Overview Survival Analysis in the 21st Century: Rewriting Event History with Latent Variables Katherine E. Masyn, Ph.D. Graduate School of Education Harvard University • • • • Survival Basics Discrete-time Survival Analysis (DTSA) Vintage DTSA Modern DTSA • DTSA as SEM • DTSA as LTA • DTSA as LCA Texas Tech University December 6, 2013 Time-to-event data Survival Basics Event history: A record of whether and when an event occurred for each individual in a sample during a finite observation period., e.g., time of death, grade of school dropout, age of first alcohol use in school-aged children, etc. Example One of the oft-cited factors that influence the quality and equality of public education in the U.S. is the lack of well-trained, high-quality teachers. Originally, this problem was classified at a supplyside issue, i.e., more people need to be recruited and effectively inducted into the teaching profession. Then this problem was classified as a retention issue. To further understand teacher retention/attrition and its correlates, we need a way to model both whether and when individuals exit the teaching profession. Target event An event for which each person in the population is theoretically at-risk, i.e., has a non-zero probability of experiencing the event at some point in time. – At what age Did you first drink alcohol without parent permission? Were you suspended from school for first time? Were you first arrested by the police? The risk for the event as well as the actual timing of the event varies across individuals. Key Information What is the target event, i.e., for what is the individual at-risk? What defines risk onset, i.e., t = 0:00:00? What is the metric for measuring time from risk onset to event occurrence? Under what circumstances is the event time of an individual unknown or not observed, i.e., missing? Risk onset Start the clock when everybody is initially at-risk to experience the event – At what age Did you first drink alcohol without parent permission? Æ Time 0 = Birth Were you suspended from school for first time? Æ Time 0 = age of first school enrollment. Were you first arrested by the police? Æ Time 0 = ? Start the clock at the occurrence of a precipitating event Time metric Continuous The “exact” time of an event for each subject is known, e.g., time of death Discrete 1) The timing of an event is continuous but is only recorded for an interval of time, e.g., grade of school dropout. 2) The timing of an event is itself discrete, e.g., grade retention. Missing data Missing data is endemic in longitudinal studies; survival studies are no exception. Various mechanisms for missing data in the survival context are referred to under the unifying term, censoring, indicating that the event times for some subjects are unknown to the researcher. Censoring is usually assumed to be noninformative which means that the distribution of censoring times is independent of event times, conditional on the set of observed covariates. (Think: Missing-at-random) Example (cont’d) The most typical survival data is rightcensored and this type of missingness is the easiest to deal with in the data analysis. Right censoring occurs when a subject in the sample has not experienced the event of interest at the end of the observation period. It is assumed that the event eventually occurs sometime after the end of the study. The target event is first departure from fulltime classroom teaching. Risk for all subjects begins on the morning of the first day of the first year of teaching. Events are assumed to be discretely occurring between school years. Once an individual has left teaching for the first time, he/she is no longer at-risk. Event time is unknown if individual is lost to follow-up or the time is greater than 5 years. Survival probability Let T be the time interval of the event where T{1,2, …,J} Discrete-time Survival Analysis (DTSA) PS(j), called the survival probability, is defined as the probability of “surviving” beyond time interval j, i.e., the probability that the event occurs after interval j: PS(j) = P(T > j). Hazard probability Ph(j), called the hazard probability, is defined as the probability of the event occurring in the time interval j, provided it has not occurred prior to j: Ph(j) = P(T = j | T t j). Essentially, Ph(j) is the probability of the event occurring in time interval j among those at-risk in j. Use of Hazard Probabilities Identifies especially risky time periods, i.e., times when the event is particularly likely to occur. Characterizes the shape of the hazard function – determining whether risk increases, decreases, or remains constant over time. Most survival models are specified in terms of the hazard probabilities. Hazard and Survival Probabilities The relationship between PS(j) and Ph(j) is given by When the hazard is high, the survival function drops more rapidly. When the hazard is low, the survival function drops slowly. When hazard is zero, the survival function is constant. Both Ph and PS give us important information: PS tells who is at risk at a given time and Ph tells what their risk is. Proportional Hazard Odds Model Vintage DTSA Estimated using MLE within a traditional logistic regression or fixed-effects multilevel logistic regression framework. f= continuous latent variable; c=categorical latent variable y= continuous observed variable; u=categorical observed variable T= continuous survival time; x= observed covariate y f Modern DTSA T x c u WITHIN BETWEEN Advantages of Unifying Framework ML estimation Allows for different measurement models for predictors Allows for multilevel data structure Facilitates the modeling of joint processes – Accounts for shared variance between processes— observed and unobserved – Allows for moderation or mediation of observed covariates by process-level (latent) variables – More accurately reflects the complexity and interconnectedness of longitudinal processes Easily accommodates extensions: – Time-varying covariates – Non-proportional hazard, i.e., time-varying covariates effects – Random effects, i.e., individually-varying covariate effects – Recurring events – Competing risks e1 E1 DTSA as SEM e2 E2 e3 … eJ E3 EJ x Np1 zp1 Np2 zp2 NpJ Np3 zp3 … zpJ DTSA as SEM Extensions Multivariate DTSA – Recurring Events – Multiple Spell – Competing risk Event history outcomes in mediation model Multilevel DTSA Semi-parametric frailty models Latent class predictors of survival Multivariate DTSA Commonly there is only one event state but more states are possible. Event type – Single, non-recurring – Recurrent events (multiple spells) Same outcome that may occur more than once – Competing risks More than one possible outcome – Parallel process Multiple event processes occurring at the same time with independent event-specific risk status but shared variance Multivariate Recurring Event: Professional role changes for educators, e.g., classroom teacher, administrator, researcher, etc. Research question: What is the relationship between time spent as a classroom teacher and time spent in subsequent roles in or outside of Education? e11 e12 … e20 e1J z1 e21 … e2J- z2 c z3 e11 e21 e12 e22 e30 e31 e13 e23 … e3J- … e1J e2J Competing Risks: Professional roles following departure from full-time classroom teaching, e.g., administrator, researcher, etc. Research question: How does administrative support influence the hazard of leaving teaching for another role in Education compared to the hazard of leaving teaching for a professional role outside Education? Mediation w/ Event History Outcome Research question: How does first grade aggression mediate the effect of gender on time to first school removal? K x c zp1 zp2 zp3 … zpJ Multilevel DTSA Event: First school removal (suspension or expulsion) Research question: How does individuallevel aggressive-disruptive behavior and classroom-level aggressive-disruptive behavior influence the hazard of school removal? Unobserved heterogeneity Often referred to as frailty in the continuous-time survival literature, this involves the idea that there may be variability in individuals’ underlying (baseline) risk for an event that is not directly measurable, i.e., some individuals are more “prone” to an event than others. Modeling approaches Parametric: Assume some underlying parametric distribution for K and maximize the likelihood. Nonparametric: Use a finite mixture, i.e., latent classes (C = 1, …,K), to nonparametrically approximate the distribution of K. (Long-term survivor model is a special case.) Events: 1st arrest, 2nd arrest, 3rd arrest Research question: How do individuals differ with respect to underlying susceptibility to arrest and what predicts that individual-level variability? Latent variable predictors Indirectly measured risk factors for an event over time. Such a risk factors could be modeled as a categorical or continuous latent variables. These risk factors could be time-varying or time-invariant. y1 Event: First departure from full-time classroom teaching. Predictor: School climate* measured by a set of indicators related to administration and student characteristics along with school resources. Time-varying since teachers may switch schools. Research question: How does school climate affect if and when teachers leave the classroom? *Could be teacher-specific or could use multilevel formulation if teachers are nested within schools. y2 T T K c yp y1 y2 yp Growth process: Teacher-rated aggression in grades 1-6. Event: School removal in grades 7-12. Research question: What is the relationship between aggression across grades 1-6 and the risk of school removal across grades 7-12? Aggression y1 – y10 e8 – e18 Ky Ke School removal Low aggression Med aggression High aggression (10%) ce cy Med aggression (48%) High aggression Low aggression (43%) x DTSA as LTA Event occurrence represents an individual’s transition from one “state” (preevent) to another “state” (post-event). States can be – Physical (e.g., living in a homeless shelter) – Psychological (e.g., depressed or healthy) – Social (e.g., married or divorced) Transition model: Restrictions for T=j to T=j+1 (jt2): Time 0 Time 1 Event Pre-event Time 2 Time 3 Post-event Event Pre-event Pre-event DTSA as LTA Extensions Multiple indicators of event status Dual process DTSA Post-event Wj,j+1 ej+1 = 0 ej+1 = 1 ej+1 = 2 ej = 0 1–Ph(j+1) Ph(j+1) 0 ej = 1 0 0 1 ej = 2 0 0 1 Event Pre-event Multiple indicators of event occurrence In some applications, event occurrence is inferred through indirect observation of the presence/absence of one or more symptoms that are used collectively (e.g., behavior checklist) to arrive at a “definitive” clinical diagnosis. In some settings, multiple measures of onset are used but obtain conflicting information, e.g., “have you ever had a drink?”, “at what age did you first drink?”, “number of drinks days in past month?” The trouble with error Quantifying error u1j u2j Ignoring measurement error on event occurrence (and, thus, risk status) can results in either upward- or downwardbiased hazard probability estimates. The impact of measurement error on the baseline hazard estimates depends on u3j ej Kj=3 Symptom sensitivity: Symptom specificity: – Number of symptoms – Sensitivity and specificity of each symptom – “True” baseline rate P(upj = 1 | ej = 1) P(upj = 0 | ej z 1) Dual Process DTSA u11 u12 u13 u21 u22 c0 c1 c2 K0=1 K1=2 K2=3 u23 u31 u32 c3 K3=3 u33 Unlike time-varying predictors of events or competing risks, dual process DTSA models do not prioritize one event over another. Events: High school dropout and onset of illicit drug use. Research question: What is the relationship between the risk of high school dropout and the risk of illicit drug use over time? Time 0 A Time 1 Time 2 Time 3 Event Post-event Post-event Pre-event Pre-event Event B Pre-event Pre-event Event Event Pre-event Pre-event Post-event Post-event Event Event Pre-event Pre-event Event history model DTSA as LCA DTSA as LCA Extensions Event history mediation – Event timing mediates the effect of risk factor on outcome Onset-to-growth models (“Launch” models) Each “latent” class is a subgroup of adolescents that share the same age of onset, e.g., Class 3 consists of individuals that had their first real drink of alcohol at age 11. Class membership is known for all individuals with observed/reported onset age and partially known for rightcensored individuals. Onset-to-growth At each time point there are two types of zeros: 1) Pre-onset zeros (individuals who have not initiated use). 2) Transient abstainers following onset. Intra-individual change For onset-to-growth, there are two process models Event history – describes the time-to-event process – Models the probability that an individual will transition from “at risk” for onset to initiating alcohol use. – Marks the beginning of the use trajectories, Ti=0 Post-onset use trajectories – Models the expected level of use across time as a function of time, conditional on initiation. Inter-individual differences Event history – individual differences in the hazard of onset Growth trajectories– individual differences in growth trajectory parameters (e.g., intercept and slope growth factors) Hazard of Alcohol Use Onset Survival of Alcohol Use Onset 0.3000 1.000 0.900 0.2500 0.800 0.700 0.2000 0.600 0.1500 0.500 0.400 0.1000 0.300 0.200 0.0500 0.100 0.0000 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0.000 0.00 2.00 4.00 Age 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 Age Multi-faceted Longitudinal Process Model-estimated Levels of Use by Onset Age # of drinking days (in past 30 days) 4 3 Timing of first lapse Use vs. non-use following lapse onset 9 onset 10 onset 11 onset 12 2 onset 13 onset 14 onset 15 onset 16 onset 17 1 Overall 0 15 16 17 Age 18 Risk and protective factors Frequency of use following first use, i.e., % days drinking Intensity of use following first use, e.g., drinks per drinking day Time(1st Lapse) Risk and protective factors Frequent-heavy: 6% Coping skills at intake were related to timing of first lapse and variability within post-lapse drinking classes. Infrequent-moderate: 82% Prolapsing: 12% Alcohol Dependence Scores were related to timing of first lapse, variability within post-lapse drinking classes, and post-lapse drinking class membership. The timing of first lapse was related to post-lapse drinking class membership. Exciting New Extensions Intersection with methods for intensive longitudinal data (e.g., micro-coded behavior observations of mother-child interactions) Causal effects of event timing on life course trajectories Select References Fairchild, A., Gottschall, A., Masyn, K., Prinz, R. (Under review). Estimating mediation effect on discrete-time survival outcomes using a structural equation modeling approach. Masyn, K. Advances in event history and survival models for prevention science. (In press). In Z. Sloboda & H. Petras (Eds.), Advances in Prevention Science. Malone, P. S., Northrup, T. F., Masyn, K. E., Lamis, D. A., & Lamont, A. E. (2012). Initiation and persistence of alcohol use in United States Black, Hispanic, and White male and female youth. Addictive Behaviors, 37, 299-305. Petras, H., Masyn, K., Buckley, J., Ialongo, N., Clark, M., & Kellam, S. (2011). Who is most at-risk for school removal? An application of multilevel discrete-time survival analysis to understand individual and contextual-level influences. Journal of Educational Psychology, 103(1), 223-237. Malone, P., Lamis, D., Masyn, K., & Northrup, T. (2010). Modeling of the gateway drug hypothesis: A dual-process discrete-time survival analysis approach. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 45(5), 790-805. Masyn, K. (2009). Discrete-time survival factor mixture analysis for low-frequency recurrent event histories. Research in Human Development, 6(2), 165-194. Masyn, K. (2008). Modeling measurement error in event occurrence for single, non-recurring events in discretetime survival analysis. In G.R. Hancock, G.R. & K.M. Samuelsen (Eds.). Advances in latent variable mixture models (pp. 105-145). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. Quartz, K.H., Thomas, A., Anderson, L., Masyn, K., Lyons, K.B., & Olsen, B. (2008). Careers in motion: A longitudinal retention study of role changing among early career urban educators. Teachers College Record, 10(1), 218-250. Witkiewitz, K. & Masyn, K.E. (2008). Drinking trajectories following an initial lapse. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 22(2), 157–167. Asparouhov, T., Masyn, K., & Muthén, B. (2006). Continuous time survival in latent variable models. In ASA Biometrics Section: Proceedings of the Joint Statistical Meeting, August 6-10 (pp. 180-187). Seattle, WA. Muthén, B., & Masyn, K. (2005). Discrete-time survival mixture analysis. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 30(1), 27-58. Thank you -