PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 012316 共2005兲 Non-full-rank bound entangled states satisfying the range criterion Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay,* Sibasish Ghosh,† and Vwani Roychowdhury‡ Department of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA 共Received 11 June 2004; published 12 January 2005兲 A systematic method for generating bound entangled states in any bipartite system, with ranks ranging from five to full rank, is presented. These states are constructed by mixing separable states with unextendable product basis–generated bound entangled states that are positive under partial transposition 共PPT兲. A subset of this class of PPT bound entangled states, having less than full rank, is shown to satisfy the range criterion 关P. Horodecki, Phys. Lett. A 232, 333 共1997兲兴. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.012316 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Hk, 03.65.⫺w, 89.70.⫹c I. INTRODUCTION One of the recent fundamental advances in quantum information theory 关1兴, and in particular in the theory of quantum entanglement 关2兴, is the discovery of bound entangled states 关3兴: the mixed entangled states from which no pure entanglement can be obtained by local operations and classical communication, whatever be the number of copies of the state being shared. Bound entangled 共BE兲 states have been studied extensively in the recent past 关4–6兴, and the primary focus has been on obtaining succinct characterizations of bound entangled states, on deriving appropriate tools to identify bound entanglement, and on enumerating possible applications of bound entangled states, if any, for quantum information processing purposes. A comprehensive understanding of BE states, however, still remains elusive. For example, while a few systematic procedures for constructing BE states that are positive under partial transposition 共i.e., PPT BE states兲 have been presented 关4–6兴, the relative abundance and distribution of PPT BE states in the Hilbert space is still not completely understood. Perhaps the main difficulty in studying bound entangled states is related to its identification. The problem is complicated by the fact that most bound entangled states are positive under partial transposition, like any separable state; the existence of BE states that might be negative under partial transposition 共NPT兲 has only been conjectured 关7兴. Thus a major challenge in identifying and characterizing BE states concerns itself with the question of whether a given PPT state is separable or inseparable. In general, despite recent efforts 关8兴, there are no succinct criteria or efficient computational tools that would determine a separable decomposition of any given PPT state, if it exists, or otherwise would indicate that no such decomposition is possible. An ingenious technique to get around this hurdle is based on studying the range of the state under consideration 关3兴. Recall that *Present address: Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto, 80 St. George St., Toronto, ON, Canada M5S 3H6. Electronic address: † Present address: Department of Computer Science, The University of York, Heslington, York, YO10 5DD, U.K. Electronic address: ‡ Electronic address: 1050-2947/2005/71共1兲/012316共6兲/$23.00 the range of a Hermitian operator is the space spanned by the eigenvectors corresponding to the nonzero eigenvalues. The range criterion 共RC兲 of separability can be stated as follows: If a state AB acting on a Hilbert space is separable, then there exists a family of product vectors 兩i典A 丢 兩i典B such that 共a兲 they span the range of AB, and 共b兲 the vectors 兩i典A * 丢 兩i 典B span the range of TB 共where the superscript TB represents the partial transposition operation with respect to party B, and the asterisk denotes the complex conjugation in the basis where the partial transposition was performed兲. In particular, 兩i典 丢 兩i典 belongs to the range of . It is to be mentioned here that the separability problem 共i.e., to test whether any given state of a composite system is separable兲 has been shown to be NP-hard 关9兴. Recently Doherty et al. 关10兴 provided a complete family of separability criteria for detecting whether a given state of a composite system is separable or entangled. This method is based on the possibility of extending the state to a state of a larger number of parties, satisfying some symmetry conditions. For all separable states, such extensions are always possible, but if a state is entangled, it will definitely lack this possibility—a fact that can be detected after finitely many steps in the hierarchy of separability criteria. This extension method can be cast as a semidefinite programming 关11兴. Also it has been shown recently by Perez-Garcia 关12兴 that the cross-norm characterization of separability, a necessary and sufficient criterion for testing separability 共given by Rudolph 关13兴兲, can be reduced to a linear programming problem, for fixed chosen error. The RC is of course a necessary condition for separability, but if a state violates the criterion it must be entangled. Most systematic procedures for constructing PPT BE states presented so far are based on showing that the underlying PPT states violate the RC. For example, the first systematic way to construct PPT BE states was provided in Ref. 关5兴 based on the concept of unextendable product bases 共UPB’s 兲, where the BE states violate the RC in an extreme way, in the sense that there are no product states in its range. The range criterion, however, cannot always be applied. If the given state is of full rank then it trivially satisfies the range criterion. Indeed, in Ref. 关14兴 the authors constructed a class of full-rank PPT states in 3 丢 3 quantum systems, which are entangled. In fact, all classes of bound entangled states that have been obtained so far either 共1兲 violate the RC and are of less than full rank or 共2兲 are of full rank 共the only such known class is the one in 3 丢 3, mentioned above兲. 012316-1 ©2005 The American Physical Society PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 012316 共2005兲 BANDYOPADHYAY, GHOSH, AND ROYCHOWDHURY One question is immediate: Do PPT BE states exist that do not have full rank but nevertheless satisfy the RC? Moreover, can one find a systematic procedure to obtain PPT BE states that satisfy the RC? The answers to the above questions are not immediately clear. It is also not known whether there are full-rank PPT BE states in any d 丢 d system. In our effort to identify PPT BE states that satisfy the RC, the theory of nondecomposable positive maps and entanglement witness turns out to be extremely useful. The witness operators to detect bound entanglement were first introduced for UPB-generated BE states in Ref. 关15兴, and were developed further in Ref. 关16兴. The present work addresses the construction and identification of both non-full-rank and full-rank PPT BE states that satisfy the RC in any d 丢 d bipartite quantum system. First, in Sec. II, we use the UPB states in 3 丢 3 from Ref. 关17兴 to construct a class of PPT BE states that have rank 5 共while the system has rank 9兲. We prove their inseparability from first principles, i.e., by showing that a bound entangled state cannot be written as a convex combination of the pure product states in its support, even though the support admits an orthogonal product basis. In Sec. III, we generalize the results for 3 丢 3 and show that for any d 丢 d bipartite quantum system, there are PPT bound entangled states of rank r, where d2 − 4 艋 r 艋 d2, satisfying the range criterion. In fact, we show that a much larger set of BE states, which includes such RC-satisfying BE states as a subset, can be constructed as convex combinations of a UPB-generated BE state and a separable state, which is a projector on the space spanned by a subset of the UPB’s. A proof of inseparability of these states is obtained by constructing an appropriate entanglement witness, which allows us to explicitly calculate welldefined ranges of the parameter used in convex combination, such that all states in the range are PPT BE. This construction leads to another class of PPT BE states in any d 丢 d bipartite system, with rank ranging from 5 to d2; only a subset of this is proven to satisfy the RC. Note that this construction also yields full-rank PPT BE states in any d 丢 d bipartite quantum system. 兩 5典 = 1 冑3 共兩0典 + 兩1典 + 兩2典兲 丢 Let 冉 1 BE = I− 4 兩 3典 = 1 1 冑2 共兩1典 − 兩2典兲, 冑2 共兩0典 − 兩1典兲 丢 兩2典, 兩2典 = 兩0典 丢 兩 4典 = 1 1 冑2 共兩0典 − 兩1典兲, 冑2 共兩1典 − 兩2典兲 丢 兩0典, 5 兩i典具i兩 兺 i=1 冊 共1兲 共2兲 i共⍀兲 = ⍀兩i典具i兩 + 共1 − ⍀兲BE 共3兲 for any i共1 艋 i 艋 5兲 have the following properties. 共i兲 They are bound entangled states if and only if 0 艋 ⍀ ⬍ 51 . 共ii兲 They satisfy the range criterion, i.e., the range of i共⍀兲 is spanned by an orthogonal product basis 兵兩i典 丢 兩i典 : i = 1 , 2 , … , N其, and that of 关i共⍀兲兴TB is spanned by the product basis 兵兩i典 丢 兩*i 典 : i = 1 , 2 , … , N其. 共iii兲 The range of i共⍀兲 contains more pure product states than its dimension: In fact, there are exactly six product pure states in the range. Let us first start with the case i = 1. Since BE = 冉 1 I − 兩1典具1兩 − 4 one obtains 5 兩i典具i兩 兺 i=2 冋冉 5⍀ − 1 5共1 − ⍀兲 1 1共⍀兲 = I− 兩1典具1兩 + 4 4 5 冊 5 兩i典具i兩 兺 i=2 共4兲 冊册 . 共5兲 We show below that one can find five mutually orthogonal pure product states in the range of the rank-5 projector 冉 5 I− 冉 兩i典具i兩 兺 i=2 1 I− 5 II. NON-FULL-RANK BE STATES IN 3 ‹ 3 SATISFYING THE RC 兩1典 = 兩2典 丢 冑3 共兩0典 + 兩1典 + 兩2典兲. be the associated bound entangled state. We now show that the states and therefore the state We first show inseparability of a set of non-full-rank PPT states in 3 丢 3 that satisfy the range criterion in a direct way. The proof relies on the fact that the state cannot be written as a convex combination of the pure product states in its support even though the support can be spanned by an orthogonal set of pure product states, and there are more product states than the dimension of the support. Let 兵兩1典 , 兩2典 , 兩3典 , 兩4典 , 兩5典其 be the UPB in 3 丢 3 constructed in Ref. 关17兴: 1 5 冊 兩i典具i兩 兺 i=2 冊 共6兲 共7兲 is separable. This also implies that for all ⍀, such that 51 艋 ⍀ 艋 1 , 1共⍀兲 is a convex combination of separable states and hence is a separable state itself. The first part involves counting explicitly the number of pure product states in the support of 1共⍀兲; we show that there are only six of them. The proof of inseparability will then follow by showing that 1共⍀兲 cannot be expressed as a convex combination of the product states in its support when 0 艋 ⍀ ⬍ 51 . Let HS be the subspace spanned by the UPB, and let 4 be a set of pairwise orthonormal vectors spanning 兵兩i典其i=1 the orthogonal subspace H⬜ S , which is the range of the state BE. Let A be the new subspace spanned by the vectors 4 and 兩1典. The support of the density operators 1共⍀兲 兵兩i典其i=1 is therefore nothing but the subspace A. 012316-2 NON-FULL RANK-BOUND ENTANGLED STATES … PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 012316 共2005兲 Any pure product state in 3 丢 3 can be written as 5 i⬘兩i典具i兩 = 兩1典具1兩, 兺 i=1 兩典 = 共␣兩0典 + 兩1典 + ␥兩2典兲 丢 共␣⬘兩0典 + ⬘兩1典 + ␥⬘兩2典兲, 共8兲 where the coefficients are complex and satisfy the normalization conditions 兩␣兩2 + 兩兩2 + 兩␥兩2 = 兩␣⬘兩2 + 兩⬘兩2 + 兩␥⬘兩2 = 1. 共9兲 If 兩典 苸 A, we must have 具 兩 i典 = 0, for i = 2,…,5. Using the orthogonality and normalization conditions one can show that there can be only six pure product states in A, including 兩1典. The five other pure product states 兩 1典 = 兩 2典 = 兩 3典 = 兩 4典 = 1 冑6 1 冑2 共兩1典 − 兩2典兲 丢 兩1典, 1 1 冑2 共兩1典 + 兩2典兲 丢 冑2 共兩0典 − 兩1典兲, 共2兩0典 − 兩1典 − 兩2典兲 丢 1 1 冑2 共兩0典 + 兩1典兲, 1 冑3 共兩0典 + 兩1典 + 兩2典兲 丢 冑6 共兩0典 + 兩1典 − 2兩2典兲, 兩 5典 = 1 冑6 共兩0典 + 兩1典 − 2兩2典兲 丢 兩2典 共10兲 are mutually orthogonal and form a basis in A. Let us write 兩i典 = 兩i典 丢 兩i典 for i = 1,2,…,5. From Eq. 共5兲 we see that 兩i典 丢 兩i典 = 兩i典 丢 兩*i 典, as for each i = 1,2,…,5, 兩i典 is a real state. Since in this case 1共⍀兲 = 关1共⍀兲兴TB and 兵兩i典 丢 兩i典 : i = 1 , 2 , … , 5其 spans the range of 1共⍀兲, therefore 兵兩i典 * 丢 兩i 典 : i = 1 , 2 , … , 5其 spans the range of 关1共⍀兲兴TB. Thus we see that 1共⍀兲 satisfies the range criterion for all 0 艋 ⍀ 艋 1. Next, let us consider the case where 0 ⬍ ⍀ ⬍ 51 and let us suppose that the state 1共⍀兲 is separable. Then it must be expressed by the convex combination of the pure product states in its support, which implies 5 1共⍀兲 = ⍀兩1典具1兩 + 共1 − ⍀兲BE = 兺 i兩i典具i兩 + 1兩1典具1兩, i=1 共11兲 where 1 , i 艌 0 , i = 1,…,5. Substituting the expression for BE from Eq. 共5兲, and noting that 5 I− where  ⬎ 0 and at least one k⬘ ⫽ 0 共1 艋 k 艋 5兲. Since 具i 兩 j典 = ␦ij and 具i 兩 1典 ⫽ 0, for all i = 1,…, 5, we get 5 ⬘i 兩i典具i兩k典 = ⬘k 兩k典 = 共具1兩k典兲兩1典, 兺 i=1 which is a contradiction. Thus the states 1共⍀兲 are bound entangled if and only if 0 艋 ⍀ ⬍ 1 / 5. The above-mentioned results about 1共⍀兲 equally hold good for all other values of i 苸 兵1 , 2 , … , 5其. That it is true for i = 2,3,4 follows from the symmetry of the four elements 兩1典 , 兩2典 , 兩3典, and 兩4典 of the UPB of Eq. 共1兲 with respect to each other. Thus, for example, in order to study the properties of 2共⍀兲, we need to interchange 兩1典 and 兩2典, which can be achieved 共up to some unimportant global phases兲 by performing the following interchange on both the systems: 兩0典 ↔ 兩2典; in order to study the properties of 3共⍀兲, we need to interchange 兩1典 and 兩3典, which can be achieved 共up to some unimportant global phases兲 by performing first the swap operation, followed by the following interchange on the first system: 兩0典 ↔ 兩2典; in order to study the properties of 4共⍀兲, we need to interchange 兩1典 and 兩4典, which can be achieved 共up to some unimportant global phases兲 by performing first the swap operation, followed by the following interchange on the second system: 兩0典 ↔ 兩2典. Finally, in the same way, as described above, one can show that there exist exactly six product states, namely, 兩1典 丢 兩1典, 共1 / 冑2兲共兩0典 + 兩1典兲 丢 兩2典, 兩0典 丢 共1 / 冑2兲共兩0典 + 兩1典兲, 兩2典 丢 共1 / 冑2兲共兩1典 + 兩2典兲, 共1 / 冑2兲共兩1典 + 兩2典兲 丢 兩0典, and 共1 / 冑3兲共兩0典 + 兩1典 + 兩2典兲 丢 共1 / 冑3兲 ⫻共兩0典 + 兩1典 + 兩2典兲 = 兩5典, within the range of 5共⍀兲. Therefore, the above-mentioned analysis for 1共⍀兲 equally holds good for all other i共⍀兲’s. III. BE STATES SATISFYING THE RC IN d ‹ d We next generalize the preceding results for the case of d 丢 d. A direct proof of inseparability from the first principles, however, seems difficult to obtain, and instead we construct an entanglement witness to show inseparability. Let H be a finite-dimensional Hilbert space of the form HA 丢 HB. For simplicity, we assume that dim HA = dim HB = d. n be an UPB with cardinality 兩S兩 = n. Let S = 兵i = Ai 丢 Bi 其i=1 Let the projector on HS, the subspace spanned by the UPB, be denoted by n PS = 5 兩i典具i兩 = 兺 兩i典具i兩, 兺 i=2 i=1 共12兲 兩i典具i兩. 兺 i=1 共14兲 Then the state proportional to the projector 共P⬜ S , say兲 on is given by H⬜ S one obtains 5⍀ − 1 1−⍀ 兩1典具1兩 + 4 4 = 兺 兩i典具i兩 兺 i兩i典具i兩 + 1兩1典具1兩. If ⍀ ⬍ 51 , then we get BE = 共13兲 P⬜ 1 共I − PS兲 = S , D−n D−n 共15兲 where D = d2. Thus BE is bound entangled. Let G be a subset of S, where 1 艋 兩G兩 艋 n = 兩S兩. Let PG be the projector onto the Hilbert space HG spanned by G. By 012316-3 PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 012316 共2005兲 BANDYOPADHYAY, GHOSH, AND ROYCHOWDHURY following the same construction as in the previous section, we consider PPT states of the following form: G共⍀兲 = 1−⍀ ⍀ PG + 共I − PS兲. 兩G兩 D−n 共16兲 That is, we consider a class of PPT states by mixing a subset of the UPB’s with BE, and then show that there always exists a ⬎ 0, such that the states defined in Eq. 共16兲 are bound entangled for all 0 ⬍ ⍀ ⬍ . In order to show the inseparability of the states under consideration, we consider the following witness operator that was first stated in Ref. 关16兴 to detect entanglement of the edge states: W = PS − I, 共17兲 where is chosen as the value specified in the following result. n be a UPB. Then Lemma 1. Let S = 兵i = Ai 丢 Bi 其i=1 n = min 具AB兩i典具i兩AB典 兺 i=1 n = min 円具A兩Ai 典円2円具B兩Bi 典円2 兺 i=1 共18兲 over all pure states 兩A典 苸 HA , 兩B典 苸 HB exists and is strictly larger than 0 关15兴. For highly symmetric UPB’s, like the one given in Eq. 共1兲, it is comparatively easy to calculate the value of . In Ref. 关15兴, it was also noted that a tight lower bound on can be explicitly calculated because of the high symmetry of some of the UPB’s. In fact, this lower bound has been calculated in Ref. 关15兴 for the highly symmetric pyramid UPB of 3 丢 3. It is now straightforward to verify that the operator in Eq. 共17兲 is a witness operator. First of all note that the operator is Hermitian. Next, for any product state, 兩A, B典 苸 H, 具A, B兩W兩A, B典 艌 0, 冉 G共⍀兲 = 冊 ⍀ PG − G共⍀兲 = 共⍀ − 兲. 兩G兩 Thus, Tr关WG共⍀兲兴 ⬍ 0 when 0 ⬍ ⍀ ⬍ , and hence G共⍀兲 is inseparable for all 0 ⬍ ⍀ ⬍ . Note that the rank of G共⍀兲 is simply 共D − n兲 + 兩G兩. Therefore, the rank of this particular class of PPT BE states ranges from D − n + 1 to D for a UPB with n elements. Since n 艋 共D − 4兲 and 兩G兩 艌 1 , 5 艋 rank关G共⍀兲兴 艋 D. Unfortunately not much can be said as to whether the states G共⍀兲 in general satisfy or violate the RC. However, as we show next, a subset of these BE states satisfy the RC in any dimension. Definition 1. A UPB is said to be real 共alternatively, a UPB is said to be with real elements兲 if all the coefficients of ⍀ PG + 共1 − ⍀兲BE 兩G兩 共20兲 共0 ⬍ ⍀ ⬍ 兲 satisfy the range criterion for all G, such that 兩G兩 艌 共n − 4兲. Proof. Let HS−G be the Hilbert space spanned by the elements remaining in the UPB S, after G has been taken out ⬜ be the orthogonal complement. Since 兩G兩 from S. Let HS−G 艌 n − 4, then 兩S − G兩 艋 4. From Theorem 3 of Ref. 关17兴, it is ⬜ can be spanned by an orthogonal sufficient to note that HS−G set of pure product states. Since S is a UPB with only real elements therefore the projectors PG , PS, and I − PS are invariant under partial transposition. Hence the state G共⍀兲 is invariant under partial transposition. Now note that the range ⬜ that admits an of G共⍀兲 is nothing but the subspace HS−G orthonormal product basis 兵兩i典 丢 兩i典 : i = 1 , 2 , … , N其, where N = D − 共n − 兩G兩兲. Thus we can write the projector I − PS−G on ⬜ as HS−G N I − PS−G = D−n 兩i典具i兩 = 兺 1−⍀ i=1 再 G共⍀兲 + 冋 册冎 1−⍀ ⍀ − PG D − n 兩G兩 共21兲 where 兩i典 = 兩i典 丢 兩i典 for i = 1 , 2 , … , N. Taking partial transposition 共with respect to the second subsystem兲, we have N 兩i典具i兩 丢 兩*i 典具*i 兩 兺 i=1 = 再 冋 册冎 1−⍀ ⍀ D−n − G共⍀兲 + PG 1−⍀ D − n 兩G兩 N 共19兲 where the equality is achieved by the product state for which 具A , B兩PS兩A , B典 = , and from Lemma 1 we know such a product state exists. Therefore, for all separable states , Tr共W兲 艌 0. Now if we consider the state in Eq. 共16兲, then we get Tr关WG共⍀兲兴 = Tr each of the elements of the UPB, with respect to the standard basis, are real. Theorem 1. If S be a UPB with real elements in d 丢 d and 兩S兩 = n, then the bound entangled states = 兩i典具i兩 丢 兩i典具i兩 兺 i=1 共22兲 as S is a real UPB. This implies that 兵兩i典 丢 兩*i 典 : i ⬜ = 1 , 2 , … , N其 also spans HS−G , and hence it also spans the TB range of 关G共⍀兲兴 关=G共⍀兲兴. Therefore G共⍀兲 satisfies the range criterion. 䊏 Thus, the class of BE states G共⍀兲 satisfy the RC and have ranks 共D − 4兲 艋 rank关G共⍀兲兴 艋 D, i.e., the above construction provides classes of bound entangled states satisfying the RC of less than full rank, as well as with full rank in any dimension. Note that the condition in Theorem 1, which states that the underlying UPB consists of real elements, is crucial because it guarantees the invariance of the state under partial transposition. Thus, a natural question is how to construct real UPB’s for any n 艌 2d − 1, where 2d − 1 is the lower bound on the dimension of any UPB in d 丢 d. It was proved in Ref. 关18兴 that if there is a UPB with minimum dimension then it can be realized with real elements. Unfortunately the proof is existential and not constructive. Following a suggestion by Smolin 关19兴, here we show that for any bipartite 012316-4 NON-FULL RANK-BOUND ENTANGLED STATES … PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 012316 共2005兲 system we can have a real UPB with dimension D − 4. We first construct it in 4 丢 4 and as we will see the construction can be trivially generalized to any d 丢 d. Consider the real UPB in 3 丢 3 as provided in Ref. 关17兴, and enumerated in Eq. 共1兲. Let us now add the following states: 兵兩03典 , 兩13典 , 兩23典 , 兩33典 , 兩30典 , 兩31典 , 兩32典其 to the above set. Thus we have now a set S of 12 pairwise orthogonal pure product states of 4 丢 4. It is now impossible to find a product state 共a兩0典 + b兩1典 + c兩2典兲 丢 共a⬘兩0典 + b⬘兩1典 + c⬘兩2典兲 in the orthogonal subspace H⬜ S of S, because S contains the UPB of Eq. 共1兲. So any pure product state 共if there is any兲 in H⬜ S must be of the form 共a兩0典 + b兩1典 + c兩2典 + d兩3典兲 丢 共a⬘兩0典 + b⬘兩1典 + c⬘兩2典 + d⬘兩3典兲, where at least one of d and d⬘ is nonzero. But at the same time, this latter product state must have to be orthogonal to each of the product states 兩03典 , 兩13典 , 兩23典 , 兩33典 , 兩30典 , 兩31典 , 兩32典, which, in turn, implies that both d and d⬘ must be zero. Hence S is a UPB. As one can also see, the construction can be trivially generalized to d 丢 d, and after a proper counting, the number of elements turns out to be D − 4. Finally, we note that it is surprising that only one witness is sufficient to show inseparability of such a wide range of PPT BE states. Naturally we would like to know if the witness is optimal in the sense whether it is the best witness to detect inseparability for our class of states. For example, given a separable state sep, we would like to know the maximum value of ⍀ for which the mixed state, ⍀sep + 共1 − ⍀兲BE remains a BE state. For the 3 丢 3 states discussed in Sec. II, we were able to exactly find the value of ⍀ below which the state is a BE state, where sep is a product state. Construction of a witness that will be optimal in this sense seems to be a difficult problem. However, we show that in detecting entanglement of our class of states, the witness in Eq. 共17兲 is not unique. In fact there can be infinitely many of them. Before we give an example of another witness let us prove a helpful lemma that bounds the inner product between a pure entangled state and any product state. Lemma 2. Let 兩⌿典 be a pure entangled state written in the Schmidt form: k 兩⌿典 = ␥ j兩j典A兩j典B 兺 i=1 共23兲 where the Schmidt rank k , 2 艋 k 艋 d. Let 兩␥兩2 = max兵兩␥ j兩2其. Then for all normalized product states 兩A典 丢 兩B典, 円具⌿兩A 丢 B典円2 艋 兩␥兩2 . 共24兲 Schmidt coefficient. Consider now the Hermitian operator W = PS − 兩⌽典具⌽兩. 兩␥兩2 共26兲 Then from Lemmas 1 and 2 it follows that for all product states 兩A典 丢 兩B典 苸 HA 丢 HB , Tr共W兩A典具A兩 丢 兩B典具B兩兲 艌 0. Consider the states defined by Eq. 共16兲. It follows that Tr共W兲 = ⍀关兩␥兩2共D − n兲 + 兴 − . 兩␥兩2共D − n兲 共27兲 This is negative when ⍀⬍ . 兩␥兩 共D − n兲 + 2 共28兲 Let us note that the choice of any pure state 兩⌽典 that belongs to H⬜ S works for our construction. However, we also wish to maximize the range over which the state is bound entangled. For example, the above-mentioned entanglement witness W = PS − 共 / 兩␥兩2兲兩⌽典具⌽兩 will be better than the entanglement witness given in Eq. 共17兲 关so far as detection of the bound entanglement in the state of Eq. 共16兲 is concerned兴, provided 兩␥兩2 ⬍ 共1 − 兲 / 共D − n兲. This can be done by doing a minimization over the set of all 兩␥兩2 and thereby choosing the corresponding pure state. We leave the construction of such witnesses as a future research problem. IV. CONCLUDING REMARKS We have studied PPT BE states for bipartite quantum systems, and have provided a systematic method of obtaining bound entangled states in any bipartite system with ranks ranging from 5 to full rank. We have also constructed a class of entanglement witness that detects the inseparability of our class of PPT states. We have also shown that a subset of our class having less than full rank satisfies the range criterion. This enabled us to provide a qualitative classification of PPT BE states based on rank and satisfaction/violation of the range criterion. For a very specific class of states 共i.e., in 3 丢 3兲 we have been able to prove the inseparability from first principles by showing that the bound entangled state cannot be written as a convex combination of the product states in its support even though the support admits an orthogonal product basis and more product states than the dimension of the support. Proof. We can write 兺 ␥ j具A兩j典具B兩j典兩 2 艋 兩␥兩2兩兺 具A兩j典具B兩j典兩 艋 兩␥兩2 . 円具⌿兩A 丢 B典円2 = 兩 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 共25兲 The last inequality in Eq. 共25兲 is obtained by using the Schwartz inequality and the facts that 兺円具A 兩 j典円2 艋 1 , 兺円具B 兩 j典円2 艋 1. 䊏 , where Let 兩⌽典 be a pure entangled state belonging to H⬜ S S is a UPB. Let 兩␥兩2 be the absolute square of its largest Part of this work was done when S.B. was with the Electrical Engineering Department, UCLA, and S.G. was visiting this department. 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