AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF ROBERT HOLMES NEEL for the degree MASTER OF SCIENCE in GEOLOGY presented on July 10, 1975 Title: GEOLOGY OF THE TILLAMOOK HEAD - NECANICUM JUNCTION AREA, CLATSOP COUNTY, NORTHWESTERN OREGON Abstract approved: Alan R. Niem Five distinct lithologic units compose the Tertiary rocks in the Tillamook Head - Necanicum Junction area of the northern Oregon Coast Range. They are: the late Eocene to early Miocene Oswald West mudstones, the middle Miocene Angora Peak sandstone and Silver Point mudstone members of the Astoria Formation, and the middle Miocene intrusive and extrusive Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather basalts. These units are locally overlain by Pleistocene marine terraces and Holocene beach and dune sands, stream alluvium, and landslide deposits. The Oswald West mudstones, Angora Peak sandstones, and Silver Point mudstones are informal stratigraphic names used in this study. The Oswald West mudstones consist of over 2, 000 feet of well- bedded, intensely burrowed, silty mudstones and siltstones interstratified with minor glauconitic sandstones, tuff beds, and thick bedded tuffaceous siltstones Foraminifera, trace fossils, glauconite, and the general fine-grained character of these rocks suggest that deposition occurred in an open marine deep-water environment, possibly as part of a prodelta or on the outer continental shelf. The Angora Peak member is composed of several hundred feet of moderately sorted, medium- to coarse-grained quartzose-feldspathic and lithic sandstones. The sandstones unconformably overlie the Oswald West mudstones and are thick bedded, laminated, and.less commonly cross-laminated. Sedimentary structures, sorting, and stratigraphic relationships suggest that the sandstones were deposited in a high energy, wave-dominated environment, possibly as delta sheet sands. The sands were, in part, redistributed by waves and longshore drift to form offshore coastal barrier bars and.linear clastic shoreline deposits. The overlying 650-foot thick Silver Point member consists dominantly of dark gray, micaceous, laminated mudstones and very thin siltstones. Rhythmically interbedded mudstones and fine-grained turbidite sandstones occur in the lower part of the unit. Deposition occurred in cool, low energy, open marine conditions, probably of sublittoral to upper bathyal depths. Oversteepening of Angora Peak sheet sands on the delta front may have resulted in periodic slumping of sands which were transported by turbidity currents into a shelf basin of the deeper water Silver Point delta-slope environment. An east to west paleocurrent pattern in the Salver Point turbidite sandstonesis consistent with this model. Sandstone petrography and heavy mineral suites of the Astoria Formation suggests a dominantly volcanic and sedimentary prove- nance for these strata, probably the pre-Miocene volcanic rocks of the western Cascades and local Coast Range Eocene basalts and sandstones. Mineralogy and rare rock fragments in the sandstones also suggest that some detritus was derived from the granitic, metamorphic, and Paleozoic sedimentary terrains of eastern Oregon and Washington, and from British Columbia and western Idaho, possibly transported via an "ancestral Columbia River drainage system. Numerous dikes, sills, and irregular-shaped plutons of Depoe Bay Basalt and Cape Foulweather Basalt intruded the Oswald West mudstones and Astoria Formation. The major intrusive body in the area is the 900-foot thick sill that forms Tillamook Head. At Ecola State Park, the forceful intrusion of this sill into the semi-consolidated Silver Point strata at very shallow depths produced local synsedimentary folds. Over 1, 000 feet of extrusive Depoe Bay Basalt palagonitized pillow lavas and breccias and 2.00 feet of very local Cape Foulweather pillow lavas lie with angular unconformity over the Silver Point member. Deformation which accompanied the general Coast Range uplift during the late Miocene to Pleistocene formed four northeast-trending folds in the thesis area and two sets of high angle faults which strike north-south and northwest- southeast through the area.. In addition, active landslides are abundant throughout the area, particularly along the coast. Economic resources of the area include basalt quarry rock for rip-rap and road base, basalt stream gravels for road aggregate, and potential petroleum resources may occur in the adjacent offshore area. Geology of the Tillamook Head - Necanicum Junction Area, Clatsop County,. Northwest Oregon by Robert Holmes Neel A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science June 1976 APPROVED: Assistant Professor of Geology in charge of major Herad of Department of Geology Dean of G duate School: Date thesis is presented July 10, 1975 Typed by Susie Kozlik for Robert Holmes Neel ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My deepest appreciation goes to Dr.. Alan R. Niem who pro- vided enthusiastic support, advice, and complete cooperation during every aspect of this study. My gratitude is likewise extended to Dr. Cyrus W. Field and Dr. J. G.. Johnson for their counsel, critical reading of the manuscript, and patience. In addition, I wish to acknowledge the following persons for their prompt assistance and vital contributions to this thesis. Dr. W. W. Rau of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, Geology and Earth Resources Division and Dr. W. O. Addicott of the United States Geological Survey identified Foraminifera and Mollusea, respectively, and interpreted their depositional environments. Trace fossils and their depositional environments were -identified and inter- preted by Dr. K. C. Chamberlain of Ohio University. Dr. R. O. Dennis, Oregon State University, examined plant fossils and postulated a paleoclimate. .A very special thank you goes to my wife, Janet, for her understanding., patience, and help in preparing the manuscript, and to my parents for their financial assistance. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION Purposes of Investigation Location and Accessibility Principal Geographic Features Climate Methods of Investigation Field Procedures Laboratory Procedures Previous Work 1 1 3 5 5 5 7 9 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 12 DESCRIPTIVE GEOLOGY OF THE THESIS AREA 20 Oswald West Mudstones Nomenclature Distribution Lithologies and Structures Petrology Contact Relations Age and Correlation Depositional Environment Astoria Formation Angora Peak Sandstone Member Nomenclature Distribution Lithology and Structures Petrology Contact Relations Age and Correlation Silver Point Mudstone Member Nomenclature Distribution Lithology and Structures Petrology Contact Relations .Age and Correlation Depositional Environments of the Angora Peak and Silver Point Members of the Astoria Formation Depoe Bay Basalt 20 20 21 21 30 33 36 38 41 42 42 43 43 45 52 55 57 57 58 58 67 72 73 75 80 Page Nomenclature Intrusive Rocks 80 Relations Lithology and Petrology Extrusive Rocks 81 81 Distribution, General Features, and Contact Distribution and General Features Lithology and Petrology Contact Relations Chemistry Age and Correlation Cape Foulweather Basalt Nomenclature Intrusive Rocks Distribution, General Features, and Contact Relations Lithology and Petrology Extrusive Rocks Distribution and General Features Lithology and Petrology Contact Relations Chemistry Age and Correlation Quaternary Deposits Beach Deposits Marine Terraces River Alluvium Landslide Deposits 86 90 90 91 93 95 97 98 98 99 99 101 105 105 105 107 108 110 110 110 ill 112 113 SIZE ANALYSES 117 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Folds Synsedimentary Folds Faults 121 121 GEOLOGIC HISTORY 130 123 127 Transport Directions 130 Provenance Summary and Conclusions 131 .138 HYPOTHESES FOR THE ORIGIN OF THE OREGON COAST RANGE UPLIFT 145 Page MINERAL RESOURCES Crushed Rock Resources Petroleum Coal 148 148 149 155 REFERENCES CITED 156 APPENDICES 164 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1 Index map showing the location of the thesis area 2 2 Scenic view looking south into the thesis area 4 3 Aerial photograph showing prominent relief of Tillamook Head 4 4 Regional geologic map of the northwest Oregon Coast Range 5 Rock correlation chart for the northern Oregon Coast Range 6 26 Close-up of the glauconitic sandstone showing characteristic spheroidal weathering pattern and hematite rims 10 24 Green glauconitic sandstone unit in the Oswald West mudstones 9 22 Bedded medium gray Oswald West mudstones with concretionary and lighter colored tuff horizons 8 15 Map showing outcrop distribution of the Oswald West mudstones 7 13 26 Very thinly bedded tuffaceous and calcareous siltstones and darker silty mudstones of the upper Oswald West mudstones 11 28 Terebellina and Scalarituba burrows in the siltstones of the Oswald West mudstones 28 12 Classification of point counted sandstone samples 31 13 Photomicrograph of glauconitic sandstone of the Oswald West mudstones 14 34 Map showing outcrop distribution of the Angora Peak sandstones 44 Page Figure 15 16 Outcrop of typical feldspathic sandstone. of the Angora Peak member 46 Typical poorly sorted Angora Peak sandstone consisting of angular and subangular clasts of monocrystalline quartz, poly crystalline quartz, microcline, orthoclase, plagioclase, and diagenetically altered rock fragments 48 17 Photomicrograph of Angora Peak sandstone 48 18 Framework grains of Angora Peak sandstone including altered volcanic rock fragments and devitrified glass in a mixed-layered vermiculitechlorite clay matrix 51 Map showing outcrop distribution of the Silver Point member 59 Well-bedded turbidite sandstones and mudstones of the Silver Point member 62 Close-up of thin turbidite sandstones and mudstones of the Silver Point member 62 Graded turbidite sandstones in Silver Point mudstone member. of the Astoria Formation 66 Clastic dike of dark mudstone truncating blocky, light gray, siltstones of the upper Silver Point member 66 Large, dark mudstone rip-up and Foraminifera test in laminated, calcite cemented feldspathic wacke of the Silver Point member 68 Fine-grained, poorly sorted clay-rich Silver Point turbidite sandstones 68 Dike-like apophses of the underlying Tillamook Head sill intruding Silver Point mudstones 83 Irregular contact between Silver Point mudstones and an overlying brecciated Depoe Bay Basalt intrusive in Ecola State Park 83 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Figure Page Depoe Bay Basalt intrusive exposed in a quarry northwest of Sugarloaf Mountain 85 Typical intergranular texture in weathered Depoe Bay Basalt from Tillamook Head 89 Fracture filling of actinolite or hornblende with hexagonal crystals of apatite in Depoe Bay Basalt from Tillamook Head near West Point 89 31 Outcrop of Depoe Bay Basalt breccia 92 32 Exfoliation boulders of Depoe Bay Basalt breccia 92 33 Photomicrograph of cavity fillings of apophyllite and heulandite between angular basalt glass fragments in Depoe Bay Basalt breccia 94 Silica variation diagram of selected middle Miocene basalt samples from the thesis area 96 28 29 30 34 35 Hyalopilitic texture in Cape Foulweather Basalt 102 36 Photomicrograph showing intergranular texture in Cape Foulweather Basalt 102 Structural map of the Tillamook Head - Necanicum Junction area 122 Synsedimentary chevron folds of well-bedded turbidite sandstones and mudstones of the lower Silver Point member 124 Isoclinal syncline in Silver Point strata at Ecola Point in Ecola State Park 125 Rose diagrams of paleocurrent measurements from the Silver Point sandstones and siltstones 132 37 38 39 40 LIST OF TABLES Pa e Table Modal analyses of selected samples of Depoe Bay Basalt 2 3 Modal analyses of selected samples of Cape Foulweather Basalt 104 Summary of size parameters 118 LIST OF PLATES Plate I II 87 Geologic map of the Tillamook Head Necanicum Junction area, Clatsop County, northwestern Oregon (in pocket) Diagrammatic geologic cross-sections ( in pocket) GEOLOGY OF THE TILLAMOOK HEAD - NECANICUM JUNCTION AREA, CLATSOP COUNTY, NORTHWEST OREGON INTRODUCTION Purposes of Investigation Little is known about the detailed geology and economic potential of the Tertiary rocks in the northwest Coast Range of Oregon. Previous geologic mapping has been done on a reconnaissance scale. The purposes of this study were: 1) to map the rocks and structure of the Tillamook Head - Necanicum Junction area in detail; 2) to describe the sedimentary and volcanic units and to reconstruct the geological history of the area; 3) to determine the paleoenvironments and the provenances of the sedimentary rocks; and 4) to evaluate the economic potential of these rock units. Location and Accessibility The study area is located along the northern Oregon coast in southwestern Clatsop County, approximately 60 miles west-northwest of Portland. The 52 square mile area extends approximately eight miles along the Pacific Ocean from the city of Seaside to one mile south of the town of Cannon Beach and extends inland six to ten miles (Figure 1). 2 "Columbia River Astoria /J Clatskanie Mist z Ca U O U Ca F'7 FF- . - rMn Nehalem Jewell I Elsie - - .r1n+-Qr%-n _. . rn*-, Miles Columbia(Count . - - --\. - . M Thesis Area Map A rea OREGON Figure 1. Index map showing the location of the-thesis area. 3 Access to and within the area is excellent. Two highways, U. S. Highway 101 in the western part and State Highway 53 in the eastern portion, traverse the area from north to south. U. S. 26 from Portland cuts across the north central part of the thesis area from east to west. A number of city roads and several county roads provide further access within parts of the area., and many gravel logging roads maintained by Crown Zellerbach Corporation provide easy access to forested mountain areas. Principal Geographic Features The northern Oregon coastline is characterized by rugged headlands, sea stacks, and beaches. The interior of the thesis area is best described as a region of small stream valleys, hummocky low- lands, and isolated steep hills, prominent ridges, and rugged mountains composed of resistant basalt intrusives and submarine lava flows .(Figure 2). Prominent topographic features in the area are Twin Peaks and the unnamed mountains northeast of Kidder's Butte, which are 1, 621 and 2, 350 feet high respectively, and Tillamook Head, a 1400-foot high basalt sea cliff (Figure -3 and Plate I). Other geo- graphic features include the Necanicum River, Ecola State Park, the towns of Seaside, Cannon Beach, and Tolovana Park, and settlements at Cannon Beach Junction and Necanicum Junction.. 4 Figure 2. Scenic view looking south into the thesis area. Protrusive peak on the right is Sugarloaf Mountain; rugged mountains on the left are Kidder's Butte. — — - S. Figure 3. Aerial photograph showing prominent relief of Tillamook Head (picture taken due west of Indian Beach; view is northeast). Climate The climate of the northwest coast of Oregon is temperate and moist due to the moderating effect of the ocean. Winters are mild and wet, and summers are dry, cool, and sunny. Eighty percent of the rainfall occurs during October through March (U. S. Department of Commerce, 1972). Annual rainfall varies from 80 inches in the lowlands near Seaside to over 130 inches in the nearby mountains. The average temperature for Seaside in August, the warmest month, is 62. 4o F, and 42. 4o F in December, the coldest month. Summer mornings are often accompanied by coastal fog that extends inland several miles. Winter storms are characterized by heavy rains with accompanying gale-force winds along -the coast. High runoff from severe storms in the mountain areas occasionally results in flooding along the Necanicum River and other small coastal streams (Schlicker and others, 1972). Methods of Investigation Field Procedures Field work was conducted for three months during the summer of 1973 and on numerous weekends and holidays late that year and in early 1974. Field work consisted of geologic mapping, measurement 6 and description of stratigraphic sections, collection of rock and fossil samples., and measurement of paleocurrent indicators.. Geologic mapping and field observations were initially compiled on Oregon State Forest Service Aerial photographs taken in 1971 at a scale of 1:12., 000 and were later transferred to an enlarged (1;12., 000) portion of the 15' Cannon Beach quadrangle map (1955) (Plate I). Stratification and cross stratification terminology in the described partial measured sections (Appendices I, II, and III) is in accordance with the terminology of McKee and Weir (1953) and Bouma and Brouwer (1964). Paleocurrent measurements were collected with a Brunton compass and were corrected for tectonic tilt by the stereonet method discussed by Potter and Pettijohn (1963). More than 100 samples of representative sedimentary and igneous rock lithologies were collected for laboratory study. In addi- tion, 80 mudstone samples were collected for micro-fossil extraction and identification. Several suites of molluscan and Ichno-fossils and samples of sedimentary structures were selected for further study in the laboratory. Geographic locations and stratigraphic positions of samples collected in the area are presented in Appendices N-X and on Plate I. 7 Laboratory Procedures Laboratory studies of field samples consisted of the following: 1) grain size and heavy mineral analyses of sandstones; 2) thin section study and modal analyses of sandstones and basalts; 3) chemical analyses of basalts; 4) x-ray diffractions and powder photographs of mudstones, sandstones matrices, and zeolites; and 5) determination of organic content of sandstones and mudstones. Grain size analyses of seven disaggregated sandstone and siltstone samples (Appendix VII) were performed by using the pretreatment, sieving and pipette settling techniques outlined by Royse (1970). Folk and Ward's (1957) statistical grain size parameters (mean, mode, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis) were calculated from the cumulative weight percent curves of the sieved and pipette grain size fractions. These statistical parameters were plotted on Friedman's (1962) and Passega's (1957) binary graphs to aid in the interpretation of depositional environments. Tetrabromoethane (S. G. = 2. 953) and the Franz magnetic separ- ators were used to separate the 40 size fraction into light and heavy mineral groups. The heavy fractions were mounted on slides for petrographic identification (Appendix VIII). Nineteen sandstone billets were stained for a quantitative determination of plagioclase and potash feldspar following the method 8 devised by Laniz and others (1964). Twenty-nine thin sections of sandstones and basalts were ex- amined with a petrographic microscope. Modal analyses of 13 thin sections were performed by counting approximately 600 points per slide. The classification of sandstones and basalts followed in this report is that of Williams, Turner, and Gilbert (1954). Mudstones and siltstones are classified in accordance with Folk's (1968) size classification of clastic rocks. Clay and zeolite minerals in mudstones and matrixes (< 40) of disaggregated sandstones and siltstones were identified using a Norelco X-ray diffractometer. 'Diffraction patterns were compared with known clay diffraction patterns obtained by Grim (1968), Carroll (1970), and Brown (1969). A detailed description of X-ray analysis and pretreatment techniques appears in Appendix IX. Six basalt samples from sills and submarine breccias were chemically analyzed by a combination of X-ray fluorescence, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and visible light spectrophotometry. The results were compared to chemical analyses of basalts of the Oregon Coast Range by Snavely and others (1973). Weight percents of SiO2, A12O3, FeO (total iron), CaO, K2O, and TiO 2 were deter- mined by X-ray fluorescence. Atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used to determine percents of Na2O and MgO. A more precise weight percent value for SiO 2 was obtained from the visible light 9 spectrophotometer. Buttons and chemical solutions for the analyses were prepared in accordance with Taylor's Cookbook for Standard Chemical Analysis (1974). Dr.. Weldon Rau of the Geology and Earth Resources Division of the Washington Department of Natural Resources examined and identified the Foraminiferra recovered from disaggregated mudstone samples. Mollusca collected in the field were sent to Dr. Warren Addicott of the U. S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, for identification and paleoecological interpretation. Ichno-fossils (trace fossils) were sent to Dr. C. K. Chamberlain of Ohio University for examination and interpretation. Dr. Robert Dennis of the Department of Botany, Oregon State University, identified plant fossils. Previous Work Regional geologic investigations of the northern Oregon Coast Range have been conducted by a number of scientists during the past 78 years. The Tillamook Head - Necanicum Junction area was first scientifically investigated by J. S. Diller (1896) in a pioneer study of northwest Oregon. Washburne (1914) conducted a reconnaissance study of the geology and oil potential of northwest Oregon in which he said of the Tillamook Head area, "Owing to the absence of roads and the almost impenetrable brush,. little work was attempted in the southwest corner of the (Clatsop) county, except along the seacoast. " 10 However, he did note several isolated basalt and sandstone exposures along the coast. The northern Coast Range of Oregon was first mapped on a reconnaissance scale by Warren and others (1945) and published as a U. S. Geological Survey oil and gas investigations map (1:143,.000). Because of the similar lithologies of Tertiary strata in the area, only basalts were delineated from undifferentiated Tertiary sedimentary rocks on the map. Wells and Peck (1961) compiled a geologic map of western Oregon (west of the 121st meridian) in which the general. outcrop dis- tribution of the Astoria Formation was distinguished from undiffer- entiated Eocene-Oligocene strata in the thesis area. Schlicker and others (1961) investigated the destructive landslides at Ecola State Park that occurred during the winter of 1960-1961 and presented a general geologic engineering sketch and map of the southern park area. Schlicker and others (1972) remapped the northwest Coast Range on a regional scale for an environmental and geological engineering study. On the maps of Clatsop and Tillamook counties, Miocene basaltic submarine breccias were differentiated from basaltic intrusives, the Astoria Formation was restricted to a middle Miocene sandstone unit, and the remainder of the Tertiary strata, including the type Astoria Formation at Astoria, Oregon, were mapped as undifferentiated Oligocene-Miocene sedimentary rocks. 11 Snavely and others (1963, 1964, 1969a) and Baldwin (1964) have discussed the general region in various sketches and overviews of the geology and geologic history of northwestern Oregon. The chemical composition and petrology of middle Miocene basaltic rocks in the Oregon Coast Range including samples from the Tillamook Head- Necanicum Junction area, have been reported by Snavely and others (1968, ,1969b, 1973). Turner (1970) and Niem and Cressy (1973) have reported K/Ar middle Miocene radiometric dates for two basalt intrusives in the thesis area. Approximately three miles south of the town of Cannon Beach a 1000-foot thick sedimentary sequence of shallow marine and fluvial sandstones and conglomerates has been informally erected as Angora Peak sandstone member of the Astoria Formation by Niem and Van Atta (1973) and Cressy (1974). Their studies indicate that these strata are equivalent in age to the type Astoria Formation at Astoria., Oregon. Niem and Van Atta (1973) also recognized that a deep-water, turbidite sandstone facies of the Astoria Formation is exposed in Ecola State Park near Cannon Beach. 12 REGIONAL GEOLOGY Rock units exposed in the northern Coast Range of Oregon range from early Eocene to Quaternary in age. The Tertiary sedimentary and volcanic rocks attain a composite thickness of over 25, 000 feet (Suavely and Wagner, 1964). Quaternary deposits are composed of river alluvium, marine terrace deposits, and beach and dune sands. Snavely and Wagner (1964) interpreted the structure of the northern Oregon Coast Range as a northward plunging anticlinorium with the oldest rocks, the Eocene Siletz River and Tillamook Volcanics, exposed in the center (Figure 4). A sequence of late Eocene to middle Miocene sedimentary rocks and middle Miocene volcanic rocks dip from 100 to 400 to the north, east, and west away from the uplifted volcanic core. The anticlinorium contains a number of smaller anti- clines and synclines which trend northwest in the northern part of the northern Oregon Coast Range and northeast in the southern part (Niem and Van Atta, 1973). Faults in the northern Oregon Coast Range are high-angle normal and reverse faults which commonly strike northwest-southeast. Displacements on the faults range from a few feet to over 3,000 feet. The Tillamook Volcanic Series (Warren and others, 1945) and the Siletz River Volcanic Series (Snavely and Baldwin, 1948) are thick sequences of lower to middle Eocene tholeiitic and alkalic basalt 13 Astoria Map Area Oregon T it lamook Head Silver Point Hug Point Oswald West xx xx, xXxx xx Tas Cane xXxx x xxxx , NNNNNN x ' NNNN\ - Tgv xxx I-- Tpb EXPLANATION Quaternary/Pliocene sediments Columbia River Basalts Astoria Formation Middle Miocene Cape Meares Eocene to Oligocene -sedi- mentary rocks (undifferentiated) Pittsburg Bluff Formation Keasey Formation Cape Lookout 0 5 Miles OVA Cowlitz Formation Eocene volcanics (Tillamoo and Goble series) Figure 4. Regional geologic map of the northwest Oregon Coast Range. (Map after Wells and Peck, . 1961). 14 pillow lavas and breccias (Snavely and others, 1968). The base of the volcanic series is not exposed in the Coast Range, but a minimum thickness of 5, 000 feet has been measured and a maximum thickness of 20, 000 feet near volcanic centers has been estimated by Snavely and Wagner (1964) from geophysical studies. Six formations are recognized in the eastern part of the northern Coast Range. They are (from oldest to youngest) the Cowlitz Forma- tion, Goble Volcanics, Keasey Formation, Pittsburg Bluff Formation, Scappoose Formation, and the Columbia River basalts. Their corre- latives in the central Oregon Coast Range are illustrated on the correlation chart (Figure 5). The 1, 000-foot thick.late Eocene C owlitz Formation has been subdivided into four members: 1) a 200 -foot thick 'basal, basalt boulder conglomerate; 2) a lower, dark shale member (locally glauconitic); 3) a massive micaceous sandstone member; and 4) a thick fossiliferous, dark gray upper shale member (Warren and Norbisrath, 1946). Pillow basalts and breccias of the Goble Volcanics have been reported by Wilkinson and others (1946) to interfinger with the upper shale member. The overlying late Eocene to early Oligocene 1800 -foot thick Keasey Formation consists of three members: a basal dark laminated siltstone overlain by a massive, tuffaceous and arkosic clayey Pacific Coast Megafossil Foraminiferal Terrace Mat. Alluv ium & Terrace Troutd a l e F ormati on Jacalitos Early , Late >. 04 -Briones ---Temblor a uero Blakeleyy Relizian Early Keasey O edim ent ary R ocks Upper Miocene Sandstone (at Clifton) Col o umbia River Basa lt Miocene Volcanic Rocks Astoria Formation Z Pittsburg Bluff Fm. (includes Gries Ranch Refu an Narizian Transition beds E" Middle Domengine Cape oulweather Basalt hale Cove Sandstone salt Astoria Formation Cowlitz Formation --- Sediment Rocks Eocene Volcanic R oc ks Ba Ba sa lt Astoria Formation Silver Pt. member (-Angora Peak member Mudstones of Alsea Goble Eocene Volcs F orm at i on Yaquina Formation Siltstone of C RI D e Doe Nye M udstone Sedimentary Rocks Keasey Formation Y am hill Ulatisian - Miocene Scappoose Formation Late Tejon alluvium, landslides beach & dune sand SSaucesian Lincoln 0o on Neroly Cierbo Troutdale Formation This Thesis Terrace gravel, T errac e gr avels and Portland Hills Silt Borin Lava Etchogoin Middle Central Oregon Coast Area beach & dune sand San Joaquin Cl. Late Northwest Oregon Coast Area alluvium deposits Tulare o Northwest Oregon Coast Range olcanic ocks Nestucca Formation Yamhill Formation Tyee Formation O swald West - - - - - - not exposed in thesis area ff siltstone Uembe Early Capay Siletz River Penutian Volcanics Siletz River Volcani Figure 5. Rock correlation chart for the northern Oregon Coast Range (modified from Niem and Van Atta, 1973). Un 16 siltstone and an upper member of tuffaceous sandy siltstones (Van Atta, 1971). Disconformably overlying the Keasey Formation is .the 850- foot thick middle Oligocene Pittsburg Bluff Formation (Warren and others,, 1945). This unit is composed of massive and laminated, arkosic, and glauconitic sandstones interbedded with minor siltstones., mudstones, and conglomerates (Niem and Van Atta,. 1973). Coal beds are reported in the upper part of the unit. The Keasey Formation has been interpreted as deltaic in origin. The formation is exposed only on the northeastern side of the.Oregon Coast Range (Beaulieu, 1971). The overlying 1500-foot thick late Oligocene Scappoose Forma- tion consists of three members.: a thin basal basaltic conglomerate, a thick fossiliferous arkosic sandstone middle member, and a gray, massive, tuf£aceous, sandy mudstone upper member (Niem and Van Atta, 1973). Columbia River Basalts unconformably rest upon the Scappoose Formation and older formations in the -northeast part of the Oregon Coast Range (Warren and Norbisrath, 1946). The Columbia River Basalts consist of dense, aphanitic to very finely crystalline, dark, basaltic subaerial flows containing well-developed columnar jointing.. The plateau derived middle Miocene basalts have been recognized along the Columbia River as far west as Big Creek, 20 miles east of 17 Astoria (Snavely and others, 1968). Local non-marine, late Miocene to early Pliocene strata, informally known as the "Upper Astoria Beds" (Lowry and Baldwin, 1952), conformably overlie and interfinger with the Columbia River Basalts near Clifton and Brownsmead, on the Columbia River east of Astoria. These strata.consist of approximately 500 feet of massive buff and iron-stained., friable, coarse grained arkosic sandstones interstratified with laminated, dark gray, carbonaceous sandstones and silty mudstones (Niem and Van Atta, 1973). The Cowlitz, Keasey, Pittsburg Bluff, and Scappoose Formations and the Columbia River Basalts have not been recognized on the west side of the northern Oregon Coast Range. Correlative units have been mapped only, as undifferentiated Tertiary sedimentary rocks and middle Miocene volcanics (Warren and others, .1945;; Wells and Peck, 1961; Schlicker and others, 1972) (Figures 4 and 5). Mapped units recognized in the western part of the northern Oregon Coast Range are the Astoria Formation, the Oswald West mudstones, and the Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather Basalts (Figure 5). The middle Miocene Astoria Formation crops out in a series of marine embayments from Astoria to Newport, Oregon. Howe (1926) divided the Astoria Formation at Astoria, Oregon, the type area, into three members: a lower 150 -foot member of thin-bedded, laminated, fine-grained sandstones alternating with dark mudstones, 18 which is gradationally, overlain by a 1,000-foot thick middle mudstone member that contains a few thin glauconitic sandstones, and an upper member composed of massive to cross-bedded, coarse--grained, arkosic and micaceous sandstones. Dodds (1969) presented evidence for the existence of an unconformity between the upper sandstone and middle shale member of Howe's Astoria Formation near Astoria, Oregon. He assigned Howe's upper sandstone member to a new formation called the "post-Astoria Sandstone. " The contact relationships of the Astoria Formation with the overlying and underlying Tertiary rock units are not exposed in the type area. Niem and Van Atta (1973) and Cressy (1974) have des. cribed an unconformable contact between the Astoria Formation and underlying late Oligocene mudstones in Oswald West State Park, approximately 30 miles south of the c-ity of Astoria along the Oregon coast. These late Oligocene to early Miocene mudstones (informally referred to as the "Oswald West mudstones") consist of a 1,500-foot sequence of interbedded, dark gray, fossiliferous, burrowed, mudstones and light gray, tuffaceous siltstones with very minor graywacke sandstones. The deep marine mudstones correlate with the sandstone-rich Scappoose Formation of the northeastern Oregon Coast Range on the basis of age (Figure 5). Middle Miocene submarine basalt pillow lavas and breccias and associated intrusive rocks along the northern Oregon coast 19 unconformably overlie and intrude and Astoria Formation and older Tertiary sedimentary rocks:. _Snavely and.others_(1973) divided these locally derived basalts into three major petrologic types basea on petrography, chemical composition, and stratigraphic position. From oldest to youngest, they are Depoe Bay Basalt, Cape Foulweather Basalt, and Pack Sack Basalt. The Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather Basalts are chemically and age equivalent to the Yakima and late Yakima basalts, respectively, of the plateau derived Columbia River Basalts of eastern Oregon and Washington (Snavely and others, 1973). Local volcanic centers of Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather submarine basaltic breccias and intrus;ives form the highest peaks (3, 000 feet high) in the northern Coast Range. 20 DESCRIPTIVE GEOLOGY OF THE THESIS AREA Five rock units form the bedrock geology in the Tillamook Head Necanicum Junction area. They are: the late Eocene to early Miocene Oswald West mudstones, the Angora Peak sandstone and Silver Point mudstone members of the middle Miocene Astoria Formation, and the intrusives and extrusives of the middle Miocene Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather Basalts. Figure 5 is a correlation chart showing the mapped units of the thesis area and their correlatives elsewhere in the Oregon Coast Range. In addition, Pleistocene marine terraces, Holocene beach and dune sands, river alluvium, and landslide debris lie with angular unconformity over these older Tertiary units. Oswald West Mudstones Nomenclature The informal name, Oswald West mudstones, was introduced by Niem and Van Atta (1973) and Cressy (1974) for a 1600-foot thick sedimentary unit that occurs along the seacliffs at Short Sands Beach in Oswald West State Park, ten miles south of the thesis area. The unit there consists of well-bedded, highly burrowed, light gray tuffaceous siltstones and dark silty mudstones interbedded with very minor amounts of graded turbidite sandstones and submarine slump deposits. The late Oligocene to early Miocene mudstones are overlain 21 with angular unconformity by the middle Miocene Angora Peak sandstone member of the Astoria Formation (C ressy, . 1974). The bottom contact is not exposed in Oswald West State .Park. Distribution The Oswald West mudstones (informal) are exposed in the eastern half of the thesis area between the north and south forks of the Necanicum River, along State Highway 53, and possibly in the area north of Tillamook Head near Seaside (Figure 6). The unit is easily eroded and commonly forms lowlands partially covered by colluvium. Areas underlain by the mudstones are characterized by low hummocky topography caused by landslides. Lithologies and Structures The lower and middle parts of the Oswald West mudstones consist of a few thousand feet of predominantly dark-gray bedded mud- stones interstratified with less abundant,. light gray sandy siltstones and one-inch to three-feet thick tuff beds. The middle part also contains local lenses of glauconitic sandstone. The upper portion of the unit is composed of over 300 feet of laminated to structureless burrowed, tuffaceous sandy siltstones and very fine-grained sandstones. A partial measured section of the upper portion of the unit is described in Appendix III. The presence of thin tuff beds and Seaside w U O EXPLANATION Glauconitic sandstone in middle member Upper Oswald West mudstone Cannon Beach Miles Figure 6. Map showing outcrop distribution of the Oswald West mudstones. 23 glauconite lenses and an absence of well-bedded, abundant carbonaceous and micaceous mudstones and turbidite sandstones help dis- tinguish the Oswald West mudstones from the Silver Point mudstone member of the Astoria Formation.. The dark gray, bedded, silty mudstones of the lower and middle parts are volumetrically (about 70%) the most abundant lithology within the unit. Mudstone beds range from one inch to several feet in thickness. Individual beds are laminated or structureless due to In fresh extensive burrowing which has obliterated stratification. exposures, the mudstones are light olive gray (5Y5/2 - 5Y6/1) in color. Many roadcut and streambank exposures, however, consist of deeply weathered,. iron-stained, crumbly, yellowish orange (10YR6/6) to pale reddish brown (1OR5/4) mudstones where bedding is commonly obscured. The mudstones are locally micaceous and fossiliferous and contain scattered glauconite pellets and one-inch to three-feet thick, very light gray (N7), pumiceous, "bentonite" tuff beds. Calcareous concretionary horizons and scattered carbonized plant fragment fossils also occur (Figure 7). The closely jointed, well-bedded mudstones commonly weather to small chips. Slopes of chippy talus are common at the bases of most exposures. Invertebrate fossils are rare in the mudstones, however, several specimens of scaphopods, Dentalium cf. D. pseudonyma Pilsbry and Sharp (W.- Addicott, written commun. , 1974), were 24 Figure 7. Bedded medium gray Oswald West mudstones with concretionary and lighter colored tuff horizons on northern Tillamook Head near Seaside. (NE1/4, section 29, T.6 N., R.10 W.) 25 collected from the middle part of the mudstone overlying a thick glauconitic sandstone bed near Little Joe Creek (see.Plate I and Appendix IV for location). Late Eocene to early Miocene Foraminifera are common in the Oswald West mudstones (see locations and fauna list, Plate I and Appendix IV). Some of the more commonly occurring foraminifera are Dentallna spp. , Gyroidina obicularis anata Cushman, Cibicides sp. , Cibicides elmaensis Rau, and Bulimina cf. B. alsatica Cushman and Parker (W. Rau, written commun. , 1974). A 40-foot thick glauconitic sandstone lense occurs within the middle part of the Oswald West mudstones in the eastern part of the thesis area (Plate I and Figure 6). The green sandstone is wellexposed in recent logging roadcuts and can be traced laterally over three miles from the western half of section 26 along Little Joe Creek to the basalt breccia-covered hills north of Kidder's Butte. Smith also was able to map this glauconitic sandstone near Sugarloaf Mountain and Onion Peak immediately south of the thesis area. The unit consists predominantly of thick-bedded, very coarse-grained, glauconitic sandstones and several thin (less than one-foot thick), grayish orange (1OYR7/4), tuffaceous mudstone interbeds (Figure 8). Contacts between the mudstones and sandstones are sharp. Fresh exposures of the galuconitic sandstone are dusky yellow green (5GY5/2), but rapidly weather to light olive brown (5Y5/6) to light m r rt G .' E ' i erg z -rL .- ' _+ r II IAF cam .. -Vi 7- Figure 8. Green glauconitic sandstone unit in the Oswald West 's r ifi Tc & brown EK, 1v' [ill:'! . ':f1,lm13 mudstone Note the orange tuffaceous interbed and calcareous concretions. (NE1/4 NW1/4, section 34, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. ) mudstones. arm/ c 'I A- t- a a.r .t I m 'al it ad r ; it J44' I its f Figure 9. Close-up of the glauconitic sandstone showing characteristic spheroidal weathering pattern and hematite rims (dark orange to brown). (Sample location same as Figure YI 6) 5 27 brown (5YR5/6). In general, the well-indurated, calcite cemented sandstone is a low ridge former. Calcareous concretions, up to,18 inches thick and four feet long, are commonly concentrated along bedding planes in the sandstones (Figure 8). Glauconitic sandstone exposures commonly exhibit characteristic nodular or spheroidal weathering, containing exfoliation rims of reddish yellow hematite and limonite (?) (Figure 9). Deeply weathered exposures are a dark reddish brown (1OR3/4) color as a result of the,complete oxidation of the glauconite. The upper part of the Oswald West mudstones consists of thick sequences of laminated, dark mudstones and lighter burrowed, tuffaceous, sandy siltstones and very fine-grained sandstone (Figure 10). It is characteristically more resistant to erosion than the lower and middle bedded mudstones, and as a result, commonly forms ridges of moderate slopes and outcrops typified by blocky talus. A 300-foot section of this lithology is exposed just below the contact with the Angora Peak sandstone along spur 14 of Summit Mainline (logging road) in sections 19 and 20. of T. 5 N. ,. R. 9 W. near the junction of the north and south forks of the Necanicum River. The unit is correlative to similar exposures north of Little Joe Creek in section 27 of T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. , and to exposures north of the map area along Charlie Creek Road in the SW1/4 of section 14, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. The sandy siltstones and very fine-grained sandstones li ,2.8: ti 0 ,1 y: L '1 Win ery thinly bedded tu:(rOceous and caicareous s -l tstotiesc and darker silty mudstones of the upper Oswald Wrist mudstones. Mottled appearance is due to burrowing and loading. (SW1/4 SE1/4, section 19, T. 5 N., R. 9 W.) Figure -r '11 eM LI Figure 11. Terebellina and Scalarituba burrows in the siltstones of the Oswald West mudstones. (Sample location same as Figure 8) 29 (feldspathic wackes) are composed of poorly sorted, subangular to subrounded grains of quartz, feldspar, volcanic rock fragments, and micas. Fresh exposures of the sandy siltstones are medium light gray (N6) and weather to light olive gray (5YR7/4). The siltstones are interbedded with one- to four-inch thick beds of dark yellowish orange (10YR6/0) to dark gray (N3), finely laminated to massive mudstones. In places, compaction has squeezed these mudstone layers into sedimentary boudinages with the elongate axis parallel to the stratification. Thick bedded (up to 20 feet), massive, mottled and burrowed layers of sandy siltstones also occur in the upper part of the Oswald West mudstones. Burrows are composed of concentrations of dark- gray fecal pellets in the lighter colored siltstones (Figure 11). Small to large wispy forms of fecal ribbon Scalarituba (may be Helminthoida) and elongate, up to 1/4 inch in diameter, agglutinated worm tubes (some of which are irregular and branching) of Terebellina are the most commonly occurring trace fossils (Chamberlain, written commun. , 1974). The siltstones contain locally abundant calcareous concretions (up to one inch in diameter). In addition, the unit is sparsely fossiliferous containing only the pelecypod (Nucula sp. ) and scaphopods (Dentalium cf. D. Pseudonyma Pilsbry and Sharp). 30 Petrology Sandstones of the upper Oswald West nudstones are very fine grained and poorly sorted. Framework grains are s-ubangular to subrounded. Modal analyses performed on four of the eight sandstone thin sections indicate they are arkosic and feldspathic sackes (see modal analyses Appendix VI and Figure 12). The framework grains are dominantly, quartz (26-28%), plagioclase (17-20%), potassium feldspar (7--11%), rock fragments (7-11%), and micas (4-6%). Minor constituents (less than 2%) include poly- crystalline quartz., glauconite, heavy minerals, and chert (see modal analyses Appendix VI). Strained (undulatory) quartz is more abundant than unstrained (normal) quartz; polycrystalline quartz and chert are rare. Plagioclase feldspars range from labradorite (An65) to oligoclase (An18), but the most common type is andesine. Potassium feldspar includes nearly equal amounts of orthoclase and mic rocline. Plagioclase and potash feldspars are partially altered to finely disseminated kaolinite (?), chlorite, and white micas. Basic and intermediate volcanic rock fragments comprise the majority of the lithic fraction and some brown calcareous siltstone and quartzite clasts also occur. Detrital micas are dominantly biotite and smaller quantities of muscovite. The micas are undeformed and are commonly aligned parallel to stratification. This condition not undergone extensive compaction. suggests that the strata have 31 Stable Grains quartz, chert, quartzite A: quartz wacke B: feldspathic wacke C : arkosic wacke D: lithic wacke Unstable Rock Feldspars Oswald West sandstones Fragments oAngora Peak sandstones a Silver Point sandstones Figure 12. Classification of point counted sandstone samples. (Classification after Gilbert, 1954). 32 The most common heavy minerals from the 3. 50 to 4. O sand size fraction are green hornblende, hypersthene, augite-, opaques, and micas. Of the three Tertiary sedimentary units, these sandstones contained the most green hornblende (see Appendix VII). Other less abundant heavy minerals include zircon, rutile, tourmaline, and clear to pink garnet (possible grossularite). A detrital matrix comprises approximately 30% of the sand stones and is composed of clays, finely disseminated carbonaceous material, and silt sized grains of quartz and feldspar. X-ray dif.- fraction indicates that chlorite, chloriticintergrades montmorillonite, mica, and possibly kaolinite are the dominant clay matrix minerals. The sandstones are tightly, cemented by these clay minerals and calcite. Sandstones of the upper Oswald West mudstones are both com- positionally and texturally immature. Steep, rugged, hilly source areas in which rapid mechanical weathering predominated over chemical weathering are reflected by the compositional immaturity. The textural immaturity of these clay-rich, poorly sorted sandstones suggests rapid deposition and burial with little or no current reworking. The glauconitic sandstones in the middle part of the Oswald West mudstones are composed predominantly of coarse- to very coarse-grained sand- and small pebble-sized glauconite pellets 33 (0. 2mm to 8. 0mm in diameter). Other framework clasts include basaltic volcanic rock fragments (8%), feldspars (4%), and quartz (1%) (Figure 13)(see Appendix VI). Plagioclase (3%), labradorite and andesine, is more abundant than orthoclase-,. the potash feldspar. The poorly sorted sandstone contains abundant matrix (40%) composed of micrite, very tiny pellets of glauconite, silt sized angular grains of quartz and feldspar, and rare shell fragments. A pore filling of micro-sparry calcite formed from recrystallized micrite and shell fragments acts as a cementing agent (Figure 11) along with hematite formed by partial oxidation of the glauconite pellets. X-ray diffractions of eight widely distributed samples indicate that Oswald West mudstones consist dominantly of the clays chlorite, montmorillonite, mica, vermiculite, possibly kaolinite, and chlori tic intergrades. Heulandite and clinoptilolite, zeolites, also occur. Silt-sized constituents are angular quartz and feldspar grains. Treatment of the mudstones with hydrogen peroxide indicates that between 1 and 5% by weight is composed of finely disseminated organic material. Contact Relations The base of the Oswald West mudstones is not-exposed in the map area. Stratigraphically, the lowermost exposure of Oswald West mudstone occurs in the northeastern corner of the map area, 34 — Figure 13. Photomicrograph of glauconitic sandstone of the Oswald West mudstones showing well-rounded, green glauconite pellets and less common andes.itic and basaltic rock fragments cemented by micro-sparry calcite. Note very small glauconite pellets in the matrix. (Plain light) 35 east of State Highway 53, where Dichter Road (logging road) crosses an unnamed creek in NE1/4, SE1/4, section 23, T. 5 N. , R.9 W. Microfossils collected from thinly bedded mudstones at this locality were identified by Weldon Rau (written commun..,1974) as late Eocene or early Oligocene in age. The Oswald West mudstones are overlain with apparent angular unconformity by the Angora Peak sandstones. The stratigraphic relationship between the two units can be readily observed along Spur 14 of the Summit Mainline (logging road) in section 20 of T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. At this locality, thick coarse-grained, arkosic sandstones of the Angora-Peak member of the Astoria Formation overlie a thick, wellbedded sequence of sandy siltstones and mudstones of the Oswald West mudstones. The exact nature of the contact between these two map units cannot be readily determined because the contact is buried by thick talus. However, the dips and strikes of the two adjacent formations commonly do not conform. This disparity may be a result of an angular unconformity separating the units as postulated by Cressy (1974) in the Oswald West State Park area. On the other hand, these discrepancies in strikes and dips could also be attributed to slumping of the Oswald West mudstones. However, in other locations (see Plate I), Angora Peak sandstones are missing,, and the Silver Point mudstones are either in fault contact or are overlying the Oswald West mudstones. 36 Age and Correlation A late Eocene to early Miocene age is assigned to the Oswald West mudstones in the map area based upon megafossil, macrofossil, and stratigraphic evidence. Foraminifera collected from several widespread localities in the lower, middle, and upper parts of the Oswald West mudstones suggest Refugian, Zemorrian, and early Saucesian ages (latest Eocene to early Miocene, respectively) for the strata (Rau, written commun. , 1974; see Plate I and Appendix IV). In addition, molluscan fossils from directly above the glauconitic sandstone indicate that the middle part of the Oswald West mudstones is late Oligocene age (Warren Addicott, written commun. , 1974) and belong to the Blakely Stage of the Pacific Coast standard megafaunal stages (see Plate I and Appendix IV). The alternating dark gray bedded mudstones and lighter gray laminated tuffaceous siltstones and the thick, structureless, extensively burrowed, tuffaceous siltstones of the upper part of the Oswald West mudstones in the thesis area are lithologically similar to the Oswald West mudstones at the type locality at Oswald West State Park (six miles south of the thesis area). Foraminiferal suites and trace fossil assemblages of the two areas correlate favorably. In addition, the Oswald West lithology can be traced directly from Cressy's (1974) map area northward through Smith's (1975) map area into this thesis 37 area. Rare graded "graywacke" sandstone beds and submarine slump deposits,, described at the type locality by Cressy (1974), were not recognized in this thesis area. In addition, the glauconitic sandstone .in unit mapped in this area was not recognized by Cressy (1974) the Angora Peak-Oswald West State Park area. Smith (1975) recognized and mapped the glauconitic sandstone within the Oswald_West mud- stones, in the Onion Peak area just south of this thesis area and adja- cent to the map area of Cressy (1974). As originally defined by Cressy (1974), the Oswald West mudstones are late Oligocene to early Miocene in age. In the Tillamook Head-Necanicum Junction area, strata mapped as the Oswald West mudstones are latest Eocene to early Miocene. Thus, the Oswald West mudstones of this thesis area comprise significantly more strata than does Cressy's (1974) unit. C ressy did not, however, define a basal contact for the Oswald West mudstones in the Onion Peak area. Because of deep weathering, it is difficult to distinguish between the upper and.lower parts of the Oswald West mudstones. Therefore, for the sake of mapping con- venience, all mudstones stratigraphically below the Astoria Formation were included in this enlarged definition of the Oswald West mudstones. Perhaps when the regional late Eocene to early Miocene stratigraphy is more thoroughly understood, the "Oswald West mud- stone" term will be restricted to the late Oligocene-early Miocene upper unit, and a new late Eocene to middle Oligocene unit will be 38 erected to include the lower and middle parts of the Oswald West mudstones described in this report. The outcrop distribution of the Oswald West mudstones near State Highway 53 correlates in part with the undifferentiated late Eocene and Oligocene sedimentary rocks that appear on the geologic map of Oregon west of the 121st meridian (Wells and Peck, 1961). The Oswald West mudstones cropping out between the north and south forks of the Necanicum River, however, were incorrectly mapped as middle Miocene "marine sedimentary rocks" of the Astoria Formation on the geologic map of Oregon. Depositional Environment Sedimentary structures, lithologies, and fossils indicate that the Oswald West mudstones were deposited in a moderate to deep water, open marine environment. The upper part may have been formed in a prodelta environment of a seaward extension of the coeval deltaic Scappoose Formation to the east (Cressy, 1974), and the lower and middle parts were probably deposited in an open outer continental shelf environment. Deep open marine conditions are suggested by foraminifera, mollusca., scaphopods, and burrow forms. Benthonic foraminifera.l suites, including Gyroidina obicularis planata Cushman, Cassidulina bosa Hantken, Gassidu.lina cf. C., galvinens:is Cushman and cf. C. globosa 39 Frizzel, and Quinqueloculina weaveri Rau, are indicative of cool water in outer sublittoral to upper bathyal depths (500 to 2000 feet) (Rau, written commun. , 1974). Chamberlain (written commun. , 1974) considers the burrow forms, Scalarituba and Terebellina, collected in the laminated mudstones and tuffaceous siltstones to be typical of deep to intermediate water depths (outer shelf to abyssal). The predominance of burrowed mudstones and siltstone beds indicates that deposition consisted predominantly of hemipelagic muds and silts in a relatively low energy environment. Local laminated mudstones interstratified with thin sandy siltstones suggest some size separations of detritus by deep fluctuating., gentle bottom currents. An abundance of intricate feeding burrow patterns on bedding planes suggests that deposition of elastics was very gradual in a nutrient-starved environment. The coarse-grained glauconitic sandstone unit on the other hand, suggests that higher energy, open marine bottom current activity occurred at times. The presence of glauconite and abundant disseminated organic material in the dark mudstones, lack of benthic fossils, and minor authigenic pyrite implies that a restricted, reducing environment existed during deposition of the Oswald West mudstones. The Oswald West mudstones change lithologically from pre- dominantly thin bedded mudstones in the lower part of the formation, to massive burrowed siltstones and interstratified laminated, sandy, 40 tuffaceous siltstones and very fine-grained sandstone in the upper part of the formation.. This change suggests an overall influx of coarser detritus with time under slightly higher energy conditions. The bedded mu.dstones and g.lauconitic sandstones in the lower and middle parts of the Oswald West mudstones probably formed as indicated by fossils, in an open, moderate to deep-water outer continental shelf and upper continental slope environment similar to that which exists off of the present Oregon and California coasts. How- ever, the extensively burrowed thick s.iltstones and the thin bedded laminated sandy siltstones and very fine-grained sandstones in the upper part of the Oswald West mudstones are similar in lithology, thicknesses, and probable water depths to deposits of modern distal prodelta environments described by Gould (1970) for the Mississippi delta, by Allen (1970) for the Niger delta, and by Selley (1970) and Visher (1965). Shallow marine and fluvial sandstones and coal beds in the coeval Scappoose Formations, cropping out on the eastern side of the northern Oregon Coast Range, have been interpreted as having formed in a subaerial delta complex (Van Atta., 1971). The upper Oswald West mudstones, which are an age equivalent of the Scappoose Formations, might represent the deeper water pro-delta facies of that delta system (Cressy, 1974). Heavy mineral suites of the two units are very similar, and a westward pa.leocurrent dispersal for the Oswald West mudstones at Oswald West State Park (Cressy, 41 1974) is in accordance with this deltaic model. The bedded mudstones of the lower and middle part of the Oswald West mudstones are -late Eocene to middle Oligocene correla- tives with the Keasey, Pittsburg Bluff and Cowlitz Formations to the east, and the Alsea and Nestucca Formations to the south (Figure 5). Deposition of all these strata also occurred in moderate to deep, open marine water (Snavely and Wagner, 1963). Astoria Formation The Astoria Formation crops out in a series of marine embay ments along the Oregon coast from Newport to Astoria, the type area (Wells and Peck, 1961), and as far north as Montesano in southwestern Washington (Pease and Hoover, 1957). Since the first descrip- tion of the Astoria Formation was published in 1880 by Cope, much confusion regarding its stratigraphy and distribution has developed because the formation has been correlated and mapped mainly on the basis of middle Miocene fossil assemblages and not on lithologic similarity to the type area (Moore, 1963). As a result, middle Miocene strata mapped as Astoria Formation in western Oregon and Washington exhibit rapid facies changes from shallow marine and fluvial sandstones to deep marine siltstones and mudstones. The formation has essentially become a time-stratigraphic unit referring to middle Miocene strata and is deeply ingrained in the literature. 42 Cressy (1974) suggested that in order to avoid further confusion, the name Astoria Formation should be retained to refer to middle Miocene strata traditionally mapped as Astoria Formation.. However, he suggested that different mappable facies within this unit in various embayments be referred to as informal members in accordance with the American Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature (1961). Accordingly, the Astoria Formation in this study consists of two informal mappable members, 1) the Angora Peak sandstone and 2) the overlying Silver Point mudstones. Angora Peak Sandstone Member Nomenclature. The Angora Peak sandstone member of the Astoria Formation was informally proposed by Niem and Van Atta (1973) and by Cressy (1974) for a 1, 000-foot thick unit of shallow marine sandstones and minor volcanic fluvial conglomerates, laminated micaceous and carbonaceous siltstones and rare coal seams. The type section for this member was described near Angora Peak in the extreme southwestern corner of Clatsop County, Oregon (Cressy, 1974), approximately ten miles south of this thesis area. The Angora Peak sandstone lies with angular unconformity over the Oswald West mudstones and is unconformably overlain by the middle Miocene Depoe Bay basaltic breccias which form Angora Peak. 43 Distribution. Small exposures of the Angora Peak sandstone member occur along logging roads in the southern half of section 20, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. between the north and south forks of the Necanicum River (Figure 14). The unit is probably more widespread in the southeastern part of the map area north of Kidder's Butte but is covered by landslide deposits of basaltic breccia, talus, and vegetation (see Plate I). Cressy (1974) and Smith (1975) have mapped extensive outcrops of the Angora Peak sandstone in much of the 85 square miles adjacent to the southern boundary of the thesis area. Small isolated outcrops of sandstones lithologically and petrograph- ically similar to the Angora Peak sandstones are exposed in the western part of the map area in the seacliffs of Tillamook Head (NW1/4 of section 6, T. 5 N. ,R. 10 W. ) and at Crescent Beach in Ecola State Park (Figure 14). Lithology and Structures. The Angora Peak member in the map area is predominantly composed of thick beds (5 to 20 feet) of feld- spathic and lithic sandstones. Calculations using regional dips and outcrop distributions suggest that a minimum of 400 feet of section exists in the map area. Fresh sandstones are yellowish gray (5Y7/2) to greenish gray (5GY5/1). Weathered sandstones, typically forming roadcut exposures, are iron-stained, friable, and range in color from pale yellowish orange (10YR8/6) to moderate yellowish brown (10YR Figure 14. Map showing outcrop distribution of the Angora Peak sandstones. 45 5/4). Sandstones are moderately to poorly sorted, medium- to very coarse-grained, and are composed of subangular to rounded grains of quartz and feldspar and volcanic rock fragments. The more resistant Angora Peak member commonly forms intermediate slopes and hilly topography surrounded by low, flat-lying areas of Oswald West mud- stones and Silver Point mudstones. The sandstones form large, extensive exposures in roadcuts in the area. Parallel laminations and rare large-scale planar cross-beds are the dominant sedimentary structures. Laminations are formed by the rapid alternation of very thin concentrations of very thin (less than one inch thick) clayey siltstone and thicker sandstone layers and by concentrations of carbonaceous material and micaceous minerals (Figure 15). Petrology. Angora Peak sandstones are fine- to very coarsegrained (0. 2 mm to 6. 0 mm in diameter), moderately to poorly sorted., and contain subangular to rounded clasts in grain support. Coarse- grained sandstones are volcanic lithic wackes, and medium- to finegrained sandstones are arkosic or feldspathic wackes (Figure 12). The dominant framework grains of three point-counted sand- stones are rock fragments (32-40%), quartz (16-25%), potassium feldspar .(7-11%), and plagioclase (4-8%). Less abundant constituents include chert, polycrystalline quartz., micas and heavy minerals 46 Figure 15. Outcrop of typical feldspathic sandstone of the Angora Peak member. Laminations are due to concentrations of carbonaceous plant fossil fragments and micas along bedding planes. (SE1/4, section 20, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. 47 (Figures 16 and 17) (see Appendix VI). Basalt and andesitic volcanic rock fragments with intergranular, intersertal trachytic, pilotaxitic, and hyalopilitic textures comprise the majority of the lithic constituents. The groundmass in many volcanic rock fragments has been altered to green celadonite or nontronite (Figure 16). Pumice, rhyolite, and/or dacite clasts and devitrified volcanic glass also are present in small quantities. Other rock fragments occurring in minor amounts (less than 5%) include sedimentary quartzites, carbonaceous laminated silt- stones and mudstones, metaquartzites and rare granite and coarsely crystalline diabase. Metamorphic quartzite clasts (up to 3%) consist of elongated, polycrystalline quartz with crenulated crystal boundaries, strained extinction, and subparallel contorted micas defining foliation (Figure 17). Quartz grains are generally subangular to subrounded, however, rare well-rounded grains with overgrowths occur. Strained monocrystalline quartz (9-17%) and unstrained monocrystalline quartz (6-8%) account for most of the quartz types. Polycrystalline quartz constitutes only a minor percentage of the quartz varieties. Monocrystalline chert clasts containing thin polycrystalline quartz veinlets are also common in Angora Peak sandstones (Figure 17). Several chert clasts contain small euhedral plagioclase phenocrysts, suggesting anorigin from devitrification of glassy rhyodacitic or dacitic lavas. 48 A 'o 1 S 0 e ,I Figure r ypical poorly sort 16. ngora Peak sandstone consisting of angular and subangular clasts of monocrystalline quartz, polycrystalline quartz (A), microcline (B), orthoclase, plagioclase, and diagenetically altered volcanic JFU q rock fragments (C). Note zoning plin plagioclase grain (D) and myrmekite (E). (Crossed nicols) rO. B :.a r, t-W 0 Figure 17. IM M Note chert si-ni'.,r ,,r . 1T (A), S. I C 7 .it., polycrystalline clasts containing quartz veinlets Photomicrograph of Angora Peak sandstone. metamorphic quartzite fragment (B), dark siltstone (C), and altered volcanic rock fragments. Yellow-orange cement is vermiculite. (Crossed nicols) 49 In contrast to the sandstones of the Oswald West and Silver Point units, potassium feldspar is more abundant than plagioclase -in Angora Peak sandstones (see Appendix VI). Orthoclase and micro- cline, are commonly unaltered or only partially altered to white mica (sericite) and kaolinite (?). Rare myrmekite grains also were observed (Figure 16). Plagioclase grains are mainly andesine but vary compositionally from labradorite (An65) to oligoclase (An18). They range within the same sample from fresh, clear unaltered grains to highly altered grains of chlorite, white mica, kaolinite (?), calcite, and zeolites. This range in composition and alteration within the same sample suggests mixing of feldspars from different source areas and rock types under slightly different climatic conditions. Folk (1968) has suggested that fresh and weathered feldspars of the same composition can be derived from a source area of steep relief where steep stream gradients mechanically erode fresh feldspars from bedrock in channels and mix these with more chemically weathered feldspars collected from nearby slopes. Biotite, minor green biotite and muscovite comprise up to 1% of the framework grains. Heavy minerals range in abundance from a trace to 3% by weight in the 3. 5V to 4:. oV size fraction. The most common are hypersthene, zircon, green hornblende, clear to pink garnet (possibly grossularite), and the opaque minerals pyrite, magnetite, hematite, ilmenite, and 50 leucoxene. Others include clinopyroxene, micas, basaltic hornblende, epidote, monazite, apatite, tourmaline, and rutile (see Appendix VIII). Of the three Tertiary sedimentary units in the thesis area, the Angora Peak sandstones contained the most zircon and the only epidote. These sandstones are compositionally immature on the basis of the overwhelming abundance of, chemically unstable rock and mineral fragments. This immaturity suggests source areas from hilly or mountainous terrains. Co-existence of both rounded and subangular grains of one mineral species (particularly quartz) in the same sample indicates a mixed provenance in which some grains were recycled from sedimentary rocks. Sandstone matrix varies from 18 to 26% and is composed of silt- sized quartz, feldspars, and devitrified glass in a paste of carbonaceous clay (Figure 18). The clay matrix minerals determined from X-ray diffraction are montmorillonite, chlorite, vermiculite, micas, and possible traces of illite. The zeolite clinoptilolite also occurs. Organic content of the matrix is 1. 15% by weight. Sandstones are texturally immature based on the abundance of clay matrix, poor sorting, and high degree of grain angularity (Folk, 1968). Much matrix, however, appears to have been formed by the in-situ diagenetic alteration of volcanic rock fragments because in thin section, many indistinct, altered, volcanic clast boundaries 51 k Figure 18. Framework grains of Angora Peak sandstone including altered volcanic rock fragments (A) and devitrified glass (B) in a mixed layered vermiculite-chlorite clay matrix (C). Same as Figure 17. (Plain light) 52 grade compositionally into the surrounding. matrix. In addition, the . presence of clinoptilolite, which is a common alteration product of intermediate and silicic volcanic glass, also suggests that the mud matrix is in part diagenetic in origin. Thus, the textural maturity of the sediment during the time of deposition was probably submature to mature (e. g. volcanic arenites), suggesting current winnowing and sorting before deposition. Angora Peak sandstones are characteristically friable because they are loosely cemented by iron oxides (hematite and.leucoxene), diagenetic clays, and zeolites. Contact Relations. The lower contact of the Angora Peak sandstone with the underlying Oswald West mudstones has been discussed previously in the Contact Relations section of the Oswald West mudstones. The -contact between the Angora Peak sandstone and the overlying Silver Point member is not exposed. in the thesis area although mapped outcrop patterns and strikes and dips in the two mem- bers suggest that the Angora Peak sandstone underlies the younger Silver Point mudstone member. Two miles south of the thesis area, near Hug Point State Park, in road cuts along the Hug Point mainline logging road, the Silver Point member conformably overlies the Angora Peak sandstone member (Smith, 1975). In addition,. Smith mapped extensive areas of Angora Peak sandstone overlain by the 53 Silver Point member in the Onion Peak-Sugarloaf Mountain region just south of the thesis area. In the Tillamook Head - Necanicum Junction area, the Angora Peak sandstone dips northwestward under Silver Point mudstones and thus does not crop out in most of the region. The Angora Peak sandstones do crop out near the axis,of the eastern syncline between the north and south forks of the Necanicum River. Although the Silver Point mu:dstone member regionally appears to conformably overlie the Angora Peak sandstones in the Seaside- Angora Peak region, the lower part of the Silver Point member may interfinger on a small scale with the Angora Peak sandstone member locally within the thesis area. Evidence for this interfingering rela- tionship includes a large-, isolated, in-place ?). 20 feet high and 40 feet long boulder of pebbly, arkosic Angora Peak sandstone on Crescent Beach in Ecola State Park. This boulder is surrounded by outcrops of the lower part of the Silver Point mudstone member in the adjacent seacliff and nearby hills. The nearest extensive exposure of the Angora Peak sandstone is north of Hug Point State Park--more than four miles to the south. Three possible -explanations are offered for the presence of the Angora Peak sandstone boulder on Crescent Beach: (1) the boulder is a,landslide block; (2) the boulder is actually ,part of an unusually thick sandstoneinterbed of the Silver Point member; or (3) the boulder is from a thick covered Angora Peak sandstone 54 bed which interfingers with the Silver Point member. The 100-foot high seacliff above the boulder contains interbedded, thin.,. graded, turbidite graywackes and mudstones of the lower part of the Silver Point member. Extensive searching along this seacliff and vicinity . failed to uncover a sandstone bed as a source for the arkosic boulder, thereby suggesting that the boulder is in place and is not a landslide block. The second hypothesis is possible but questionable. Silver . Point turbidite sandstones are fine grained., graded, micaceous and carbonaceous "graywackes" with detrital clay matrix contents over 30%. These turbidite sandstones occur as thin (two inches to eight feet thick) interbeds in a dominantly mudstone member. In contrast, the sandstone forming the isolated boulder is coarse-grained, arkosic, clean, thick (20 feet), carbonate cemented, crossbedded and parallel . laminated, and contains cut-and-fill channel structures. These lithological characteristics are much more typical of the Angora Peak sandstones mapped in the eastern part of the thesis area and mapped by Smith (1975) at Hug Point and by Cressy (1974) at the type section, suggesting that the boulder is actually a small exposure of a thin tongue of Angora Peak sandstone in the Silver Point mudstones. Another small isolated outcrop of Angora Peak (?) sandstone lithology surrounded by extensive outcrops of the Silver Point mudstone member occurs at the top of the precipitous 800-foot high seacliff in the NW1/4 of section 6, T. 5 N., R. 10:W. on Tillamook 55 Head (Plate I and Figure 14). These inaccessible sandstones are deeply weathered and cannot be reached from the Tillamook Head trail near the top of the cliffs or from the beach. Lower Silver Point mudstones are exposed to the east in the NEI/4 of section 6 strat'igraphically below the cliff sandstones. Additionally, in the north-central part of the thesis area (north of Kidder's Butte, see Plate I), Silver Point mudstones appear to overlie the Oswald West mudstones with no intervening Angora Peak sandstone. Thus, based on limited evidence, it appears that local tongues of the Angora Peak sandstones interfinger with the lower part of the Silver Point mudstone member. .Additional thesis studies are being conducted by Oregon State University graduate students Peter Penoyer and Patrick Tolson immediately north of the thesis area to further determine the nature of the contact between the Angora Peak sandstone and Silver Point mudstone members of the Astoria Formation. Age and Correlation. The Angora Peak sandstone member is assigned an early to middle Miocene age based on stratigraphic relationships. The sandstones overlie late Eocene to early Miocene Oswald West mudstones, and they underlie and may partially interfinger with the middle Miocene Silver Point member of the Astoria Formation. No fossils were found in the Angora Peak sandstones in the thesis area, but early Miocene and middle Miocene fossils occur 56 in the underlying and overlying (respectively) stratigraphic units. Therefore, the Angora Peak member is early Miocene to middle Miocene in age. In addition, molluscan fossils collected by C ressy (1974) and Smith (1975) in the Angora Peak sandstones in nearby Angora Peak and Sugarloaf Mountain areas indicate a "Temblor" or middle Miocene age. The, Angora Peak sandstones in this map area correlate with those of Cressy (1974) in the type area near Angora Peak based on lithologic and stratigraphic similarities, and on similar mineralogy, textures, and sedimentary structures. The member in both areas is predominantly composed of thick bedded, laminated, fine- to coarsegrained feldspathic sandstone with thin interbeds of carbonaceous and micaceous siltstone and mudstones. Cressy (1974) noted minor volcanic conglomerates, pebbly volcanic sandstones and coal beds in the type Angora Peak sandstone, but these lithologies were not observed in the limited exposures of Angora Peak sandstones in this thesis area. The member cannot be traced laterally (due to landslide cover) from the type section six miles to the south into the thesis area. However, Smith (1975) traced and mapped extensive exposures of the Angora Peak sandstones from the type area northward to within three miles of the Angora Peak outcrops mapped in this thesis area. In their geological engineering study of Clatsop County, Schlicker and others (1972) did not differentiate the Angora Peak 57 sandstones but included them with other strata as undifferentiated Oligocene through Miocene sedimentary rocks. They did, however, map Astoria Formation, which they restricted in definition to the Angoria Peak-like sandstones, along Canyon Creek east of Tillamook Head. However, a field check along Canyon Creek revealed only bedded Silver Point sandstones and mudstones. Niem and others (1973) and Cressy (1974) correlated the Angora Peak sandstone as an age equivalent with the type Astoria Formation at Astoria, Oregon, to the north, and with the Astoria Formation mapped at Newport, Oregon, to the south on the basis of faunal similarities. Silver Point Mudstone Member Nomenclature. The name Silver Point mudstone member of the Astoria Formation was informally applied by Smith (1975) to a 650foot thick, well-bedded sequence of laminated, dark gray, micaceous mudstones and siltstones with subordinate thin, calcareous, fine- grained, graded turbidite sandstones. The type section is exposed at Silver Point, approximately 1 1/2.miles south of Cannon Beach, Oregon and 1/4 mile south of the thesis area. The unit conformably overlies the Angora Peak sandstone member and is overlain with angular unconformity by middle Miocene Depoe Bay basaltic breccia in the Silver Point-Hug Point State Park area (Smith, 1975). 58 Distribution. The Silver Point mudstone member is the most widespread unit in the map area (Plate I and Figure 14). The mudstones are extensively exposed in the western and central parts of the map area from Cannon Beach northward along the coast to West Point near Seaside, and along U. S. 101, the lower Necanicum River, the tributaries of Elk Creek, and the hills surrounding the rugged basaltic mountains (unnamed) immediately north of Kidder's Butte and northeast of Sugarloaf Mountain (Figure 19). The member forms, low to intermediate slopes and hilly landslide topography between ridges and rugged peaks composed of resistant Depoe Bay or Cape Foulweather Basalts. Storm waves have undercut many coastal cliff exposures of the Silver Point mudstone member, resulting in many destructive landslides along the coast such as at Ecola State Park (see Plate I). Lithology and Structure. The lower part of the Silver Point member in the thesis area consists of dark gray mudstones rhythmically interbedded with thin light gray siltstones and well-bedded, laminated fine-grained, feldspathic, "graywacke" sandstones. The upper part of the Silver Point member consists of well-bedded, laminated,. dark gray, micaceous mudstones and.lighter gray siltstones. Within the upper Silver Point thin bedded mudstones are isolated, dark gray, massive to thick-bedded, silty, very fine-grained sandstones. Because only partial stratigraphic sections could be 60 measured (Appendices I and II), the total thickness of the Silver Point member could be approximated only based on regional dips and out- crop distribution of the strata between the Angora Peak sandstone and middle Miocene basaltic breccia. The Silver Point member is calculated to be from 600 to 1,000 feet thick. The lower Silver Point member is well exposed between Indian Beach and Crescent Beach in Ecola State Park where more than 400 feet of rhythmically alternating graded sandstones and mudstones are exposed in seacliffs and landslide scarps (see measured section, Appendix I). Mudstone interbeds in the lower part of the member are commonly dark gray (N3) and composed of structureless to thinly laminated, micaceous, carbonaceous and silty clay. Beds range from an inch to 12 feet in thickness; thick beds commonly contain ellipsoidal calcareous concretions (up to eight inches in diameter and two feet in length). The interbeds also contain some one quarter- to two-inch thick, light gray, micrbcr6ss=larffitiat6d siltstohe beds. Lower Silver Point t-nudstbnes contain pelecypods, gastropbds, and forarninifers (`see Appendix V). Sandstones interbedded with these mudstones are olive gray (5Y3/2) to yellowish gray (5Y7/2) when fresh, and they weather dusky yellow (5Y6/4) to grayish brown (5YR3/9). They are commonly ironstained and crumbly; The dirty, feldspathic wackes (up to 30% matrix) are poorly to moderately sorted, medium- to very 61 fine grained, and composed dominantly of angular to subrounded quartz, feldspars, micas, and carbonized plant fragments. Well-indurated, carbonate cemented sandstones occur as resistant ledges: in the more easily eroded dark mudstones in seacliffs at Ecola State Park (Figure 20). `Sandstones range from a few inches to over eight feet in thickness and are uniform in thickness over tens to hundreds of feet. Many sandstones are graded, being coarse- and medium-grained sand at the bases, and medium- or fine-grained sand in their upper parts. Basal contacts with the underlying mudstones are usually sharp and/or undulatory; top contacts are generally gradational into the overlying siltstones and mudstones. Sedimentary structures in individual graded sandstone beds include structureless and/or parallel laminations, overlain by micro-cross-laminations and convolute laminations, overlain by very fine parallel laminations. This sequence of sedimentary structures is identical to the A, B, C, and D divisions defined by Bouma (1962) for turbidite sandstones (Figure 21). Parallel laminations defined by concentrations along bedding planes of carbonized plant debris and very coarse grained muscovite and biotite.are the most common internal sedimentary structures. Other sedimentary structures include load coasts, flames, pillow and ball structures, mudstone rip-ups (up to three inches long), microfaults, and rate flute marks. Vertical and subparallel burrows are found on the top surfaces:of several sandstone beds. A deep-water 62 Figure 20. Well-bedded turbidite sandstones and mudstones of the Silver Point mudstone member exposed south of Indian Beach in Ecola State Park. (SW1/4 NW1/4, section 18, T.5 N., R.10 W.) Figure 21. Close-up of thin turbidite sandstones and mudstones in the Silver Point member. Graded sandstones display basal parallel laminations overlain by convolute laminations (see pen). Flame and load structures are present above pen cap. (Same location as Figure 13) 63 .marine fauna in the mudstones,, displaced pelecypod fragments and forams in the sandstones, repeated graded bedding, ripped-up mud- stones clasts, abundance of detrital clay matrix, sharp bottom con- tacts and gradational upper contacts, the presence of A, B, C, and D divisions, of the Bouma sequence suggest that these sandstones were deposited by turbidity currents. The lower Silver Point mem- ber is similar in lithology, sedimentary structures, and sandstone to mudstone ratios to the "D" or distal turbidite facies defined by Walker and Mutti (1973). Turbidite sandstones interbedded with mudstones are also wellexposed in the SE1/4 of section 25, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. These weathered sandstones differ from the turbidites of Ecola State Park in that they contain little or no mud matrix, have higher sandstone to mudstone ratios, are more friable and iron stained, and are coarser grained. The deposits show repeated graded bedding, units A, B, C, and E of the Bouma sequence, and sharp bottom contacts with gradational upper contacts with the overlying mudstones (Figure 22). This sequence is interpreted as a more proximal turbidite facies of the lower Silver Point mudstones. In the SE1/4 SW1/4 of section 6, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. above Canyon Creek on Tillamook Head, a.logging road exposure of interbedded thin sandstones and mudstones contains abundant complete .leaf imprints in the sandstones. The leaves were identified by R. 64 Dennis, Department of Botany, Oregon State University, as Alpus B. Ehrh. , Family Betulaceae (alder:); Quercus L. , Family Fagaceae (oak); Ceanothus L. , Family Rhyamnaceae (buckthorn); and Acer L. , Family Aceraceae (maple). The plants indicate a paleoclimate very similar to the modern climate (R. Dennis, personal commun. , 1973). The occurrence of abundant complete leaf imprints plus the lack of graded bedding and other sedimentary structures indicative of turbidity currents suggests that not all of the interbedded sandstones in the lower part of the Silver Point member are turbidites. The rhythmically interbedded turbidite sandstones and mudstones of the. lower Silver Point member grade upward over a distance of a few hundred feet into thinly bedded silty mudstones that character- ize the upper Silver Point mudstones. This lithologic change can be traced from the beach at Ecola Point to the top of the Ecola State Park landslide scarp (section 18, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. ). The thinly bedded . upper Silver Point mudstones are also well exposed at Haystack Rock and in the seacliffs directly east of Haystack Rock. The bedded silty mudstones are light olive gray (5Y6/1) to grayish orange (10R7/4) and form beds from six inches to two feet in thickness. They are interbedded with much less abundant,. very thin (one inch to two inches thick), light gray, tuffaceous siltstones and very fine-grained sand- stones. These siltstones are laminated and more rarely micro-crosslaminated. Individual mudstone beds are burrowed, laminated., or 65 structureless. Sparse gastropod and shell fragments occur throughout the upper Silver Point mudstones, and forams are common. Several very thin, whole and fragmented pelecypod fossil horizons were found near the top of the Ecola State Park landslide scarp east of Ecola Point (see Appendix I). Small (less than six inches in dia- meter) calcareous concretions as well as scattered glauconite pellets are also present. Thick sequences (up to 100 feet) of structureless to finely laminated, very fine--grained sandstones and coarse-grained siltstones occur locally interstratified within the upper part of the Silver Point mudstone member on Tillamook Head (Figures, 19 and 23). The dark siltstones form five-to thirty-foot thick beds and are predominantly composed of quartz, potassium feldspar, and mica in a clay-rich matrix. Diagenetically altered glass shards, pumice, and decomposed volcanic rock fragments comprise much of the matrix. Fresh rock exposures are yellowish gray (5Y8/1) to light bluish gray (5B7/1) and weather to dusky yellow (5Y6/4) iron stained blocks (Figure 23). The thick tuffaceous siltstones commonly contain a mottled texture due to extensive burrowing which obliterated most bedding planes. Small pyrite concretions, rare broken pelecypod fragments, fish scales and siltstone. vertebrae, and fecal pellets are also contained within the '6 6 Figure 2 2. Graded turbidite sandstones in the Silver Point mudstonemember of the Astoria Formation. Divisions A, B, and C. of the Bouma sequence are visible (arrow points up). (SE1/4 SE1/4, section 25, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. ) H- Figure 23. Clastic dike of dark mudstone truncating blocky,; light gray tuffaceous siltstones of the Silver Point member (bedding is dipping slightly to right). (NE1/4, section 6, T.S N., R.10 W.) 67 Petrology. Twelve thin sections of turbidite sandstones. in the Silver Point member were examined microscopically. The sandstones are very fine- to medium-grained, clay-rich (up to 30%), and moderately sorted; individual clasts are mainly elongate, angular to subangular, and are commonly aligned parallel to bedding. Five samples are feldspathic wackes, plotting on or near the feldspathic sandstone - lithic wacke boundary on Williams and others, (1954) ternary classification diagram (Figure 12). The sandstones are composed dominantly of quartz (19-30%), plagioclase (9 15%), potassium feldspar (5-10%), rock fragments (11-20%), carbonized plant matter and foram tests (up to 5%). Minor framework components (less than 4%) include micas, glauconite, chalcedony, chert, shell fragments, and a variety ,of heavy minerals (see modal analyses, Appendix VI). In thin section, individual sandstones are characterized by many light laminae of calcite cemented, angular quartz, feldspar, and rock fragments alternating with darker, thinner laminae of silty clay composed of abundant micas and comminuted carbonized plant fragments (Figure 24). Strained (undulatory) quartz is slightly more abundant than unstrained (normal) quartz and polycrystalline quartz is rare (less than 1%). Chert occurs in small quantities (less than 4%). Much of the polycrystalline and micro- crystalline quartz (chalcedony and chert) appears to be diagenetic in origin, selectively infilling small molds of plant fragments. - — 68 Figure 24. Large, dark mudstone rip-up (A) and Foraminifera test in laminated, calcite cemented, clay-rich, feldspathic wacke of the Silver Point member. Dark linear filaments are crushed carbonized plant fossil fragments. (Plain light) - Figure 25. Fine-grained, poorly sorted, clay-rich Silver Point turbidite sandstone. Note angular to sub rounded framework grains, Foraminifera tests (A), and glauconite (B). 69 Unlike the coarse-grained Angora Peak sandstones, the finegrained Silver Point sandstones contain more plagioclase (9-15%) than potash feldspar (5-10%) (see Appendix VI). This difference in rela- tive abundance of feldspar types is thought to be a function of the different grain sizes in the two units. Detrital plagioclase grains (labradorite), probably derived from finely crystalline basalts, are consistently significantly smaller than potash feldspar grains (possibly derived from coarser crystalline plutonic rocks). Plagioclase varies in composition from oligoclase (An37) to bytownite (An 50-70 ). Potassium feldspar includes similar percentages of both orthoclase and microcline. Plagioclase and potassium feldspars of the same composition, respectively, range within each sandstone sample from fresh grains to grains highly altered to calcite, finely disseminated white micas (sericite?), and clay minerals. As discussed in the Angora Peak sandstone Petrology section, this range-in alteration and composition suggests mixing of detritus from different provenances and a source area of steep relief in a warm, humid climate. Altered microcrystalline basaltic rock fragments, with inter- sertal and intergranular textures, and laminated, dark brown, carbonaceous mudstone and siltstone rip-ups comprise the majority of the lithic constituents (Figure 25). Small quantities of pumice, andesite clasts with pilotaxitic texture, denitrified glass shards, and 70 very rare metamorphic quartzite. and carbonate rock fragments intrasparite (Folk, 1962) or grainstone (Dunham, 1962)] are present. Silver Point turbidite sandstones at Ecola State Park contain pelecypod shell fragments and abundant foram tests (up to 5%) (Figure 22). Solution of many of these fossils (Figure 25) has produced moldic, reduced moldic, or enlarged moldic porosity (up to 2% of the rock) (Choquette and Pray, 1970). Weldon Rau (written commun. , 1974) identified the following Foraminifera from thin sections: Bulimina cf. B. ovata d'Ordigny, Globigerina spp. , Bolivina advena Cushman, Dentalina spp. , and arenaceous varieties. Very coarse-grained micas, mainly biotite with minor muscovite, comprise up to 4% of the Silver Point sandstones. Commonly aligned parallel to stratification, the micas are relatively undeformed, indicating compaction was not severe. Glauconite pellets and rounded aggregates of glauconite constitute up to 3% of the sandstones. The most common heavy minerals are hypersthene, opaques, zircon, and pink garnet (possibly grossularite or almandite). Grains of monazite, augite, micas, and green hornblende were less abundant, and trace amounts of tourmaline were found. Approximately half of the heavy minerals are opaques: magnetite, hematite, pyrite, ilmenite, and leucoxene. Heavy minerals comprise less than 1% of the sandstones by weight in the 3. 50 to 4. 0 size fraction. 71 Silver Point sandstones contain from 20 to 32% matrix (see modal analyses, Appendix VI). The detrital clay matrix and high degree of grain angularity makes these sandstones texturally im- mature. Fine silt-sized quartz., micas, and feldspar grains and abundant, dark, carbonaceous clay minerals form the matrix. X-ray diffraction of the -clay minerals indicates the presence of montmoril- lonite, chloritic intergrades (mixed layer chlorite and mica), mica, 0 and a 9. 1 A zeolite, possibly clinoptilolite (see Appendix IX). Hydro- gen peroxide treatment of the matrix of several sieved samples shows an organic content from 2 to 4% by weight. The sandstones are cemented by -detrital authigenic clays and calcite cement (Figures 24 and 25). Calcite cement constitutes from 5 to 35% of the samples and is associated with concentrations of foram tests and shell fragments in the lighter laminae. The spatial relationship between the carbonate cement and the zones of shell con- centrations, plus the-existence of secondary moldic porosity elsewhere in the samples, suggest that much of the carbonate -cement was produced by dissolution of foraminiferal tests and shell fragments. This Ca++ and CO3 enriched solution probably migrated into the more permeable sandy laminae where it was precipitated as pore- filling microspar and sparry calcite. Alteration of calcic plagioclases could also have contributed calcite for the -cement. 72 The dark gray, silty mudstones that form the major portion of the Silver-Point member consist of scattered Foraminifera, angular silt-sized grains of quartz, feldspars, muscovite, chlorite, and up to 7% by weight of carbonized plant fragments and finely disseminated organic matter in dark clay. X-ray diffraction of six samples reveals that the clay-size fractions consist of montmor-illonite, mixed layer chlorite-micas, mica, and the zeolite, clinoptilolite (see diffraction analyses,. Appendix IX). Contact Relations. Evidence that the lower contact of the Silver Point member may interfinger with the underlying Angora Peak sandstone member has been discussed previously under Contact Relations of the Angora Peak sandstones. The Silver Point member in the thesis area is overlain with angular unconformity by middle Miocene Cape Foulweather and Depoe Bay basaltic breccias. The contact is commonly covered by twenty to several hundred feet of colluvium. There are, however, two notable exceptions. The sharp contact between the Silver Point mudstones and the overlying Depoe Bay breccia is exposed at an elevation of 1, 200 feet along a logging road in the mountains north of Kidder's Butte (section 33, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. ). In this small exposure, the basaltic breccia appears to conformably overlie the Silver Point member. However, the exact contact relationship between the units is unclear due to 73 partial cover by colluvium and deformation of Silver Point strata by a nearby thick Depoe Bay Basalt sill. An angular unconformable contact between the Silver Point member and overlying Cape Fou.lweather basaltic pillow breccias is well-exposed during low tide at Haystack Rock between the towns of Tolovana Park and Cannon Beach. Bedded upper Silver Point mud- stones dip 400 to the west, and are truncated by nearly horizontal pillow lavas of Cape Foulweather Basalt. Further discussion of this angular unconformity is presented in the Contact Relations section of the Cape Foulweather Basalt. Age and Correlation. The Silver Point member of the Astoria Formation is assigned a middle Miocene age based on stratigraphic relationships and microfossils. Foraminiferal suites collected at scattered locations throughout the Silver Point member (see Plate I) indicate Saucesian to possible Relizian ages (middle Miocene) for the Silver Point member (Rau, written commun. , 1974). Some of the more commonly occurring species are Bulimina advena Cushman, Buliminella subfusiformis Cushman, Virgulina californiensis Cushman, Sigmoilina tenius (Cziek), and Clavulina sp. as well as radio- laria, diatoms, and arenaceous Foraminifera. A complete checklist of faunal assemblages is presented in Appendix V. 74 The Silver Point member overlies and possibly interfingers in its lower part with the Angora Peak member. The Angora Peak member has been dated as middle Miocene from molluscan fossils col- lected in the Angora Peak area (Cressy, 1974). Foraminifera collected within 20 feet of the upper contact of the Silver Point member with the overlying Cape Foulweather basaltic breccia at Haystack Rock indicate a Saucesian (middle Miocene) age (minimum) for the Silver Point mudstones. In addition, a mudstone interbed within the overlying Depoe Bay basaltic breccias on the northwest slope of Sugarloaf Mountain (see Plate I) contains middle Miocene Foraminifera (Rau, written commun. , 1974). Middle Miocene radiometric dates of 14 ± 2. 7 m. y. and 16 ± 0. 3 m. y. from Depoe Bay Basalt dikes and sills (Turner, 1970, and Niem and Cressy, 1973) which intrude Silver Point strata at Ecola State Park also indicate a minimum age of middle Miocene for the Silver Point member. Ages of gastropods and pelecypods collected in the Silver Point member at two different coastal locations were indeterminate, but based on the appearance of Nucula Hannibali Clark (a pelecypod), the strata may be tentatively as old as Blakely Stage (Addicott, written common. , 1974). The complete checklist of megafossils is presented in Appendix V. The Silver Point member can be traced from the thesis area south to Silver Point, the type locality. The litholog'ies, textures, 75 mineralogy, and sedimentary structures for the Silver Point member described in this study closely correspond to those described by Smith (1975) at the type locality. On the basis of similar microfossil assemblages, this member correlates in a time-stratigraphic sense with Howe's (1926) .middle shale member of the type Astoria Formation at Astoria, Oregon (Rau, personal commun. , 1974). Strata which comprise the Silver Point mudstone member-in this report were mapped in part with the Oswald West mudstones and Angora Peak sandstones in the thesis area as undifferentiated "Oligocene to Miocene sedimentary rocks" by Schlicker and others !972) and as "marine sedimentary rocks" of the Astoria Formation by Wells and Peck (1961). Depositional Environments of the Angora Peak and Silver Point Members of the Astoria Formation Due to the limited exposures of Angora Peak sandstones in the thesis area, only a few inferences about depositional environment can be made. The sandstones are moderately sorted, lack detrital matrix, and grains are subrounded, suggesting prolonged current reworking and winnowing of fine detritus. Parallel laminations, sorting, and rounding in Angora Peak sandstones are similar to those formed in modern shallow marine shelf sands or in delta front sheets dominated by high-energy wave and tidal currents (Selley, 1970). Extensive 76 exposures of Angora Peak sandstones immediately south of the thesis area which contain abundant very shallow marine fossils were inter- preted by Cressy (1974) as coastal spits, bars, and delta front sheet sands. Cressy (1974) and Smith (1975) also recognized local channels, cross-bedded, fluvial conglomerates, thin coal seams, and carhonaceous silty interbeds within these shallow marine Angora Peak sandstones. They interpreted this interfingering sequence of shallow marine sandstones and fluvial conglomerates as distributary, channels, swamps, and coastal marshes within a high energy, delta complex. Coastal processes off the Oregon coast during the Miocene were probably similar to those acting today. Perhaps wave, current, and tidal action was too vigorous to allow seaward progradation of the subaerial part of the delta. Delta plain sediments, may have been reworked by strong tidal currents and wave action, and redistributed by longshore currents along the coast to build extensive coastal barriers similar to the nearby beach sands that form Clatsop Spit associated with the Columbia River. The delta front sheet- sands of Cressy (1974) and Smith (1975) might conceivably have changed northward into linear clastic shorelines (Selley, 1970) in the study area. This depositional model compares favorably with the modern wave-domin- ated, sand-rich Orinoco (van Andel, 1967), Niger (Allen, .1970), and - Rhone (Oomkens, .1967) deltas. The -sands in these deltas are re- worked and concentrated by shallow marine -processes and 77 redistributed along the coastlines as a series of coastal spits, barrier bars, and shallow marine shelf sands. The sands contain sorting, rounding, and sedimentary structures similar to those in the Angora Peak sandstones. Fossils, sedimentary structures, and lithologies suggest that the overlying and possibly inte rf inge ring Silver Point mudstone mem- ber was deposited in an open marine, quiet-water environment of moderate depths on the continental shelf. Foraminiferal suites from the mudstones indicate that deposition of sediment occurred in cool water of sublittoral to upper bathyal depths (200-1,000 feet) (Rau, written commun. , 1974). Paleoecological interpretation of the molluscan fossils from modern forms (Stanley, .1970) indicates that these fossils lived in shallow, open marine waters of depths less than 800 feet. Addicott (written commun. , 1974) considers the molluscan fossils to be indicative of middle to outer sublittoral (middle to outer neritic or shelf) depths. The abundance of unbroken thin molluscan shells, burrows, laminations and general fine-grained nature of the sediments (muds and silts) indicates continuous pelagic sedimentation in a low energy environment. Fluctuating, weak currents probably reworked pelagic and terrigenous silts into thin, micro-cross-laminated interbeds. Extensive burrowing produced massive s,iltstones and mudstone:beds. Periodically, turbidity currents transported feld- spathic sands into this low energy environment to form the graded 78 sandstones in the lower part of the Silver Point mudstones. Medium- to fine-grained sandstones interbedded with the silty mudstones contain parallel laminations, convolute laminations, micro- cross-laminations, fossils, scattered burrows, grading, and rare glauconite pellets; these are common features in modern upper delta front platforms (Allen, 1970; Donaldson and others, 1970) and delta slope deposits (Selley, 1970). Turbidite sands similar to those in the lower Silver Point member at Ecola State Park have been found in deep sea cores within modern prodelta environments (Selley, 1970); Visher, 1965; Bouma, 1962). Burrowed,.deep marine, fossiliferous, fine-grained, non-graded sandstones interbedded with laminated mudstones of the Silver Point member are similar in lithologic character to the lower delta-platform or to the upper prodelta sediments of the modern Niger.(Allen, 1970), Guadalupe (Donaldson and others, 1970), and Mississippi deltas (Gould, 1970). The bedded Silver Point - mudstones contain Foraminifera indicative of deposition in outer shelf depths (Rau, written commun. , 1974). The thick, structureless to thinly laminated, tuffaceous siltstones in the upper part of the Silver Point mudstones may represent deposition in a delta-front environment or a current produced shoestring sand or tidal current ridge on the continental shelf (Off, .1963). The shifting of distributary channels and temporary progradation and regression of the delta front sands within the delta system could have produced the interfingering 79 relationship between the lower Silver Point mudstones and the upper Angora Peak sandstones. .An alternative depositional model for the Silver Point and Angora Peak members could be the gradual infilling by pelagic muds and silts of a marginal basin (now represented by the Silver Point member) on the contental shelf adjacent to a linear continental coastal plain (represented by the Angora Peak sandstone). Most Silver -Point and Angora Peak lithologies and sedimentary structures (with the exception of the turbidite sandstones) are found, for example, in a modern linear clastic shoreline system (Selley, 1970). Turbidites could have been formed by slumping of oversteepened sand and mud accumulations on an irregular shelf topography. Subsequent sands transported by turbidity flows funneled down local downwarped basins on the outer shelf onto small submarine fans. Variations in subsidence and sedi- mentation rates and/or fluctuations in sea .level may have resulted in the interfingering and gradual transgression of deeper water muds (Silver Point member) over the shallow coastal sands (Angora Peak sandstones). The turbidite sandstones in the lower Silver Point mudstones may represent a gradual upward transition from the coarse-grained, delta front or shallow marine shelf sandstones (Angora Peak sand- stones) into the overlying, finer grained., interbedded silty sandstones and bedded upper Silver Point mudstones of an open shelf environment 80 in a linear clastic shoreline system during a gradual marine transgression. Depoe Bay Basalt Nomenclature Snavely and others (1973) defined two middle Miocene volcanic petrologic types, the older Depoe Bay Basalts and the younger Cape Foulweather Basalts in the Oregon Coast Range on the basis of differ- ent ages, chemistries, lithologies, and stratig.raphic positions. The type locality,for the Depoe Bay Basalt is at the coastal town of Depoe Bay, located in the Central Oregon Coast Range approximately 80 miles south of the thesis area. The unit consists of submarine pillow basalts and breccias, rare subaerial flows, and related dikes, sills and irregular intrusive bodies unconformably overlying the middle Miocene Astoria Formation. In hand specimen, Depoe Bay Basalt is aphanitic to finely crystalline and non-porphyritic. Chemically, the basalt is characterized by a high content of SiO2,, total iron oxide, and alkalies. These basalts have similar chemical composition, age, and petrology to the Yakima Basalts (Waters, 1961)' of the Columbia River Group of eastern Oregon and Washington (Snavely and others., .1973). Because of the localized eruptive nature of Coast Range vol- canic rocks, the basalt units of this study are referred to in a 81 petrologic sense and are not strictly stratigraphic units. The petro- logic correlation is based on similar chemistry, petrography, age, and stratigraphic relationships to the type Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather Basalts defined by Snavely and others (1973). Intrusive Rocks Distribution,, General Features, and Contact Relations. Numer- ous dikes, sills, and irregular intrusions of Depoe Bay Basalt intrude the Oswald West mudstones and Angora Peak and Silver Point mem- bers of the Astoria Formation throughout the thesis area. Due to dense vegetation and landslide cover, the distribution and contacts of the basaltic intrusions are in part approximated on the geologic map (Plate I). Contacts between resistant basalts and the sedimentary units were determined from quarry, roadcut, and stream bank exposures and traced laterally based on changes in slope (steep to gentle) recognized in the field and on aerial photographs. The most prominent Depoe Bay Basalt intrusion is the 900 -foot thick Tillamook Head sill which dips 100 to 200 southeast and crops out along the coast from West Point south to Indian Beach (Plate I). The sill forms Tillamook Head, a sheer wave-cut basaltic headland containing well developed vertical columnar -jointing (Figure 3). The interior of the sill is slightly more coarsely crystalline than the aphanitic to finely crystalline perimeter. The concordant bottom 82 contact is exposed in the seacliffs north of West Point (section 30, T. 6 N. , R. 10 W.) where the sill irregularly overlies and-is in fault contact with the Oswald, West mudstones. The top contact of the sill with the, overlying Silver Point member is visible along Indian Beach about four miles south of West Point. Many of the basalt sea stacks in Ecola State Park are erosional remnants of the upper part of the sill. The upper contact is sharp and highly irregular with several large dike-like apophyses intruding and locally severely deforming the overlying mudstones (Figure 26). The unnamed point north of Ecola Point is an example of such an apophysis. Locally near the contact, the intrusive is extensively brecciated and has incorporated fragments and blocks of the overlying mudstone (Figure 27). The breccia is composed of angular basalt fragments in an altered light green clay groundmass consisting of mixed-layer montmorillonite-- mica chlorite, and a zeolite (possibly clinoptilolite). Other isolated exposures of thick sills which are probably the continuation of the Tillamook Head sill, are found over a several square mile area east and north of Tillamook Head (Plate 1). The more prominent exposures occur along U. S. Highway -101 in SEl/4 sec. 17, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W.., in the quarries along both sides of U. S. Highway 26/101 in NE 1/4 sec. 4, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. , near Seaside, and in numerous roadcuts and quarries along the Necanicum River in T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. These thick finely crystalline sills with well 83 Figure 2 ike-like apophyses (bs) of the underlying Tillamook Head sill intruding Silver Point mudstones along Indian Beach in Ecola State Park. Note irregular contact and radiating columnar joints. Figure 27. Irregular contact between Silver Point mudstones (A) and an overlying brecciated Depoe Bay Basalt intrusive (B) in Ecola State Park south of Indian Beach. Breccia is composed of fragments of altered green and white basalt and incorporated mudstone clasts. 84 developed columnar jointing dip approximately 150 south and south- east. Although at isolated exposures the Tillamook Head sill appears to have concordant contacts with the surrounding Silver Point strata, the southeast dipping sill regionally cuts across gently- northwest dipping Silver Point strata (see cross-sections, Plate II). Thus, this tabular, nearly horizontal intrusion is really "sill-like" rather than a sill defined in the classical geologic sense. Numerous smaller dikes and thin sills of Depoe Bay Basalt are well-exposed at Ecola State Park in seacliffs at Ecola Point and along the unnamed beach between Bald Point and the unnamed point north of Ecola Point. These dikes and sills intrude severely, deformed lower Silver Point strata (Figure 38) and are locally brecciated along their margins. Brecciation and folding were probably produced by steam explosion and rapid quenching of hot magma during .intrusion and dis- placement of water-saturated., semi-consolidated sediments (see chapter on Structure). These smaller intrusions in Ecola State Park are thought to be related to the thick, underlying Tillamook Head sill. Schlicker and others (1961) mentioned lava flows in Ecola State Park, but only intrusives were found by the author. Other prominent Depoe Bay Basalt intrusives include a 2.00-foot thick sill which underlies Depoe Bay basaltic breccia capping the unnamed hills north of Kidder's Butte in the eastern part of the area (Plate I), and a long resistant irregular intrusion (Figure 28) which 85 Figure 28. Depoe Bay Basalt intrusive exposed in a quarry northwest of Sugarloaf Mountain. Note horizontal jointing near base of exposure and vertical columnar jointing at top. (NW 1/4 SW 1/4, section 36, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. ) 86 forms a linear ridge extending two miles northwest from the breccia covered slopes of Sugarloaf Mountain (See Plate I). Lithology and Petrology. Sills and dikes of the Depoe Bay Basalt petrologic type are aphanitic to finely crystalline, medium gray (N5) to greenish black (5GY2/1) in color, and weather to a greenish black (5GY2/1) or iron stained light olive brown (5Y5/6). These intrusions are characterized by well developed columnar jointing and have very thin, red, baked, cooling contacts with the adjacent rocks. The basalts are composed of equigranular, calcic plagioclase laths (45-55%), subhedral crystals of clino- and orthopyroxenes (20-30%), opaque minerals (magnetite and ilmenite) (4-10%), and trace amounts of apatite, and olivine. Mineral alteration products include biotite (2-3%), actinolite of hornblende (0-22%), chlorophaeite (0-4%) and a silicic dark, glassy residuum in the ground mass. The basalts are texturally intergranular, intersertal, or sub--ophitic depending on the degree of crystallization (Figure 29). Modal analy- ses of three typical Depoe Bay sills, including the Tillamook Head sill, are displayed on Table 1. Subhedral plagioclase laths (1 mm to 3 mm) range in composi- tion from calcic andesine (An44-49) to sodic labradorite (An53-58)` Many crystals are progressively zoned, containing sodic labradorite 87 Table 1. Modal analyses. of selected samples of Depoe Bay Basalt. Db-1 Db-2 Db-3 Plagioclase 52% 47% 51% Clinopyroxene 20% 20% 27% O rthopy roxene 12% - Opaques 9% 5% 7°10 Apatite -- 2% 2% Chlorophaeite -- 1% 4% Hornblende 1% 22% 6% Biotite 3% 2% 2% Silicic Residuum 2% 1% Chlorite -- Olivine tr Glass -- Sample locations are shown on Plate I. tr 1% - -- tr 88 cores and calcic andesine rims. The plagioclase crystals have been partly altered to finely disseminated sericite (white mica) and zeolites. Rare phenocrysts of plagioclase (An46) (up to .3 mm wide and 5 mm long) occur in some of the thick sills.. Py-roxenes consist of subhedral crystals of yellow orthopyroxene (enstatite or bronzite) and light green clinopyroxenes (augite, subcalcic augite (2V=30-55), and pigeonite). A few augite crystals exhibit twinning parallel to the 100 face which has intergrown with the polysynthetic twins to form herringbone twinning (Figure 29). Pyroxene crystals commonly are surrounded by reaction rims of, or completely replaced by a deuteric blue-green pleochroic amphibole (actinolite or hornblende), chlorite, and biotite. Unusual, small, thin fracture fillings composed of large apatite crystals intergrown with fibrous yellow-green actinolite cut the north end of the Tillamook Head sill (Figure 30). These thin veinlets possibly represent a late stage crystallization of magmatic fluids injected into newly formed cooling fractures within the sill. Small irregular 'patches of yellow to green chlorophaeite and a silicic residuum composed of finely-intergrown quartz and alkali feldspar commonly forms the groundmass between plagioclase and pyroxene crystals in the basalts. The above petrographic descriptions of basalt intrusives in the thesis area are similar to those summarized by Snavely and others I Figure 29. Typical intergranular texture in weathered Depoe Bay Basalt from Tillamook Head. Note euhedral crystal of magnetite and poorly developed herringbone structure in the augite (A). (Crossed nicols) I Figure 30. Fracture filling of actinolite or hornblende (A) with hexagonal crystals of apatite (B) in Depoe Bay Basalt from Tillamook Head near West Point. Opaque blebs in the basalt are magnetite. (C rossed nicols) 90 (1973) for the Depoe Bay Basalt petrologic type found in the Oregon Coast Range. This similarity suggests a petrologic correlation be- tween basalts in the two areas. Extrusive Rocks Distribution and General Features. The most extensive volcanic unit exposed in the map area is the Depoe Bay submarine ba- saltic breccias. They cover more than seven square miles in the southern part of the map area (Plate I) and form the highest and most rugged topography. The resistant basaltic breccias have an aggregate thickness of over 800 feet in the Z.,000-foot high unnamed hills north of Kidder's Butte (Figure 2). Contacts between the volcanic breccias and the underlying Tertiary sedimentary rocks are commonly covered with a thick breccia talus or dense vegetation. On many mountain slopes in the eastern part of the map area, differential erosion of underlying less resistant mudstones has undercut support beneath the resistant breccia hills, resulting in the development of extensive landslide deposits of breccia boulders. As a result mapping the volcanic breccia-sedimentary contacts in the landslide areas was very difficult and the contacts were approximated along slope breaks. 91 Lithology and Petrology. Depoe Bay breccias consist of mas- sive, thick, broken pillow and rare isolated pillow lava flows. Fresh breccias are moderate olive brown (5Y4/4) to greenish black (5GY2/1) in color, but iron-stained, pale yellowish orange (10YR8/6) to dark yellowish orange (1OYR6/6) weathered breccias are most common. Breccias are composed of dark, angular lapilli- and coarse ash-sized fragments of aphanitic basalt and basaltic glass (sideromelane and tachylyte) in a yellowish palagonitized fine ash matrix (Figure 31). A few blocks three to five feet in diameter of incorF porated mudstone from the underlying Silver Point mudstones are found in the lower portion of the breccia unit. Small white cavity fillings and veinlets of calcite, chalcedony, and zeolites occur. The breccias also contain rare, isolated elliptical pillows which range from one to three feet in diameter and contain chilled black tachylyte rinds up to one-half inch thick. Pillow interiors are c-omposed of dense aphanitic basalt. The presence of these dark-glassy borders distinguishes pillows from more common exfoliation boulders in the breccia which superficially resemble pillows (Figure-32). Litho- logically similar breccia flows have been described as "isolated- pillow breccia" and "broken-pillow breccia" by Carlisle (1963) for Triassic volcanics on Vancouver Island.. They are thought to have it -' $Ej 1 0 I - .'.. .V ' i to j . 6 . . .11 0 f- o w i epoe Bay basaltic breccia. Darker fragutcrop ments are basaltic glass and lighter colored chunks are aphanitic basalt. c Figure Figure 32. Exfoliation boulders of Depoe Bay basaltic breccia. This weathering pattern is typical of the basaltic breccias. 93 formed by rapid quenching and shattering of freshly erupted submarine basalts when they came in contact with sea water. Angular aphanitic basalt fragments in the breceias are petrographically similar to those described in the Depoe Bay Basalt intrusives. The basaltic glass fragments are hyalopilitic, containing randomly oriented, scattered micro-phenocrysts of labradorite and augite (up to 1 mm in length), microlites of plagioclase, and slender prisms of augite in a groundmass of light yellowish brown to translucent basaltic glass (sideromelane) (Figure 33). Some sideromelane has altered to light yellow brown or bright orange palagonite along t crystal borders and fractures. The matrix between angular aphanitic basalt and glass rock fragments consist of fine ash-sized fragments and slivers of palagonitized basaltic glass and minor aphanitic basalt. Euhedral crystals of apophyllite, heulandite, chalcedony, and calcite cement the breccia fragments together and also partially infill microcavities (Figure 33). The zeolites were identified by X-ray diffrac- tion patterns. Contact Relations. Depoe Bay basaltic breccia lies with angular unconformity over the Silver Point member as previously discussed in the Contact Relations section of the Silver Point member. The lower breccia contact varies in elevation from 800 feet on the slopes north of Kidder's Butte to about 300 feet near the mouth of the north 94 Figure 33. Photomicrograph of cavity fillings of apophyllite and heulandite (A) between angular basalt glass fragments (sideromelane) in Depoe Bay basaltic breccia. Note that dark glass fragments with microlites of labradorite and augite are extensively altered to orange palagonite around fragment rims. (Crossed nichols) 95 fork of Elk Creek (See Plate I). Either submarine breccias extruded over an uneven sea floor (e. g. abyssal hills and submarine canyons) or later displacement by faults is thought to have produced this large variation in elevation along the breccia-Silver Point mudstone contact. No younger Tertiary units overlie the Depoe Bay basaltic breccias in the thesis area. Chemistry. Initial field and petrographic identifications of the Depoe Bay Basalt petrologic type were further substantiated by whole rock chemical analyses of basalt samples which were plotted on silica variation diagrams. (Figure 34). The three samples plot within or very close to the compositional variation limits determined by Snavely and others (1973) for the Depoe Bay Basalts. The samples are from the basaltic breccia capping Kidder's Butte, the sill underlying Kidder' s Butte, and from a sill in a state rock quarry near the lower Necanicum River (geographic locations and chemical analyses of samples are tabulated in Appendix X; locations are plotted on Plate I). Snavely and others (1973) chemically analyzed six basalt samples from other locations in the thesis area and assigned five of them to the Depoe Bay Basalt petrologic type. The Depoe Bay Basalt in the thesis area is characterized by a high content of SiO 2 (55.6%), iron oxides (13. 0%), and alkalies (4. 0%), and a low percentage of alumina (13. 3%). These chemical percentages 96 12 16 I .10 14 Ca0% A1203% 12 8 6 N 16 4 Na20% 14 3 12 2 FeO% 2 10 K20% 0 8 6 MgO% TiO2% 4 2 - 1 - I 50 I 52 I 54 I 56(SiOg) 50 - Cape Foulweather Basalt Depoe Bay Basalt 52 54 56 Compositional variation limits defined by Snavely and others (1973) for middle Miocene coastal basalts. * Kidder's Butte Breccia (RHN-6) o Sill underlying Kidder's Butte Breccia (RHN-1) o Sill along lower -Necanicum River (RHN-5) A Haystack Rock (RHN -7) Sill on Tillamook Head (RHN-3) Twin Peaks intrusive (RHN-4) 1, 3, 4, 5 from Snavely and others (1973) (samples in map area) Precise sample locations are shown in Appendix X and Plate I. Figure 34, Silica variation diagram of selected middle Miocene basalt samples from the thesis area. 97 (plotted on Kuno's (1968) alkali-silica and alkali-alumina-silica diagrams) support petrographic evidence that these basalts are tholeiites. Age and Correlation. Depoe Bay basaltic breccias in the thesis area lie with angular unconformity. over the Silver Point member which contains Foraminifera of Saucesian age (middle Miocene) (Rau, written commun.,, 1974) suggesting a middle Miocene of younger age for the Depoe Bay Basalt. A late Saucesian or middle Miocene age for the Depoe Bay Basaltic breccia is also suggested by Foraminifera collected in a five-foot thick dark gray bedded siltstone and mudstone interbed in the lower part of the basaltic breccias which from Sugarloaf Mountain (section 35, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W.) (Weldon Rau personal commun. , 1974). Sills and dikes of Depoe Bay Basalt intrude the Astoria Formation at numerous localities. Depoe Bay Basalt dikes in Ecola State Park have been dated by potassium argon radiometric methods as 14 f Z. 7 m. y. (middle Miocene) by Turner (1970). Niem and Cressy (1973) reported a radiometric date of 15.9 + 0. 3 m. y. for the Tillamook Head sill exposed along Indian Beach in Ecola State Park. The K/Ar ages for the Depoe Bay Basalt intrus;ives at Ecola State Park and fossiliferous interbeds within the submarine breccias strongly indicate a middle Miocene age for the Depoe Bay Basalt. The age, chemistry, petrology, and stratigraphic relationship 98 of the Depoe Bay Basalt mapped in the thesis area is in agreement with the same characteristics ascribed to the Depoe Bay Basalt petrologic type elsewhere in the Oregon Coast Range by Snavely and others (1973). Cape Foulweather Basalt Nomenclature At the type locality near Cape Foulweather, 12 miles north of Newport, Oregon, the Cape Foulweather Basalt is composed of pillow lavas, submarine breccias, water-laid basaltic fragmental debris, and related dikes and sills. Near the town of Depoe Bay, Cape Foulweather Basalts and the underlying marine, arkosic sandstones of Whale Cove overlie the Depoe Bay Basalt. In hand speci- men, Cape Foulweather Basalt is characterized by sparse, large (up to 2 cm long), light yellow plagioclase phenocrysts in dark aphanitic basalt. These sparse plagioclase phenocrysts distinguish the Cape Foulweather Basalt petrologic type in the field from the finely crystalline Depoe Bay Basalt. In addition, the Cape Foulweather Basalt can be differentiated from the Depoe Bay Basalt by distinctively higher chemical contents of total iron, TiO2, and P205 and lower SiO 2 content and also by a younger radiometric age (Snavely and others, 1973). These basalts correlate chemically, 99 chronologically, and petrologically with the late-Yakima Plateau Basalt (Waters, 1961) of the Columbia River group of eastern Oregon and Washington. Intrusive Rocks Distribution, General Features, and Contact Relations. Intru- sives of Cape Foulweather Basalt are less abundant than Depoe Bay Basalt in the thesis area. Cape Foulweather Basalt crops out only in the western half of the map area (see Plate I) as a few thin sills and dikes in Ecola State Park and near Tillamook Head, and as a 600- foot thick sill at Twin Peaks. Contacts between intrusives and the encompassing sedimentary rocks are sharp, and irregular. The basalt is, in most places, b;recciated near these :contacts.. The shapes and contacts of the Cape Foulweather Basalt outcrops are approximated on the accompanying geologic map (Plate I) because the contacts with less resistant sedimentary rocks are commonly covered with vegetation and blocks of basaltic talus. In many places only an abrupt break in slope delineates the contact. The most prominent intrusive unit of Cape Foulweather Basalt forms the 1600-foot high Twin Peaks near the town of Seaside. The lower contact of the intrusive unit is partially exposed in an abandoned, overgrown logging road which climbs the southeast flank to the top of the peaks. (Plate 10. Due to lack of exposure, the geometric 100 form and contact relationships of the intrusion are largely inferred, but the intrusion appears to be a tabular sill-like body approximately 600 feet thick. A small abandoned quarry near the top of Twin Peaks exposes Cape Foulweather basalt characterized by an aphanitic tex- ture with scattered feldspar phenocrysts. Since the contact rela- tionships of the intrusion are obscured, there remains a possibility that the intrusion is a volcanic plug or dike. Other intrusions of Cape Foulweather Basalt occur one mile east of Tillamook Head and in Ecola State Park. A thin (less than 150 feet thick) Cape Foulweather Basalt sill, stratigraphically overlying the Depoe Bay Basalt Tillamook Head sill intruding Silver Point mud- stones, occurs in sections 4 and 5, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. A few, small, isolated, Cape Foulweather dikes crop out elsewhere in the thesis area (Plate I). At Ecola Point and the unnamed beach between Ecola Point and Bald Point in Ecola State Park, small dikes (less than 30 feet thick) and thin sills (less than 60 feet thick) of Cape Foulweather Basalt intrude both the interbedded lower Silver Point turbidite sandstones and mudstones and cut across intrusions of Depoe Bay Basalt. The sills consist of dense, finely crystalline basalt with sparse, scattered plagioclase phenocrysts and have well-developed columnar joints. They are locally brecciated near intrusive contacts with the host sedimentary rocks. Contacts are generally conformable with the 101 bedded mudstones, but they are discordant in places. Lithology and Petrology. Cape Foulweather sills are medium gray (N5) to medium dark gray (N4) in color and weather to a medium gray (N5) to light moderate brown (5YR5/6-5YR4/4). Cape Foulweather Basalts are characterized by ubiquitous, but sparse, scattered phenocrysts of plagioclase (up to 3 cm. in length and 1 cm. wide) in an aphanitic to finely crystalline, dark, dense basalt. Tex aurally, the basalt is vitrophyric, hyalopilitic, intersertal, or intergranular depending on the degree of crystallization. For example, some intrusions consist of up to 47% glass (Figure 35;). In thin section, crystalline Cape Foulweather Basalt is composed of scattered, large euhedral phenocrysts of labradorite (An62) and subophitic to ophitic clinopyroxenes, in a groundmass consisting of micro-crystalline labradorite (An56) laths and interstitial clino- and orthopyroxenes, (Figure 36) or dark, iron-rich, turbid basaltic glass (tachylyte) (Figure 35). The clinopyroxenes (augite and pigeonite) are commonly deuterically altered to chlorophaeite or hornblende. Rare corroded micro-phenocrysts of olivine are also present. Modal analyses of three Cape Foulweather Basalt samples from Twin Peak, a sill near Tillamook Head, and asmall sill at Ecola,State Park range from 35-41% calcic plagioclase, 2.7-36% pyroxene,. 10% opaques., (magnetite and ilmenite) 5-10% chlorophaeite, and 1-13% chlorite Figure Hyalopilitic texture in Cape Foulweather Basalt. phenocryst of andesine, microlites of plagioclase, and deuteric chlorophaeite (A) in a groundmass of opaque, iron-rich glass (tachylyte). (Plain light) Figure 36. Photomicrograph showing intergranular texture in Cape Foulweather Basalt. Large, faintly zoned labradorite phenocryst (albite twinned) occurs in a groundmass composed of plagioclase laths and interstitial pigeonite, augite, and magnetite. (C rossed nicols) 103 (also see Table 2). Rare olivine, orthoclase, hornblende, and an interstitial silicic residuum of intergrown feldspar and quartz are also present. In finely crystalline basaltic intrusives labradorite occurs both as phenocrysts (up to 3 cm in.length), comprising less than 1% of the rock, and as subhedral laths (1 mm to 3 mm in length). The phenocrysts are normally zoned and range from calcic andesine (An45) near the rims to labradorite (An62) in the crystal cores (Figure 36). The plagioclases are commonly partly replaced by sericite and zeo- lites. Plagioclases in the hyalopilitic Cape Foulweather Basalts are andesine (An31 -42) in composition. Pyroxenes include orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene varieties. Subhedral non-pleochroic orthopyroxene, probably enstatite or bronz- ite (2V>600) occurs mainly as small interstitial crystals in the groundmass, but also appears as micro-phenocrysts. The clino pyroxenes, augite (2V< 450) and pigeonite, are present both inter- stitially in the groundmass and as mic rophenoc rysts. Pyroxenes are partly deuterically altered to yellowish brown chlorophaeite or con- tain a surrounding reaction rim of hornblende or chlorite. Olivine forms a few micro-phenocrysts which are invariably altered to iddingsite around the crystal periphery. Magnetite occurs as anhedral crystals up to 2 mm in diameter and needles up to 3 mm long and 0. 25 mm wide. Near some intrusive contacts, the Cape Table 2.. Modal analyses of selected samples of Cape Foulweather Basalt. Cf-1 Cf-7 Cf -8 Plagioclase 41% 37% 35% Clinopyroxene 27% 4% 14% O rthopy roxene -- 2% -- Interstitial Pyroxene -- 30% -- Opaques 11% 11% -- 6% 10% 10%0 Chlorophaeite Hornblende tr -- 2% Silicic Residuum and Orthoclase tr -- 1% Chlorite -- 1% tr Olivine tr 3% tr Glass Sample locations are shown on Plate I. -- 47% 105 Foulweather Basalts are amygduloidal, containing small vesicles filled with white calcite, chalcedony, and/or zeolites. These mineralogical and textural characteristics of Cape Foulweather Basalt in the thesis area are very similar to those of the Cape Foulweather Basalt petrologic type defined by Snavely and others (1973) for the Oregon Coast Range. Extrusive Rocks Distribution and General Features. Extrusive Cape Foulweather Basalt occurs at Haystack Rock, a prominent sea stack near Cannon Beach. The sea stack consists of'200 feet of palagonitic pillow brec- cia resting unconformably, on laminated siltstones and mudstones. of the upper part of the Silver Poi-nt member. These breccias are associated with small irregular Cape Foulweather dikes that form a series of smaller stacks, known as the Needles, around Haystack Rock. Lithology and Petrology. The basaltic breccias consist of isolated and closely packed brecciated` pillow lavas. composed of Breccias are lapilli-sized, angular, dark pillow fragments well- cemented by a yellowish brown palag.onitic matrix. Pillow fragments are dark basaltic glass of aphanitic basalt with scattered large phenocrysts of yellowish plagioclase that typify Cape Foulweather Basalt. Several southwest striking brecciated Cape Foulweather 106 feeder dikes intrude the underlying Silver Point sedimentary beds and continued upward through the breccia that form the sea stack. The dikes become increasingly brecciated and irregular upward until they merge with the extrusive breccia and lose their identity; this suggests that the stack is an eroded remnant of a small volcanic center on the Miocene Sea Floor. Fresh surfaces of the breccia are greenish black (5GYZ/1) and dark gray (N3) but rapidly weather to dark yellowish orange (10YR 8/6) after exposure. Pillows are elliptical in shape and range from one to two feet in diameter. Chilled black tachylyte borders on the pillows are up to one inch thick. In thin section, breccia framework clasts are composed of lapilli-sized angular basaltic glass and less common aphanitic basalt fragments in an indurated fine ash-sized matrix of fragments and slivers of palagonitized basaltic glass. The margins of the lapillisized glass fragments are altered to a golden brown clay which may be either saponite or chlorophaeite, both of which are common alteration products of basaltic glass. Finely disseminated chlorophaeite or saponite also infills small fractures in the breccias. A hyalopilitic texture of scattered euhedral labradorite phenocrysts, randomly oriented microlites of andesine-labradorite and slender prisms of augite suspended in a brown, turbid, basaltic glass (tachylyte) characterizes the basaltic glass fragments. Samples of 107 Cape Foulweather Basalts average 35% labradorite,.45% glass, 7% augite, and 10% clay. Calcite, chalcedony, and euhedral zeolite clinoptilolite crystals are locally present as small cavity fillings between breccia fragments. Contact Relations. Cape Foulweather pillow breccias, the youngest Tertiary unit in the area, lie with angular unconformity ,over the upper Silver .Point mudstones at Haystack Rock. The contact is well-exposed and accessible during low tide. An unconformity is suggested by three lines of evidence. 1) Thinly interbedded sandstones and mudstones of the Silver Point member dip 180 to 400 southwest and are trucated by almost horizontal, overlying Cape Foulweather breccias and pillow flows. 2) Foraminifera collected at Haystack Rock in the Silver Point strata 20 feet below the contact with the Cape Foulweather breccias were identified by Weldon Rau (written commun., .1974) as early Saucesian Stage (early to middle Miocene). The Cape Foulweather Basalt in the Oregon Coast Range is late-middle Miocene in age 0 (Snavely and others, 1973) and is associated with Relizian Stage microfauna. Possible Relizian Foraminifera have been also identified in the Silver Point mudstones at Ecola State Park. The: lack of possible Relizian Silver Point strata at Haystack Rock suggests some period of erosion or non-deposition. 108 3) Absence-of the areally extensive. older,. 1000-foot thick Depoe Bay basaltic breccias between the younger Cape Foulweather basaltic breccia and the underlying Silver Point mudstones also suggests the presence of an unconformity. However, the absence of Depoe Bay breccias between Cape Foulweather basalt flows and, Silver Point strata may be due to the local nature of Depoe Bay breccia accumulation around vents on the sea floor. The Depoe Bay breccia and the Silver Point mudstone contact occurs several hundred feet above sea level in the map area whereas the contact between the Cape Foulweather breccia and the Silver Point member is at sea level. The elevation differences of the upper Silver .Point contact with the overlying lavas suggest that significant erosional relief was developed on the Silver -Point mudstones prior to the eruption of the basalts, perhaps by mid-Miocene uplift, subaerial erosion, and late subsidence,. or possibly by formation of a very irregular sea floor topography (e. g. Submarine canyons). A third possibility is that post mid-Miocene faulting during the general coast range uplift produced the differences in elevations now observed. Chemistry Whole-rock chemical analyses of three different intrusive and extrusive samples plotted on silica variation diagrams (Figure 34) further confirm field and petrographic identifications of Cape 109 Foulweather Basalts. The analyses fall within the chemical compositional ranges of the Cape Foulweather Basalts along the Oregon coast determined by Snavely and others (1973). The samples are from Haystack Rock breccia, the sill capping Twin Peaks, and a thin sill two miles east of Tillamook Head (see sample locations Appendix X and on Plate I). Snavely and others (1973) also chemically analyzed a Cape Foulweather Basalt sill exposed on the unnamed beach between Bald Point and Ecola Point in Ecola State Park (see analysis in Appendix X and plotted on Figure 34). Major metal oxides in the Cape Foulweather Basalt samples range f rom 50-53% SiO2, . 13% A1203, 14-15% total iron, 9% C aO, and 4% total alkalies (K20 and Na2O). The Cape Foulweather Basalt samples are characterized by a lower Si02 content but higher TiO 2 and total iron content than in Depoe Bay Basalt samples from the thesis area (see table in Appendix X). These trends were also noted by Snavely and others (1973) for the Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather Basalts elsewhere in the Oregon Coast Range. Metal oxides plotted on Kuno's (1968) alkali-silica and alkali -alumina- silica diagrams and mineralogic and petrographic evidence, indicate that the Cape Foulweather Basalts, as well as the Depoe Bay Basalts, are tho- leiitic in composition, suggesting a derivation from oceanic crust. 110 Age and Correlation Cape Foulweather Basalt lies with angularunconformity over the Miocene Silver Point member at Haystack Rock near Cannon Beach. Foraminiferal assemblages from interbedded mudstones and sandstones, immediately below the unconformity are lower Saucesian in age (Rau, written communo , 1974), suggesting that the overlying Cape Foulweather breccias are middle Miocene_ or younger. Thin Cape Foulweather Basalt sills and dikes intrude dikes and sills of Depoe Bay Basalt and the lower Silver Point member in seacliff exposures near Ecola Point and Indian Beach'in Ecola State Park. This relationship suggests the Cape Foulweather Basalts are younger than middle Miocene Depoe Bay Basalts. Quaternary Deposits Unconsolidated Quaternary deposits in the map area are sub- divided into beach deposits., marine terraces, river alluvium, and landslide deposits. Beach Deposits Beach deposits include beach and dune sands composed of very well-sorted, fine-grained, subangular to rounded, and quartzofeldspathic sand. Quartz, feldspars, basalt rock fragments, hypersthene, mica, zircon, magnetite and hematite, ilmenite and leucoxene are the primary, constituents. Less abundant minerals include green and brown hornblende, apatite, clinopyroxenes . (? ) and tourmaline (Appendix VIII). The extensive-, straight coastal strip of beach and dune sands forming the western boundary of the thesis area is disrupted only at Tillamook Head by resistant basaltic head- lands (Plate I). Isolated pockets of beach sand occur in the irregular headlands. Due to differences in wave energy and intensity, beach cover along the coast changes seasonally from thick sand summer beaches to winter beaches composed dominantly, of flat, rounded, basaltic cobbles and gravels.. A 40-foot high grass covered sand dune, associated with a beach immediately north of Cannon Beach, stretches from Chapman point to the mouth of Elk Creek (elate I). Marine Terraces Pleistocene marine terraces, occur as much as 30 feet above sea level at south Cannon Beach and the southern part of Tolovana Park. These terraces form nearly horizontal surfaces up to one-half mile wide and one mile long (Plate I). The deposits consist of bedded dark gray clays and silts, interbedded with fine-grained, well-sorted, beach sands containing carbonized wood fragments, isolated pebbles, and rare lenses of flat, rounded basaltic cobbles and pebbles. 112 Five to fifteen feet high beach berms of basaltic terrace gravels formed by recent severe winter storm waves are common along the upper parts of many beaches. Beach berms seen at Indian Beach and along the northern part of Tillamook Head consist of interstratified layers of sorted and rounded basaltic gravels (cobbles, boulders, and pebbles) with intervening silty muds and tree trunks. An impressive 40-foot high deposit of storm berm gravels composed of rounded six-foot basaltic boulders and cobbles occurs in the cove between West Point and the nose of Tillamook Head (Plate I). Wave, energy is funneled by refraction into the cove, producing breakers as much as 30 feet high. Severe winter storms on Tillamook Head commonly reach gale force winds and are reported to produce extremely large waves. For example, the beacon at the 139 -foot level of Tillamook lighthouse, located on a sea stack one mile west of Tillamook Head, has been broken several times from basaltic cobbles thrown by severe winter storm waves (Niem and others, 1973). River Alluvium Flood plain alluvium (10 to 20 feet thick) is exposed along the lower reaches of Elk Creek and the Necanicum River (Plate I). The alluvium consists of very poorly sorted, indistinctly bedded, basalt gravels and interbeds and lenses of poorly sorted sand, massive stilts:, and gray, muds. A linear ridge of basalt gravels extends northward 113 from Tillamook Head, molded by longshore drift. The gravel is overlain by five feet of sand along the beach and by ten feet of alluvial silts and clays near the Necanicum River. Apparently the longshore growth of the elongate gravel terrace has diverted the mouth of the Necanicum River one-half mile to the north (Schlicker and others, 1972). Dark gray (N3) tidal flat muds and carbonaceous, estuarine muds and silts with woody debris interfinger with river alluvium in the lower reaches of the Necanicum River near Seaside. Landslide Deposits Landslide deposits along the coast consist of unconsolidated, very poorly sorted., chaotic masses of rubble. The rubble is composed of blocks of weathered mudstone-, sandstone,, and intrusive basalt boulders suspended in a medium gray, sheared mud matrix. Slides are particularly abundant in Ecola State Park (Plate I and Figure 37). Recent movements on landslides are recognizable by the tilt of live trees in different directions, and cracks and displacements of pavement and other man-made structures. Outlines of four older coastal landslides were delineated on aerial photos and in the field by recog- nition of a series of scarps and by low, hummocky, poorly drained topography surrounded by steeper, resistant hills. Geologic mapping suggests that landslides result from undercutting by winter storm waves of steep coastal hills composed of seaward dipping, deeply 1.14 weathered, lower Silver Point mudstones and sandstones. The deeply weathered mudstones have a very low shear strength com- pared to the basaltic rocks (Schlicker and others, 1972). As a re sult, basalt headlands are generally resistant to landslide movement. Limited field and historical data suggests that slide movements are most common in the winter and spring during and soon after prolonged periods of precipitation. Presumably, the infiltration of heavy rainfall along slump scarps and fractures increases the-weight of the upper landslide slopes and may lubricate planes of weakness in the bedrock where movement has occurred before.. The Silver Point mudstones also contain abundant expandable montmorillonite clays which characteristically will absorb ground water -into their crystal structure, thus increasing the weight of the slide. A well documented coastal landslide undercut by wave erosion occurred in Ecola State Park during February, 1961 (Schlicker and others, 1961). The one-half mile long slide virtually destroyed the parking lot and picnic facilities. The toe of the landslide extended 100 feet into the wave zone, and a forty-foot vertical displacement occurred along the scarp at the head of the slide over several days. The total scarp height is eighty feet; suggesting that the landslide also had moved prior to 1961. No new activity on this slide was recognized in the field. 115 However, during February and March of 1974, renewed move- ment occurred along another landslide at Crescent Beach south of Ecola Point. The one-quarter mile -long slide (the result of active undercutting by winter storm waves) destroyed the lower section of the Crescent Beach trail and displaced the Ecola State Park road several feet. The southern part of Ecola State Park along the beach is characterized by numerous old scarps and small active landslides (Plate I). Due to the continuous dynamic nature of wave erosion by winter storms, and the general ins-tability of the deeply weathered Silver Point strata, additional movement along existing coastal scarps is to be expected in the future. It is suggested that the ,landslide outlines on Plate I be used in a general way by land planners as a guide to sites where further construction should be avoided. Extensive areas of landslide breccias occur in the central and eastern parts of the thesis area (Plate I and Figure 37). These slides produce chaotic masses of blocks and weathered boulders of basaltic breccias and medium gray mudstones in a mud matrix. When these deposits bec-ome further iron-stained by, oxidation of breccias during weathering, and covered with a dense forest and undergrowth, they are difficult to distinguish from in-place breccia (Figure 31); thus, the contacts between these two units shown on the geologic map (Plate I) are approximate. The presence of tree limbs, 116 roots, and other organic debris in the deposits and hummo:cky topography are useful in distinguishing recent landslide breccias from in-place breccia flows. These landslides are caused in part by slope and stream erosion undercutting the less resistant Silver Point mudstones and Oswald West mudstones which underlie and support the topographically higher, more resistant basaltic volcanic breccias. 117 SIZE ANALYSES No sieve analyses were performed on samples of Oswald West sandstones because of the difficulty in disaggregating these tightly cemented., very fine grained sandstones. Grain sizes of these sandstones were determined in thin section by using a calibrated scale inscribed on an eyepiece. Matrix percentages were estimated from modal analyses. Sieving and pipette grain size analyses were per- formed on several disaggregated samples of Angora Peak and Silver Point sandstones. Angora Peak sandstones average 85% sand, 11% silt, and 4% clay by weight. Silver Point sandstones are composed of 76% sand,. 19% silt, and 5% clay. When plotted on Folk's (1954) ternary diagrams (sand, silt, and clay), these sandstones are silty sands. Folk and Ward's (1957) statistical size parameters were calculated from graphical plots of cumulative weight percent versus .grain size. The statistical data are presented in Appendix VII and summarized in Table 3. In general, Angora Peak sandstones are coarser grained than Silver Point sandstones. The median grain size of the Angora Peak sandstones is medium sand (1. 9'). The mean is fine sand (2.. 27$), whereas mean grain sizes for. Silver Point turbidite sandstones of Ecola State Park range from 3.53$ to 3.60$ (very fine sand). The median grain size is also very fine sand (3-. 40$). The 118 most common sandstone in the measured section of Silver Point mud- stone (Appendix I) is also very fine-grained. Quaternary marine terrace sands south of Tolovana.Park have a median grain size of fine sand (2. 500) and a mean of fine sand (2. 480). Table 3. Summary of size parameters. Angora Peak Silver .Point Quaternary sandstone sandstone sands Mean=t 2.27 3.57 2..48 Sorting* 1.70 1.53 0.30 Skewness +0.49 +0.30 -0.02 ""Folk and Ward's (1957) size parameters in phi (0). Standard deviation (sorting) and skewness values were also calculated for these sandstone grain size distributions and interpreted according to the terminology and phi limits defined by Folk and Ward (1957). Angora Peak sandstones are poorly sorted (1. 700') and are positively skewed (+0.4901) (enriched in coarse grains), suggesting that the fine clay and silt fraction was partially removed by winnowing during transportation by currents and waves. As mentioned in the petrology section, much of the Angora Peak sandstone matrix is diagenetic. Thus, when the Angora Peak sands were originally de- posited, they were probably much better sorted and more positively skewed. The Silver Point turbidite sandstones are slightly better 119 sorted (1.430 to 1.630) and less positively skewed (+0. 300) than the Angora Peak sandstones. These lower skewness values reflect the greater abundance of detrital clay- and silt-sized matrix in the Silver Point sandstones which is typical of turbidite deposition. Beach and dune sands from the Quaternary marine terraces are very well sorted (0. 300) indicating prolonged wave abrasion and winnowing. They are almost normally distributed or very slightly skewed (-0.020) (enriched in fine grains). These statistical size parameters (mean, median, skewness, kurtosis, etc.) were plotted on Friedman's (1962) binary graphs and Passega's (1957) chart (see Appendix VII) to aid in the interpretations of their probable depositional environments. Diagenetic alteration of volcanic rock fragments, ferromagnesian minerals, and feldspars to a secondary clay matrix in the Angora Peak sandstone samples may have strongly affected the interpretative value of these graphical plots about the original depositional environments. Angora Peak statistical size data plotted on Friedman! s graphs,indicate deposition by tractive currents (see Appendix VII); plotted on Passega's chart, they suggest deposition by rivers or tractive currents with maximum turbulence at the bottom of the current (see Appendix VII). Thus, the sorting and enrichment of coarser sediments in the Angora Peak sandstones probably are originally the result of rapid transportation in the bed load of a river. 120 Statistical size data of Silver Point turbidite sandstones also plotted on Friedman's graphs indicate tractive current deposition for these sediments (see Appendix VII). On Passega's chart, these detrital clay-rich sandstones plot closest to the range which indicates deposition from turbidity currents (see Appendix VII). These results further support a turbidite origin hypothesized from field observations. Presumably, rapid deposition from dense, muddy turbidity currents precludes size separation of fine clays and silts from the sand size detritus. The well sorted, fine-grained Quaternary marine terrace sands were deposited in the surf and wind environments according to sta- tistical data plots on Friedman's graphs (see Appendix VII). The plot is also well within the confines of the beach environment on Passega's chart. The well sorted and rounded character of these Quaternary sands and their proximity to the Pacific Ocean also suggest that deposition occurred in a high energy beach environment. 121 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY Folds Four northeast -trending folds involve the Oswald West mud- stones, Angora Peak sandstones, and Depoe Bay basaltic breccia in the central and eastern part of the thesis area (Plate I and Figure 37). The folds were discerned by consistent patterns of dip reversals in sedimentary strata over large areas and by outcrop patterns. The location of fold axes on the geologic map (Plate I) and Figure 37 are approximate due to thick soil and forest cover and incomplete rock exposures. The broad, open folds appear to be symmetrical (the limbs dip from 100 to 300). The westernmost anticline in sections 19 and 30, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. near the junction of the north and south forks of the Necanicum River is, however, asymmetrical with the steeper western limb dipping 450. The steep dip may be the result of drag by an adjacent north-south striking fault that roughly parallels the lower stretch of the south fork of the Necanicum River (Plate I and Figure 37). Neither this anticlinal fold axis nor the adjacent fault and nearby synclinal axis can be traced more than four miles due to extensive cover by breccia landslide deposits to the south and river alluvium to the north. The easternmost anticline plunges northward based on out- crop patterns. D Fault Syncline Anticline Landslide scarp Landslide colluvium (blocks of breccia) D g Cannon Beach Figure 37. Structural map of the Tillamook Head-Necanicum Junction area. 123 The westernmost syncline near,Elk Creek-continues for several miles south of the thesis area. Smith (1975) mapped this northward plunging syncline as a major structure based on outcrop patterns and persistent reversals in dips. The nose of the syncline is exposed in the Neahkahnie-Angora Peak area mapped by Cressy (1974). Based on dips, this fold continues for approximately one mile into the southern part of this map area (section 35, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. ). Synsedimentary Folds Intensely deformed lower Silver Point turbidite sandstones and mudstones locally occur in association with basalt sills and dikes along the coast from Indian Beach south to Crescent Beach in the southern part of Ecola State Park. Disharmonic chevron folds are well-exposed along Crescent Beach trail (Figure 38). Spectacular isoclinal anticlines and synclines with amplitudes up to 100 feet form the sea cliffs at Ecola Point (Figure 39). Areas containing these highly deformed folds are shown on the geologic map (Plate I) as zones of contorted strata. These synsedimentary folds reflect a severe degree of deformation which is atypical of the broad regional struc- tural setting of the Oregon Coast Range. The genetic relationship of the folds to the basaltic intrusions is well displayed at Indian Beach and Ecola :Point (Figure 39) where sedimentary folds appear to be "squeezed'' or incorporated between Figure 38. Synsedimentary chevron folds of well-bedded turbidite sandstones and mudstones of the lower Silver Point member. Fold is associated with an underlying basalt sill (bs). (North end of Crescent Beach, Ecola State Park). .'. Figure 39. Isoclinal syncline in Silver Point strata at Ecola Point in Ecola State Park. These strata were squeezed between apophyses of intrusive basalt (bs) (lower left and lower right). 126 apophyses of the upper part of the Tillamook Head still. All the in- tensely folded sedimentary strata are in close spatial proximity to Depoe Bay intrusions; strata a few hundred feet above the intrusions exhibit little or no deformation. Blocks of lower Silver .Point strata several feet in diameter are also incorporated in the upper part of the basalt sills. The laminated strata are microfaulted and contorted, suggesting the strata were semi-consolidated and plastically deformed when engulfed by the intrusion. The upper parts of many sills and apophyses also are locally brecciated and altered in zones up to 25 feet thick near contacts with the deformed sedimentary rocks indicating the basalt was fragmented due to steam blasting when hot mag- mas came in contact with water-saturated sediments. A middle Miocene (16.0 + 0. 3 m. y.) age has been radiomet- rically determined by Potassium-Argon dating methods for the Tillamook Head sill in Ecola State Park (Niem and Cressy, 1973). The Silver Point member which is intruded by these basalts is also middle Miocene (late Saucesian) in age based on Foraminifera recovered from these deformed strata (Rau, personal commun.. , 1974). This close proximity, of ages for the two units strongly suggests that the intrusions occurred soon after deposition of the sediment and prior to complete lithification of the sediments. The sills and dikes ap- parently intruded these strata at extremely shallow depths because related submarine basaltic breccias occur only several hundred 127 stratigraphic feet above these dikes and sills. From the field and age relationships, it is concluded that the severely deformed Silver Point strata in Ecola State Park were produced by thick sills, dikes, and apophyses forcefully intruding and displacing a veneer of semi -consolidated, water- saturated sediments at extremely shallow depths. The resultant steam blasting and rapid quenching of hot magma brecciated the upper parts of the intrusives, and incorporated blocks of semi-consolidated mudstones. Niem (1974) proposed a similar origin for these folds. Faults High angle normal and reverse faults with displacements ranging from a few feet to ten feet are exposed throughout the thesis area. Five major high angle faults with displacements up to several hundred feet are delineated on Figure 37 and Plate I. One fault strikes eastwest near West Point on northern Tillamook Head. The largest fault trends northwest and parallels the lower Necanicum River. Two smaller faults criss-cross U. S. Highway 101. A fifth small fault strikes north and parallels the lower reach of the south fork of the Necanicum River. Faults are probably more prevalent than shown in Figure 37 and Plate I but are hidden by thick soil, landslides, and dense forest cover. 128 The east-west, nearly vertical fault near West Point on the northern part of Tillamook Head has a minimum displacement of 200 feet. Oswald West mudstones (?) in the north block are faulted against the Tillamook Head Depoe Bay sill and Silver Point member in the The sharp fault contact and sill displacement can be south block. readily observed on the seacliff at West Point. The inclusion of bedded and burrowed mudstones (in the northern block) within the Oswald West mudstones is, however, only based on lithologic simi- larities to the typeOswald West mudstones exposed at Short Sands beach, and the identification of a few poorly preserved Oligocene (?) Foraminif era (Rau, personal commun. , 1974). These strata may actually be part of the lithologically similar upper part of the Silver Point member, in which case, the relationship observed at West Point would become a disconformable contact of an apophyses.of the Tillamook Head sill. The straight nature of the Necanicum stream valley and the vertical offset of strata on opposite sides of the river suggest the presence of a major six mile long fault covered by stream alluvium. Due to the inferred nature of the fault, it is shown on the geologic map (Plate I) and Figure 37 as a dashed line. Taking the dip of the sill into account, a minimum of 300 feet displacement on this fault is suggested by comparison of the altitudes of the upper contact of the Tillamook Head sill in two quarries (SW1/4 SW 1/4 of section 10, and 129 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 of section 11, T. 5 N. R. 10 W. ) on opposite sides of the Necanicum River. At the southern end of a 100-foot high, one-half mile long cut along both sides of U. S. 101 in the SW 1/4 of section 17, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W.., there are exposed two, small, intersecting normal faults which have displaced 50 to 100 feet of Silver Point mudstones against the thick columnar jointed Tillamook Head sill. They are not trace- able very far due to cover and vegetation. The two faults strike north and northwest, respectively. The north-south trending fault that parallels the south fork of the Necanicum River in sections 19 and 30 of T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. , occurs on the western limb of a small anticline (Figure 37). The fault downdropped middle Miocene Silver Point mudstones found on the west side of the narrow river against bedded Oligocene Oswald West mud- stones and siltstones on the east side. 130 GEOLOGIC HISTORY Transport Directions No paleocurrent dispersal patterns or paleoslopes were determined for the Oswald West mudstones in the thesis area due to a ,lack of current-formed sedimentary structures. Extensive bioturbation in the interbedded siltstones and mudstones has obliterated any current formed primary sedimentary structures. Cressy (1974) determined a paleoslope and paleocurrent direction to the south or southwest for micro-cross laminated, tuffaceous Oswald West silt- stones exposed six miles south of the thesis area. A few planar crossbeds in limited exposures of the Angora Peak sandstones indi- cate a generally westward sediment dispersal pattern. This trend corresponds with the findings of Cressy (1974) and Smith (1975) who determined dispersal patterns from the east to the southwest, west, and northwest for the Angora Peak sandstones. A total of 38 paleocurrent directions in the Silver Point sand stones were determined from micro-cross laminations, flutes and grooves along the unnamed beach immediately south of Indian Beach in Ecola State Park (in lower Silver Point turbidite sandstones) and at Haystack Rock south of Cannon Beach (in upper Silver Point sandstones). Measurements were rotated on a stereonet to correct for tectonic distortion of the bedding. The two locations show a 131 sandstone dispersal pattern from east to west in lower Silver Point turbidite sandstones, and from east to west-southwest in upper-Silver Point sandstones (Figure 40). The cumulative mean paleocurrent direction is west-southwest (260 + 360). The individual means are 2620 at Ecola State Park and 2580 at Haystack Rock. The standard deviation of the grand mean is 360,.. suggesting only a small dis- persion or fluctuation from the westward mean. The distribution at Haystack Rock is distinctively bimodal with major directions to the west and northwest. The northwest paleocurrent direction re- flects a source from the southeast, possibly the Angora Peak sand delta described at Angora Peak by Cressy (1974) as these turbidite sandstones have the same general heavy mineral suite and mineralogy as do the Angora Peak sandstones. The west - southwest dispersal pattern indicates different sources from the east or northeast, perhaps reflecting meandering distributary channels on lobes of the Angora Peak sandstone delta. Provenance Most of the detritus for Oswald West mudstones, the Angora Peak sandstones, and the Silver Point mudstones was probably derived from local highs in the ancestral Coast Range and from the western Cascades. However-, heavy mineral analyses and petrographic examinations also indicate that small quantities of sediment 132 3s U P-1 25 8 Standard deviation = 61° Grand mean cumulative rose 0 1 2 I Miles Figure 40. Rose diagrams of paleocurrent measurements from the Silver Point sandstones and siltstones. Number of measurements and mean azimuth directions (arrows) are given with roses. J33 were derived from acid plutonic and metamorphic terrains of northcentral Washington, eastern Oregon, southeastern British Columbia., and Idaho (see modal and heavy mineral analyses, Appendices VI and VII). Intermediate and basic volcanic rock fragments occur in the coarse glauconitic sandstones in the Oligocene Oswald West mudstones. The rock fragments are generally very altered. Discernible igneous textures (e. g. intersertal and pilotaxitic) are typical of basalts, diabases, and andesite lava flows. The majority of rock fragments are basalt and some contain partly altered augite pheno- crysts. These fragments were probably derived from nearby Eocene Siletz River and Tillamook Volcanic highlands. Snavely and Wagner (1963) envisioned local structural highs of folded Eocene rocks east and southeast of the thesis area on their paleographic map for the Oligocene epoch of western Oregon and Washington. Andesitic rock fragments may have been derived from the Eocene-Oligocene Little Butte Volcanics of the "ancestral" western Cascades. Contemporaneous volcanic activity in the Cascades is suggested by intercalated one-to three-inch thick tuff and pumice beds in the Oswald West mudstones. The heavy minerals hypersthene, zircon, green hornblende, and augite also reflect sediment contribution from these basaltic and andesitic volcanic provenances. Angular grains of garnet, muscovite, 134 microc.line, orthoclase, and tourmaline suggest some detritus was derived from metamorphic (e. g.. gneisses and schists) and acid plu- tonic sources (e. g. granodiorite and granite) of eastern Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. The heavy mineral suite from the Oswald West mudstones is similar to the suite described by Van Atta (1971) from the partly coeval late Oligocene Scappoose Formation of the northeastern Coast Range. Van Atta hypothesized from Scappoose sandstone mineralogy that an ancestral Columbia River which drained the ancestral volcanic Cascades and the metamorphic and plutonic terrains of eastern Oregon, Washington, and Idaho deposited the sediments that now form the Scappoose Formation. The similarity of the heavy mineral suites suggests that the Oswald West mudstones may represent in part a deeper water or prodelta facies of the Scappoose delta. Cressy (1974) made similar hypotheses for the type Oswald West mudstones in the Angora Peak - Neahkanie Mountain area 10 miles to the south. Rock fragments and heavy mineral suites of both the Angora Peak sandstone and Silver Point mudstone members are very similar. Therefore, their source areas were probably very similar. Rock fragments common in both members are overwhelmingly intermediate and basic volcanic, but some metamorphic and sedimentary fragments occur (see comparative modal analyses, Appendix VI). The domi- nance of basalt lava clasts in the Angora.Peak sandstones reflects the 135 continuation in middle Miocene of the supply of large amounts of detritus from local uplifted highlands of Tillamook and Siletz River Volcanics to the east and southeast. Andesite, dacite, pumice and tuff fragments were probably, derived from erosion of freshly erupted pyroclastics and the Little Butte Volcanic lava flows in the "ancestral" western Cascades. The heavy mineral suites in the Angora Peak and Silver Point sandstones contain abundant euhedral hypersthene, augite, zircon, basaltic (lamprobolite) and green hornblende suggesting an andesitic and dacitic source. The probable provenance, the Oligocene-early Miocene Little Butte Volcanics, contains abundant hypersthene and green hornblende phenocrysts in andesite flows, augite and, lamprobolite in flows of olivine basalt and basaltic ande- site, and tuff beds (Peck and others, 1964). Euhedral augite and zircon could also have been supplied by erosion of the Eocene Colestin Formation, predominantly augite-rich andesite flows, which stratigraphically underlies the Little Butte Volcanics (Peck and others, 1964). Rarer grains of garnet (grossularite), epidote, muscovite, chlorite, biotite, orthoclase and strained quartz, and metamorphic quartzite and schist fragments indicate some contribution from a low- grade metamorphic terrain. There are no metamorphic source rocks known in the Oregon Coast Range or the nearby Cascades thereby presenting an enigma as to the origin of these minerals and rock 136 fragments. In addition, the heavy minerals euhedral, dark gray tourmaline, zircon, rutile, muscovite, biotite, monazite, microcline, and orthoclase strongly suggest minor contribution of detritus from an acid igneous source such as granodiorites or diorites. The present day Columbia River and its tributaries drain granitic, volcanic, and sedimentary areas which conceivably could have supplied the same kind of detritus in the past. Plutonic and metamorphic minerals and rock fragments could have been transported from the extensive granodiorites and pre-Tertiary metamorphic rocks (schist, marble, quartzite, and metasediments) in north-central Washington and southeastern British Columbia during the middle Miocene (Snavely and Wagner, 1964). Granodiorite intrusions and metamorphic rocks in eastern Oregon, rocks of the Precambrian Belt series in Idaho, and the Idaho Batholith recognized by Ross and Forrester (1947) and Huntting and others (1961) also could have acted as source areas for these sandstones. Metamorphic rock fragments and associated heavy minerals could also have been contributed from the Klamath Mountains and granitic minerals from the small granodiorite plutons in the western Cascades (Wells and Peck, 1961). Very rare sedimentary quartzite clasts, detrital quartz grains . with overgrowths, and rounded zircon grains in Silver Point and Angora Peak sandstones suggest a recycled origin from orthoquartz- ites and supermature siliceous quartz sandstones. The Snake River, 137 a tributary of the Columbia River, drains a sedimentary terrain in Idaho containing sedimentary quartzites and supermature quartz sandstones (Ross and Forrester, 1947). The modern Columbia River also drains Cambrian quartzites and Paleozoic strata (quartzites, quartz sandstones, and shales) in north-central Washington (Huntting and others, 1961). The absence of sedimentary quartzites and supermature quartz sandstones in the Oregon and Washington Cascades, Coast Range, and Klamath Mountains necessitates an appeal to Paleozoic sedimentary rocks of eastern Oregon and Washington, and Idaho as source areas. Therefore, the sandstone mineralogy suggests that a drainage system similar to the present day Columbia River supplied the variety of minerals and rock fragments that occur in the Angora Peak and Silver Point members of the Astoria Formation as well as in. the Oswald West Formation. The east to west paleocurrent dispersal pattern in the Angora Peak and Silver Point sandstones is consistent with an ancestral Columbia River system. Cressy (1974) and Smith (1975) reached similar conclusions from the mineralogy of Angora Peak sandstones in the Angora Peak-Onion Peak areas immediately to the south. They also located fluvial conglomerates (within the sandstone member) consisting of well rounded exotic basalt and rarer granodiorite, andesite, quartzite, and gneiss pebbles and boulders. 138 Perhaps these conglomerates formed in a channel of this river system. Heavy minerals in the Quaternary marine terrace sands consist of varying amounts of hypersthene, clinopyroxenes, opaques, biotite, and green hornblende. All mineral grains could have been supplied by longshore drift from the modern Columbia River and/or by Coast Range rivers draining the Eocene Tillamook Volcanics, middle Miocene Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather basalts, and Eocene to Miocene sedimentary strata. Summary and Conclusions Five mappable Tertiary rock units occur in the thesis area. From oldest to youngest, these units are the Oswald West mudstones, the Angora Peak sandstone and Silver Point mudstone members of the Astoria Formation, and intrusive and extrusive Depoe Bay and Cape Foulweather Basalts. In addition,, Quaternary deposits con- sisting of marine terraces, landslides, beaches, and stream alluvium also occur in the thesis area. Late Eocene to early Miocene Oswald West mudstones consist of more than 2, 000 feet of medium gray, deep marine mudstone interstratified with thin to thick beds of light gray tuffaceous siltstones, rare tuff beds, and glauconitic sandstones. This abundant tuffaceous material indicates extensive contemporaneous acidic volcanism in the .139 ancestral Cascade Mountains during Oswald West mudstone deposition. Volcanic rock fragments and heavy mineral suites suggest that the Oswald West coarse clastics were dominantly derived from nearby Coast Range Eocene basalt highlands and from andesitic and dacitic lavas of the "ancestral" western Cascades. Open marine, .low energy reducing conditions in outer shelf and slope depositional environ- ments are implied by the dominance of organic rich mudstone, silt- stone, and glauconite lithologies, lack of current formed structures, pyrite, and molluscan, foraminiferal, and trace fossils. Based on similar ages, mineralogy, and stratigraphic position, itis postulated that the Oswald West mudstones are in part a prodeltaic or deeper water facies of the late Oligocene coeval deltaic Scappoose Formation of the northeastern Oregon Coast Range. During early to middle Miocene time, the Oswald West mudstones were uplifted.. This shallowing of the depositional basin is reflected in the geologic record by the deposition of the shallow water marine Angora Peak sandstones immediately overlying burrowed, deep-water Oswald West mudstones. An unconformable relationship between the two units has been postulated in the nearby Angora Peak area by Cressy (1974). The middle Miocene Astoria Formation consists of two informal members, the Angora Peak sandstones and the overlying Silver Point mudstones. The exposed Angora Peak sandstones consist of volcanic 140 wackes and arkosic sandstones. Moderate sorting (disregarding diagenetic matrix), laminations, and cross laminations in the sandstones are suggestive of shallow marine deposition (e. g. middle to inner shelf and/or beach). The overlying 600-foot thick Silver Point mudstones are composed predominantly of well bedded dark gray, micaceou's mudstones and thin light gray siltstones. Thin, carbona- ceous, feldspathic, turbidite sandstones are rhythmically inter bedded with the mudstones in the lower part of the Silver Point member. Foraminifera and molluscan fossils indicate the Silver Point mudstones were deposited in sub-littoral to outer shelf depths (600-1, 000 feet). In the Angora Peak area, Cressy (1974) interpreted the Angora Peak sandstone as forming in a deltaic environment based on the occurrence of 1, 000 feet of interfingering coal beds, fluvial channel conglomerates and sandstones with laminated shallow marine fossili- ferous sandstones. Assuming that vigorous coastal processes during the middle Miocene were similar to those operating today along the Oregon Coast, it is hypothesized that the shallow marine delta front sheet sands were transported in part northeast by longshore drift to form coastal bars and chenier plains like in the Mississippi delta today. The sedimentary structures, sorting, limited distribution and thickness (less than 100 feet) of the Angora Peak sandstones in the thesis area suggest that the unit exposed here probably represents 141 these redistributed sands transported north of the main body of the subaerial delta described by Cressy (1974). The Silver Point turbidite sandstones and deep water burrowed mudstones in the area which may interfinger with Angora Peak sandstones are interpreted as prodelta sediments derived from the prograding Angora Peak delta and barrier bar complex. The upper Silver Point mudstones represent an outer shelf depositional environment that eventually transgressed over the rapidly subsiding Angora Peak delta.. Paleocurrent measurements in lower Silver Point turbidites indicate a sediment dispersal pattern from the east to the west which is consistent with the prodelta hypothesis. Sandstone composition and heavy mineral assemblages suggest that most of the Angora Peak and Silver Point strata were derived from erosion of local Coast Range Eocene basaltic highs and from Oligocene to early Miocene andesite flows and dacitic tuffs of an ancestral western Cascades. In addition, small quantities of "exotic" mineral and rock clasts were derived from granitic plutons, schists, gneisses, quartzites, and supermature Paleozoic quartz sandstones of southeastern British Columbia, eastern Washington and Oregon, and Idaho. A river drainage system similar to the modern Columbia River probably existed in the middle Miocene based on the mineralogic composition of these members of the Astoria Formation. 142 Based on similar lithologies, mineralogies, textures, dispersal patterns, and spatial relationshups, it is hypothesized that the sediments which formed the middle Miocene Astoria Formation and the late Oligocene to early Miocene Scappoose Formation were trans- ported by the same ancestral "Columbia River" drainage system and that the mouth of this river prograded during early Miocene from the location of the Scappoose Formation in the northeast Coast Range 40 miles westward to deposit the Angora Peak sandstones in the northwest Coast Range. The westward shift of the site of deposition was probably produced by normal delta progradation coupled with early Miocene uplift and/or accompanying regression of the Pacific Ocean. Basin subsidence rates once again surpassed deltaic sedimentation rates, resulting in the gradual transgression of the deep water Silver Point muds over the Angora Peak sands. Deposition of the Silver Point mudstone member was interrupted by uplift producing an erosional unconformity. During the late middle Miocene, Depoe Bay basalt dikes, sills, irregular intrusives, and more than 1, 000 feet of related tholeiitic submarine breccias were emplaced in the rapidly subsiding basin. These flows and intrusions were soon followed by another volcanic episode that produced the less extensive sills, dikes, and pillow flows and breccias of the porphyritic Cape Foulweather Basalt. The largest of the Depoe Bay intrusives is the 900-foot thick Tillamook Head sill which intruded thick, 143 semi-consolidated, water-saturated lower Silver Point sediments at shallow depths producing locally intensely deformed strata (chevron folds and isoclinal folds in Ecola State Park). Late Miocene to Pleistocene deformation and uplift formed a series of northeast trending folds and north to northwest trending, high-angle, normal and reverse faults in the Cannon Beach Necanicum Junction area. Submarine pillow lava flows capping Sugarloaf Mountain south of the thesis area suggest that a minimum uplift of 2, 900 feet has occurred. Uplift and accompanying erosion of the Coast Range are hypothesized to have begun during middle to late Miocene because no Tertiary strata younger than middle Miocene occur in the thesis area, and a regional erosional unconformity of this age has been reported on the nearby continental slope (Braislin and others, 1971; Kulm and Fowler, 1974a). Quaternary marine terraces over 30 feet high in the thesis area and elevated PliocenePleistocene sediments on the adjacent continental shelf (Kulm and Fowler, 1974a, b) suggest that periodic uplift and subsidence have continued into the present. In conclusion,.the Tertiary strata in the Cannon Beach Necanicum Junction area record a long history of subsidences and varied uplifts accompanied by changing deep marine and shallow marine environments, erosion, and basaltic volcanism. A possible mechanism to explain these periods of uplift and subsidence is changes 144 in the rates of subduction between the converging North American and Juan de Fuca plates in this reg-ion during the Tertiary. At some subduction rate., subsiding factors and uplift forces will be in dynamic equilibrium. A rapid rate of sea floor spreading and accompanying subduction might produce subsidence along the trench and bordering continental margin. A slower spreading rate would produce less subduction, and by isostatic rebound, uplift of this portion of the continental crust. 145 HYPOTHESES FOR THE ORIGIN OF THE OREGON COAST RANGE UPLIFT A variety of possible uplift mechanisms for the present day Oregon Coast Range exist. Uplift could have been caused by a termin- ation or reduction of sedimentation that destroyed a balance between basin subsidence versus uplifting forces created by the heating and expansion of sediments at depth. Christiansen and Lipman (1972) hypothesized that termination of subduction between the North American plate and the Pacific plate probably resulted in regional uplift of the western United States by isostatic readjustments. The presence of a deep-seated slab of lithosphere no longer in dynamic equilibrium with subduction, but being heated and expanding in volume, may have caused this uplift of the overlying continental crust. A similar interpretation on a smaller scale might be applicable to the general uplift of the Oregon Coast Range in late Miocene to Pleistocene. The presence of a widespread late Miocene unconformity on the Oregon continental shelf may be related to the termination of subduction and a change in plate motion 10 million years ago (Kulm and Fowler, 1974a). This time was also the approximate beginning of significant uplift and erosion of the Oregon Coast Range. Byrne and others (1966) attributed this uplift of the Oregon continental shelf to an early stage of continental accretion., possibly as a result of the convergence of the Juan de Fuca and American 146 plates. Kulm and Fowler (1974b) hypothesized that a compressional thrust model offered the best explanation for the Cenozoic evolution and uplift.of the Oregon continental margin. Through repeated thrust faulting (possibly due to the American plate overriding the Juan de Fuca plate) at the base of the continental slope, wedge-shaped slices of younger sediments are accreted beneath the continental margin. The underthrusting of these younger sediments elevated the older Tertiary strata on the continental shelf of the overriding plate. Kulm and Fowler (1974b) calculated that imbricate thrusting of unconsolidated abyssal deposits presently uplifts the lower continental slope at an average rate of 1, 000 meters/m. y.., but uplifts the older Tertiary strata on the outer shelf at a rate of only 100 meters/m. Y. Foraminifera assemblages in mudstone interbeds indicate that the middle Miocene Depoe Bay basaltic pillow breccias were erupted in middle to outer shelf depths (approximate-ly 1, 000 to 1, 500 feet deep). These breccias are now elevated to 1, 500 feet above sea level, reflecting a maximum total of about 3, 000 feet (900 meters) of uplift. Assuming plate tectonic processes and average rates of uplift during the late middle Miocene (10 m. y. ago) were similar to those postulated by Kulm and Fowler for the modern outer shelf, a maximum uplift of 1, 000 meters would be predicted for the Depoe Bay breccias in the thesis area (using Kulm and Fowler's average uplift value of 100 147 meters/m. y. ). This predicted value compares very favorably with the 900 meters of uplift estimated for the middle Miocene Depoe Bay Basalt breccia. 148 MINERAL RESOURCES Crushed Rock Resources Crushed rock and riprap are presently the most important mineral resource in the study area. Plate I shows the distribution of rock quarries in the thesis area. Crushed rock from these quarries' is used nearby for road bases and fill. All the quarries are in dikes or sills of either Depoe Bay or Cape Foulweather Basalt. According to Schlicker and others (1972), nearly all the rock products for Clatsop County are derived from quarries in basalt. Other rock units in the map area, with the exception of basaltic fluvial gravels adjacent to the Necanicum River, are not suitable for road material. Oswald West mudstones, Angora Peak and Silver Point sandstones, and basaltic breccias lack the strength and resistance to prolonged abrasion of the intrusive basalts. Crushed sedimentary rocks noted along a few logging roads are easily pulverized to sand and mud after short exposures to weathering and abrasion by logging trucks. Most quarries in the thesis area are small and belong to Crown Zellerbach Corporation. A few of these quarries are located in thick extensive sills which represent considerable reserves. Several large quarries belonging to the State of Oregon, Crown Zellerbach Corporation, and independent logging and gravel companies are -located in the Tillamook Head basalt sill along the lower Necanicum River in sections 149 3, 4, 9, 10, and 11, T. 5 N. R. 10 W. , R.10 W. , and section 33, T. 6 N.,, Potential basalt quarry locations are abundant in the region due to the many intrusive dikes and sills. Applying the factors of accessibility,. minimum depth of overburden (less than ten feet), fractures and hardness, freshness, and thickness (over 50 feet), the most promising future quarry sites are Depoe Bay Basalt sills cropping out in NW 1/4 section 4, and NW 1/4 section 9, T. 5 N., R.. 10 W. (Plate I). Excellent alluvial sand and basaltic gravel deposits for road bases and fill are located along the Necanicum River near Seaside in section 4, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. and in section 33, T. 6 N. , R. 10 W. Although the total thickness of the sands and gravels is not known, a minimum thickness of 15 feet is exposed along the banks of the river. Petroleum Presently, no exploratory oil or gas wells have been drilled within the boundaries of the map area. Shell Oil Company drilled a wildcat well approximately 18 miles west of Tillamook Head in the Nehalem Bank on the continental shelf. The well penetrated only siltstone and mudstone facies which had low porosity and permeability (Braislin and others, 1971). Oil and gas have been reported, however, from northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington in 150 Tertiary formations correlative to the ones in the thesis area. Sunshine Mining Company's Medina No. J well produced 175 bbl/day of 38.90- gravity paraffin-base oil from Oligocene and Miocene strata (equivalent to the Oswald West mudstones and Astoria Formation of this report) in Grays Harbor County, Washington, approximately 70 miles north of the thesis area (Braislin and others,-1971). The well produced more than 12, 000 bbl of oil before it was plugged and abandoned in August, 1962. A 15,000-foot exploratory oil well drilled near Nehalem (ten miles south of the thesis area) by the Necarney Hydrocarbon Oil Company produced gas (methane) shows in the Oswald West mudstones (Cressy, 1974). Braislin and others (1971) suggested that sandstones of the middle Miocene Astoria Formation offer excellent offshore reservoir objectives. The basic geologic requirements for hydrocarbon accumulation (combination of source beds, reservoir rocks, cap rock, entrapment structures, and time) are present to a limited extent in the thesis area. Potential source beds are the Oswald West mudstones and Silver Point mudstones. The dark gray color of the 2,000 feet of deep marine mudstones suggest an abundance of finely disseminated organic matter. Organic matter comprises from one to seven percent of the mudstones as indicated by weight over two dozen widely distributed samples when treated with a 30% hydrogen peroxide (H.,O,) solution. 151 Potential reservoir rocks in the thesis area are the middle Miocene Angora Peak sandstones. These medium- to coarse- grained, feldspathic sandstones are intercalated between the two potential thick source beds and possibly interfinger with the overlying Silver Point mudstones which could also act as a thick, impermeable cap rock. The Angora Peak sandstones attain thicknesses of over 1, 800 feet in the type area (Cressy, 1974) and a few hundred feet in the thesis area. Sedimentary structures, facies patterns, and fossils indicate that these shallow marine sandstones may have been formed as linear beach bars, barrier island sands; distributary, channels, and/or delta front sands. Such shallow water, deltaic sandstones act as numerous reservoirs in many oil fields. Unfortunately, the low porosities and permeabilities in surface exposures of the Angora Peak sandstones diminish its potential as a suitable reservoir. In surface exposures, chemical weathering and diagenesis has disinte- grated unstable ferromagnesian minerals, feldspars, and volcanic rock fragments in the compositionally immature sandstones. This decomposition resulted in the production of abundant clay matrix, .iron oxides, and calcite cement which have filled most pore spaces. At depth below the zone of surface weathering, the Angora Peak sandstones may be less altered and thus be more porous and perme- able, and as a result, would make potential reservoir rocks. More friable, porous, and "clean" Angora Peak sandstone beds have been 152 noted by Smith (1975) and Cressy (1974) in the nearby areas. Perme- ability tests of fresh cored samples will be needed to fully evaluate the reservoir potential of the Angora Peak sandstones. Turbidite sandstones of the Silver Point member are not prom- ising reservoirs due to thinness (beds less than eight feet thick), limited aerial extent, and low permeability and porosity. The low porosity (less than 0-. 5% in thin section) is due to extensive carbonate and hematite pore-filling cements, and abundant impermeable clay matrix and disseminated, carbonized plant fragments. Two northeast-southwest trending anticlines in the northeast part of the area and several east-west trending vertical faults provide structural traps for hydrocarbons. However, the folds have been breached and the potential reservoir rocks (Angora Peak sandstones) either are exposed at the surface (and hydrocarbons have been lost) or have been eroded away. Potential fault traps exist in the central and western parts of the map area where vertical faulting has juxtaposed west dipping Angora Peak sandstones against impermeable Silver Point or Oswald West mudstones to the east (see Cross Section, Plate II). Retention and preservation of hydrocarbons in these struc- tural traps is improbable due to abundant, major basaltic intrusions which might have vaporized the oil. Petroleum prospects in the deep subsurface of the thesis area are poor. The Oswald West mudstones are probably, underlain by 15.3 Eocene basalts (Tillamook and Siletz River Volcanics) which are the acoustic and economic basement in northwest Oregon (Braislin and others, 1971). No older rocks are known in the region. Modern, sophisticated seismic surveys are necessary to further determine the petroleum potential in the subsurface of the map area, but commercial petroleum accumulations are not likely due to extensive faulting, abundant basaltic intrusions, and lack of reservoirs at depth. However, there is a stronger potential for petroleum in the nearby continental shelf adjacent to the thesis area. Field mapping in this thesis area and Smith's (1975) thesis area suggest that thick Angora Peak sandstones, confined between two potential source beds (Oswald West mudstones and Silver Point mudstones) dip northwest- ward under the continental shelf. These offshore Angora Peak sand- stones are potential petroleum reservoirs. The Silver Point mudstones,, which could act as an impermeable cap rock, also possibly interfinger with the Angora Peak sandstones in the thesis area and offshore. This interfingering relationship could produce stratigraphic traps. Seismic studies suggest that the nearby Oregon continental shelf contains numerous folds and vertical faults, and that up to 3, 000 feet of Pliocene strata overlies the Miocene strata (Kulm and Fowler, 1974a). Therefore, both structural and stratigraphic traps are likely on the continental shelf. 154 Shell Oil Company's Ex Test 2 well, .located near the Nehalem Bank 27 miles southwest of the mouth of the Columbia River and approximately 18 miles west of Tillamook Head, penetrated only impermeable Tertiary mudstones. Braislin and others (1971) reported that deep oil tests 18 - 20 miles offshore on the central and northwestern Oregon continental shelf also encountered only finer-grained, deep-marine mudstones and siltstones. These offshore well data suggest that the sandy, shallow-marine deltaic wedge of Angora Peak sandstone thins rapidly and undergoes a change westward to a deep- marine mudstone facies under the nearby continental shelf (less than 14 miles). It suggests that better petroleum prospects occur in these shallow-marine Angora Peak sandstones closer to shore, but numerous basalt intrusions with accompanying faulting in the near-shore area diminish the likelihood of oil preservation. However, Snavely and others (1973) report from seismic studies that these intrusions are confined to a narrow belt on the continental shelf within two or three miles of shore. It is concluded from depositional environments, stratigraphic relationships, regional dips, associated structures, and spatial relationships of the Astoria Formation and Oswald West mud- stones that hydrocarbon accumulations are possibly present along the inner continental shelf of northwest Oregon in an offshore area a few miles west of the intrusion belt but east of the finer-grained mudstone 155 facies. Seismic surveys and test wells will be necessary to further evaluate the nearby offshore potential. Coal Cressy (1974) reported that several subbituminous to bituminous coal seams, ranging in thickness from nine inches to two feet, occur in the lower part of the Angora Peak sandstone member southeast of Angora Peak, about seven miles south of this thesis area. B. T. U. s are reported to range from 11, 280 to 12,080 (U. S. Bureau of Mines, Coal Laboratory, Pittsburg). No coal seams were observed in the Angora Peak sandstones of the Tillamook Head-Necanicum Junction area. In addition, outcrops of Angora Peak sandstones in this thesis area are very limited (Plate I). Therefore, if coal seams are present, they are very localized and probably uneconomical. 15 6 REFERENCES CITED Addicott, W. O. , Paleontologist, U. S. Geological Survey, Written communication, 1974. .Allen, J. R. L. , 1970, ,Sediments of the modern Niger delta: a summary and review, in Morgan, J. P.., ed., Deltaic sedimentation-modern and ancient: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists and Mineralogists Spec. Pub. 15, p. 138-151. , 1964,. Geology of Oregon, 2nd ed.: University of Oregon Cooperative Bookstore, Eugene, 165 p. Baldwin, E. M. Beaulieu, J. D. , 1971, Geologic formations of western Oregon; Oregon Dept. Geol. Mineral Indus.., Bull. 70, 72 p. Berry, L. G. , ed.., 1971, Inorganic index to the powder diffraction file: Joint Committee. on Powder Diffraction Standards, Swarthmore,. Pennsylvania. Bouma, A. 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APPENDICES 164 APPENDIX I Reference Section A-B: Landslide Scarp, Ecola State Park Silver Point Member of Astoria Formation Initial Point (A): center of section 18, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. Section starts at top of an excellent exposure along a 150-foot high scarp produced by the Ecola State Park landslide of 1961. The scarp is due east of Ecola Point. The top of the section is a Depoe Bay Basalt sill which caps the ridge. The section trends down the northern face of the landslide scarp, across a covered area produced by landslides and down to the unnamed point north of Ecola Point. From this point, the section is offset due north to the unnamed beach south of Indian Beach. Accessibility to this part of the section is only by walking via Indian Beach south across Bald Point. Terminal Point (B): SW 1/4 NW 1/4 of section 18, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. Section ends at the southern margin of a landslide toe in the center of the unnamed beach between Bald Point and Ecola Point. 165 APPENDIX I (continued) Reference Section A -B Unit 33 Description Thickness (feet) Unit Total 30.0 625.8 17, 7 595.8 4.0 591.8 Depoe Bay Basalt sill, poorly developed columnar jointing. Contact: baked, sharp, brecciated. 32 Silty mudstone: light olive gray (5Y6/1) to greenish black (5GY2/1); massive to irregularly bedded; micaceous; fossiliferous with shell fragments and forams; contains light olive brown (5Y5/6) calcareous, one to two-inch thick sandstone lenses. 31 Covered by colluvium. 30 Silty mudstone: olive gray (5Y3/2) to dark yellowish orange (10YR6/6); well- bedded; micaceous; contains randomly interbedded 1/2-to two-inch thick shell layers of clams, gastropods, and forams,; contains very fine-grained sandstone lenses up to two inches thick and local yellowish gray (5Y7/2) calcareous concretions up to six inches long; 166 Appendix I (continued) Unit Description Thickness (feet) Total Unit non-resistant, breaks into small angular chips. Mudstone character changes vertically. Lower mudstones; olive gray (5Y3/2); silty; micaceous; locally calcareous; contain forams and shell fragments. Upper mudstones; grayish olive (10Y4/2); very thinly laminated (10 laminae/inch) in beds up to six inches thick; micaceous. Capped by dark yellowish orange (10YR6/6) thinly bedded (up to one inch thick) mudstone. Contact: Covered. Offset 200 feet due north to northern face of landslide scarp. Large chevron fold associated with a sill is exposed. Fold axis is cut by a sixinch thick Depoe Bay Basalt dike. Begin measuring below dike. 29 Mudstone: moderate yellowish brown (10YR5/4); bedded; contains moderate brown (10YR4/4) to dark yellowish 23.0 574..1 167 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit Thickness (feet) Total Unit orange (1OYR6/6) calcareous concretions up to one inch in diameter and three.inches long; weathers to angular chips and nodules. Contact: gradational over several feet. 28 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones; sand/mud=1/10. Sandstones are light gray (N7) to olive gray (5Y4/1); medium- to very fine-grained; poorly sorted; well bedded in layers up to six inches thick; thinly laminated; calcareous, well cemented; forms resistant ribs; contacts with mudstones are sharp. Mudstones are olive gray (5Y4/1) to dark greenish gray (5 GY4/1); thinly laminated in beds from four inches to one foot thick; local fossil horizons of clams, gastropods, and forams occur; shell fragments are ubiquitous; contain one inch interbeds and stringers of dusky yellow (5Y6/4) silty mudstone. 21.5 551.1 168 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit Contact: baked, brecciated, irregular. 27 Unit Total 57.0 529.6 1.0 472.6 110.0 452.6 8.0 342.6 Depoe Bay, dike: "peperite" Contact: baked, brecciated, irregular. 26 Thickness (feet) Interbedded sandstones and mudstones: as unit 23. 25 Covered; offset due west to seacliff on unnamed point north of Ecola Point. 24 Depoe Bay Basalt sill: Contacts: brecciated, conformable to bedding.. 23 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones; sand/mud=2/5,. Sandstones are olive gray (5Y3/2) to yellowish gray (5Y7/2). weather dusky yellow (5Y6/4) to grayish brown (5YR3/2); medium-to very fine- grained; subangular to sub rounded grains; very poorly sorted; micaceous; carbonaceous; beds are from one inch to one foot thick; contain shell fragments, forams, and angular carbonate rock fragments up to 169 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit 16 mm in diameter; sedimentary struc- tures include parallel and small-scale cross laminations, massive to normally graded units, divisions a, b, and c of the Bouma sequence, load casts, flute casts, flames, and mic rofaulting. Mudstones are olive gray (5Y3/2) to moderate brown (5YR4/4); individual beds are from one to ten inches thick; thinly laminated; carbonaceous and micaceous; fossiliferous with shell fragments and forams; contain small calcareous concretions (less than one inch in diameter and less than two inches long) and thin calcareous sandstone lenses; nonresistant, weathers to small angular ships and nodules. Contacts (within the unit): Generally sharp, planar basal contacts of the sandstones with the mudstones. Sandstones Thickness (feet) Total Unit 170 Appendix I (continued) Thickness (feet) Description U nit Unit Total 73.0 334.6 typically grade upward into overlying mudstones. Gradational lower contacts and sharp upper contacts locally exist. Representative bed thicknesses in unit: 8T sandstone bed 9 1/2" mudstone 7 1/2" sandstone bed 1" sandstone bed mudstone l" sandstone bed 2!' mudstone 4" mudstone 311 sandstone bed 1" sandstone lens 2" mudstone 7" mudstone sandstone bed 1" sandstone lens II 10" mudstone 2" mudstone 6" sandstone bed 6" mudstone 311 mudstone l" sandstone bed sandstone bed 2" mudstone mudstone 5" sandstone bed 1/211 3" sandstone lens Contact: gradational; inaccessible. 171 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit 22 Thickness (feet) Unit Total 27.0 261.6 41.0 234.6 20.0 193.6 Contorted zone: interbedded sandstones and mudstones: same as unit 23 Contact: baked, irregular; sediment incorporated into sill along contact. 21 Depoe Bay Basalt sill: irregular, apophyse-like intrusion. 20 Covered by ocean: offset 100 feet due north to unnamed beach south of Indian Beach. Accessibility is only, via Indian Beach 19 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones; sand/mud=3/2. Sandstones are very light gray (N8), weather light olive gray (5Y6/1); medium-to very fine-grained; very poorly sorted; micaceous and carbonaceous; well cemented with carbonate; beds are up to 10 inches thick; structures include massive, parallel, and cross laminated beds, load structures, flames, pillow and ball structures, vertical and 172 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit sub-parallel burrows. and 22). Thickness (feet) Unit Total 32.0 173.6 20.0 141.6 32..0 121.6 17.0 89.6 (See Figure 21 Flames indicate a paleoslope to the southwest. Mudstones are dark gray (N3); micaceous and carbonaceous; beds up to six inches thick; fossiliferous with forams and pelecypod fragments. Contacts (within unit): Sharp, planar, commonly undulating bottom contacts of sandstone layers with underlying mudstones. Sandstones grade normally upward into silty mudstones. 18 Covered by landslide debris; lithology thought to be same as unit 19. 17 Depoe Bay Basalt sill Contact: baked, brecciated, sharp. 16 Cape Foulweather Basalt sill Contact: baked, sharp, brecciated. 15 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones: lithology same'as unit 19. Thicker sandstone units are massive in lower portions, 173 Appendix I (continued) Unit Description , Thickness (feet) Unit Total 18.0 72.6 9.0 54.6 finely laminated in middle portion, and cross laminated (small scale) in upper parts. Contact: sharp, planar. 14 Sandstone: yellowish gray (5Y7/2), weathers dusky yellow (5Y6/4); poorly sorted; normally graded from basal coarse-grained sandstone to fine-grained sandstone; well-indurated, calcareous, ledge former; contains abundant mud rip- ups, calcareous concretions several inches in diameter, .load structures, and burrows parallel and subparallel to bedding.. Two 3-inch thick interbeds of olive gray mudstone occur. Upper and lower contacts with the mudstones are sharp and planar. Contact: sharp. 13 Mudstone: dark gray (N3); thinly laminated; fossiliferous with sparse shell fragments and forams; micaceous; 174 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit Thickness (feet) Unit Total 0.6 45.6 2..0 45.0 1.5 43.0 carbonaceous. Contact: gradational over three inches. 12 Sandstone: very light gray (N8), weathers light olive gray (5Y6/1); medium- to very fine-grained; very poorly sorted; micaceous and carbonaceous; calcareous, well cemented; lower portion is massive, upper parts are thinly laminated. A and B divisions of Bouma sequence are present. Contact: sharp and planar. 11 Mudstone: dark gray (N3): micaceous; carbonaceous; finely, laminated; contains a 3-inch thick interbed of fine-grained, light olive gray (5Y6/1) laminated sandstone with a sharp bottom contact and gradational upper contact. Contact: sharp. 10 Sandstone: very light gray (N8); massive; medium-grained; matrix-rich, poorly sorted; micaceous; calcareous, well cemented. 175 Appendix I (continued Description Unit Contact: sharp. 9 Thickness (feet) Total Unit 1.5 41.5 0.5 40.0 2.0 39.5 Mudstone: dark gray (N3); finely laminated; micaceous; carbonaceous; non-resistant, weathers to small angular chips. Contact: gradational. 8 Sandstone: very light gray (N8); poorly sorted; calcareous, well cemented; normally graded from basal mediumgrained sandstone to fine-grained sand- stone; lower portion is finely laminated (5 lam/cm); middle portion is convolutely laminated; top portion is massive; calcareous concretions and vertical burrows are common. Contact: sharp, planar. 7 Mudstone: dark gray (N3); micaceous, carbonaceous; fossiliferous with pelecypod fragments and forams; contains thin 1 to 2-inch calcareous sandstone lenses; non- resistant, weathers to chips and mud. 176 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit Thickness (feet) Total Unit Contact: gradational over 1 foot. 6 9.0 37.5 2.8 28.5 7.0 25.7 1.6 18.7 Sandstone: light gray (N7) to light olive gray (5Y6/1); fine-grained; micaceous; carbonaceous, abundant matrix; calcareous, .well cemented, ledge former; bottom portion of bed is massive and grades normally upward into very fine-grained, thinly laminated sandstone in the upper foot of the unit. Contact: sharp 5 Mudstone: dark gray (N3); carbonaceous; micaceous; massive; non-resistant, weathers to small angular chips. Contact: gradational over six inches. 4 Sandstone: very light gray (N8), weathers light olive gray (5Y6/1); fine-grained; micaceous, carbonaceous; finely laminated; numerous loading structures and small calcareous concretions are present. Contact: sharp. 177 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit Thickness (feet) Unit 3 Total Mudstone: dark gray (N3); carbonaceous, micaceous; foram bearing; massive; contains thin, 1 to 3-inch thick, light olive gray (5Y6/1) sandstone lenses and beds with sharp bottom contacts and gradational upper contacts. Numerous clastic dikes and other loading structures are pres ent. Contact: gradational. 2 11.5 Sandstone: very, light gray (N8), weathers light olive gray (5Y6/1); micaceous, carbonaceous; poorly sorted; normally graded from medium-grained basal sandstone to very fine-grained upper sandstone; calcareous, well cemented; contains sparse flutes and loading structures. Contact: sharp and planar. 1 Mudstone: dark gray (N3); carbonaceous, micaceous; very thinly laminated to massive; 4. 3 5.6 178 Appendix I (continued) Description Unit Thickness (feet) Total Unit contains dispersed shell fragments and forams; weathers to small angular chips non-resistant. Contact: covered by landslide debris. 1.3 1.3 179 APPENDIX II Reference Section C -D: Haystack Rock Silver Point Member of the Astoria Formation Initial Point: Center of south half section 30, T..5 N. , R. 10 W. Section starts on the northeastern face of Haystack Rock at the distinctive contact between the overlying basaltic breccia and the sediments beneath. This contact represents the strati- graphic top of the Astoria Formation at this locality. Evidence for an unconformity is discussed in the text. Terminal Point: The section trends southeast from the initial point, .goes over a small hill, and then drops down to the beach where it is covered with beach sand and basaltic boulders derived from Haystack Rock. 180 APPENDIX II Reference Section C-D; Haystack Rock Description Unit 11 Thickness (feet) Total Unit Cape Foulweather basaltic isolated pillow breccia. Contact: irregular; baked; brecciated; Bits of sediment incorporated into basaltic 250.0 378.0 5.0 128.0 burrowed. 2.0 123.0 8 Covered by beach cobbles. 3.0 121.0 7 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones: breccia; unconformity. 10 Sandstone: yellowish gray (5Y7/2), weathers light olive (lOY5/4) to pale olive (10Y6/2); fine-grained; subangular; well sorted; parallel laminations and planar cross bedding are present; well indurated, carbonate cemented. Contact: sharp and undulatory; characterized by loading structures, flames, and clastic dikes. 9 Muddy siltstone: light gray (N7), weathers light gray (N6); calcareous; mottled, well 181 Appendix II (continued) Description Unit Thickness (feet) Total Unit sand/mud=1/4 sandstones are yellowish gray (5Y7/2), weathers light olive (1OY5/4); calcareous, well cemented; thinly laminated (8 laminations/inch); very micaceous; high matrix content, dirty; beds are less than one inch thick; contains local small scale cross laminations. Mudstones are olive gray (5Y3/2); micaceous; silty; massive to very thinly laminated (12 laminations/inch); fossiliferous with shell fragments and forams; contains small, flattened calcareous nodules and calcareous sandy lenses.up to 1/2 inch in diameter and three inches long. Pervasive burrowing, vertical and subparallel to bedding, obscures bedding and creates mottled appearance of unit. Small scale, (less than one foot displacement), high angle, normal faults are common. Contact: sharp, baked. 27.0 118.0 182 Appendix II (continued) 6 Thickness (feet) Total Unit Description Unit Cape Foulweather Basalt dike: "peperite" texture; contains incorporated Silver Point member rock fragments. Contact: sharp; baked; 5 irregular. 10.0 91.0 46.0 81.0 2.0 35.0 8.0 33.0 12.0 25.0 13.0 13.0 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones: as unit 7; forams from this unit are Sauc e s i an St age. Contact: sharp; baked; brecciated. 4 Cape Foulweather Basalt dike. Contact: sharp; baked; brecciated. 3 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones: as unit 7, but sand/mud-110. Contact: sharp; brecciated; contorted. 2 Cape Foulweather Basalt dike: parallels unit 6. Both units extend into the sea. Perhaps are feeder dikes. Contact: sharp; brecciated. 1 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones: as unit 3. Covered: Beach sand and cobbles. 183 APPENDIX III Reference Section E-F: near Seaside on Tillamook Head Oswald West Mudstones Initial Point: NW 1 /4 SW 1 /4 of section 29, T. 6 N., R. 10 W. The section commences at the top of a mudstone seacliff which is reached by walking south on the beach from Seaside toward Tillamook Head. Walking distance from the sand beach at Seaside across a cobble and boulder beach to the section is approximately one mile. Terminal Point: Section terminates at the base of the seacliff. The lower section is covered by landslide debris and recent gravel terraces. 184 APPENDIX III Reference Section E-F Unit Description 5 Mudstone: light olive gray (5Y6/1) to Thickness (feet) Total Unit grayish orange (10YP7/4); well bedded; burrowed: contains sparse one inch to three-inch thick, moderate brown (5YP4/4) glauconitic sandstone beds: one to two-inch thick beds are common. Contact: gradational over one foot. 4 20.0 221.0 Mudstone: light olive gray (5Y6/1), weathers light olive gray (5Y5/2) to pale reddish brown (10R5/4); well bedded; contains vertical burrows and burrows sub-parallel to bedding; foram bearing; non-resistant, weathers to small angular chips; sparse interbedded one to four-inch thick burrowed pumiceous dusky yellow (5Y6/4) medium-grained sandstones. Contact: gradational over several feet. 3 Mudstone: grayish green (1OG4/2); massive, non-laminated; contains 32.0 201.0 185 Appendix III(continued) Description Unit Thickness (feet) Total Unit numerous calcareous concretions up to two feet long; non-resistant, weathers to small angular chips.. Contact: gradational over several feet. 2 Interbedded sandstones and mudstones; sand/mud ratio varies from 1/4 in the lower section to 1/20 in the upper section. Sandstones are dark greenish gray (5GY4/1) to yellowish gray, weathers dusky yellow (5Y6/4) to greenish black (5GY2/1); mediumto coarse-grained; subangular to rounded; poorly sorted, high matrix content; locally glauconitic; calcareous, well cemented, forms ribs; some beds normally graded; beds one inch to six inches thick, rhythmically spaced every six inches to one and one half feet. Bottom contacts are sharp; upper contacts gradational into overlying mudstones. Mudstones are light olive gray (5Y6/1), 33.0 169,0 186 Appendix III (continued) Unit Description Thickness (feet) Total Unit weather light olive gray (5Y5/2) to pale reddish brown (lOR5/4); massive; well burrowed; foram bearing; beds up to two feet thick; one to two inch tuff beds are common; non-resistant, weathers to small angular chips. Contact: covered by talus. 87.0 136.0 49.0 49.0 Mudstone: talus slope. Contact: covered by cobble beach and gravel terraces. APPENDIX IV CHECKLIST OF FOSSILS FROM THE OSWALD WEST MUDSTONES Locality Fossil A B C D E F G H I J K - - - - - - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - x - x - - - - ? - - - - ? - - - - - - - - - - x L BIVALVIA Nucula sp. - SCAPHOPODA Dentalium cf. D. Pseudonyms Pilsbry and Sharp FORAMINIFERA Cassidulina crassipunctata Cushman & Hobson Gyroidina sp. Virgulina californiensis Cushman Sigmoilina tenius (Czjzek) Clavulina sp. Bagging (?) sp. Pseudoglandulina sp. Cibicides sp. Uvigerina sp. Dentalina spp. Dentalina dusenburyi Beck Gyroidina obicularis lp anata Cushman Pullenia salisbury R. E. and K. C. Stewart Cibicides elmaensis Rau Plectofrondicularia packardi packardi: - x - x - x - - x - - - - x - - - x - - - x - - - - - - - - - - - - Robulus inornatus d'Orbigny - - - Lagena sp. - - Quingueloculina imperialis Hanna and Hanna - - Uvigerina cocoaensis Cushman - - - - x - - - x x - x - - - - - x - - - - x - ? - - - - x - x - x - - - - - - - x - - - x x - - - x - - - - - - Cushman and Schenck Cassidulina cf. C. globosa Hantken ? - x x - - - - M N APPENDIX IV (continued) Locality Fossil A B C D E F G H I J K L M N FORAMINIFERA (continued) x Quinqueloculina weaveri Rau Anomalina californiensis Cushman & Hobson Cassidulina cf. C. balvinensis Cushman & Frizzell Cassidulinoides sp. (?) x x x x Gandryina alazanensis Cushman Bulimina cf. B. alsatica x Arenaceous Foraminifera Diatoms Radiolaria Spicules x - x - - x x - x x x x - - x x TRACE FOSSILS Scalarituba (Helminthoida) (fecal ribbon form) Terebellina (agglutinated worm tube) x LEGEND Locality Field No. USGS Cenozoic Loc. Location SE 1/4, SE 1/4, section 34, T.S N. , R. 9 W. " SE 1/4, SW 1/4, section 27, " NW 1/4, SE 1/4, section 27, A f-7 B f-20 C D f-29 E f-35 F 9/33 G f-65 SW 1/4, NW 1j4, section 27, SW 1/4, SW 1/4, section 22, center, section 34, SW 1/4, SE 1/4, section 27, f-57 NE 1/4, SE 1_/4, section 23, H f-30 M5986 " " " " APPENDIX IV (continued) Locality Field No. USGS Cenozoic Loc. Location I f-63 SW 1/4, NE 1/4, section 34, T. 5 N., R. 9 W. J f-64 SW 1/4, SE 1/4, section 27, It K f-6 it L tf-1 tf-2 f-12 NE 1/4, NE 1/4, section 23, SW 1/4, SE 1/4,.section 19, NW 1/4, SE 1/4, section 27, SW 1/4, SE 1/4, section 28, M N M5985 APPENDIX V CHECKLIST OF FOSSILS FROM THE SILVER POINT MEMBER Locality Fossil A B C D E F G H K I L M N O P BIVALVIA Lucinoma sp. Nucula sp. Tellinid Nucula Hannibali Clark fragment x x x x - x FORAMINIFERA Bulimina cf. B. ovata d' Orbigny Valvulinera araucana d'Orbigny x x - Globigerina spp. x x - Bolivina advena Cushman Buliminella subfusiformis Cushman Nodogenerina advena Cushman and Laiming Si±ogenerina sp. Nonion coastiferum Cushman UviQerinella obesa impolita Cushman and Laiming x x x x - - - - x x x x x ? x x - - - x - - - - - - - x - - - x x - ? ? x x ? Bulimina inflata alligata Cushman and Laiming Epistominella parva (Cushman and Laiming) UviQerina californica Cushman x - - ? - - x x - Nonion incisum kernensis Kleinpell - - - Cassidulina crassipunctata Cushman n-and Hobson Cassidulina sp. Dentalina sp. Plectofrondicularia sp. Gyroidina sp. Virgulina californiensis Cushman - ? - - - - - x x x x x - - - - - x x - - x - x - x - x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - - - - - ? - - x - ? - x x - x x x - - - ? x - - x - - - x x - - - - x - - - x - x x - - x - x x - - - - - - - - - - - - ? - - x x - - x - - - - - F, o APPENDIX V (continued) Locality Fossil A B C D E F H G I K L M N O P x Epistominell a cf. E. subperuviana Cushman Sigmoilina miocenica Cushman Amphimorphina. californica (Cushman and x R. E. Stewart) x Bolivina marginata adelaidana Cushman and Kleinpell Buliminella ellegantissima d'Orbigny Robulus inornatus d'Orbigny Siphogenerina cf. S. Kleinpelli Cushman x Arenaceous Foraminifera x x Radiolaria Diatoms - - - x x x x Fish vertebra TRACE FOSSILS x A sterosoma/ T eichichnus LEGEND Locality Field No. A f-2 B f-62 f-51 f-52 f-53 C D E F G H USGS Cenozoic Loc. M5982 SW 1/4, NE 1/4, section 18, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. SW 1/4, SE 1/4, section 30, SE 1/4, SE 1/4, . section 17, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, section 20, NW 1/4, NE 1/4, section 20, center, section 18, SW 1/4, NW 1/4, section 18, M5983 SE 1/4, SE 1/4, section 30, f-54 f-55 f-3 Location APPENDIX V (continued) Locality Field No. 0 f-32 f-45 f-48 f-1 f-17 f-43 f-66 P f-4 I K L M N Location USGS Cenozoic Loc. NE 1/4, section 31, T. S N. , R. 9 W. SW 1/4, NE 1/4, section 5, T. 6 N. , R. 10 W. NE 1/4, SE 1/4, section 31, T. 6 N., R. 10 W. SW 1/4, SE 1/4, section 35, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. NE 1/4, NE 1/4, section 30, T.5 N., R. 9 W. NE 1/4, NW 1/4, section 4, T. 5 N., R 10 W. NW 1/4, NW 1/4, section 18, T. S N. , R. 10 W. SE 1/4, section 30, T. 6 N., R. 10 W. NW APPENDIX VI MODAL ANALYSES OF SANDSTONE SAMPLES (600 points) (See Plate I for sample locations) Sample: Cement (CaCO 3 ) OW-1 1% OW-2 tr Silver Point member Angora Peak sandstones Oswald West mudstones A-26 T-8 EcPt T-10 Tb-i As-20 AP-1 AP-2 AP-3 - - - 8% 25% 5% 6% ? 22% 319/6 27% 499/6 53% 64% 67% 51% 19% 19% 24% 21% tr tr 10% Matrix 32% 28% 30% 18.29/6 21% 26% 33% Grains 67% 72% 60% 81.8% 79% 76% 59% Quartz 27% 24% 1% Quartzite tr Stable Grains: Chert 299/0 21% 11% 14% - 3% 2% 2% tr - 1% 3% 1% 1% 2% tr 3% 8% 7% 4% 12% 9% 12% 15% 3% 7% 20% 11% 1% 13% 12% 9% 8% 5% 9% 6% 12% 11% 7% 6% 25.5% 32% 33% 13% 11% 18% 20% - - tr 1.9% 4% - - - tr - 5% 5% 5% 1% 1% 1% 1% - 6% - 5% 1% 1% 1% 1% 4% 1% - 3% - - 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% - 2% 1% 1% t 1% Feldspar: Plagioclase K-spar 17% Rock Fragments: Volcanic Metamorphic Sedimentary Mica Mafic Opaques Glauconite 4% tr - - tr Others - 2% Porosity - - tr. - less than 0.5% 48% tr 1% tr 3% 2% tr 3% tr - tr 1% tr - tr 1% tr tr tr tr - 3% 1% 3% 5% 1% 1% - 3% 1% 1% 1% - - 1% APPENDIX VI (continued) Location Sample Oswald West mudstones: OW-1 Roadcut: SW 1/4 SE 1/4, section 19, T. 5 N., R. 9 W. OW-2 Roadcut: SE 1/4 SE 1/4, section 27, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. A -26 Roadcut: SW 1/4 SE 1/4, section 27, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. Angora Peak sandstones: AP-1 Roadcut: SE 1/4 SW 1/4, section 20, T. 5 N., R. 9 W. AP-2 Roadcut: NE 1/4 SW 1/4, section 20, T. S N., R. 9 W. AP-3 Roadcut: NW 1/4 SE 114, section 20, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. Silver Point mudstones: T-8 Seacliff south of Indian Beach: SW 1/4 NW 1/4, section 18, T. SN., R. 10 W. EcPt South face of unnamed point north of Ecola Point: SW 1/4 NW 1/4,, section 18, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. T-10 Seacliff south of Indian Beach: SW 1/4 NW 1J4, section 18, T. 5N, R. 10 W. T6-1 Near foot of Crescent Beach Trail, Ecola State Park: NE 1/4 SW 1/4, section 18, T. S N. , R. lO W. As-20 Roadcut southeast of Tillamook Head: SE 1/4 SW 1/4, section 6, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. APPENDIX VII SELECTED ANALYSES OF SELECTED SANDSTONES Statistical parameters are those of Folk and Ward (1957). (See Plate I for sample locations) Samples: Sand Silt Clay % % % Coarsest 1% mm Median' Median' phi Mean phi Sorting phi Skewness mm phi Kurtosis phi ,Oswald West mudstones A-26 91.38 7.01 1.61 1, 1 0.26 1.90 1.97 1.16 0.18 1.48 AP-1 85.24 10.S4 4.22 0.98 0.26 1.90 2.27 1.70 0.49 1.96 AP-12 98.30 1.70 -- 0.95 0.29 1.80 1.82 0.85 0.04 1.10 T-18 77.26 17.94 4.80 0.55 0.10 3.40 3.S3 1.43 0.30 2.86 T-14 75.14 20.45 4.41 0.52 0.10 3.40 3.60 1.64 0.30 2.43 96.84 3.26 -- 0.30 0.18 2.50 2.48 0.33 -0.02 1.17 Angora Peak sandstones Silver Point member Quaternary Marine Terrace Qmt 1 From Inman (1952). 2 Recalculated matrix free. 196 APPENDIX VII (Continued) STATISTICAL PARAMETERS FROM SIZE ANALYSES PLOTTED ON PASSEGA'S (1957) C-IART C:--4,.,000- Irrrs x,=,r: rivers, tractive currents I turbidity currents X., quiet water deposits beaches C=1, 000- C=100 M=10 M=100 M = median in microns C = size with 1% coarser in microns M=1, 000 197 APPENDIX VII (Continued) STATISTICAL PARAMETERS FROM SIZE ANALYSES PLOTTED ON FRIEDMAN' S (1962) GRAPHS +2 \ T-14 T-18 AP-1 +1 O( O AP-1 O Qmt 0 A -26 -1 surf -2 I T 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.0 Standard Deviation (sorting) 1 . 0 . 8 0. 6 - A-26 AP-1 AP-1 2 O ! I T-14 T-18 tractive currents / -i mixed 0.4 - 0 2-I ,i 11 wind -1 Mean Size (in V) O Qmt APPENDIX VII (continued) Sample Location Oswald West mudstones A-26 Roadcut: SW 1/4 SE 1/4, section 27, T. 5 N., R. 9 W. Angora Peak sandstones AP-1 Roadcut: SE 1/4 SW 1/4, section 20, T.5 N., R.9 W. Silver Point mudstones T-18 Seacliff south of Indian Beach: SW 1/4 NW 1/4, section 18, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. T-14 Same location as T-18. Quaternary Marine Terrace Qmt Beach exposure south of Tolovana Park (town): SE 1/4 SE 1/4, section 31, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. 199 APPENDIX VIII HEAVY MINERALOGY OF SELECTED SAMPLES* (A = abundant, C = common, P = present) Samples Quaternary Marine Terrace Glauconitic Silver Point Member Angora Peak Sandstone Sandstone Burrowed Sandstone A A A P P P A A Minerals Glass C Monazite Hypersthene A Clinopyroxene C P Micas A P P C Zircon A C A P Hornblende: Basaltic Green * A P C P Epidote P Rutile P A C Apatite P P Tourmaline - P P Garnet - C C P Opaques A C A P List compiled according to individual formations from sandstone samples listed in Appendix VI. P 200 APPENDIX IX CLAY MINERALOGY OF SELECTED SAMPLES Procedure Pretreatment of mudstones and clays from the matrix of the sandstone samples included disaggregation by gentle grinding and soaking in water, wet sieving through a 40 sieve, soaking in 0. 1 N hydrochloric acid to remove calcium carbonate, addition of 30% hydrogen peroxide to remove organic matter, and soaking with sodium dithionite (Na2S2O4) to remove iron. The fine-grained dis- aggregated samples were then dispersed in a calgon solution and centrifuged to separate the clays from the silt fraction. The clay size fraction was smeared onto glass slides for X-ray analysis. The runs were made on each sample 1) dried at room temperature; 2) treated with ethylene glycol overnight; 3) heated to 4000C for one hour; and 4) heated to 6000C for one hour. Fine-grained aggregates of zeolite and clay, which were difficult to identify from thin sections of sandstones and basalt, were X-rayed in a powder camera. These minerals were identified by comparing diffraction data obtained from the powder photographs with known diffraction patterns of minerals published in the Inorganic Index to the Powder Diffraction File (Berry,.1971). APPENDIX IX (continued) CLAY MINERALOGY OF SELECTED SAMPLES (Locations are shown in Plate I) Chloritic Sample Montmorillonite Chlorite Intergrades Kaolinite Mica Vermiculite A eolite Oswald West mudstones: XR-3-D X X XR-3-C X XR-3-B X XR-3-A X A-26 X XR-2 X X X X - X X X X ? X X X ? X XR-1-C XR-1-B X XR-1-A X X X X Silver Point mudstones X X X X X XR-4-B X X f-32 X Ecola landslide XR-4-A X ? X - X APPENDIX IX (continued) Chloritic Sample Montmorillonite Chlorite Intergrades X X X X X - X X Kaolinite Mica Vermiculite Zeolite Sandstone matrices: Oswald West sandstones: OW-1 X OW -2 A-26 X Angora Peak sandstones AP-1 X - ? X X X Silver Point sandstones T-8 X - X - X - X T-10 ? - ? - X - X APPENDIX IX (continued) Location (See Plate I) Sample Oswald West mudstones: XR-3 Mudstone outcrop in roadcut: NW 1/4 SW 1/4, section 26, T. 5 N., R. 9 W. A-26 Massive mudstone above glauconitic sand: SW 1/4 SE 1/4, section 27, T. S N. , R. 0 W. XR-2 Bentonite bed in roadcut: SW 1/4 NW 1/4, section 34, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. XR-1 Mudstone outcrop in roadcut: SE 1/4 SE 1/4, section 23, T. 5 N., R. 9 W. Oswald West sandstones: OW-1 Roadcut: SW 1/4 SE 1/4, section 19, T.5 N., R. 9 W. OW-2 Roadcut: SE 1/4 SE 1/4, section 27, T. S N., R. 9 W. Angora Peak sandstones: AP-1 Roadcut: SE 1/4 SW 1/4, section 20, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. Silver Point mudstones: Ecola landslide Near top of Ecola State Park Landslide scarp: SW 1/4 NE 1/4, section 18, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. XR-4 Center of Ecola State Park Landslide scarp: SW 1/4 NE 1/4, section 18, T.5 N. , R. 10 W. f-32 Roadcut: NW 1/4 NE 1/4, section 31, T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. Silver Point sandstones: T-8 Seacliff south of Indian Beach: SW 1/4 NW 1/4, section 18, T.5 N. , R. 10 W. T-10 Same location as T-8. APPENDIX X CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF SELECTED BASALT SAMPLES MTL68-39* MTIL68-40* SR61-30* Sample RHN-1 RHN-3 RHN-4 RHN-5 RHN-6 RHN-7 Si02 56.5 53.0 53.0 54.5 56.0 49.8 55.4 59.8 53.8 55.3 52.6 A12 3 13.7 13.4 13.4 12.7 13.5 12.7 14.0 13.0 14.8 14.1 14.4 FeO 12.8 15.0 14.4 12.9 13.2 13.7 12.6 11.9 11.7 13.2 13.9 MgO 2.2 3.2 3.4 4.2 2.6 4.8 4.0 1.9 5.1 3.4 3.9 CaO 7.0 8.6 8.5 9.0 6.2 9.2 7.S 5.2 8.7 7.0 7.8 Nat 3.4 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.2 3.1 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.1 2.9 K20 1.61 0.78 1.08 0.68 1.39 0.81 1.2 2.4 0.53 1.5 1.2 TiO 1.98 3.12 3.01 1.88 1.79 2.61 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.9 2.6 2 * From: Snavely and others, 1973. Sample Locations: Depoe Bay Basalts: RHN-1: Breccia north of Kidder's Butte: NW 1/4 SW 1/4, section 34, T.5 N., R. 9 W. RHN-5: Sill: SE 1/4 NE 1/4,. section 10, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. RHN-6: Sill below RHN-1: SW 1/4 NW 1/4, section 34 , T. 5 N. , R. 9 W. MTIL68-39: Sill: SW 1/4, section 31, T. 6 N., R. 10 W. SR61-30: Dike: SW 1/4, section 17, T. 5 N., R. 10 W. SR61-32: Dike: SE 1/4, section 17, T. S N. , R. 10 W. Cape Foulweather Basalts: RHN-3: Sill: SE 1/4 NE 1/4, , section 5, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. RHN-4: Intrusive top of Twin Peaks: SW 1/4 NW 1/4, section 1, T. S N. , R. 10 W. RHN-7: Pillow Breccia on Haystack Rock: SW 1/4 SE' I/4, section 30, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. MT168-37: Dike: NW 1/4, section 18, T. 5 N. , R. 10 W. SR61-32* MR168-37*