit_id, window_start, window_end, cw_status, and create_date from constraint_windows_ver. • Plan Window Data: Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 18 Report plan_window, lrp_unschedulables, and lrp_processing errors separately for the given LRP. Plan windows includes sunit_id, status, processing_error, window_begin, window_end, v3 pref angles and v3 override angles. Unschedulables includes sunit_id and failure_cause. Processing errors includes sunit_id and processing_error_reason. • Scheduling Data: sunit_id, cc_or_sms_na, beg_tim, and sched_roll from wistat_sunit for a baselined calendar. • Generic Visit Data: Data pulled from su_track and (all outer joins) plan_window_status, qscheduling, and qsched_pool: sunit_id, status, lrp_state, cw_status, ready_flag, spss_prep_done, active_flag, week_id, order_num, internal_su, external_su, est_orbits, execution_time (from plan_window_status), phase_a- & b_comp dates. • Generic Proposal Data: prop_id, pc, scientist, contact_scientist, cycle, init_external_orbits, sum_external_orbits, type, status from prop_track and coverpage. 6.2 Tool Usage get-su [sunit_id | prop_id {4 or 5 digit}] {lrp_name} {SL (linkset records from SPSS database)} unixprompt> get-su 0917801 unixprompt> get-su 9178 unixprompt> get-su 9178 01175A unixprompt> get-su 0917802 01175A unixprompt> get-su 0917802 01175A SL 6.3 Example Output DATABASE INFORMATION ON PROPOSAL 9178 =============================== TARGET LOCATION ================================ Target RA (deg) Dec (deg) parallax redshift 0917801 NGC2610 128.347 -16.149 0.000 -1.000 0917802 NGC2610 128.347 -16.149 0.000 -1.000 ============================== BWD WINDOWS ===================================== BWD info: 0917801 01 2001.261:13:40:19 2002.085:11:40:19 DO 0917801 01 2002.104:01:36:06 2002.126:10:00:53 DO 0917801 01 2002.140:23:12:39 2002.171:16:43:07 DO 0917801 01 2002.261:19:48:45 2003.085:17:45:00 DO 0917801 01 2003.104:07:34:40 2003.126:15:55:28 DO 0917801 01 2003.141:05:18:43 2003.171:22:52:28 DO 0917801 01 2001.261:13:40:19 2002.178:16:34:14 RO 0917801 01 2002.261:19:48:45 2003.178:22:38:27 RO 0917801 01 2001.261:13:40:19 2002.178:16:34:14 SO 0917801 01 2002.261:19:48:45 2003.178:22:38:27 SO 0917801 01 2001.261:11:27:10 2002.178:18:50:45 TV 0917801 01 2002.261:17:35:17 2003.179:00:54:44 TV 0917801 01 2001.201:00:00:00 2002.201:00:00:00 US 0917802 02 2001.261:13:40:19 2002.178:16:34:14 DO Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 19 0917802 02 2002.261:19:48:45 2003.178:22:38:27 DO 0917802 02 2001.261:13:40:19 2002.178:16:34:14 RO 0917802 02 2002.261:19:48:45 2003.178:22:38:27 RO 0917802 02 2001.261:13:40:19 2002.178:16:34:14 SO 0917802 02 2002.261:19:48:45 2003.178:22:38:27 SO 0917802 02 2001.261:11:27:10 2002.178:18:50:45 TV 0917802 02 2002.261:17:35:17 2003.179:00:54:44 TV 0917802 02 2001.201:00:00:00 2002.201:00:00:00 US ======================== Alignment duration info =============================== SU obs ali Algn Seq Int min Int SAM ACQ T T SAA maxInt minSep MaxSep Max Al et gn Type # er? Intr Aft time time req calc avoi Dur Dur Dur Dur 0917801 01 01 TA 0 N 261 D 0 261 0 0 24 0 261 7491 261 ( 4 min) 0917801 01 02 DC 0 N 1208 D 30 0 1406 0 25 0 1406 8606 1406 ( 23 min) 0917801 01 03 CA 0 N 115 D 0 0 115 0 24 0 115 7335 115 ( 1 min) 0917801 01 04 DC 0 N 1014 D 20 0 1014 0 25 0 1014 8214 1014 ( 16 min) 0917801 01 05 CA 0 N 115 D 0 0 115 0 24 0 115 7335 115 ( 1 min) 0917801 01 06 DC 0 N 1454 D 20 0 1737 0 25 0 1737 8937 1737 ( 28 min) 0917801 01 07 CA 0 N 115 D 0 0 115 0 24 0 115 7335 115 ( 1 min) 0917801 01 08 DC 0 N 1292 D 20 0 1427 0 25 0 1427 8627 1427 ( 23 min) 0917801 01 09 CA 0 N 134 D 0 0 134 0 24 0 134 7354 134 ( 2 min) 0917801 01 0A DC 0 N 854 D 20 0 1066 0 25 0 1066 8266 1066 ( 17 min) 0917801 01 0B CA 0 N 115 D 0 0 115 0 24 0 115 7335 115 ( 1 min) 0917801 01 0C DC 0 N 810 D 20 0 810 0 25 0 810 8010 810 ( 13 min) 0917801 01 0D CA 0 N 115 D 0 0 115 0 24 0 115 7339 115 ( 1 min) 0917801 01 0E DC 0 N 689 D 24 0 943 0 25 0 943 8143 943 ( 15 min) 0917801 01 0F CA 0 N 134 D 0 0 134 0 24 0 134 7334 134 ( 2 min) 0917801 01 0G CA 0 N 262 D 0 0 262 0 24 0 262 7522 262 ( 4 min) 0917802 02 01 TA 0 N 261 D 0 261 0 0 24 0 261 7493 261 ( 4 min) 0917802 02 02 DC 0 N 2367 D 32 0 2523 0 24 0 2523 9723 2523 ( 42 min) 0917802 02 03 CA 0 N 119 D 0 0 119 0 24 0 119 7319 119 ( 1 min) 0917802 02 04 CA 0 N 262 D 0 0 262 0 24 0 262 7522 262 ( 4 min) ==================== GS Response data ===================== su id ob min V3 max V3 create_date 0917801 01 23.20 80.20 2001.201:14:11:14 0917801 01 80.60 82.80 2001.201:14:11:14 0917801 01 84.80 287.00 2001.201:14:11:14 0917801 01 288.20 355.80 2001.201:14:11:14 0917801 01 356.60 22.80 2001.201:14:11:14 0917802 02 23.20 80.20 2001.201:14:14:49 0917802 02 80.60 82.80 2001.201:14:14:49 0917802 02 84.80 287.00 2001.201:14:14:49 0917802 02 288.20 355.80 2001.201:14:14:49 0917802 02 356.60 22.80 2001.201:14:14:49 ====================== INSTRUMENTATION CONFIGURATIONS ========================== PRIME configs: 917801 STIS/CCD 917801 STIS/FUV-MAMA 917801 STIS/NUV-MAMA 917802 STIS/CCD -------------------------------------------------PARALLEL configs: ===================== SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS & USCS ============================== Visit Special Requirements: 0917801 SCHED 60 0917801 SAME ORIENT 1 0917801 ORIENT 125.0 5.0 0917801 ORIENT RANGES 175 60 0917801 ORIENT RANGES 120 130 0917802 SCHED 60 0917802 SAME ORIENT 1 Inter-Visit Special Timing Links: ----------------------------------------------------Visit Special Configs & USCs of note: 0917801 LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET comb 02.084 32.364 20-Mar-2001 22:50:42 Block of time reserved by LRP for another 0917801 LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET comb 97.041 02.014 20-Mar-2001 22:50:42 Block of time reserved by LRP for another 0917801 STIS_SAFE comb 01.204 32.364 12-Jun-2001 14:51:12 STIS delayed due to safing. 0917802 LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET comb 02.084 32.364 20-Mar-2001 22:50:42 Block of time reserved by LRP for another 0917802 LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET comb 97.041 02.014 20-Mar-2001 22:50:42 Block of time reserved by LRP for another 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 99.002 99.028 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 99.048 99.085 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 99.273 99.309 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 99.329 99.364 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 00.019 00.039 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 00.049 00.054 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 00.073 00.097 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 00.261 00.277 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 00.297 00.333 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 00.359 01.022 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 01.040 01.077 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 01.265 01.301 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 01.320 01.356 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 02.015 02.020 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding ability of Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 20 program. program. program. program. the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit the visit 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 02.017 02.031 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 02.065 02.096 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 02.260 02.269 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 02.289 02.325 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding 0917802 LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL comb 02.345 03.007 10-May-2001 19:58:34 This USC mimics the SAA hiding 0917802 STIS_SAFE comb 01.204 32.364 12-Jun-2001 14:51:12 STIS delayed due to safing. ================================= WINDOWS ====================================== Constraint Windows: sunit constraint begin constraint end create_date 0917801 1999.008:12:00:00 1999.024:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 1999.037:12:00:00 1999.083:23:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 1999.120:00:00:00 1999.126:23:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 1999.141:00:00:00 1999.158:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 1999.262:00:00:00 2000.007:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2000.023:12:00:00 2000.033:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2000.052:12:00:00 2000.083:23:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2000.120:00:00:00 2000.126:23:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2000.142:00:00:00 2000.172:23:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2000.263:00:00:00 2000.351:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2000.363:12:00:00 2001.021:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2001.032:12:00:00 2001.082:23:59:59 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2001.119:00:00:00 2001.126:23:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2001.141:00:00:00 2001.155:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2001.160:12:00:00 2001.171:23:59:59 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2001.262:00:00:00 2002.001:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2002.047:12:00:00 2002.082:23:59:59 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2002.119:00:00:00 2002.126:23:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2002.141:00:00:00 2002.168:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2002.262:00:00:00 2002.346:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917801 2002.352:12:00:00 2003.005:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:51 0917802 1999.004:12:00:00 1999.026:11:59:58 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.036:12:00:00 1999.050:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.050:12:00:00 1999.083:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.083:12:00:00 1999.083:23:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.119:00:00:00 1999.126:23:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.141:00:00:00 1999.158:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.171:12:00:00 1999.172:23:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.262:00:00:00 1999.275:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.275:12:00:00 1999.307:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.307:12:00:00 1999.331:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.331:12:00:00 1999.362:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 1999.362:12:00:00 2000.008:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.019:12:00:00 2000.021:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.021:12:00:00 2000.037:11:59:58 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.051:12:00:00 2000.052:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.052:12:00:00 2000.075:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.075:12:00:00 2000.083:23:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.119:00:00:00 2000.126:23:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.141:00:00:00 2000.163:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.163:12:00:00 2000.172:23:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.263:00:00:00 2000.275:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.275:12:00:00 2000.299:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.299:12:00:00 2000.331:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.331:12:00:00 2000.352:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2000.361:12:00:00 2001.020:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.020:12:00:00 2001.022:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.031:12:00:00 2001.042:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.042:12:00:00 2001.075:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.075:12:00:00 2001.083:23:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.118:00:00:00 2001.126:23:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.140:00:00:00 2001.153:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.153:12:00:00 2001.155:11:59:58 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.160:12:00:00 2001.172:23:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.262:00:00:00 2001.267:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.267:12:00:00 2001.299:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.299:12:00:00 2001.322:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.322:12:00:00 2001.354:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2001.354:12:00:00 2002.002:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.017:12:00:00 2002.018:11:59:58 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.019:12:00:00 2002.029:11:59:58 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.046:12:00:00 2002.067:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.067:12:00:00 2002.083:23:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.118:00:00:00 2002.122:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.122:12:00:00 2002.126:23:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.140:00:00:00 2002.155:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.155:12:00:00 2002.168:11:59:58 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.262:00:00:00 2002.267:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.267:12:00:00 2002.291:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.291:12:00:00 2002.323:11:59:59 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.323:12:00:00 2002.347:11:59:59 2001.205:06:45:50 0917802 2002.347:12:00:00 2003.005:11:59:58 SAA 2001.205:06:45:50 ------------------------------------------------- Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 ability ability ability ability ability 21 of of of of of the the the the the visit visit visit visit visit Verified Constraint Windows: sunit constraint begin constraint end create date of cwv ------------------------------------------------01205A Plan Windows: sunit stat pe PW start PW end POv3_min POv3_max POv3_pref OVRRID_min OVRRID_max OVRRID_ang 0917801 pla N 2001.322:00:00:00 2002.001:11:59:58 130.00 130.00 130.00 ~ ~ ~ 0917802 pla N 2001.322:00:00:00 2001.356:11:59:58 130.00 130.00 130.00 ~ ~ ~ ------------------------------------------------LRP_unschedulables: none. ------------------------------------------------LRP_processing_errors: none. =============================== VISIT STATUS =================================== Execution info: ----------------------------------------------------sunit su_stat lrp? cw_s rdy frf act qsp int ext orb exec_time phaseA phaseB 0917801 impleme ready U P Y Y ~~ none all 3 2001-JUL-20 2001-JUL-20 0917802 impleme ready U P Y Y ~~ none all 1 2001-JUL-20 2001-JUL-20 ========================== PROPOSAL SUMMARY ==================================== PROP PC Scientist Contact Scientist Cycle TacOrb SumEstOr Program status 9178 VICK 10 4 4 GO impleme NGC 2610: A Benchmark for Photoionization Physics 7.0 The latest-lrps tool The latest lrps tools lists the most currently generated baselined, released, and created LRPs. It is used to determine what LRPs have recently been created, baselined, and released and their sequence. 7.1 Information reported The tool should report x number of the most current LRPs of three types, as well as the appropriate date. (x may be dependent on the category.) • created LRPs with create date (lrp_cat.lrp_name, lrp_cat.lrp_create_time) • released LRPs with release date (lrp_released_cat.lrp_name, lrp_released_cat.base_time) • baselined LRPs with baseline date (lrp_base_cat.lrp_name, lrp_base_cat.base_time) 7.2 Tool Usage Currently the tool has no parameters, but x (the number of LRPs reported) is requested as an optional parameter. latest-lrps {number of lrps in each category} unixprompt> latest-lrps unixprompt> latest-lrps 6 7.3 Example Output Latest created LRPs. LRP create date 01.194AUTO 13-Jul-2001 4:43:40 01194A 13-Jul-2001 10:08:34 01.195AUTO 14-Jul-2001 4:59:32 01195A 14-Jul-2001 10:31:30 01.197AUTO 16-Jul-2001 4:29:21 01197A 16-Jul-2001 9:58:25 01.198AUTO 17-Jul-2001 5:14:55 01198A 17-Jul-2001 10:44:42 Latest released LRPs. LRP released date Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools 17-Jul-2001 20:16:53 17-Jul-2001 20:16:53 August 23, 2001 22 01191A 2001.191:10:24:22 01193A 2001.193:10:31:23 01194A 2001.194:10:25:27 01197A 2001.197:10:17:30 01198A 2001.198:11:01:45 Latest baselined LRPs. LRP baseline date 01180A 2001.180:19:31:02 01186A 2001.186:20:47:57 01194A 2001.194:19:14:26 17-Jul-2001 20:16:53 8.0 The latest-cals tool The latest-cals tool retrieves information from the database on the most recently generated flight calendars which have not already executed. It is used to report the status of calendar building. This information can be useful for determining if another SPIKE run (to load calendars) is required prior to baselining an LRP. 8.1 Information reported The tool can be run in two modes. • The first report gives the name of the calendar, the and the date it was loaded/baselined are all that are reported. • The first report gives calendars sorted by spss..wbase_cat.cal_beg_time (time/date of the beginning of the calendar) in ascending order. • The second report showing only a single line containing the most recently baselined (wall clock, spss..wbase_cat.base_time) calendar. 8.2 Tool Usage The tool can be run in two modes: • calendar report mode • reload check mode The reload check mode returns a value (1 or 0) which is the result of a comparison of the create date/time of the LRP and the latest baselined calendar date. 0 = no calendars baselined after LRP created, 1 = at least 1 calendar baselined after LRP created. latest-cals {LRP} unixprompt> latest-cals unixprompt> latest-cals 01178A There are no optional parameters. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 23 8.3 Example Output unixprompt> latest-cals Latest baselined calendars . calendar load date (UT) 011767C1 2001.170:21:33:32 19-JUN-01 011837C1 2001.176:16:49:31 25-JUN-01 011907F1 2001.184:21:51:46 03-JUL-01 011977D5 2001.187:18:44:46 06-JUL-01 012047D1 2001.193:22:40:51 12-JUL-01 012117A5 2001.198:02:42:20 17-JUL-01 Latest baselined calendar. calendar load date (UT) 012117A5 2001.198:02:42:20 17-JUL-01 unixprompt> 17-Jul-2001 20:17:23 21:33:32 16:49:31 21:51:46 18:44:46 22:40:51 02:42:20 17-Jul-2001 20:17:23 02:42:20 latest-cals 01178A 0 9.0 The stats-on-lrp tool The stats-on-lrp tool provides a broad range of statistics of what is contained in a given LRP. It is useful for evaluating the general state of an LRP and in particular as a gross diagnostic tool on the result of a SPIKE generation of an LRP. 9.1 Information Reported The tool reports a number of distinct categories of information. The tables and bulleted items below define what data is to be reported. The numbers in the table define the sequence in which the reports are to be listed in the output. • The tool should produce a number of reports for Prime External visits/orbits contained within an LRP as defined in Table 7. TABLE 7. Prime External Summary reported by stats-on-lrp tool. non-ToOs only ToOs + non-ToOs inclusive Visits/orbits categorized by plan_window_status.status & the total. 1 2 Visits/orbits with plan_window records. 3 - Schedulable visits/orbits categorized by cycle, plan_window_status.status & su_track.lrp_state & the total. 4 5 Unschedulable visits/oribits categorized by cycle, plan_window_status.status & su_track.lrp_state & the total. 6 7 Visits/orbits with processing errors. 8 9 Report Content Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 24 • The tool should produce a number of reports for Internal visits/orbits contained within an LRP as set forth in Table 8 (note that the ToO categorization used in Table 7 does not apply to internals). TABLE 8. Internals Summary reported by stats-on-lrp tool. Report Content Sequence Visits/orbits categorized by plan_window_status.status 10 Visits/orbits with plan_window records. 11 Schedulable visits/orbits categorized by cycle, plan_window_status.status & su_track.lrp_state & the total. 12 Unschedulable visits/oribits categorized by cycle, plan_window_status.status & su_track.lrp_state & the total. 13 In addition, the tool should give in separately formatted reports: • the number of visits/orbits with unschedulable records, categorized by failure_cause (14). • number of visits/orbits with processing errors categorized by error type (reason), regardless of ToO-type (15). 9.2 Tool Usage unixprompt> stats-on-lrp 01178A 9.3 Example Output Below is what the current VMS stats_on_lrp tool produces as its output and defines in general how the data should be layed out. Note that the “current version of the tool does not distinguish internals from externals, and some of the reports for the new version of the tool are no longer required, and some of the reports are not currently generated. lrp_state of C10 non-TOO unschedulable visits in LRP: |pws.status |sut.lrp_state |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |notplanned |ready | 64| 104| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| 1 records affected lrp_state of C10 non-TOO ’schedulable’ visits in LRP: |pws.status |sut.lrp_state |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| |notplanned |not_ready | 4| 4| |notplanned |ready | 3| 7| |planned |ready | 4813| 6044| |scheduled |ready | 124| 177| |---------------------------------------------------------------------| 4 records affected total number of visits and orbits with plan window status records in LRP: |pws.status |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |-------------------------------------------| |notplanned | 330| 601| |planned | 5322| 6987| |scheduled | 255| 350| |-------------------------------------------| 3 records affected Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 25 total number of non-TOO visits & orbits w/ plan window status records in LRP: |pws.status |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |-------------------------------------------| |notplanned | 196| 251| |planned | 5286| 6889| |scheduled | 255| 350| |-------------------------------------------| 3 records affected total number of visits and orbits with plan windows in LRP: |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |---------------------------| | 5494| 7243| |---------------------------| 1 records affected total number of visits and orbits with unschedulable records in LRP: |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |---------------------------| | 192| 278| |---------------------------| 1 records affected total number of non-ToO visits and orbits with unschedulable records in LRP: |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |---------------------------| | 170| 226| |---------------------------| 1 records affected total number of visits and orbits with unschedulable records (by type) in LRP: failure cause visits orbits Absolute Orient 1 2 Absolute Orient, Orbital Viewing 2 10 Before 1 5 Between 5 5 Between, Absolute Orient 2 2 Between, Guide Star 3 3 Between, Not Before 45 45 Guide Star 38 75 Guide Star, Orbital Viewing 5 19 Guide Star, Sun Exclusion 1 2 MOSS 5 6 Moon Exclusion 5 6 Orbital Viewing 8 13 Relative Constraint Violation 27 38 Relative Constraint Violation, Not Before 47 47 Sun Exclusion 5 6 USC: FORCE_WITH_LSET_ONE, Verified Constraint Window 1 2 USC: LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET, Absolute Orient 1 5 USC: LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET, Between 1 1 USC: LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET, Guide Star 3 7 USC: LRP_NO_SM3B_LSET, USC: LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL 1 1 USC: LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL, Not Before 1 4 USC: LRP_SAA_HIDER_TOOL, Verified Constraint Window 2 2 USC: PUT-IT-HERE 1 2 Verified Constraint Window 17 29 Verified Constraint Window, Between 1 4 Verified Constraint Window, Guide Star 3 6 Verified Constraint Window, Not Before 1 2 total number of visits and orbits with processing errors in LRP: |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |---------------------------| | 121| 294| |---------------------------| 1 records affected total number of non-TOO visits and orbits with processing errors in LRP: |count_sunit_i|sum_est_orbit| |---------------------------| | 13| 4| |---------------------------| 1 records affected total number of visits and orbits of processing errors (by type) in LRP: Reason visits orbits Check for missing visit data in sogs..qscheduling. 119 290 Guide Star request not initiated. 2 4 Missing Cv-desc files. 119 290 Missing TIC file. Check for Trans errors. 11 0 Missing obset record in PMDB. 108 290 TIC file create date is later than Cv-desc date. 2 4 Visit Definition File create date is later than Cv 2 4 Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 26 10.0 The diff-lrps tool The function of this tool is to identify the differences between two LRPs. It is used as a general analysis tool during the baseline process, during cycle build, and during troubleshooting exercises. 10.1 Data Reported The tool produces a number of distinct reports: 1. Proposals dropped between LRPs. 2. SUs dropped between LRPs. 3. SUs that lost Plan Windows between LRPs. 4. SUs picked up between two LRPs that do not have Plan Windows. 5. SUs picked up between two LRPs that have Plan Windows. 6. SUs that gained Plan Windows between LRPs. 7. Differences between statuses in two given LRPs as well as the current status. 8. SUs with changed flight ready dates between two LRPs. 9. Differences between PWs in two LRPs. 10.2 Tool Usage unixprompt> diff-lrps 01178A 01185A unixprompt> diff-lrps 01178A 01185A verbose 10.3 Example Output Many lines from the actual report have been deleted to avoid including a large report. Also, some lines have been synthesized for those reports which would yield no data. 10.3.1 Proposals dropped between LRPs. -------------------------------------------------Proposals dropped between LRPs 01206A and 01207A. prop cyc current status PC 9177 11 completed JORDAN 26-JUL-2001 10:10:50 10.3.2 SUs dropped between LRPs. -------------------------------------------SUs dropped between LRPs 01206A and 01207A. SU cyc current status PC Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools 26-JUL-2001 10:10:52 August 23, 2001 27 0917701 11 withdrawn JORDAN 10.3.3 SUs that lost Plan Windows between LRPs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUs that lost Plan Windows between LRPs 01206A and 01207A. 26-JUL-2001 10:12:51 UX N O ACS | from su_track |SPIKE says | input | OLD plan windows prefd exec SU 123 CFN A WHS CO cyc |status lrp_state | SU is orbs| files | ear start latest end V3 time PC 0904516 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 scheduling ready schedulable 1 okay 2001.226:00 2001.237:00 305.00 01.224 JANUS 10.3.4 SUs picked up between two LRPs that do not have Plan Windows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUs picked up between LRPs 01206A and 01207A that do not have Plan Windows. 26-JUL-2001 10:15:51 UX N O | from su_track at run time |SPIKE says | exec SU 123 CFN A WHS CO cyc |status lrp_state | SU is orbs|spike input files time PC 0813911 NN NNN NNN N NNN NN 8 implementation not_ready unschedulable 1 processing error ~ ROYLE 0813912 NN NNN NNN N NNN NN 8 implementation not_ready unschedulable 1 processing error ~ ROYLE 0855901 YN NNN PNN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready unschedulable 2 okay ~ LUBENOW 0855902 YN NNN PNN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready unschedulable 2 okay ~ LUBENOW 0855903 YN NNN PNN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready unschedulable 2 okay ~ LUBENOW 0855904 YN NNN PNN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready unschedulable 2 okay ~ LUBENOW 0856002 YN NNN PNN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready schedulable 7 okay ~ LUBENOW 0856003 YN NNN PNN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready schedulable 7 okay ~ LUBENOW 0856101 NN NNN NYN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready schedulable 2 okay ~ LUBENOW 0856102 NN NNN NYN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready schedulable 4 okay ~ LUBENOW 0856103 NN NNN NYN N NNN NN 9 implementation ready schedulable 2 okay ~ LUBENOW 10.3.5 SUs picked up between two LRPs that have Plan Windows. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUs picked up between LRPs 01206A and 01207A that have Plan Windows. 26-JUL-2001 10:19:01 UX N O | from su_track at run time |SPIKE says exec SU 123 CFN A WHS CO cyc |status lrp_state | SU is orbs |spike input files time PC No SUs found. 10.3.6 SUs that gained Plan Windows between LRPs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUs that gained Plan Windows between LRPs 01206A and 01207A. 26-JUL-2001 10:20:43 UX N O prefd exec SU 123 CFN A WHS CO cyc ear start latest end v3 Flight ready date SU status orbs time PC 0904325 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.207:08 2001.207:08 301.91 2001.178 Wed 27 Jun 2001 scheduling 2 01.207 JANUS 0904326 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.209:19 2001.209:19 301.91 2001.178 Wed 27 Jun 2001 scheduling 1 01.209 JANUS 0904327 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.213:15 2001.213:15 301.91 2001.185 Wed 04 Jul 2001 scheduling 2 01.213 JANUS 0904328 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.215:20 2001.215:20 301.91 2001.185 Wed 04 Jul 2001 scheduling 1 01.215 JANUS 0904329 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.219:08 2001.219:08 301.91 2001.192 Wed 11 Jul 2001 scheduling 2 01.219 JANUS 0904330 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.223:09 2001.223:09 301.91 2001.192 Wed 11 Jul 2001 scheduling 1 01.223 JANUS 0904331 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.228:06 2001.228:08 301.91 2001.199 Wed 18 Jul 2001 scheduling 2 ~ JANUS 0904332 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 2001.232:10 2001.232:11 301.91 2001.206 Wed 25 Jul 2001 scheduling 1 ~ JANUS 10.3.7 Differences between statuses in two given LRPs as well as the current status. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Differences between statuses in 01206A 01207A and current. 26-JUL-2001 10:20:44 UX N O | plan window stat | su_track status SPIKE orbs| lrp_state SU 123 CFN A WHS CO cyc| 01206A 01207A | 01206A 01207A current Thinks | 01206A 01207A current PC 0904331 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 0904332 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 notplan notplan planned planned sched sched sched sched sched sched sched’bl sched’bl 2 1 ready ready ready ready ready ready JANUS JANUS 0903410 NN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 0903427 NN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 planned planned planned planned imple sched sched imple sched sched sched’bl sched’bl 1 1 ready ready ready ready ready ready JANUS JANUS Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 28 0903431 NN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 planned planned imple sched sched sched’bl 1 ready ready ready JANUS 0877708 0882561 0882562 0882565 notplan notplan notplan notplan schedul schedul schedul schedul sched sched sched sched sched sched sched sched sched’bl sched’bl sched’bl sched’bl 1 1 2 1 ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready VICK JANUS JANUS JANUS sched sched sched sched sched sched sched sched sched sched’bl sched’bl sched’bl NN YN YN YN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNN N N N N NNN NNN NNN NNN NN NN NN NN 9 9 9 9 0856922 NN NNN YNY N NNN NN 9 0857369 YN NNN PNN N NNN NN 9 0867520 PN NNN NNY N NNN NN 9 planned schedul planned schedul planned schedul sched sched sched sched 1 2 1 ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready LUBENOW LUBENOW ROYLE 10.3.8 SUs with changed flight ready dates between two LRPs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SUs with changed flight ready dates between 01206A and 01207A. 26-JUL-2001 10:21:06 ------------------ flight ready ------------------ delta Prog Status Orbs PC SU UX 123 CFN A WHS CO cyc Extern? 01206A 01207A (days) Type 0886309 NN NNN NNY N NNN NN 9 all 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 CAL/STI sch 1 VICK 0886310 NN NNN NNY N NNN NN 9 all 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 CAL/STI sch 1 VICK 0894102 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 non 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 CAL/WF2 sch 1 JANUS 0894104 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 non 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 CAL/WF2 sch 1 JANUS 0894105 YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 non 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 CAL/WF2 sch 1 JANUS 089412L YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 non 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 CAL/WF2 sch 1 JANUS 089412M YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 non 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 CAL/WF2 sch 1 JANUS 0913634 NN NNN YNN N NNN NN 10 som 01.297 (Wed 24 Oct 2001) 02.303 (Wed 30 Oct 2002) 371 GO imp 1 ROYLE 0916504 NN NNN YNY N NNN NN 10 som 01.192 (Wed 11 Jul 2001) 01.199 (Wed 18 Jul 2001) 7 GO sch 3 SOUTCHKOVA 10.3.9 Differences between PWs in two LRPs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Differences between PWs in 01206A and 01207A 26-JUL-2001 10:21:18 UX N O ACS | 01206A | 01207A | 01206A 01207A | SU 123 CFN A WHS CO cyc|Ext |wnd_beg wnd end |wnd_beg wnd_end | pref V3 pref V3 | SUstat orb PC 0886309 NN NNN NNY N NNN NN 9 non 01.218:06 01.252:18 01.225:00 01.252:18 CAL/STI sch 1 VICK 0886310 NN NNN NNY N NNN NN 9 non 01.218:12 01.253:00 01.225:06 01.253:00 CAL/STI sch 1 VICK 0890751 NN NNN YNN N NNN NN 10 089412M YN NNN NNN N NNN NN 10 non non 01.225:00 01.232:00 01.222:00 01.253:00 01.225:00 01.225:04 01.225:00 01.250:22 CAL/STI CAL/WF2 sch sch 1 1 VICK JANUS 0913634 NN NNN YNN N NNN NN 10 all 01.325:00 01.334:11 01.335:11 01.337:00 02.333:00 02.337:11 ~ ~ GO imp 1 ROYLE 0916504 NN NNN YNY N NNN NN 10 all 01.219:12 01.230:00 01.225:00 01.230:00 53.00 61.50 53.00 61.50 GO sch 3 SOUTCHKOVA 11.0 The lrp-plots tool The function of this tool or suite of tools is to produce a set of resource plots for a given LRP over a given time interval. 11.1 Information Reported This tool produces plots of LRP resource data for a specific LRP, in a given time interval. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 29 11.2 Tool Usage lrp-plots [LRP name] {plot-name | plot group} {start-date planning-date end-date} unixprompt> lrp-plots Prints usage information and list of all configured SQL selection criteria files. unixprompt> lrp-plots 01178A ALL Produces all plots. unixprompt> lrp-plots 01178A OPM Produces plots for all configured OPM SQL selection criteria files. unixprompt> lrp-plots 01178A science-all Produces the “science-all” plot. unixprompt> lrp-plots 01178A stis-mama nicmos-all stis-ccd Produces plots for the three configured SQL selection criteria files: “stis-mama”, “ nicmos-all”, “stis-ccd”. unixprompt> lrp-plots 01178A stis-mama nicmos-all stis-ccd 2001.001 2001.239 2001.365 The tool requires three of values which are by default not provided on the command line: 1. The start date of the plot interval 2. The end of the last baselined calendar, or the “planning date” 3. The end date of the plot interval These three dates are to be provided by a user configured file in the home directory, or by optional dates specified on the command line (overriding those in the preference file). The user may edit this file to change the dates or the defaults. The contents of the file may look like the following: start-date: :default planning-date: :default end-date: :default or, for non-defaults: start-date: 2001.001 planning-date: 2001.015 end-date: 2002.364 11.3 Example Output See postscript plots in the /home/lrp/opm/ directory for examples for patterning the output. Functional Requirements for Major LRP Report Tools August 23, 2001 30