AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Rungsun Pianpucktr for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering presented on September 21, 1995. Title: Formation of NO During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Kraft Black Liquc Redacted for Privacy Abstract approved: Kristiina Iisa Nitrogen evolution during black liquor pyrolysis and black liquor combustion were studied using a laminar entrained-flow reactor. The experimental conditions were 700-1100°C and 0.3-2.2 seconds residence time. The pyrolysis experiments were performed in a pure nitrogen atmosphere. The oxygen concentrations during the combustion of black liquor experiments were 4 and 21% oxygen in a nitrogen atmosphere, and 3 and 15% oxygen in a helium atmosphere. The black liquor used was a southern pine liquor with 0.09 wt.% nitrogen on dry basis. During black liquor pyrolysis, volatile species release and nitrogen release increased as residence time increased. Part of the released nitrogen formed NO. The NO formation depended on residence time and temperature. A maximum in the amount of NO formed was observed in the residence time range studied at 700 and 900°C. At 1 100 °C, there was a maximum in the NO formation at a residence time below the shortest residence time studied, 0.3 seconds. NO destruction mechanisms dominated NO formation at long residence times and high temperatures. The NO formation data seemed to fit fairly well with a simple pyrolysis model developed by lisa et al. The model included three stages: instantaneous release of N, oxidation of volatilized N to NO and reduction of NO to N2. It was suggested that the model could be improved by using a more complicated reduction model. During black liquor combustion, total mass loss and nitrogen release increased as residence time and temperature increased as well. The total mass loss and the nitrogen release were higher during combustion than during pyrolysis. Volatile and char combustion began earlier at higher temperatures. At 700°C and 4% oxygen, there was no combustion, at 1100°C and 21%, combustion was complete at the shortest residence time. The amount of NO formed was higher during combustion than during pyrolysis. NO formation increased with increasing residence time except at long residences times when NO reduction was evident. During complete combustion, 90% of mass, 98% of nitrogen were released and the maximum NO formed was 49% of fuel nitrogen. Thermal and prompt NO formation occurred during black liquor combustion when pyrolysis occurred along with volatile and char combustion. During char combustion alone, there was no thermal NO formed. Formation of NO During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Kraft Black Liquor by Rungsun Pianpucktr A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed September 21, 1995 Commencement June, 1996 Master of Science thesis of Rungsun Pianpucktr presented on September 21, 1995 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Major Professor, representing Chemical Engineering Redacted for Privacy Chair of D artment of Chemical Engineering Redacted for Privacy Dean of Grad I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for Privacy Rungsun Pianpucktr, Author Acknowledgments I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the following: Dr.Kristiina Iisa, my major professor, who gave many valuable comments and recommendations throughout the research. Dr.William James Frederick who provided many suggestions. Dr.Terry Beaumariage, Dr.Skip Rochefort, Dr.Joseph Zaworski who were my committee members Vichien Tangpanyapinit, Udom Techakijkajorn, Viboon Srichareonchaikul, Varut Phimolmas, Victor and Caren Reis, Kai Wag and Yan Lu for their coorperation during the experiments. Scott Sinquefield who built the laminar entrained-flow reactor and solved the problems of laminar entrained-flow reactor during the experiments. My parents who supported and encouraged me. Thanaporn Bansantrakul, my girl friend, who encouraged me and was always there. Rangsi Yokubol who helped me type some parts of the thesis. Varong Pavarajarn who was my English counselor during the night. Punnchalee Laothamathat and Kawin Suvatte who lent me the computer. This research is being sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, ABB Combustion Engineering, Ahlestrom Recover Inc., and Gotaverken Energy Systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 1.1 Kraft Recovery Process 1 1 1.2 NOx Air Pollution 4 1.3 Formation of NOx 5 1.3.1 Thermal NOx 1.3.2 Prompt NOx 1.3.3 Fuel NOx 5 7 8 2. Thesis Objectives 10 3. Literature Review 11 3.1 Black Liquor Combustion 11 3.2 Formation of NOx During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 11 3.3 Formation of NOx During Black Liquor Char Combustion 17 3.4 Formation of NOx During Black Liquor Combustion 18 4. Experimental Methods 23 4.1 Laminar Entrained-Flow Reactor (LEFR) 23 4.2 Analytical Methods 27 4.2.1 Chemiluminescence NO-NOx Gas Analyzer 4.3.2 Nitrogen Content 4.3 Experimental Conditions for Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor Experiments 4.3.1 Material 4.3.2 Temperature 27 28 29 29 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.3.3 Residence Time 4.3.4 Gas Atmosphere 4.3.5 Particle Heating Rate 30 30 33 4.4 Black Liquor Char Combustion 34 5. Results and Discussions 5.1 Black Liquor Pyrolysis 5.1.1 Char Yield 5.1.2 Nitrogen Remaining in Char 5.1.3 Nitrogen Release 5.1.4 NO Formation 5.1.5 Comparison of Nitrogen Release and NO Formation 5.1.6 Model for Formation of NO During Pyrolysis 5.2 Black Liquor Combustion 5.2.1 Char Yield 5.2.2 Nitrogen Remaining in Char 5.2.3 Nitrogen Release 5.2.4 NO Formation 5.2.5 Comparison of Nitrogen Release and NO Formation 35 35 35 37 38 41 46 48 50 50 55 57 60 68 5.3 Black Liquor Combustion in Helium Atmosphere 73 5.4 Black Liquor Char Combustion 77 5.5 Sources of Error 78 6. Conclusions 81 7. Recommendations for Future Work 84 Bibliography 85 Appendices 88 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Schematic Diagram of Kraft Recovery Cycle Page 2 1.2 Recovery Boiler Furnace 3 1.3 Nitrogen Cycling in Atmosphere 6 1.4 Fates of Nitrogen Contained in Coal 3.1 The Behavior of Fuel Nitrogen During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 9 13 3.2 Pyrolysis Model for Carangal's Results 16 3.3 Fuel Nitrogen Conversion Pathways 19 Experimental Set-Up Diagram 23 4.1 4.2 Schematic Diagram of the Laminar Entrained-Flow Reactor 25 4.3 Cyclone Assembly 27 4.4 Chemiluminescence Reaction and Detection 28 4.5 Particle Temperature as a Function of Residence Time 33 5.1 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 36 5.2 Char Nitrogen Content by Weight as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 38 5.3 Nitrogen Release as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 39 5.4 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 41 5.5 NO Formation as a Function of Temperature During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 44 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 5.6 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 5.7 Pyrolysis Model of NO Formation 47 49 5.8 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 700°C 51 5.9 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 900°C 51 5.10 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 1100°C 52 5.11 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4 % Oxygen 53 5.12 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21 % Oxygen 53 5.13 Char Nitrogen Content as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4 % Oxygen 56 5.14 Char Nitrogen Content as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21 % Oxygen 56 5.15 Nitrogen Release as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4 % Oxygen 58 5.16 Nitrogen Release as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21 % Oxygen 58 5.17 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 700°C 61 5.18 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 900°C 61 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 5.19 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 1100°C 62 5.20 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4 % Oxygen 64 5.21 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21 % Oxygen 64 5.22 NO Formation as a Function of Temperature During Black Liquor Combustion in 4 % Oxygen 67 5.23 NO Formation as a Function of Temperature During Black Liquor Combustion in 21 % Oxygen 67 5.24 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 700°C 69 5.25 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 900°C 69 5.26 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 1100°C 70 5.27 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4 % Oxygen 71 5.28 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21 % Oxygen 71 5.29 NO Formation in Nitrogen and Helium Atmosphere During Black Liquor Combustion at Reactor Temperature 700°C 74 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 5.30 NO Formation in Nitrogen and Helium Atmosphere During Black Liquor Combustion at Reactor Temperature 900°C 74 5.31 NO Formation in Nitrogen and Helium Atmosphere During Black Liquor Combustion at Reactor Temperature 1100°C 75 5.32 NO Formation in Black Liquor and Black Liquor Char Combustion at Reactor Temperature 900°C and 2.2 seconds 77 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 4.1 Elemental Compositions of the Black Liquor Solids 29 4.2 Experimental Conditions for Nitrogen Atmosphere Experiments 31 4.3 Experimental Conditions for Helium Atmosphere Experiments 32 5.1 Reaction Rate Coefficients of the Pyrolysis Model 49 LIST OF APPENDICES Page Appendices Appendix A Analysis of Data Procedures A.1 Actual Black Liquor Solids Input A.2 Total Nitrogen Input A.3 Total NO A.4 Conversion of Fuel N to NO A.5 Char Yield A.6 Total Nitrogen Remaining in Char A.7 Nitrogen Release A.8 Possible Maximum Relative Error in Nitrogen Release Appendix B Experimental Data and Results 88 89 90 90 91 91 91 92 92 92 95 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table Page B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere 96 B.2 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Combustion in Helium Atmosphere. B.3 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Char Combustion 109 112 Formation of NO During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Kraft Black Liquor Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Kraft Recovery Process Kraft pulping recovery process destroys toxic waste, recovers chemicals from the pulping process, and also produces energy for the pulping process. Kraft pulping is the most widely practiced method of pulping. A schematic diagram of the Kraft recovery cycle is shown in Figure 1.1. Wood chips are mixed with white liquor and cooked in the cooking process. White liquor, which contains the active pulping chemicals, NaOH and Na2S, dissolves lignin from cellulose fiber in the wood. Then, in the washing process, the fiber is washed in order to separate it from the spent liquor. The fiber after washing, called pulp, is the material for making paper. The spent liquor, called weak black liquor, consists of dissolved material and 12-15% solids (1). The weak black liquor is then evaporated in multiple effect evaporation. The evaporated black liquor, called strong black liquor, now contains 65-75% solids (1). In the combustion process, the strong black liquor is used as a fuel in the Kraft recovery furnace to generate energy. A schematic diagram of the Kraft recovery 2 furnace is shown in Figure 1.2. The residual from the bottom of the furnace, called the molten smelt, is then dissolved to become green liquor. After that, the green liquor is passed through the causticizing process to form white liquor and reused in the cooking process again. In the causticizing process, NaCO3 in the green liquor is converted to NaOH and CaCO3 by Ca(OH)2. CaCO3 is separated from the white liquor and then calcined together with some make up CaCO3 to form reburnt lime (CaO). CaO then reacts with water to form Ca(OH)2 which is reused in the causticizing process. Wood chips White liquor NaOH, Na2S PI oi Cooking Pulp Washing Weak black liquor (12 15% solids) Condensate Evaporation Strong black liquor Salt cake make up (65-75% solids) Combustion I Energy Na, S losses Molten smelt Dissolving Green liquor ., NaCO3 Causticizing Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 CaCO3 make up Slaking 4Water CaO 01 Calcining Figure 1.1 Schematic Diagram of the Kraft Recovery Cycle (2) 3 GAS OUTLET -Or Er' T RTIART AIR CYCLONE *INDICES SPRAY OSCILLATORS it SECONDARY AIR 11. 'JIMMIES 11 PRIMARY AIR ­ MINIMA SMELT SPOUTS STEAM COIL AIR HEATER SMELT SISSOLYINS TANK CYCLONE RECIRCULATING PUMPS FUEL AND POPPER FLOSS FORCED DRAFT FUN GREEN LIMIER RE C IF CULATINC PUMPS PUMP:, Figure 1.2 Recovery Boiler Furnace (1) 4 1.2 NOx Air Pollution Air pollution is air borne waste remaining from producing goods, transportation, and generating energy. The major cause of air pollution is combustion, and combustion is essential to human life. Impurities in fuel and incomplete combustion cause the formation of such side products as carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides (SOx), unburnt hydrocarbons (HC), and nitrogen oxides (NOx) all are pollutants. There are seven forms of oxides of nitrogen. These are nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), nitrogen trioxide (NO3), nitrous oxide (N20), dinitrogen trioxide (N203), dinitrogen tetraoxide (N204), and dinitrogen pentaoxide (N205). The two most important of oxides of nitrogen with respect to pollution are NO and NO2, generally called NOx. In the United States, NOx are emitted at a rate of about 20 million metric tons per year (3). Of this, about 11 million metric tons per year is due to stationary source fuel combustion. NO is the main oxide of nitrogen formed during the combustion in stationary sources, about 95% of total oxides of nitrogen (4). NOx together with hydrocarbons in high concentration can cause photochemical smog, the grayish haze seen over urban areas, which impairs vision. In daylight NOx and the hydrocarbons react with sunlight to produce ozone (03). Ozone in high concentration reduces visibility. In the lower troposphere, NOx can result in the formation of ozone which is a greenhouse gas. N20 is a greenhouse gas as well. High concentrations of greenhouse gases increase the global temperature and this is called the greenhouse effect. 5 NOx itself never reaches the upper troposphere and stratosphere. The major source of NOx in the upper troposphere and stratosphere is the oxidation of nitrous oxide (N20). The presence of NOx in the upper troposphere and stratosphere contributes to the depletion of ozone. The depletion of ozone will allow more UV radiation to earth which causes human skin cancer and climate change. NOx along with SOx are responsible for acidity in rain and snow. Dry deposition of NOx on the ground level is also reported. Inhalation of NOx in high concentrations can affect directly to human health. Cycling of nitrogen in the environment is shown in Figure 1.3. The U.S. Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA 90) require the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to identify alternative control technologies for all categories of stationary sources of volatile organic compounds (VOC) or NOx that have the potential to emit 25 tons per year or more of either pollutant (5). 1.3 Formation of NOx The formation of NOx during the combustion is generally attributed to several mechanisms. 1.3.1 Thermal NOx Thermal NOx is formed according to the Zeldovich mechanism (7), in which NOx is formed by reactions between nitrogen and oxygen in the combustion air. It consists of three reactions: 6 ozone layer 03 NO+02->NO2+0, ozone long range transport depletion stratosphere/upper troposphere troposphere NO2+0H->11NO3 / 2NO2+H20->HNO,+HNO2 NO2+NO+H20->2HNO2 NO+OH->HNO2 0 lightning "I atmospheric NO, NO2 and N20 NO +H02 <- >NO2 +OH R02+NO->R0+NO2 NO2->N0+0 0 +02->0 / deposition // / / / // / / dry wet fertilizer/ manure s21 power micro stations/ ac ivity industry ornass burning Ili 4, 4/34/ 4/ 4/ 4) acidification ° F1 groundwater leaching Figure 1.3 Nitrogen Cycling in Atmosphere (6) 0 + N2 <=> NO + N (1.1) N + 02 <=-> NO + 0 (1.2) N + OH <=> NO + H (1.3) Reactions 1.1 and 1.2 are the most significant in the Zeldovich mechanism. The reactions occur at high temperatures, normally above 1300°C. The formation of NOx by this mechanism increases rapidly with rising temperature. The rate of formation of 7 thermal NOx is also affected by the concentration of oxygen atoms and OH radicals in flame. It may be assumed that the fuel combustion reactions (between C, H and 0) are in equilibrium; hence, equilibrium equations can describe the concentrations of 0, H and OH. 1.3.2 Prompt NOx Prompt NOx formation was originally described by Fenimore in 1971 (8). In the prompt NOx mechanism, hydrocarbon radicals originating from the fuel combine with nitrogen in the combustion air and generate nitrogen containing hydrocarbons (such as HCN) and nitrogen atoms. N2 + CH (1.4) HCN + N Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) can be converted to NO or N2 by these reactions (8): NO HCN --' NCO NH,' N2 / (1.5) N ENO N2 Nitrogen atoms may react with molecular oxygen or hydroxyl radicals (reaction 1.2 or 1.3) to form NO. Consequently, the degree of conversion of prompt NOx 8 depends on the hydrocarbon radicals concentrations and the rate of formation of the nitrogen containing hydrocarbon compounds. The reaction rates depend on temperature and pressure as well, normally they occur at low temperature and low pressure. Compared to the total NOx quantity in most combustion processes, prompt NOx is of minor importance. 1.3.3 Fuel NOx The formation of NOx from fuel bound nitrogen is significant to the total NOx formation in most combustion processes. Fuel NOx can account for over 50% of the total NOx. (9) Nitrogen contained in the fuel is oxidized to form NOx. However, the reaction mechanisms are complex and not fully known. During the combustion process, the volatile part of fuel bound nitrogen is converted to HCN (formed from aromatic compounds) and NH3 (formed due to amines). Similar to prompt NOx formation, HCN and NH3 are converted to chemical radicals containing nitrogen atoms which react rapidly with oxygen carrying components. Hydrogen cyanide can be converted to NO or N2 as in reaction 1.5. Similar reactions seem to be likely for ammonia (NH3). In coal combustion, the possible reaction paths are shown in Figure 1.4. The rate of formation of NOx in char reactions is dependent on flame temperature, air/fuel ratio and char characteristics. In gas phase reactions resulting from volatile fraction of 9 hydrocarbon and nitrogen compound (R-N), the reaction rates are highly dependent upon the air/fuel ratio and gas phase nitrogen concentration. Contrast to thermal NOx, temperature changes do not seem to affect the reaction rates (10). Path A Volatile fraction R-N Reduced in heat release zone Path B To flue gases (Oxidized) Coal Reduction in Char N Oxidize at particle surface boundary layer Escape from boundary layer Ash free Figure 1.4 Fates of Nitrogen Contained in Coal (11) 0 10 Chapter 2 Thesis Objective The study of NOx emissions from recovery boilers is presently of interest since new regulations require lower NOx emissions. There have been several studies of NO formation during black liquor pyrolysis. However, there are only few studies of black liquor combustion. This thesis is the study of NO formation during pyrolysis and combustion of black liquor using a laminar entrained-flow reactor. The objectives of this study are: to obtain and compare nitrogen evolution data during pyrolysis and combustion of black liquor to determine the effect of residence time and temperature on nitrogen evolution during black liquor pyrolysis and black liquor combustion to investigate the effect of oxygen concentration on nitrogen evolution during combustion of black liquor to study the effect of prompt and thermal NO formation during black liquor combustion to examine char combustion separate from pyrolysis and pyrolysis products combustion 11 Chapter 3 Literature Review 3.1 Black Liquor Combustion Black liquor combustion involves four stages -- drying, devolatilization, char burning and smelt coalescence (1). Drying occurs immediately when heat is transferred from the surroundings to the particles and water is evaporated from the particles. During devolatilization, volatile gases are released from the fuel particles due to the rapid destruction of the organic macromolecules in the liquor, which is called pyrolysis, and then the volatile gases react with oxygen in combustion air, which is called volatile combustion. After pyrolysis, black liquor is swollen and has become a porous char. During char combustion, carbon is oxidized to CO and CO2. After char combustion, the residue, mainly sodium salts, melts and coalesces. 3.2 Formation of NOx During Black Liquor Pyrolysis Aho et al. (12,13) conducted two pyrolysis studies. In their experiments, a single droplet of black liquor was suspended on a platinum hook, lowered into a reactor and removed after 300 seconds. The reactor was in an argon environment. The furnace temperature was varied between 300°C and 900°C. The nitrogen compounds, NO and NH3, released during the experiments were measured. 12 In the first study (12), the pyrolysis of one soft wood liquor and one hard wood liquor were studied at different temperatures in an oxygen free environment. The results indicated that very little or no HCN was formed during black liquor pyrolysis, or that all of the HCN formed might have been converted to NH3. The major fixed nitrogen gas released during pyrolysis of black liquor was ammonia. Only small amounts of NO were detected. They also found that fixed nitrogen (NIX), referring to HCN, NH3, and NO, was released during the pyrolysis stage after drying. About 15­ 20% of the nitrogen originally present in the black liquor was released as MI, during pyrolysis of black liquor. The rate of Nth released increased with rising temperature. A maximum yield of Nth, released was observed at temperatures between 600-800°C. At higher temperatures, NIX decreased probably due to secondary pyrolysis reactions, in which Nfix is converted to molecular nitrogen. In the second study (13), the same experiments were conducted at two temperatures, 600°C and 800°C, with different types of black liquor samples. Most of Nfix was ammonia in these experiments as well. At 800°C, the NO formation was less than at 600°C. The amount of NO was about the same for all black liquor samples. However, the amount of Nfix released during pyrolysis of black liquor increased with increasing nitrogen content in the black liquor sample. The conversion of fuel nitrogen in black liquor to Nth, was roughly 10-30%; about 7-28% was NH3, and about 1-2% was NO. The total NIX released was linearly proportional to the fuel nitrogen content in the liquor. Aho et al. found that 20-60% of fuel nitrogen was released during pyrolysis of black liquor at 400°C. Based on this estimate of nitrogen release, approximately halfof 13 the nitrogen release was Nfix and Aho et al. assumed that the rest was molecular nitrogen. A schematic of the behavior of fuel nitrogen during black liquor pyrolysis as suggested by Aho et al. is illustrated in Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1. The Behavior of Fuel Nitrogen During Black Liquor Pyrolysis (13) The level of Nfix during black liquor pyrolysis was similar to the levels observed in Kraft recovery boilers. Assuming that all fixed nitrogen is converted to NOx in the recovery furnace, Aho et al. concluded that the nitrogen released in the pyrolysis stage may be the most significant source of NO in Kraft recovery boiler. Forssen et al. (14) conducted more pyrolysis experiments in the same reactor as Aho et al. The nitrogen remaining in the char and char yield were measured. The results showed that the char nitrogen decreased as temperature was increased during 300-500°C, was constant during 500-900°C, and then decreased at 1000°C. The 14 average char nitrogen at 500-900°C was approximately 20-30% of nitrogen originally present in black liquor. At 1000°C, the char nitrogen was significantly lower. The average char yield was 50% of black liquor solids at furnace temperatures 500-800°C. At 900-1000°C, the char yields decreased to below 20% of black liquor solids. It was suggested that at 900°C, the nitrogen still remained in the residues while most of char mass had devolatilized. Experiments of black liquor pyrolysis in a laminar entrained-flow reactor were conducted by Carangal (15). Black liquor solids with particle size of 90-125 [tm and 0.11 wt.% nitrogen (dry basis) were used in the experiments. The reactor and the experimental methods were the same as in our pyrolysis experiments (and are described in chapter 4). Ammonia was measured by an absorption method. However, the ammonia data were scattered and no conclusion could be reached. The results indicated that NO formation during black liquor pyrolysis was dependent on the reactor temperature. At a constant residence time, the conversion of fuel nitrogen to NO increased with increasing temperature and reached a maximum, after which the NO level decreased. As a function of residence time, the NO formation increased as residence time increased, and again decreased at long residence times. A maximum in the formation of NO was observed at 0.8 seconds for 800°C and 0.5 seconds for 900°C. However, there was no maximum in NO observed at 700°C. It was suggested that the NO destruction mechanisms dominated at high temperature and/or long residence time. Carangal suggested that the destruction of NO may have been due to homogeneous reactions of NO with other gas species, or heterogeneous reactions of NO with char or fume. 15 The nitrogen content in the char was approximately constant at an average of 0.10 wt.% for all experiments. The char yield decreased with increasing residence time and temperature. At 0.3 seconds which was the shortest residence time of the experiments, the char yield was approximately 60% of black liquor solids. It was implied that the volatile species were released significantly before the 0.3 seconds residence time. This agreed with Frederick (16) who stated that major devolatilization is complete at a residence time less than 0.1 seconds. From the results of Carangal, a model of nitrogen volatilization was developed by Iisa et al. (17). The model assumed that the nitrogen in black liquor pyrolysis was involved in three stages: release of nitrogen from black liquor, oxidation of nitrogen released to NO, and reduction of NO. Nbls Nyot (3.1) NO (3.2) Nred (3.3) ko, Nyol kred NO The nitrogen release (Noi) was assumed to be instantaneous. The oxidation and reduction reactions were assumed to be irreversible and first order. The reaction rate coefficients are denoted as ko, and kred respectively. Thus, the NO concentration can be calculated by the following equation. [NO] = [Nvoi (e-krcdt ko, k e-k,t (3.4) where t is the residence time and [NOdo is the initial concentration of N1. 16 The model fitted reasonably with the pyrolysis experiments at 800 and 900°C with different residence times. The fitted values were; at 800°C, kox 0.84 1/s, kred 1.09 1/s, and at 900°C, 1(0, 1.97 1/s, kred 2.56 1/s. By subtracting the time at which NO started forming from the residence time, the model fitted better. The results of the fits to NO formation are shown in Figure 3.2. The reduction rate coefficient kred from the model was of the same order of magnitude as the char reduction rate coefficient, while it was five orders of magnitudes faster than the fume reduction rate coefficient. Therefore, it was suggested that the reaction of NO by char was significant in the pyrolysis of black liquor. 700°C 25 C5 800°C 900°C 20 0 .* 15 A 111 - A 10 _ A Z A 5 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Resident time, s Figure 3.2 Pyrolysis Model for Carangal's Results 2.0 17 3.3 Formation of NOx During Black Liquor Char Combustion Forssen et al. (14) conducted experiments of black liquor char combustion. The reactor and experimental methods were the same as described in pyrolysis experiments by Aho et al. (section 3.2). The NO and CO2 concentrations were measured during the experiments. The black liquor droplet was devolatilized for 100 seconds in a nitrogen atmosphere, then a combustion gas mixture (N2 and 02) was instantaneously introduced. The results showed that at 700 and 800°C in 1% oxygen, CO2 formation occurred in the beginning of the char burning, while NO formation occurred in the end. At 900°C in 1% oxygen, there were two peaks of CO2 and NO formation, one in the beginning and one in the end of the char burning. Maxima of CO2 and NO were observed at the same time at 900°C in 1% oxygen. At 1000°C and I% oxygen, there were maxima in CO2 and NO formation in the beginning of the char burning, after which NO and CO2 gradually decreased. At 700°C in 1-10% oxygen, the major part of NO formation again occurred in the beginning of the char burning. It was suggested that when NO formation started to increase, char burning had ended. In order to verify this, Forssen et al. performed a series of experiments by changing the oxygen mixture to pure nitrogen for some times after the CO2 formation was complete, then switching back to the oxygen mixture again. In the pure nitrogen atmosphere, there were few small peaks of CO2 formation but no NO formation was observed. After reintroducing the oxygen mixture, no CO2 formation occurred while the NO level increased similar to the earlier oxygen mixture experiments. From these results, Forssen et al. concluded 18 that part of nitrogen remained in the residual salt and oxidized to NO after all the carbon in the char had been consumed. In 1% oxygen, the conversion of nitrogen to NO was much lower than the conversion of carbon to CO2 at temperatures below 900°C. At higher temperatures, the fraction of NO released was about the same as the fraction of CO2 released. The NO level in 1% oxygen at 700-900°C was 10 mg N / 100 g BLS which is about two thirds of the char nitrogen. At 1100°C in 1% oxygen, the amount of NO was 30 mg N / 100 g BLS which is double the amount of nitrogen in the char. It was suggested that during black liquor char combustion experiments above 950°C, the NO formed might be partly thermal NO. The NO formation pathways were suggested by Forssen et al. as shown in Figure 3.3. The nitrogen released during the pyrolysis was about 70% of black liquor nitrogen. Approximately 30% of nitrogen remained in the char. Two thirds of nitrogen remaining in the char might form NO in an oxidative environment. It was suggested that under oxygen free, char nitrogen would remain in inorganic residues and could be carried out from the furnace along with the smelt. 3.4 Formation of NOx During Black Liquor Combustion Nichols and Lien (18) conducted experiments of black liquor combustion. The objective of the first part of the study was to understand how fuel NOx and thermal NOx contribute to the total NOx emitted from recovery furnaces. Their reactor 19 NO N2 NH3 35% 35% Fuel-N 30% N2 Nchar NO N2 Nsmeli NO Ngreen Figure 3.3 Fuel Nitrogen Conversion Pathways (14) consisted of a vertical tube furnace placed above a char bed furnace. Black liquor droplets were fed from the top into the tube furnace and they fell down through the furnaces with a gas flowing upward. A comparison was made between the combustion of black liquor in air and in synthetic air (21% 02 in Ar). However, they found that there was an air leakage to the system during the synthetic air experiments. The N2 content was thus reduced from 79% in air to 16% in the synthetic air experiments. The results indicated that the NOx concentration average was about 50 ppm both in air and 20 in synthetic air. If thermal NOx was generated during these combustion experiments, this change in N2 content should have affected the total NOx. Therefore, Nichols and Lien concluded that thermal NOx had no significant effect during the combustion of black liquor, and all the NOx formed was concluded to be fuel NOx. From the simplified expression for the maximum of thermal NOx formation, Nichols and Lien concluded that temperatures from 1430 to 1530°C require residence times of 2.0-0.1 seconds to generate 10 ppm of thermal NOx (19). The highest temperature in a recovery furnace, reported by Whitten et al., was 1320°C (20). It is not high enough to produce significant amounts of thermal NOx. The results of NOx measurements at different heights from the char bed showed that 40% of the maximum NO (28 ppm average) was produced near the char bed. The rest of the NO was produced during the in-flight burning. The in-flight burning was mainly devolatilization. Thus, the major part of NOx was formed during the devolatilization stage. The NO level first increased with increasing distance and reached a maximum at the second farthest point from the char bed. The maximum NO level average was 78 ppm. The NO level then decreased to an average of 50 ppm at the farthest point from the char bed. The reason may be that NO reacts with other species. The possibilities are NOx reduction by particles and char, or gas phase reactions. A second study was conducted in order to compare NOx formation in black liquor combustion with two different nitrogen contents, a mill liquor and a low nitrogen synthetic liquor, and to study the effect of temperature change on NOx formation in black liquor combustion. For this study, Nichols and Lien used another reactor, a tube 21 furnace reactor. The results indicated that higher nitrogen contents in black liquor gave higher NOx levels. Therefore, it was concluded that the NOx formed during black liquor combustion was fuel NOx. The conversion of fuel nitrogen to NOx in the lower nitrogen liquor was higher than in the higher nitrogen liquor which agreed with the finding of Bowman (21) for other fuels. The NOx concentration increased as the temperature was increased from 800°C to 900°C. The reason for the increase in NOx concentration when the temperature was changed from 800 to 900°C was suggested to be that more nitrogen was released during pyrolysis at the higher temperature. There was no change in the NOx level when the temperature was further increased to 1000°C. From these experiments, the NOx formed during black liquor combustion is not highly sensitive to temperature. This agreed with the results of Pershing and Wendt (22) for fuel NOx in coal combustion. Forssen et al. (23) also conducted experiments of combustion of single black liquor droplet at 900°C in 10% oxygen. The reactor and experimental method were the same as in the pyrolysis experiments by Aho et al. (as described in section 3.2). Two peaks of NO formation were observed during the combustion experiments. Forssen et al. suggested that the first peak was due to release of nitrogen during pyrolysis. The second peak was the NO formation after the char combustion complete as described in section 3.3. From this suggestion, the average pyrolysis NO was 60% of the total NO formed for 17 liquors. The total NO formation average was 45% of the black liquor nitrogen. The data were converted to corresponding to NO emissions from recovery boilers. The total NO emission levels base on the experiments were 120-180 ppm. The 22 NO emission level from formation of NO during pyrolysis and volatile combustion was 70-120 ppm which agreed well with typical NO emission from the recovery boilers. Forssen et al. concluded that recovery boiler NO emission originated from fuel nitrogen. 23 Chapter 4 Experimental Methods 4.1 Laminar Entrained-Flow Reactor (LEFR) The pyrolysis and combustion of black liquor solid experiments were conducted in a laboratory scale laminar entrained-flow reactor equipped with a cyclone and a chemiluminescence NO-NOx analyzer. The experimental set-up diagram is shown in Figure 4.1. Primary flow LEFR Secondary flow o. Quench flow to exhaust Cyclone/filter NO-NOx analyzer to exhaust exhaust Figure 4.1 Experimental Set-Up Diagram 24 Figure 4.2 shows a schematic diagram of the laminar entrained-flow reactor. The LEFR consists of two cylindrical mullite tubes. The smaller mullite tube has an inside diameter of 70 mm. There is a three heating zone furnace outside the mullite tubes, each zone is 12 inches long. The maximum furnace temperature is 1200°C. The temperature of the furnace is controlled by an Omega CN76000 Micro-processor Based Temperature/ Process Controller capable of ramping to its set point temperature at a maximum heating rate of 300°C/hr. The reactor operates with a high temperature gas flowing downward at laminar conditions. There are primary and secondary gas streams entering the reactor. There is another gas stream, a quench gas stream, entering through the collector. All gas flows are controlled by Omega FMA5600 Electronic Mass Flow Meter (MFM). The particles are entrained by the primary gas stream from the feeder, and flow through the injector into the center of the inner mullite tube. To prevent change of particle temperature before entering the reaction zone, the primary gas stream is kept cool throughout the injector by cooling water. The secondary gas stream is preheated when flowing upward through the annular space between the mullite tubes. The secondary gas stream then flows downward into the inner tube through a flow straightener. The primary and secondary flows merge together to form a single laminar flow entering the reaction zone. The particles are instantly exposed to the high temperature of the secondary gas stream and the hot reactor wall when they enter the reaction zone. The heating rate of small particles is very rapid (>104°C/sec). 25 primary gas flow cooling water C injector flow straightener MFM #5 C:::, Zone I (-OE- Zone 1 particle feeder REACTOR Zone 2 MFM #I <ZD Zone 2 feed as MFM #2 Zone 3 Zone 3 MIX V' feed gas 2 0 N1FM 43 secondary gas flow 4 secondary gas flow -1 MFM #4 feed 20s 3 COLLECTOR is. feed gas 4 roclmeter for collator tip MFM 46 cooling %pier < quench gas flow to CYCLONE 1-1 quench gas feed rota:neer for collector body Figure 4.2 Schematic Diagram of the Laminar Entrained-Flow Reactor 26 After the particles and gas streams pass through the reactor, they are cooled down by the quench gas stream which enters through the collector. Most of the quench gas stream enters near the tip of collector, called the tip quench stream, to rapidly decrease the temperature of the particles. The rest, called the wall quench stream, flows through the porous wall of the collector to prevent deposition of particles on the wall and further decrease the temperature. The residence times of the particles can be controlled by changing the reactor pathlenght (moving collector up or down) or by changing the primary and secondary gas flows. The residence times were calculated by a predictive model based on Flaxman's computational fluid dynamic algorithm. (25) In the long residence time experiments, a small fixed collector was used. The collector cannot be moved. Thus, the reactor pathlenght was fixed at the maximum pathlenght of 41 inches. However, the residence times could still be controlled by changing the gas velocity. The particles and the gas stream then enter the cyclone. The cut size of the cyclone is 3 mn. Most of the gas stream flows through the exhaust duct. The rest flows through a filter of 2.2 pm pore size into the chemiluminescence NO-NOx analyzer for NO measurement. A schematic diagram of the cyclone assembly is shown in Figure 4.3. 27 incoming gas from collector cyclone to exhaust L cyclone compartment for char collection f lter 2 j filter 1 to NO-NOx analyzer Figure 4.3 Cyclone Assembly 4.2 Analytical Methods 4.2.1 Chemiluminescence NO-NOx Gas Analyzer The NO concentration is determined by measuring light emitted from the chemiluminescence reaction of NO with 03 in the reaction chamber. Figure 4.4 illustrates the analytical technique based on this principle. 28 Chemiluminescence Reaction NO + 03 -> NO2 + 02 NO2 + ho (photons) Signal is proportional to [NO] d[photons] oc dt [03] [NO] Figure 4.4 Chemiluminescence Reaction and Detection (24) The light emission is measured through an optical filter by a high sensitivity photomultiplier. The output from the photomultiplier is directly proportional to the NO concentration. For NOx (NO and NO2) measurement, there is a converter for quantitatively reducing NO2 to NO before entering the chemiluminescence reaction chamber. 4.2.2 Nitrogen Content The nitrogen content in black liquor solids and black liquor char was analyzed by the Plant Analysis Lab in the Department of Soil Science, Oregon State University. The analytical method was the Kjeldahl analysis. In the Kjeldahl method, the sample is digested by a strong acid at a high temperature to convert nitrogen to ammonia. The ammonia is then distilled and back titrated with an acid. The total moles of nitrogen are equivalent to the moles of ammonia. 29 4.3 Experimental Conditions for Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor Experiments 4.3.1 Material Black liquor solids obtained by drying a southern pine kraft black liquor and grinding to fine particle sizes were used in all experiments. The particle size of 90-125 pm was used to minimize temperature gradient and external mass transfer effects, and to obtain uniform feeding rate with minimum plugging. The composition of the black liquor solids is shown in Table 4.1. Table 4.1 Elemental Compositions of the Black Liquor Solids Element Wt. % Carbon 35.70 Hydrogen 3.05 Sodium 22.65 Sulfur 2.85 Potassium 0.62 Chloride 0.67 Nitrogen 0.09 Oxygen­ 34.37 * obtained by difference 30 4.3.2 Temperature The effect of temperature on pyrolysis and combustion was investigated. The temperatures of the reactor in the experiments were 700, 900 and 1100°C. This temperature range was chosen because it is the same range as in a recovery boiler. 4.3.3 Residence Time The effect of residence time on pyrolysis and combustion was studied. The residence times ranged from 0.3 to 2.2 seconds. The residence times were calculated by Flaxman's computational fluid dynamic and heat transfer model for particles in laminar entrained-flow reactors (25). The model accounts for momentum transport, gas particle slip, and convective and radiative heat transfer between gas, reactor wall and particles. The residence times were adjusted by changing the reactor pathlenght and/or changing the gas stream flow rates. 4.3.4 Gas Atmosphere Most of the experiments were run in nitrogen with different oxygen concentrations. The oxygen contents were 0% oxygen for pyrolysis experiments, 4% and 21% oxygen for combustion experiments. Some helium environment experiments with 2.9% and 15.4% oxygen were run at residence times of 0.3 and 2.2 seconds to 31 verify the effect of prompt and thermal NOx formation in the combustion experiments. Tables 4.2 and 4.3 illustrate the experimental conditions of the experiments. Table 4.2 Experimental Conditions for Nitrogen Atmosphere Experiments Pyrolysis 0% 02 Temperature (°C) Residence Time (sec) 700 900 1100 0.3 x x x 0.6 x x x 1.1 x x x 1.6 x x x 2.2 x x x Combustion 4% 02 Temperature (°C) Residence Time (sec) 700 900 1100 0.3 x x x 0.6 x x x 1.1 x x x 1.6 x x x 2.2 x x x 32 Table 4.2 Experimental Condition for Nitrogen Atmosphere Experiments (continued) Combustion 21% 02 Residence Time Temperature (DC) (sec) 700 900 1100 0.3 x x x 0.6 x x x 1.1 x x x 1.6 x x x 2.2 x x x Table 4.3 Experimental Conditions for Helium Atmosphere Experiments Combustion 2.9% 02 Temperature (°C) Residence Time 900 1100 0.3 x x 2.2 x x (sec) 700 Combustion 15.4% 02 Temperature (°C) Residence Time (sec) 700 0.3 2.2 x 900 1100 x x x x 33 4.3.5 Particle Heating Rate The particle temperature was calculated by Flaxman's model (25). It was estimated that the particle heating rates were in excess of 104 °C/sec. Figure 4.5 shows plots of particle temperature with time at 700, 900 and 1100°C. The plot of particle temperature with time indicates that the particle temperature reached the reactor temperature within 0.2 seconds after injection into the reaction zone. 1200 1000 800 - 600 400 200 Temp 700°C Temp 900°C Temp 1100°C 0 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 Residence time (sec) Figure 4.5 Particle Temperature as a Function of Residence Time 34 4.4 Black Liquor Char Combustion Two experiments were performed by using black liquor char as the feeding materials. The objective of the char combustion experiments was to investigate char combustion separated from pyrolysis and pyrolysis products combustion and to test thermal NOx formation during char combustion. The char was prepared by pyrolysis in nitrogen at 1100°C reactor temperature and 2.2 second residence time. The char then was ground to fine particles and used as the feeding material. The experimental conditions for char combustion experiments were 900°C reactor temperature, 2.2 seconds residence time and 21% oxygen. One experiment was in nitrogen environment, the other was in helium environment. 35 Chapter 5 Results and Discussions 5.1 Black Liquor Pyrolysis 5.1.1 Char Yield Figure 5.1 shows char yield as a function of residence time during black liquor pyrolysis. The char yield decreased as residence time increased. At 700°C, the char yield was 82% at 0.3 seconds, and it quickly decreased to 65% at 0.6 seconds. At residence times above 0.6 seconds, the char yield gradually decreased to 53% at 2.2 seconds. This indicates that the black liquor solids were volatilized rapidly until the residence time of 0.6 seconds, after which they were volatilized more gradually. At 900 and 1100°C, the char yields decreased during the residence times studied, 0.3-2.2 seconds. At the shortest residence time studied, 0.3 seconds, the char yield was 60% at 900°C and 50% at 1100°C. This implies that substantial amounts of volatile species in the black liquor solids were released at residence times below 0.3 seconds. The lowest char yield in this study was 20% at 1100°C and 2.2 seconds, i.e. 80% of black liquor solids were released as gas species. This indicates that considerable amounts of inorganic material in addition to C, H, and N vaporized. 36 Temp 700°C, 02 0% 100 Temp 900°C, 02 0% 90 Temp 1100°C, 02 0% 80 70 60 50 40 _ 30 _ 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.1 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis At higher temperature, the char yields were lower. This indicates that the amounts of volatile species released increases as temperature increases. This is in accordance with the finding of Frederick and Hupa (26), Carangal (15), and Forssen et al. (14). In Carangal's experiments (15) with the same liquor, at temperatures between 700 and 1100°C, the char yields were 35-60% at 0.85 seconds. This agrees well with our results, which show that the char yields were 30-65% at residence times between 0.6-1.1 seconds in the same temperature range. The char yields at 2.2 seconds, the longest residence time studied, were compared to those in the study by Forssen et al. 37 (14) in which the pyrolysis times were long. The results agree well, in both studies the char yields decreased from 50 to 20% as temperature increased from 700 to 1100°C. 5.1.2 Nitrogen Remaining in Char The plots of char nitrogen content (by weight) versus residence time during pyrolysis of black liquor are shown in Figure 5.2. At 700°C, the nitrogen content in the char decreased with increasing residence time. The average of char nitrogen content at 700°C was 0.075% by weight. At 900 and 1100°C, the char nitrogen contents were roughly constant at an average of 0.77% by weight. This indicates that at 700°C, nitrogen is released from the black liquor faster than other volatile materials. At 900 and 1100°C, a constant nitrogen content indicates that nitrogen is released at the same rate as other volatile materials. At residence times of 1.6 and 2.2 seconds, the nitrogen content of the char at 700°C was even lower than at 900 and 1100°C. Because the amount of nitrogen in the char was very low and only one sample for each point was analyzed, there may be considerable error in the analysis. Carangal who used the same laboratory for nitrogen measurement found that the error in the analysis was ±0.01 wt.% nitrogen (15). In Carangal's data (15), the char nitrogen contents were approximately constant in all pyrolysis experiments which agreed with our results at 900 and 1100°C. Thus, all the nitrogen contents measured may have been the same. 38 0.09 I 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 Temp 700°C, 02 0% 0.03 Temp 900°C, 02 0% Temp 1100 °C, 02 0% 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Res idence time (sec) Figure 5.2 Char Nitrogen Content by Weight as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 5.1.3 Nitrogen Release Figure 5.3 shows nitrogen release as a percentage of nitrogen originally present in the black liquor solids as a function of residence time during black liquor pyrolysis at the three furnace temperatures. The fraction of nitrogen released from black liquor was calculated by subtracting the amount of nitrogen that remained in the char from the total nitrogen in the black liquor solids that was fed to the reactor. The detailed calculation is described in Appendix A.7. At 0.3 seconds, fractions of nitrogen released were 22% of fuel nitrogen at 700°C, 46% of fuel nitrogen at 900°C, 58% of fuel nitrogen at 1100°C. The fraction of nitrogen released increased as residence time increased. At 39 100 90 80 70 - 60 50 40 _ - A Temp 700°C 02 0% Temp 900°C, 02 0% 30 Temp 1100°C, 02 0% 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.3 Nitrogen Release as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 700°C, the amount of nitrogen released increased rapidly to 50% of fuel nitrogen at 1.1 seconds, then increased more gradually and reached 55% of fuel nitrogen at 2.2 seconds. At 900 and 1100°C, the amount of nitrogen released increased gradually during the residence time range studied, 0.3-2.2 seconds. This agrees well with the char yield as discussed in section 5.1.1. The lowest char yield in this study was 20% at 1100°C and 2.2 seconds, i.e. 80% of black liquor solids were released to gas species. This concurs with the amount of nitrogen release which is also 80% of black liquor nitrogen. The nitrogen release increased with rising temperature as well, except at 700 and 40 900°C, when it was about the same at residence times 1.6-2.2 seconds. The results agree with the experiments of Carangal (15). From the data, it can be concluded that the nitrogen release was 20-60% of black liquor nitrogen at 700°C, 45-70% of black liquor nitrogen at 900°C, and 60-80% of black liquor nitrogen at 1100°C. Carangal (15) found that at 0.85 seconds and temperatures 700-1100°C, the nitrogen release was 40-60% of black liquor nitrogen. This agrees with our experiments that at 0.6-1.1 seconds and 700-1100°C, the nitrogen release was 40-70% of fuel nitrogen in black liquor. However, Forssen et al. (14) reported considerably higher nitrogen release for liquors with nitrogen contents of 0.06-0.09 wt.%. They found that at 600-900°C, the fraction of nitrogen remaining in the char was constant at an average of 20-30% of fuel nitrogen (which corresponds to 70-80% of black liquor nitrogen released). Almost all of the nitrogen in black liquor was released at 1100°C. The results may be different from ours due to different types of the black liquor used, or different experimental methods. In the experiments of Forssen et al., the pyrolysis time was much longer than in our experiments (hundreds of seconds versus a couple of seconds). Thus, more of the volatile nitrogen in the black liquor might be released in their experiments. In our experiments, the nitrogen release continued at 2.2 seconds. The nitrogen release at 300 seconds based on our experiments should be higher than the value we measured and could well be the same as Forssen et al. found. We believe that our values for nitrogen release are more representative for the conditions in a recovery boiler, since in them char combustion typically begins in a couple of seconds. 41 5.1.4 NO Formation Figure 5.4 shows the conversion of nitrogen originally present in black liquor solids to NO during black liquor pyrolysis as a function of residence time at temperatures 700, 900, and 1100°C. The results indicate that NO formation is dependent on residence time and the temperature. At 700 and 900°C, the NO level initially increased with increasing residence time, and then decreased as residence time further increased. The maximum in the amount of NO formed was at a residence time between 1.1 and 2.2 seconds at 700°C, and at 900°C the maximum was between 0.3 and 1.1 seconds. The highest NO conversion was roughly 12% of the nitrogen originally present in the black liquor solids at both 700 and 900°C. Temp 700°C, 02 0% A Temp 900°C, 02 0% Temp 1100 °C, 02 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.4 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis 42 At 1100°C, the NO level decreased with increasing residence time and in the residence time range studied, 0.3-2.2 seconds, no maximum in the amount of NO formed can be observed. Since there is no NO formed at 0 second residence time, there must be a maximum in the amount of NO formed at a residence time below or near 0.3 seconds. The highest amount of fuel nitrogen in black liquor that was converted to NO was 15% at the shortest residence time studied, 0.3 seconds. The NO level decreases at long residence times because NO destruction takes place and the rate of NO destruction is higher than the rate of NO formation. At 1100°C, the destruction of NO probably already dominates at the shortest residence time studied. The NO destruction may be due to homogeneous reactions of NO with other gas species and/or heterogeneous reactions of NO with fume or char to form molecular nitrogen. Based on the simple model of black liquor pyrolysis developed by Iisa et al. (17), it was suggested that the dominating NO destruction mechanism is the reduction of NO by char. In the similar pyrolysis experiments of Carangal (15), the maximum NO level at 900°C was observed at 0.5 seconds. At 700°C, the highest NO formation measured was at 1.7 seconds which was the longest residence time in her experiments. The NO level only slightly increased from 1.4 to 1.7 seconds which may imply that there was a maximum in the amount of NO formed near 1.7 seconds. The highest amount of NO formed was approximately 16% of fuel nitrogen at 700°C and 19% of fuel nitrogen at 900°C in Carangal experiments (15). This indicates that the results from both black liquor pyrolysis experiments agree well. The slight difference in the amount of NO formed may have been due to the fact that in our experiments, only 5 residence times 43 were used, thus the actual maximum NO level might have been higher at other residence times. The other reason may be differences in the black liquor solids. Although the black liquor was the same, they were dried at different batches and at different times. For instance, the nitrogen content of black liquor solids in our experiments was 0.09% by weight, and 0.11% by weight in Carangal's experiments. The decrease in nitrogen content from 0.11 to 0.09% by weight was probably because more volatile nitrogen was lost and thus it is reasonable that the NO formed during pyrolysis was lower for the 0.09% nitrogen liquor. The study of Aho et al. (12,13) found that the fuel nitrogen released as Nfix (NH3, NO and HCN) is higher for a black liquor that has a higher nitrogen content. At 700°C, very little (0.09% of fuel nitrogen) NO formed at the shortest residence time of 0.3 seconds, and at 900°C the NO formation was 5% of fuel nitrogen. At 1100°C the NO formation was 15% of fuel nitrogen at this residence time. This indicates that at higher temperature, fuel nitrogen in black liquor starts to form NO at shorter residence times during black liquor pyrolysis. The same NO formation data are shown as a function of temperature in Figure 5.5. At a residence time of 0.3 seconds, the NO level increased with increasing temperature. At 0.6 and 1.1 seconds, there was a maximum in the amount of NO formed at reactor temperatures between 700 and 1100°C. At 1.6 and 2.2 seconds, the NO formation decreased as temperature increased. Since there is no NO formed at room temperature, there must be a maximum in the amount of NO formed at temperatures below 700°C. Thus, at very short residence times the net amount of NO 44 16 14 12 o 10 0.3 seconds 0.6 seconds 8 1.1 seconds 6 1.6 seconds 4 2.2 seconds 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Temperature (°C) Figure 5.5 NO Formation as a Function of Temperature During Black Liquor Pyrolysis formed increases as temperature is increased, but at longer residence times, there is a maximum in the formation of NO and NO destruction is dominating at higher temperatures. The data also suggests that the longer the residence time, the lower the temperature at which the maximum is located. At residence times longer than 1.6 seconds, the NO destruction has exceeded NO formation in the whole temperature range studied. Carangal (15) found that in her experiments at 0.85 seconds, there was a maximum in NO formation at 800°C. This agrees well with our results. In the experiments of Aho et al. (12) the fixed nitrogen species released during pyrolysis of black liquor increased with increasing temperature to some extent at low temperatures, then decreased at higher temperatures. 45 The maximum in the amount of NO formed in our experiments was 12-15% of nitrogen originally present in black liquor. In the black liquor pyrolysis experiments of Aho et al. (13), the level of fixed nitrogen released from pine liquor (the same type as our experiments) was 11-14% of fuel nitrogen in black liquor. Thus, the maximum NO formed in our experiments and the fixed nitrogen in the experiments of Aho et al. were approximately equal. Aho et al. stated that conversion of this amount to NO would yield the same levels of NO as typical NO emissions from recovery boilers. Therefore, Aho et al. suggested that NO formed during pyrolysis stage may be the major source of NO emissions from recovery boilers. However, the operating temperature in a recovery furnace is normally 1000-1200°C. Due to exothermic combustion and turbulent fluctuations, the actual local temperature can be much higher (>1400°C) (19). At these temperatures in our experiments, the NO level during pyrolysis is obviously affected by the NO destruction mechanisms. Consequently, the amount of NO formed during pyrolysis stage is probably lower than the emission level of NO in recovery boilers. The results were also compared with the study of Forssen et al. (23). Their experiments were performed in an oxidative atmosphere. Two peaks of NO formation were observed. Forssen et al. assumed that the first peak of NO resulted from the pyrolysis of black liquor and volatile combustion. The total average NO formed was 45% of nitrogen originally present in black liquor. About 60% of the amount of NO formed originated from the pyrolysis and volatile combustion, which gave as the pyrolysis NO average 27% of black liquor nitrogen. The higher amount of NO formed in the Forssen et al. experiments is probably because some of NO formed in the first 46 peak originated from other nitrogen gas species reacting with oxygen in the combustion gas or because of a different type of black liquor. 5.1.5 Comparison of Nitrogen Release and NO Formation Figure 5.6 illustrates the fraction of nitrogen released and NO formation at different residence times during black liquor pyrolysis. As discussed previously, at 0.3 seconds, the NO formation increased as temperature increased. The nitrogen release increased as well. At residence times 0.6-1.1 seconds, the nitrogen release still increased with increasing temperature but the NO formation decreased as temperature increased from 900 to 1100°C. At residence times 1.6 and 2.2 seconds, the nitrogen release was approximately the same at 700 and 900°C, but higher at 1100°C. However, the NO formation clearly decreased with rising temperature. This supports the previous discussion that the NO level is highly affected by NO destruction mechanisms at higher temperatures and longer residence times. At 700°C and 0.3 seconds, the nitrogen release was about 21% of the nitrogen in black liquor, but only little NO formation was observed. At 900 and 1100°C and the shortest residence time studied, 0.3 seconds, the amounts of nitrogen release were 46 and 58% of black liquor nitrogen respectively. Therefore, a significant amount of nitrogen was released at the short residence time. Nevertheless, the NO levels were only 5 and 15% of fuel nitrogen. This suggests that part of nitrogen released forms NO. 47 * N release includes shaded and black area Figure 5.6 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Pyrolysis At the maximum NO level observed at 700 and 900°C, the NO level was 12% of black liquor nitrogen whereas the nitrogen release was 56% of nitrogen in black liquor. At the maximum NO level, the fractions of NO formed were 21-26% of the nitrogen released. At its lowest, the fraction of the nitrogen release that had formed NO was 0.4% at 700°C and 0.3 seconds. 48 5.1.6 Model for Formation of NO During Pyrolysis A simple pyrolysis model was developed by Iisa at al. (17). The details of the model were explained in chapter 3.1. The amount of NO formed can be calculated by this equation: [NO] = [Nvoil k" kw( kd e -k red t. e -k ox t.) (5.1) The model was fitted to the amount of NO formed during black liquor pyrolysis at 700, 900 and 1100°C. As a modification from Iisa et al., the time used in the model was the residence time subtracted by the times at which it was estimated that NO started forming, which were 0.3, 0.2 and 0 seconds for 700, 900 and 1100°C respectively. The [Nvoik, used were the amounts of nitrogen released at 0.3 seconds, which were 22, 46, 58% of fuel nitrogen for 700, 900 and 1100°C respectively. The ko, and kred were adjusted to minimize the sum of square of errors in the amount of NO formed using a Marquardt optimization routine. The results of the fits to NO formation are shown in Figure 5.7. The fitted values of k0 and kd are shown in Table 5.1. The model seemed to fit fairly well. However, when the amount of NO formed decreased, there was a slight difference between the model and the experiments. The model assumed that only the NO formed reacted to Nd. Other possible reactions during the reduction of NO are that Nv01 is converted to Nred directly and Nvoi reacts with NO to form Nred. It is believed that the model will fit better by using a more complicated reduction model. 49 Temp 700°C 16 Temp 900°C 14 Temp 1100°C 12 10 8 6 -­ 4 2 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Residence time, sec Figure 5.7 Pyrolysis Model of NO Formation Table 5.1 Reaction Rate Coefficients of the Pyrolysis Model Temperature (°C) k0 (1/s) kred (1/s) 700 0.86 0.90 900 1.62 2.84 1100 9.0E+06 4.32 900* 2.90 3.27 * from Iisa et al. results using modified time The values of ko, and kred obtained here at 900°C are close to the values from the fits to Iisa et al. results. The kred is of the same order of magnitude as kchar which was 4.7 1/s (17). This indicates that NO reduction by char is one of the significant NO reduction reactions during black liquor pyrolysis. 50 5.2 Black Liquor Combustion 5.2.1 Char Yield Figures 5.8, 5.9 and 5.10 show the char yields at constant temperatures during black liquor pyrolysis and black liquor combustion. At 700°C, the char yields in black liquor combustion were about the same at all oxygen levels at all other residence times, except at 1.6 and 2.2 seconds in 21% oxygen, when they were lower. This suggests that only pyrolysis occurs, except at 1.6 and 2.2 seconds in 21% oxygen, when the char remaining after pyrolysis started to burn. Another possibility is that the volatile species ignited between 1.1 and 1.6 seconds, and increased the temperature of particles. Due to the higher temperature, the volatiles release was increased. It is difficult to distinguish between the two without measurements of the carbon content of the char or visual observation for the phase of a flame during the combustion of the particles. In this thesis, we refer char burning and/or gas phase burning as combustion. At 900°C, the char yields in black liquor combustion were lower at residence times above 1.1 seconds in 4% oxygen and above 0.6 seconds in 21% oxygen which indicates that combustion starts at these points. At 1100°C, the char yields in combustion of black liquor were lower than in pyrolysis of black liquor, except at 0.3 seconds in 4% oxygen. This suggests that in oxidative atmospheres at 1100°C the combustion occurs except at 0.3 seconds in 4% oxygen. 51 A 100 Temp 700°C, 02 0% 90 Temp 700°C, 02 4% 80 Temp 700°C, 02 21% 70 60 7) as" ^ 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.8 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 700°C Temp 900°C, 02 0% 100 Temp 900°C, 02 4% 90 Temp 900°C, 02 21 80 70 0 e. 60 7:J .1 50 tt" 40 (5 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.9 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 900°C 52 Temp 1100°C, 02 0% 100 Temp 1100°C, 02 4% 90 Temp 1100°C, 02 21% 80 70 60 7) >, 50 40 U 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.10 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 1100°C Figures 5.11 and 5.12 show the same char yield data as a function of residence time in 4 and 21% oxygen respectively. The volatile yields approach a constant value at the longer residence time. In 4% oxygen at 700°C, there is only pyrolysis going on, no combustion as discussed earlier. The char yield decreased rapidly until 0.6 seconds, after which the char yield started to level off at the pyrolysis level. At 900°C, the char yield decreased rapidly beyond 0.3 seconds and continued to some extent even at the longest residence time, 2.2 seconds. This indicates that combustion starts and continues until the end of measurements. At 1100°C, the char yield first decreased sharply during 0.3-0.6 seconds and then leveled off at a value of 15%. The combustion is near completion at the same time. 53 100 Temp 700°C, 02 4% 90 Temp 900°C, 02 4% 80 - Temp 1100°C, 02 4% 70 _ 60 a.) 50 _ 40 _ - 30 20 10 _ 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.11 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4% Oxygen Temp 700°C, 02 21% 100 90 Temp 900°C, 02 21% 80 Temp 1100°C, 02 21% 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.12 Char Yield as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21% Oxygen 54 In 21% oxygen at higher temperatures, the loss of materials from black liquor solids approaches a constant value at shorter residence times. A constant value implies that volatile combustion is complete or that char burning is complete as well. The char yield at 700°C decreased from 75 to 60% when the residence time increased from 0.3 to 0.6 seconds, then there was a very slight decrease as the residence time further increased to 1.1 seconds. At residence times between 1.1 and 1.6 seconds, the char yield decreased rapidly to 30% and then there was no change as the residence time further increased to 2.2 seconds. During 0.3-1.1 seconds, char yield show the pyrolysis behavior as discussed earlier. There is a sharp decrease between 1.1 and 1.6 seconds due to either increased pyrolysis because of a higher temperature as a result of gas ignition or char burning, after which the char yield remained constant. At 900°C, the char yields decreased quickly during residence times 0.3-0.6 seconds, then gradually decreased. This indicates that combustion begins during 0.3-0.6 seconds. At 1100°C, the char yield was 12% at the shortest residence time, 0.3 seconds, and very slowly decreased after that. This indicates that combustion was already complete at 0.3 seconds. In both 4 and 21% oxygen, the char yields decreased with increasing temperature as well. In other words, the amounts of volatile species released depends on temperature. From the data, it can be concluded that complete combustion occurs at 1.6 seconds at 900°C in 21% oxygen, 1.1 seconds at 1100°C in 4% oxygen, and 0.3 seconds at 1100°C in 21% oxygen. This suggests that at 1100°C in 21%, the black 55 liquor combustion is complete at very short residence times. At lower temperatures and lower oxygen concentrations, the combustion of black liquor requires longer residence time for completion. The char yields were on average 11% when the combustion was complete. This indicates that the maximum loss of mass from black liquor solids is approximately 89% under these conditions. It can be observed that the residue from the combustion of black liquor is inorganic salts. 5.2.2 Nitrogen Remaining in Char Figures 5.13 and 5.14 illustrate the nitrogen remaining in the char (by weight) versus residence time in 4 and 21% oxygen. In both oxygen concentrations, the char nitrogen content decreased as a function of residence time during 0.3-1.6 seconds. During 1.6-2.2 seconds, the nitrogen content in the char seemed to be constant or slightly decrease. The nitrogen remaining in the char decreased as temperature increased at all residence times. In 4% oxygen, the char nitrogen contents were relatively close (0.073-0.09% by weight) at the shortest residence time, 0.3 seconds, whereas in 21% oxygen, the nitrogen contents in the char were close at 700 and 900°C but considerably lower at 1100°C. The lowest char nitrogen content, 0.013% by weight, was observed at 2.2 seconds both in 4 and 21% oxygen. 56 Temp 700°C, 02 4% 0.09 Temp 900°C, 02 4% 0.08 Temp 1100°C, 02 4% 0.07 -A 0.06 - 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 0 0.5 2 1.5 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.13 Char Nitrogen Content as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4% Oxygen A 0.09 Temp 700°C, 02 21% Temp 900°C, 02 21% 0.08 Temp 1100°C, 02 21% 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 _ 0.01 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.14 Char Nitrogen Content as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21% Oxygen 57 It is worth to note that there is considerable uncertainty in the nitrogen content measurements as discussed earlier in section 5.1.2. Hence, it is believed that the nitrogen content at 900°C in 21% oxygen is better presented by a smooth decline in nitrogen content than a curve linking the individual data points. 5.2.3 Nitrogen Release Figures 5.15 and 5.16 illustrate the plots of nitrogen release versus residence time in 4 and 21% oxygen. The nitrogen releases are consistent with the char yields which represent the mass releases. In 4% oxygen, at 700°C when only pyrolysis occurs, the nitrogen release increased quickly at residence times 0.3-0.6 seconds, then increased more slowly as the residence time further increased. At 900°C, the nitrogen release increased in the whole residence time range studied and continued to increase at 2.2 seconds. This is because combustion still continues. At 1100°C, at residence times longer than 1.1 seconds, almost all the nitrogen in black liquor was released. This coincides with complete combustion as discussed previously. The release of nitrogen increased with rising temperature as well. In 21% oxygen, at 700°C the nitrogen release increased rapidly during 0.3-0.6 seconds, and there was a slight decrease as the residence time further increased to 1.1 seconds. This shows the pyrolysis behavior. During 1.1-1.6 seconds, there was a sharp 58 100 90 - 80 _ .­ 70 60 50 40 A Temp 700°C, 02 4% 30 Temp 900°C, 02 4% 20 Temp 1100°C, 02 4% 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.15 Nitrogen Release as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4% Oxygen 100 90 80 70 60 A Temp 700°C, 02 21% 50 Temp 900°C, 02 21% 40 Temp 1100°C, 02 21 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.16 Nitrogen Release as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21% Oxygen 59 increase in the nitrogen release again. This coincides with the beginning of combustion. At 900°C, the amount of nitrogen release increased rapidly from 50 to 90% of fuel nitrogen as the residence time increased from 0.3 to 0.6 seconds. There was a slight increase with increasing residence time and the nitrogen release remained almost constant at 1.1-2.2 seconds. This is consisten with the char yield data which indicates that combustion starts at short residence times and is complete at longer residence times. At 1100°C in the residence time range studied, the release of nitrogen was extremely high. At 0.3 seconds, the amount of nitrogen released was 95% of fuel nitrogen, then it was average 98% of fuel nitrogen during 0.6-2.2 seconds. At this temperature, combustion was complete at very short residence times. At 900°C in 21% oxygen, the nitrogen release data show a decrease in the amount of nitrogen released at 1.6 seconds. This is clearly impossible and shows that the earlier assumption of an error in the nitrogen content analysis under these conditions is valid. Thus, a smooth curve is used to present the nitrogen release data at this temperature as well. Comparing to char yield data, the nitrogen releases showed the same pattern as the mass releases. This indicates that the nitrogen in black liquor is lost simultaneously with total mass loss. At the complete combustion points discussed previously, the amount of nitrogen released was 98% of fuel nitrogen, and the volatile yield was 89%. 60 5.2.4 NO Formation Figures 5.17, 5.18, and 5.19 show the NO formation as a function of residence time at temperatures 700, 900, and 1100°C respectively. Both pyrolysis and c( -nbustion data are included. At 700°C in the residence time range 0.3-1.1 seconds, the NO level was about the same at all three oxygen concentrations. At 1.6-2.2 seconds, the NO formation in 21% oxygen was slightly higher than in 0 and 4% oxygen. This indicates that at 700°C in 4% oxygen, the NO formation originates from black liquor pyrolysis and is not affected by possible reaction of oxygen with other nitrogen gas species or char combustion. In 21%, at 0.3-1.1 seconds, the NO formation is the result of pyrolysis of black liquor as well. After that the NO formation is higher probably due to the other nitrogen gas species that were released from black liquor, i.e. NH3, HCN, reacting with oxygen in the combustion gas and/or due to the char burning. This agrees well with the char yield and the nitrogen release which showed that the combustion starts at 1.6 seconds in 21% oxygen, otherwise only pyrolysis occurs. At 900°C at 0.3 seconds, the NO level was approximately the same during pyrolysis and combustion of black liquor. During 0.6-2.2 seconds, the NO formation was higher in black liquor combustion than in black liquor pyrolysis, except at 0.6 seconds in 4% oxygen. This indicates that at the shortest residence time studied, 0.3 seconds, the NO formation in black liquor combustion originates from pyrolysis. The NO formation in 4% at 0.6 seconds is probably the result of black liquor pyrolysis as 61 Temp 700°C, 02 0% Temp 700°C, 02 4% Temp 700°C, 02 21% 16 14 12 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.17 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 700°C 50 45 40 35 30 25 Temp 900°C, 02 0% 20 Temp 900°C, 02 4% 15 Temp 900°C, 02 21% 10 5 0 0 0.5 1.5 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.18 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 900°C 62 60 50 40 30 Temp 1100°C 02 0% Temp 1100°C, 02 4% 20 Temp 1100°C, 02 21 %' 10 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.19 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 1100°C well. This is in accordance with the previous discussion in the char yield and the nitrogen release section. In 4% at 1.6 and 2.2 seconds, and in 21% oxygen at 0.6-2.2 seconds, the NO formation was much higher than in black liquor pyrolysis. This could be due to reactions of the other nitrogen gas species with oxygen in the combustion gas, char combustion and thermal or prompt NO formation. Thermal and prompt NO formation will be discussed later in section 5.3. At 1.1 seconds in 4%, the amount of NO formed was slightly higher than in pyrolysis of black liquor. This indicates that the reactions described above just started. A higher amount of NO formed indicates that the reactions are more complete. This agrees with the char yield and the nitrogen release which showed that at longer residence times, the combustion is more complete. At 0.6-2.2 seconds, the NO level in 21% oxygen was higher than in 4% oxygen. 63 Consequently, the formation of NO in black liquor combustion at 900°C is dependent on the oxygen concentration at these residence times. At 1100°C, the NO formation at 0.3 seconds in 4% oxygen was about the same as in black liquor pyrolysis, thus it originates from the pyrolysis. At 0.3-1.1 seconds in 4%, the NO formation increased and was higher than in black liquor pyrolysis. This shows that the combustion starts at 0.3-0.6 seconds. At 1.1-2.2 seconds in 4% oxygen and 0.3-2.2 seconds in 21% oxygen, the NO level is much higher than during pyrolysis, and combustion is complete as discussed earlier. At 0.6 seconds, the NO formation in 4% oxygen was lower than in 21% oxygen but about the same at long residence times. This indicates that black liquor combustion depends on oxygen concentration at 0.6 seconds, at longer residence times the combustion is complete which yields approximately the same NO levels. The conversions of fuel nitrogen in black liquor to NO at 700, 900, and 1100°C in 4 and 21% oxygen are shown in Figures 5.20 and 5.21. In 4% oxygen, maxima in NO formation were observed at residence times between 1.1 and 2.2 seconds at all the three furnace temperatures. The maxima in NO indicate that the amount of NO formed during combustion of black liquor at 2.2 seconds in 4% oxygen is affected by the NO destruction as in pyrolysis of black liquor. At 700°C, the NO level was almost zero at the shortest residence time studied, 0.3 seconds. The conversion of fuel nitrogen to NO slightly increased with increasing residence time during 0.3-1.6 seconds, then decreased at 2.2 seconds. The highest amount of NO formed was 12% of nitrogen originally present in black liquor solids at 1.6 seconds. At 900°C, the NO level increased slightly 64 A 60 Temp 700°C, 02 4% 1 Temp 900°C, 02 4% Temp 1 100 °C, 02 4%! 50 - 40 30 20 10 -' 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.20 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4% Oxygen 50 45 40 35 Temp 700°C, 02 21')/0 30 Temp 900°C, 02 21% 25 Temp 1100°C, 02 21 20 15 10 5 0 0.5 1.5 2 25 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.21 NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21% Oxygen 65 during 0.3-0.6 seconds. Then the combustion starts and the NO formation increased rapidly from 8 to 39% of fuel nitrogen in black liquor as the residence time increased from 0.6 to 1.6 seconds. At 1.6-2.2 seconds, the level of NO was almost constant. At 1100°C, the conversion of fuel nitrogen to NO increased significantly during 0.3-1.1 seconds. The amount of NO formed at 1.6 seconds was barely higher than at 1.1 seconds. At 0.3-1.6 seconds, the NO formation in black liquor combustion increases as residence time increases due to continuing combustion. The NO level decreased from 49 to 37% of black liquor nitrogen when the residence time further increased from 1.6 to 2.2 seconds. At 700°C, the NO formation in 21% oxygen shows the same trend as in 4% oxygen. The highest amount of NO formed was 15% of fuel nitrogen. At 900°C in 21% oxygen, the conversion of fuel nitrogen to NO increased dramatically during 0.3­ 0.6 seconds, then increased gradually as the residence time further increased to 1.1 seconds. The NO formation in black liquor combustion at 700 and 900°C in 21% oxygen is dependent on the residence time as in 4% oxygen. At 900°C, a maximum in the amount of NO formed was observed between 1.1 and 2.2 seconds. The highest NO level was 49% of nitrogen in black liquor at 1.6 seconds. At 1100°C, the combustion is complete as discussed earlier. The amount of NO formed decreased slightly between 0.3 and 2.2 seconds from 48 to 43% of fuel nitrogen. The reduction in NO seemed to be more pronounced at longer residence times. There is no char left due to complete combustion, and probably little reducing species for homogeneous reactions. The 66 possible source of NO reduction is the reduction of NO by fume. It can be concluded that at complete combustion, 49% of fuel nitrogen is converted to NO. Figures 5.22 and 5.23 show the same NO formation data as a function of temperature in 4 and 21% oxygen respectively. The NO level increased with increasing temperature, except at 1.6 seconds in 21% oxygen and at 2.2 seconds in 4 and 21% oxygen, when it remained approximately constant or even slightly decreased from 900 to 1100°C. In other words, the NO formation in black liquor combustion increases as temperature increases, except at long residence times and high oxygen concentrations. In 4% oxygen, the net rate of NO formation was higher at low temperatures than at higher temperatures for 0.3-1.1 seconds. At 1.6 and 2.2 seconds, the net NO formation rate was lower at higher temperatures. It implies that when the combustion of black liquor approaches completion, the net rate of NO formation decreases. The NO level was lower at 2.2 seconds than at 1.6 seconds. This indicates that the NO destruction mechanisms start to dominate at the long residence time as well. At 2.2 seconds, the NO level at 900-1100°C was nearly constant. This may indicate that the NO formation due to temperature increase is as the same as increase in the NO destruction, and thus the net rate of NO formation is zero. In 21% oxygen, the net conversion of fuel nitrogen to NO was lower at higher temperatures at all other residence times, except at 0.3 seconds, when it was higher at higher temperatures. This indicates that at 0.6-2.2 seconds, the net rate of NO formation decreases due to the combustion of black liquor approaching completion at higher temperatures. At 1.6 and 2.2 seconds, the formation of NO reached a maximum 67 50 45 2-, 40 Z 35 z 30 0.6 seconds 25 1.1 seconds C C) O 0 20 0.3 seconds 1.6 seconds -° 2.2 seconds 10 0 5 0 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Temperature (°C) Figure 5.22 NO Formation as a Function of Temperature During Black Liquor Combustion in 4% Oxygen 60 50 O 0.3 seconds 40 0.6 seconds 30 1.1 seconds 1.6 seconds 20 10 0 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Temperature (°C) Figure 5.23 NO Formation as a Function of Temperature During Black Liquor Combustion in 21% Oxygen 68 between 700 and 1100°C. This indicates that the combustion of black liquor was complete at the temperature around 900°C at residence times above 1.6 seconds. At longer residence times, NO destruction mechanisms result in a lower amount of NO formed at 2.2 seconds. The results were compared to combustion experiments of Forssen et al. (23). Their experiments were done at 900°C in 10% oxygen. Forssen et al. found that the amount of NO formed was approximately 45% of black liquor nitrogen for seven liquors. In our experiments at 900 in 4 and 21% oxygen, the amounts of NO formed were 38-40% of nitrogen original in black liquor. The results agree rather well. Nichols and Lien (18) found that in 21% oxygen, the amount of NO formed increased when the temperature was increased from 800 to 900°C and remained constant when the temperature was further increased to 1000°C. This agrees well with our experiments in 21% oxygen at long residence times. 5.2.5 Comparison of Nitrogen Release and NO Formation The nitrogen release and NO formation during the black liquor pyrolysis and black liquor combustion at each temperature are shown in Figures 5.24, 5.25 and 5.26. When the NO formation in combustion of black liquor was at the same level as in pyrolysis of black liquor, the nitrogen releases were rather near each other as well. This supports the previous discussion that at all these points, the NO formations in black 69 A 100 Nrelease, 02 0% Nrelease, 02 4°/0 90 Nrelease, 02 21% 80 NO, 02 0% 70 60 o NO, 02 4% 0 NO, 02 21% 50 40 0 30 20 10 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.24 Nitrogen Release and NO formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 700°C A 100 Nrelease, 02 0% Nrelease, 02 4% 90 Nrelease, 02 21% .. -­ 80 . 70 60 .1' A NO, 02 0% o NO, 02 4% O NO, 02 21% 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.25 Nitrogen Release and NO formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 900°C 70 I 100 90 80 70 60 Nrelease, 02 0% Nrelease, 02 4% Nrelease, 02 21% o NO, 02 0% o NO, 02 4% o NO, 02 21% A 1 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 0.5 1.5 2 2.5 Residence time (sec) Figure 5.26 Nitrogen Release and NO formation as a Function of Residence Time During Pyrolysis and Combustion of Black Liquor at Reactor Temperature 1100°C liquor combustion are the result of pyrolysis of black liquor only. It is good to note that there is more uncertainty in the nitrogen release data than the NO data due to the uncertainty in the measurements of the char nitrogen content. The results also indicate that when the amounts of NO formed in black liquor combustion were higher than in black liquor pyrolysis, more nitrogen was released. This suggests that at these points, the increase in the amount of NO formed originates from combustion. Figures 5.27 and 5.28 show the amount of nitrogen released and NO formed as a function of residence time in 4% and 21% oxygen respectively. In 4% oxygen at 0.3-1.6 seconds, the release of nitrogen increased as residence time increased, and the formation 71 * N release includes shaded and black area Figure 5.27 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 4% Oxygen * N release includes shaded and black area Figure 5.28 Nitrogen Release and NO Formation as a Function of Residence Time During Black Liquor Combustion in 21% Oxygen 72 of NO increased as well. This indicates that part of the nitrogen released reacts with oxygen in the combustion gas and forms NO. At 1.6-2.2 seconds, the nitrogen release still increased at 700 and 900°C and was constant at 1100°C but the NO formation decreased. This shows that the amount of NO formed is affected by NO destruction. In 21% oxygen, at 700 and 900°C, the nitrogen release and the NO formation show the same pattern as in 4% oxygen, i.e. at short residence times both the nitrogen release and the NO formation increased, but at long residence times the nitrogen release increased whereas the NO formation decreased. At 900°C and 1.6 seconds in 21% oxygen, 1100°C and 1.6 seconds in 4% oxygen, and 1100°C during 0.3-1.6 seconds in 21% oxygen, the release of nitrogen was almost 100% of black liquor nitrogen, and the formation of NO was approximately 49% of black liquor nitrogen. At these points, the combustion of black liquor is complete as discussed earlier. It can be concluded that when the combustion of black liquor is complete, all the nitrogen in black liquor solids is released and half of the nitrogen released forms NO. The rest should be molecular nitrogen. At 2.2 seconds, at 900°C in 21% oxygen, and 1100°C in 4 and 21% oxygen, the combustion of black liquor is complete as well. However, the amount of NO formed was lower probably because part of the NO formed was converted to molecular nitrogen (N2). 73 5.3 Black Liquor Combustion in Helium Atmosphere Black liquor combustion experiments in helium atmosphere were conducted in 2.9 and 15.4% oxygen in order to compare the effect of the nitrogen in the combustion gas on NO formation. The experiments were done in slightly lower oxygen concentrations than those in the nitrogen atmosphere because of a miscalculation in the helium flow. Figures 5.29, 5.30, and 5.31 show the amount of NO formed in nitrogen and helium environments at 700, 900, and 1100°C respectively. At 700°C in helium with 15.4% oxygen, the NO level was 0.5% of black liquor nitrogen, whereas in nitrogen with 21% oxygen it was 5.6% of black liquor nitrogen. Therefore, the amount of NO was considerably lower in helium than in nitrogen. In nitrogen atmosphere in 4% oxygen the NO formation was 3.1% of fuel nitrogen, so only small part of the difference in NO could possibly be attributed to differences in oxygen concentration. Thus the difference must mainly come from nitrogen in combustion gas being converted to NO. At 700°C, the temperature is too low for thermal NO formation. The higher amount of NO formed in the nitrogen atmosphere is probably due to prompt NO formation. At 900°C and 0.3 seconds, all the NO formations were approximately the same, though slightly lower. As discussed previously, the NO formation originates from the pyrolysis and there is very little volatile combustion. This indicates that the nitrogen in the combustion gas does not much affect the amount of NO formed during the pyrolysis stage. The NO formation in helium at 2.2 seconds was higher than at 0.3 seconds. 74 Figure 5.29 NO Formation in Nitrogen and Helium Atmosphere During Black Liquor Combustion at Reactor Temperature 700°C III in N2, 4% 02 El in He, 2.9% 02 111 in N2, 21% 02 in He, 15.4% 02 Figure 5.30 NO Formation in Nitrogen and Helium Atmosphere During Black Liquor Combustion at Reactor Temperature 900°C 75 in N2, 4% 02 in He, 2.9% 02 El in N2, 21% 02 0 in He, 15.4% 02 Figure 5.31 NO Formation in Nitrogen and Helium Atmosphere During Black Liquor Combustion at Reactor Temperature 1100°C However, at 2.2 seconds the amount of NO formed in the helium atmosphere was considerably lower than in nitrogen atmosphere. Some prompt NO was evidently formed like at 700°C. The difference in the NO formation was, however, significantly greater than at 700°C. Prompt NO formation is not highly sensitive to temperature. Therefore, there was probably thermal NO formation as well. Thermal NO formation normally occurs only at temperatures above 1300°C (17) which is much higher than 900°C. Nevertheless, it has been reported by Frederick and Hupa (26) that at furnace temperature 800°C in 21% oxygen, the gas temperature surrounding black liquor droplets during volatile ignition of black liquor was very high (almost 2000°C). Reis (27) also calculated that the temperature of small black liquor particles like in our 76 experiments during combustion at a furnace temperature 900°C was around 1300°C. Thus, thermal NO can be formed. At 1100°C, the NO formation in helium environment was lower than in nitrogen environment, except at 0.3 seconds in the low oxygen concentration when it was higher. At 0.3 seconds and 4% oxygen, the NO formation during black liquor combustion in nitrogen atmosphere is the result of black liquor pyrolysis. This indicates that the combustion in helium atmosphere may start at shorter residence times than in nitrogen atmosphere. This is a reasonable assumption since the thermal conductivity of helium is higher than that of nitrogen and thus the particles will heat up faster in helium than in nitrogen. At all other points, the combustion of black liquor is complete as discussed previously, and the amount of NO formed was lower in helium than in nitrogen. This indicates that part of NO formed during combustion of black liquor in nitrogen atmosphere is prompt and thermal NO. At 2.2 seconds in 15.4% oxygen in helium, the amount of NO formed was obviously lower than at 0.3 seconds. This indicates that the NO destruction mechanisms dominate during black liquor combustion in helium atmosphere as well. 77 5.4 Black Liquor Char Combustion The NO formation in the combustion of black liquor and char at 900°C and 2.2 seconds is shown in Figure 5.32. The NO level in char combustion was at the same level for 21% oxygen in nitrogen and 15.4% oxygen in helium. This indicates that in char combustion, the nitrogen in the combustion gas does not affect the amount of NO formed, i.e. there is no prompt and thermal NO. Figure 5.32 NO Formation in Black Liquor and Char Combustion at Reactor Temperature 900°C and 2.2 seconds 78 The NO level in black liquor combustion in helium atmosphere was significantly lower than in nitrogen atmosphere, it was lower than in char combustion as well. The higher value of NO in nitrogen during black liquor combustion is probably due to both prompt and thermal NO formation as discussed previously. During char burning in helium atmosphere, there was, however, no prompt and thermal NO formation. As discussed earlier, during black liquor combustion, the gas temperature is very high due to volatile ignition. During char burning, there is no volatile combustion, and the temperature should be lower than during black liquor combustion when pyrolysis, volatile combustion and char burning occur. Thus there may be thermal NO formation during volatile combustion but not during char burning. The reason for the lower NO during black liquor combustion in helium than during char burning alone may be related to temperature. During black liquor combustion, temperature is high due to the volatile combustion and causes high NO reduction. During char burning, temperature is lower and the reduction of NO should be lower as well. Consequently, the amount of NO formed in char burning alone in helium is higher than in black liquor combustion. However, there might be some other reasons and further experiments are needed. 5.5 Sources of Error The variations in the char yields may be due to the mass loss in the feeding system. Particles accumulated in transport tubes and the injector. After each 79 experiment, the system was flushed with a high flow rate of primary nitrogen gas, and the cyclone catch from flushing was collected. However, there still were some particles accumulated in the injector that needed to be flushed by a higher flow rate of nitrogen and these particles could not be collected. The weight of the particles collected in the cyclone was assumed to be 60% of the black liquor solids that were not fed. This assumption may not be true. In the worst case, the maximum relative error in the weight of the actual black liquor input is estimated to be 20%. This causes a 20% relative error in the char yield. However, the average relative difference in the char yields from duplicate runs was less than 3%. The nitrogen analysis was a source of error in the nitrogen content in char. The nitrogen content in the char samples was very low and close to the detection limit of Kjeldahl method. Because the amount of char was small, the char samples from duplicate experiments were combined and only one analysis for each condition was done. Therefore, the accuracy was not very good. Carangal (15) who used the same laboratory for nitrogen analysis found that the difference in the same sample was as high as 0.01 wt.% of nitrogen. By assuming constant absolute error, the relative errors were 10-100% depending on the nitrogen content. At the highest char nitrogen content, 0.09 wt.%, the relative error was 10%. At the lowest char nitrogen content, 0.012 wt.%, the relative error was 100%. Sources of error in the nitrogen release were the mass loss in the feeding system and the nitrogen analysis. The relative error depends on the amount of nitrogen released. At the lowest nitrogen release, 16% of fuel nitrogen, the maximum relative 80 error is about 160% and the maximum absolute error is about 25% of fuel nitrogen. At the second lowest nitrogen release, 20% of fuel nitrogen, the maximum relative error is about 115% and the maximum absolute error is about 23% of fuel nitrogen. At the highest nitrogen release, 98% of fuel nitrogen, the maximum relative error is about 2% and the maximum absolute error is about 2% of fuel nitrogen. This indicates that the relative error decreases rapidly when the nitrogen release increased. Nevertheless, the highest relative difference in duplicate experiments was only 20%. The detailed calculations are described in Appendix A.B. The errors in the NO formation may be due to the mass loss in the feeding system and the measurement of NO concentration. The relative error in the mass loss is about 20%. The chemiluminescence NO-NOx analyzer was calibrated with NO standard gas before and after each experiment. The difference from calibration was less than 1%. The maximum relative difference between the NO formation in duplicate experiments was 20% which was probably due to the mass loss in the feeding system. The average relative difference in the NO formation from duplicated runs was less than 5%. 81 Chapter 6 Conclusions The conclusions of nitrogen evolution during black liquor pyrolysis are as follows: At short residence times (at 700°C up to 0.6 seconds, at 900 and 1100°C up to 0.3 seconds) the volatile release increased rapidly, at longer residence times it increased more gradually. The volatile release increased with increasing temperature as well. Nitrogen release increased with increasing residence time and temperature, except at 700 and 900°C at long residence times when it was about the same. Nitrogen and volatile species were released at the same rate. At all temperatures studied, there was a maximum in the amount of NO formed as a function of residence time. At short residence times, the NO formation increased with increasing temperature. At longer residence times and higher temperatures, NO destruction controlled the net NO formation. The pyrolysis model developed by Iisa et al. (26) for NO formation seemed to fit the NO formation data fairly well. It is believed that an improved fit could be obtained by using a more complicated reduction model. 82 The conclusions of nitrogen evolution during black liquor combustion are as follows: The nitrogen release and the mass release showed the same pattern of increasing with increasing residence time and temperature. The higher the nitrogen release, the higher the amount of NO formed. The char nitrogen content decreased as residence time increased at short residence times and it was approximately constant or slightly decreased at 1.6-2.2 seconds. At 700°C the NO formation was the result of pyrolysis only, except at high oxygen concentration and long residence time. At 900 and 1100°C, the NO formation was the result of pyrolysis, volatiles combustion and char burning. The combustion was complete at 1.6 seconds at 900°C in 21% oxygen, at 1.1 seconds at 1100°C in 4% oxygen, and all the residence times studied at 1100°C in 21% oxygen. When the combustion was complete, the nitrogen release was 98% of nitrogen originally present in black liquor, and the maximum amount of NO formed was 49% of nitrogen originally present in black liquor. The amount of NO formed increased with increasing temperature, except at long residence times and high temperatures when it was constant or slightly decreased. NO destruction mechanisms dominated at the longest residence time 2.2 seconds in all combustion experiments. 83 There was prompt and thermal NO formation during the combustion of black liquor. However, the thermal NO formation occurred only when pyrolysis, volatile combustion and char burning occurred together. The data suggest that NOx emissions from recovery boilers could be reduced by increasing the residence time of black liquor in recovery furnaces. 84 Chapter 7 Recommendations for Future Work Other nitrogen gas species (e.g. NH3, HCN) should be measured for better understanding of nitrogen evolution during black liquor pyrolysis. A model of the NO formation during pyrolysis of black liquor should be modified to account for more complex reduction reactions. A global model of NO formation during black liquor combustion needs to be developed. The effect of the nitrogen content in black liquor solids on the evolution of nitrogen during black liquor pyrolysis and black liquor combustion should be determined. The effect of particle size in black liquor solids should be studied. More experiments of black liquor combustion in helium atmosphere should be made. Char combustion experiments should be done in the entire range of residence time and temperature. Gasification of black liquor using a laminar entrained-flow reactor should be studied. 85 Bibliography (1) Frederick, W.J., and Adams, T.N., "Kraft Recovery Boiler Physical and Chemical Processes", American Paper Institute, NY, 1988. (2) Boonsongsup, L., M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University, September, 1993. (3) U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, National Air Pollution Emission Estimates, 1940-1990, Research Triangle Park, NC, 1991. (4) U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, Control Techniques for Nitrogen Oxide Emissions from Stationary Sources (revised 2nd ed.), Research Triangle Park, NC, 1993. (5) Office of Air and Radiation, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency, "The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Summary Material",1990. (6) Sloss, L.L., et al., "Nitrogen Oxide Control Technology Fact Book", Noyes Data Corporation, NJ, 1992. (7) Zeldovich, J, "The Oxidation of Nitrogen in Combustions and Exposions", Acta Physicochimica U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1946. 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(20) Whitten, P.G., Barna, J.L., Ivie, L., and Abbot, S.R., "Application of Acoustic Temperature Measurement to Optimize Recovery Boiler Furnace Operation", Proceedings of the 1989 International Chemical Recovery Conference, Tappi Press, 1989. (21) Bowman, C.T., "Chemistry of Gaseous Pollutant Formation and Destruction.", Fossil Fuel combustion: A Source Book (W. Bartok and A.F. Sorofim, Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1991. (22) Pershing, D.W., and Wendt, J.O.L., Sixteenth Symposium (International) on Combustion, Combustion Institute, PA, 1977. (23) Forssen, M., Hupa, M., and Hellstrom, P., "Liquor-to-Liquor Differences in Combustion and Gasification Process: Nitrogen Oxide Formation Tendency", Proceedings of Tappi Engineering Conference, 1995. (24) Boubel, R.W., Fox, D.L., Turner, D.B., and Stern, A.C., -Fundamentals of Air pollution", Academic Press, NY, 1994. 87 (25) Flaxman, R.J., and Hal let, L.H., "Flow and Particle Heating in an Entrained flow Reactor", Fuel, Vol.66, p.607, 1987. (26) Frederick, W.J., and Hupa, M., "Combustion Properties of Kraft Black Liquors", U.S. DOE Report, No.DE-FG02-90CE40936, 1993. (27) Reis, V.V., Frederick, W.J., Wag, K.J., Iisa, K., and Sinquefield, S.A., "The Effects of Temperature and Oxygen Concentration on Potassium and Chloride Enrichment During Black Liquor Combustion", Submitted for Publication to Tappi Jounal, 1995. 88 APPENDICES 89 Appendix A Analysis of Data Procedures 90 A.1 Actual Black liquor Solids Input The black liquor solids were weighed before and after the experiments in order to calculate the amount of black liquor input. It was found that there were some black liquor solids accumulated in the feeding system during the experiments. After the experiments, the particle feed line was flushed by pure nitrogen at a very high flow rate. The cyclone catch from the flushing was collected and weighed. The char from the flushing was assumed to be 60% of the black liquor solids that accumulated in the system. The actual black liquor input was calculated by subtracting the amount of accumulated black liquor from the black liquor feed. BLSactual = BI-Steed BLSactual BLSked CHARfiush = BLSbefore BLSafter CHARtlush / 0.6 Actual black liquor solids input weight, g BLSbefore -BLSafter, g Flushing char weight, g Black liquor solids weight before the experiments, g Black liquor solids weight after the experiments, g A.2 Total Nitrogen Input The total nitrogen input weight is given by: Ninput 0.09/100 x BLSactual 91 A.3 Total NO The total NO is calculated from Chemiluminescence NO-NOx data by: -(1\10, +NO,: NO total = Concentration of NO at time i, ppm NO, = t, = Time, s A.4 Conversion of Fuel N to NO The amount of NO formed is given by: ( ( NO total g N as NO g Fuel N 106 x 60; P(Qs +QJ(14 RT x100% x100% N NOtotai Q, gN mol NO) = Qq Ninput Total NO from Chemiluminescence NO-NOx analyzer. ppm.s Reactor pressure, 1 atm Secondary gas stream flow rate, 1 /min Secondary gas stream flow rate, 1/min Gas constant, 0.08205 1.atm/ mol.K Room temperature, K Total nitrogen input weight, g A.5 Char Yield The char yield is given by: Char yield x 100% = Char weight BLS actual x 100% 92 A.6 Total Nitrogen Remaining in Char The total nitrogen remaining in char is given by: = Nchar Char N content / 100 x Char weight A.7 Nitrogen Release The nitrogen release is calculated by subtracting the nitrogen remaining in the char from the total nitrogen input: g N Release g Fuel N x100% X 100% Ninput = 100% Nchar N char N Input = Char N content x Char yield % BLS N content Total nitrogen remaining in the char, g A.8 Possible Maximum Relative Error in Nitrogen Release The possible maximum relative error in the nitrogen release is calculated by: Error,,,,,, in N release AN release x 100% N release Char yield x AChar N content BLS N content x N release X 100% Char N content x AChar yield x 100% BLS N content x N release 93 AN release N release Char yield AChar N content Char N content AChar yield Absolute error in N release, % Nitrogen release, % Char yield at the same point as N release, % Absolute error in char nitrogen content at the same point as N release, wt.% Char nitrogen content at the same point as N release, wt.% Absolute error in char yield at the same point as N release, ')/0 BLS N content Total nitrogen content in black liquor solid, 0.09 wt.% At the lowest nitrogen release, 16% of fuel nitrogen Char yield AChar N content Char N content AChar yield = = = = 84% 0.01 wt.% 0.09 wt% 20/100x84% = 16% Therefore, Errormax in N release 84 x 0.01 0.09 x 16 x 100% + 0.09 x 16 0.09 x 16 x 100% = 160% At the second lowest nitrogen release, 20% of fuel nitrogen Char yield AChar N content Char N content AChar yield = = = = 80% 0.01 wt.% 0.08 wt.% 20/100x80% = 16% Therefore, Errormax in N release 80 x 0.01 0.09 x 20 = 115% x 100% + 0.08 x 16 0.09 x 20 x 100% 94 At the highest nitrogen release, 98% of fuel nitrogen Char yield AChar N content Char N content AChar yield = = = = 10% 0.01 wt.% 0.012 wt.% 20/100x10% = 2% Therefore, Errormax in N release 10 x 0.01 0.09 x 98 = 2% x100% + 0.012 x 2 0.09 x 98 x 100% 95 Appendix B Experimental Data and Results 96 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere PCO26 PCO27 PCO28 4/5/95 4/5/95 4/5/95 4 21 21 4 41 -).? 41 -.) ? ...._ 41 41 41 700 700 0.121 13.79 13.79 4.96 4.96 0.121 13.75 11.16 2.59 5.00 5.00 100 100 285.50 150.61 18.0554 16.3527 1.7027 0.2031 1.3642 0.0012 17.4923 16.6173 244.61 3.6256 108.28 3.2908 0.7250 53.14 0.063 0.00046 37.20 62.80 0.3709 55.75 0.069 0.00026 42.74 57.26 EXPERIMENT NO. PCO24 Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 4/5/95 PCO25 4/5/95 0 /./ 700 2.7 700 0.125 13.69 0.118 0.120 13.81 13.69 13.81 4.94 4.94 5.01 5.01 13.78 11.20 2.58 5.00 5.00 100 120.12 100 250.62 100 156.54 17.4969 16.9118 0.5851 0.0330 0.5301 0.0005 18.8863 17.3019 1.5844 0.1558 1.3247 0.0012 17.0685 16.2546 0.8139 0.0348 0.7559 0.0007 142.33 384.61 5.8925 107.02 2.8674 0.4063 30.67 0.062 0.00025 21.13 78.87 0.3486 46.12 0.069 0.00024 35.36 64.64 2.2 700 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flom, l /min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1 /min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( %) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (`)/0 by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 0.8750 0.1258 0.6653 0.0006 5.3944 0.1555 29.33 0.061 0.00009 19.88 80.12 97 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PCO29 PC030 PC031 PC032 PCO33 Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 4/6/95 4/6/95 4/6/95 4/6/95 4/7/95 0 4 21 4 0 41 41 41 41 41 2.2 900 2.2 900 2.2 900 2.2 900 2.2 1100 0.095 11.48 11.48 0.104 11.43 0.101 11.52 0.083 9.77 9.77 4.98 4.98 9.26 2.17 4.96 4.96 11.52 4.93 4.93 0.099 11.49 9.26 2.23 4.95 4.95 10 100 100 100 10 252.27 178.40 300.93 263.26 122.97 17.2170 15.9094 1.3076 0.1776 1.0116 0.0009 17.1449 15.9359 1.2090 0.1272 0.9970 0.0009 16.8299 14.6415 2.1884 0.2121 1.8349 0.0017 16.9141 15.2039 1.7102 0.1986 1.3792 0.0012 17.4529 16.9123 0.5406 0.0525 0.4531 0.0004 82.62 1.4498 2051.16 36.3640 4288.66 41.4632 3058.51 39.3163 21.57 0.7537 0.4986 49.29 0.075 0.00037 41.07 58.93 0.2673 26.81 0.033 0.00009 9.83 90.17 0.1618 8.82 0.012 0.00002 0.3885 28.17 0.019 0.00007 5.95 94.05 0.0925 20.41 0.074 0.00007 16.79 83.21 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (I/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (%) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield ( %) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N ( %) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 1.18 98.82 4.91 4.91 98 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) PC042 4/11/95 PCO41 4/25/95 4 21 0 4 41 41 41 41 41 2.2 1100 2.2 1100 2.2 1100 1.1 1.1 700 700 0.085 9.79 9.79 0.085 9.73 7.85 0.082 9.77 0.279 0.280 32.31 32.31 1.88 9.77 4.90 4.90 15.00 15.00 32.41 26.19 6.22 20.32 20.32 EXPERIMENT NO. PC036 PC037 PC039 Date Oxygen Content ( %) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 4/10/95 4/10/95 0 4/25/95 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N, (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (I/min) Tip (1/min) 5.03 5.02 5.02 5.03 10 100 241.39 17.6854 15.8963 Wall (1/n-iin) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (%) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 100 100 194.43 100 159.01 300.88 300.93 0.2391 1.3906 0.0013 18.2136 17.1428 1.0708 0.0226 1.0331 0.0009 17.5817 16.6141 0.9676 0.0094 0.9519 0.0009 18.6099 16.5262 2.0837 0.1407 1.8492 0.0017 18.2453 16.3435 1.9018 0.0790 1.7701 0.0016 14.39 0.1653 2281.58 35.1523 2583.14 42.9299 242.67 6.6953 175.46 5.6366 0.1709 0.3245 16.54 23.34 0.014 0.082 0.00027 0.00002 2.57 21.26 97.43 78.74 Data Acq. 0.0611 6.42 0.012 0.00001 0.86 99.14 1.0942 59.17 0.075 0.00082 49.31 50.69 0.9774 55.22 0.074 0.00072 45.40 54.60 1.7891 PC035 99 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC043 PC045 PC053 PC054 PC055 Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 4/25/95 4/26/95 4/29/95 4/29/95 4/29/95 21 0 0 21 41 41 41 4 41 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 700 900 1100 1100 1100 0.282 32.38 0.237 27.02 27.02 0.204 23.14 23.14 0.204 23.18 18.76 4.42 19.98 0.203 23.11 41 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( %) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N ( %) NOTE: 19.98 23.11 20.10 20.10 100 100 100 72.11 250.29 299.46 301.49 0.0013 17.9664 17.5449 0.4215 0.0124 0.4008 0.0004 17.4325 15.9680 1.4645 0.0668 1.3532 0.0012 17.6674 15.5650 2.1024 0.1380 1.8724 0.0017 18.0044 15.9217 2.0827 0.1337 1.8599 0.0017 150.88 5.7917 83.64 10.5786 89.24 3.0866 1902.69 47.2976 1878.94 47.0764 0.8557 58.13 0.2143 53.46 0.071 0.00015 42.18 57.82 0.4308 31.84 0.073 0.00031 25.82 74.18 0.3305 0.1985 10.67 0.023 0.00005 2.73 97.27 32.38 20.02 20.02 19.99 19.99 20.26 20.26 100 10 309.95 17.8054 16.0366 1.7688 0.1780 1.4721 0.071 0.00061 45.86 54.14 17.65 0.020 0.00007 3.92 96.08 100 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC060 PC064 PC065 PC066 PCO67 Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 5/4/95 5/11/95 5/12/95 5/12/95 4 0 0 5/12/95 4 41 11 11 11 11 1.1 1100 0.6 700 0.6 700 0.6 700 0.6 700 0.198 23.17 18.76 0.122 13.79 13.79 0.120 13.77 13.77 0.120 0.119 13.80 21 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (I/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( /o) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield ( %) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N ( %) o N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 13.81 11.17 2.64 18.50 12.30 6.20 18.44 12.26 6.18 18.48 12.29 6.19 13.80 18.43 12.26 6.17 100 10 10 10 10 299.13 165.88 143.76 100.43 180.92 17.6653 15.6343 2.0310 0.1817 1.7282 0.0016 17.6426 16.9367 0.7059 0.0751 0.5807 0.0005 17.6511 16.8293 0.8218 0.0903 0.6713 0.0006 17.7323 17.3270 0.4053 0.0501 0.3218 0.0003 17.8431 16.8291 1.0140 1842.70 49.6638 54.16 3.2476 61.00 3.1564 30.96 3.3502 78.75 3.1613 0.2947 0.2921 50.30 0.074 0.00022 41.36 58.64 0.4339 64.64 0.084 0.00036 60.33 39.67 0.1931 60.01 0.078 0.00015 52.01 47.99 0.5430 4.41 20.02 20.02 17.05 0.015 0.00004 2.84 97.16 0.0889 0.8658 0.0008 62.71 0.079 0.00043 55.05 44.95 101 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC068 PCO71 PC074 PC075 PC077 Date Oxygen Content ( %) 5/13/95 5/15/95 5/17/95 5/17/95 5/18/95 21 0 4 21 0 11 11 11 11 11 0.6 900 0.6 900 0.6 900 0.6 900 0.6 1100 0.105 12.09 0.106 12.06 0.105 12.03 12.03 0.090 12.06 0.107 12.10 12.10 16.16 10.78 5.38 100 63.54 16.17 10.78 5.39 100 300.61 16.24 10.81 5.43 100 196.96 13.92 9.30 105.41 0.0114 0.4654 0.0004 17.7064 17.5307 0.1757 0.0260 0.1324 0.0001 17.3259 15.5866 1.7393 0.1660 1.4626 0.0013 17.2354 16.0759 1.1595 0.0047 1.1517 0.0010 17.4259 17.0701 0.3558 0.0273 0.3103 0.0003 538.74 35.3162 45.58 10.4795 652.28 13.5960 1434.16 37.9651 65.69 5.5523 0.0659 0.0622 46.99 0.072 0.00004 37.59 0.8787 60.08 0.073 0.00064 48.73 51.27 0.1339 0.1423 45.86 0.085 0.00012 43.31 56.69 Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature ( °C) GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1 /min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / :_z Fuel N (%) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 12.09 16.20 10.80 5.40 100 108.86 17.7343 17.2499 0.4844 14.16 0.046 0.00003 7.24 92.76 62.41 11.63 0.046 0.00006 5.94 94.06 10.40 10.40 4.62 10 , 102 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC078 PC079 PC080 PCO81 PC082 Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature ( °C) 5/18/95 5/18/95 5/22/95 5/22/95 5/22/95 4 21 0 21 4 11 11 22 22 22 0.6 1100 0.6 1100 1.1 1.1 1.1 900 900 900 0.089 0.090 10.33 8.36 1.07 13.84 9.26 4.58 100 10.33 0.111 12.69 12.69 0.111 12.69 0.110 12.86 10.40 2.46 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (%) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N ( %) NOTE: 98.97 13.80 9.26 4.54 100 170.54 17.00 11.30 5.70 100 168.74 12.69 16.96 11.27 5.69 100 298.91 17.9129 17.5085 0.4044 0.0250 0.3627 0.0003 17.6674 16.9081 0.7593 0.0508 0.6746 0.0006 18.2754 17.3259 0.9495 0.0628 0.8448 0.0008 17.7912 15.9731 1.8181 0.1261 1.6079 0.0014 17.8492 15.8741 454.72 32.6754 1245.06 48.0251 284.59 10.7857 2053.17 40.8291 961.31 17.3308 0.0949 26.16 0.033 0.00003 9.59 0.0758 11.24 0.022 0.00002 2.75 97.25 0.4517 53.47 0.077 0.00035 45.74 54.26 0.2428 0.8193 45.85 0.063 0.00052 32.10 67.90 90.41 10.33 15.10 0.058 0.00014 9.73 90.27 17.01 11.30 5.71 100 299.18 1.9751 0.1130 1.7868 0.0016 103 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC083 PC084 PC085 PC086 PCO88 Date 5/24/95 5/24/95 5/24/95 5/25/95 0 5/24/95 4 21 0 21 9 9 9 9 9 0.3 700 0.3 700 0.3 0.3 0.3 700 900 900 0.252 28.74 28.74 0.247 28.57 0.222 25.30 25.30 0.219 25.18 25.41 12.65 0.248 28.70 23.21 5.49 38.55 25.67 12.88 10 10 300.16 Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1 /min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( %) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield ( %) N Content in Char ( °A by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 22.66 25.18 33.95 22.67 11.25 11.28 10 10 10 300.06 300.39 200.54 141.43 18.0093 15.7101 2.2992 0.3734 1.6769 0.0015 17.6267 15.5017 2.1250 0.3752 1.4997 0.0013 18.5106 16.4442 2.0664 0.2624 0.0015 17.8876 16.5899 1.2977 0.1502 1.0474 0.0009 17.6694 16.9778 0.6916 0.1190 0.4933 0.0004 2.07 0.0889 1.95 0.0943 1.82 0.0811 82.93 5.0559 56.14 7.2575 1.3726 81.86 0.086 0.00118 78.22 21.78 1.2573 83.84 0.090 0.00113 83.84 16.16 1.2153 74.60 0.085 0.00103 70.46 0.6329 60.43 0.080 0.00051 0.2799 56.74 29.54 46.29 38.06 28.57 38.73 25.76 12.97 1.6291 33.91 53.71 0.081 0.00023 51.07 48.93 104 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC089 PC090 PCO91 PC092 PC095 Date Oxygen Content ( %) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 5/25/95 5/25/95 5/25/95 5/25/95 5/31/95 4 0 4 21 21 9 9 9 32 0.3 0.3 900 1100 0.3 1100 9 0.3 1100 700 0.220 25.38 20.57 0.190 21.84 21.84 0.189 21.81 0.130 14.74 14.74 19.76 13.18 6.58 1.6 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( %) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (`)/0 by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 0.191 21.86 17.64 4.22 4.81 33.85 22.62 11.23 29.30 19.50 9.80 29.21 19.45 9.76 21.81 29.18 19.43 9.75 10 10 10 100 10 299.57 300.55 180.71 289.02 180.98 17.5900 15.5610 2.0290 0.3638 1.4227 0.0013 17.1570 15.3972 1.7598 0.1901 1.4430 0.0013 17.7355 16.6237 1.1118 0.1301 0.8950 0.0008 17.5292 15.5480 1.9812 0.1531 1.7260 0.0016 17.7847 16.7089 1.0758 0.0700 0.9591 0.0009 164.36 7.3794 389.25 14.8772 228.26 14.0468 1503.34 47.8940 372.53 14.4507 0.9802 68.90 0.7281 50.46 0.074 0.00054 41.49 58.51 0.4327 48.35 0.073 0.00032 39.22 60.78 0.2093 0.2931 30.56 0.064 0.00019 21.73 78.27 0.081 0.00079 62.01 37.99 12.13 0.035 0.00007 4.72 95.28 105 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC096 PC097 PC098 PCO99 PCO100 Date Oxygen Content ( %) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 5/31/95 5/31/95 5/31/95 5/31/95 5/31/95 0 4 0 4 21 32 32 1.6 32 1.6 1.6 1.6 32 1.6 700 700 900 900 900 0.129 0.111 12.62 12.62 0.110 0.111 12.66 19.86 13.22 6.64 0.128 14.80 11.97 2.83 19.82 13.20 6.62 10 10 299.62 104.14 16.99 11.30 5.69 100 163.35 17.8886 15.7234 2.1652 0.1644 1.8912 0.0017 17.2513 16.6436 0.6077 0.0457 0.5315 0.0005 633.26 12.5014 1.0490 55.47 0.070 0.00073 43.14 56.86 32 -, GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (%) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield ( %) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (`)/0) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 14.76 14.76 12.79 10.36 2.43 17.08 11.33 5.75 100 12.66 16.97 11.28 5.69 100 300.50 298.96 17.4374 16.5976 0.8398 0.0522 0.7528 0.0007 17.8171 15.9084 1.9087 0.2157 1.5492 0.0014 17.8540 15.8668 1.9872 0.1923 1.6667 0.0015 174.16 12.2330 70.85 3.0053 1878.44 39.0583 2544.12 48.7753 0.2820 53.05 0.070 0.00020 41.26 58.74 0.3561 0.4941 31.89 0.036 0.00018 12.76 87.24 0.2283 13.70 0.022 0.00005 3.35 96.65 47.30 0.081 0.00029 42.57 57.43 106 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) PC0104 PC0105 EXPERIMENT NO. PC0101 PC0102 PC0103 Date Oxygen Content ( %) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 5/31/95 5/31/95 5/31/95 6/1/95 6/1/95 0 -­32 4 21 4 4 -,-) ..).. 32 11 11 1.6 1.6 1.6 1100 1100 1100 0.6 900 0.6 900 0.095 10.98 0.095 0.096 0.105 11.01 11.01 12.15 10.98 8.92 2.09 14.70 9.80 4.90 100 301.05 0.104 12.10 9.77 2.33 14.67 9.79 4.88 100 300.45 10 10 229.86 205.42 1.7679 0.1925 1.4471 0.0013 17.6634 15.5479 2.1155 0.2070 1.7705 0.0016 17.6997 15.7339 1.9658 0.1265 1.7550 0.0016 17.3310 15.8458 1.4852 0.1305 1.2677 0.0011 17.9892 16.6798 1.3094 0.1620 1.0394 0.0009 52.20 0.9990 3174.80 49.7176 3044.56 48.0440 333.38 8.0373 262.14 7.6998 0.3714 25.67 0.080 0.00030 0.2566 14.49 0.012 0.00003 22.81 1.93 77.19 98.07 0.2181 12.43 0.015 0.00003 2.07 97.93 0.6680 52.69 0.079 0.00053 46.25 53.75 0.5949 57.23 0.074 0.00044 47.06 52.94 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1 /min) Air (I/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1 /min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( %) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N ( °A) NOTE: 14.70 9.80 4.90 10 258.64 17.1781 15.4102 11.01 9.82 2.33 16.19 10.79 5.40 16.21 10.80 5.41 107 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) PC0106 PC0107 PC0108 PC0109 PC0110 6/2/95 6/2/95 6/3/95 6/3/95 6/3/95 4 4 4 4 22 4 22 41 41 41 1.1 1.1 900 900 2.2 900 2.2 1100 2.2 1100 0.109 12.68 0.112 12.68 10.28 2.40 0.102 0.086 9.75 7.87 0.086 9.82 7.95 1.88 1.87 4.91 4.91 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (I/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (%) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 10.28 2.40 17.02 11.30 5.72 100 16.95 11.27 5.68 100 89.36 239.91 18.0951 17.8468 0.2483 0.0115 0.2291 0.0002 11.41 9.23 2.18 4.98 4.98 4.99 4.99 100 299.56 100 100.62 111.05 17.6895 16.2367 1.4528 0.1132 1.2641 0.0011 18.0728 16.1565 1.9163 0.0939 1.7598 0.0016 17.7458 17.3160 0.4298 0.0071 0.4180 0.0004 17.6656 17.1930 0.4726 0.0107 0.4548 0.0004 124.98 17.4702 722.86 18.2718 3731.18 37.4757 977.58 37.1789 1086.66 37.9573 0.0695 30.33 0.070 0.00005 23.59 76.41 0.4444 35.15 0.055 0.00024 21.48 78.52 0.5040 28.64 0.035 0.00018 0.0452 0.014 0.00001 0.0532 11.70 0.014 0.00001 1.68 1.82 98.32 98.18 100 11.14 88.86 10.81 108 Table B.1 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Pyrolysis and Combustion in Nitrogen Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) PCO112 PC0129 6/3/95 7/10/95 21 0 41 41 2.2 900 2.2 900 0.102 11.46 0.230 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) N2 (1/min) Air (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (%) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 10.71 10.71 11.46 4.93 4.93 4.97 4.97 100 10 151.54 291.38 18.0532 17.2611 0.7921 0.0102 0.7751 0.0007 19.2360 17.3816 1.8544 0.1067 1.6766 0.0015 1722.49 39.2795 179.92 1.8146 0.0760 0.5913 35.27 0.083 0.00049 32.53 67.47 9.81 0.024 0.00002 2.61 97.39 109 Table B.2 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Combustion in Helium Atmosphere EXPERIMENT NO. Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) PCO117 PCO118 PC0119 PC0120 PCO121 6/27/95 15.4 6/27/95 2.9 15.4 6/27/95 2.9 41 41 9 9 9 1.1 1.1 0.3 1100 1100 900 0.3 900 0.3 1100 0.200 30.34 26.49 3.85 0.199 31.38 26.56 4.82 0.220 36.44 35.40 1.04 0.221 34.63 29.28 5.35 0.191 31.26 30.37 0.89 14.61 14.64 14.64 49.57 33.05 49.57 33.06 42.57 28.32 16.52 16.51 6/16/95 6/16/95 12.7 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (I/min) He (1/min) 02 (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) 14.61 100 100 10 10 14.25 100 300.12 155.05 108.65 299.89 286.16 BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA 17.8694 15.6672 2.2022 0.1560 1.9422 0.0017 18.1655 17.0739 1.0916 0.0892 0.9429 0.0008 18.0358 17.5013 0.5345 0.0708 0.4165 0.0004 18.5975 16.0635 18.4838 16.3690 2.1148 0.6124 Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (%) 1272.12 31.7506 587.39 30.9158 28.21 90.71 6.2824 6.0409 313.46 22.8104 0.3861 19.88 0.1710 0.2118 50.85 0.070 0.00015 39.55 60.45 1.0254 75.20 0.067 0.00069 55.98 44.02 0.7366 67.32 0.049 0.00036 36.65 63.35 CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) 18.13 g Char N / g Fuel N ( %) g N Release /g Fuel N (%) NOTE: Char loss Char loss 2.5340 0.7023 1.3635 0.0012 1.0941 0.0010 110 Table B.2 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Combustion in Helium Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. PC0122 PC0123 PC0124 PC0125 PC0126 Date Oxygen Content (`)/0) 6/27/95 6/27/95 6/29/95 15.4 15.4 9 Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) 6/29/95 15.4 6/29/95 2.9 9 41 41 41 0.3 0.3 1100 1100 2.2 700 2.2 900 2.2 900 0.190 29.78 25.18 4.60 42.82 28.43 14.39 0.191 29.74 0.249 16.47 13.90 2.57 7.20 7.20 0.231 15.45 14.98 0.47 7.15 7.15 0.232 100 100 10 100 100 15.4 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1/min) He (1/min) 02 (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) 25.14 4.60 42.59 28.34 14.65 12.39 2.26 7.14 7.14 14.25 171.59 299.35 158.18 299.89 264.58 BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA 18.1510 17.1750 0.9760 0.2042 0.6357 0.0006 18.2363 15.8887 2.3476 0.3552 1.7556 0.0016 18.0086 16.8918 1.1168 0.1644 0.8428 0.0008 17.7991 15.2670 2.5321 0.1951 2.2069 0.0020 18.2407 16.2036 2.0371 0.1712 1.7518 0.0016 Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( %) 243.00 29.9296 695.17 30.8867 17.07 0.5170 1250.37 13.8085 928.82 12.4595 CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) 0.2050 32.25 0.034 0.00007 0.4172 23.76 0.037 0.00015 9.77 90.23 0.2292 27.20 0.4202 0.3066 19.04 0.033 17.50 0.021 0.00014 6.98 93.02 0.00006 4.08 95.92 g Char N / g Fuel N ( %) g N Release /g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 12.18 87.82 0.051 0.00012 15.41 84.59 111 Table B.2 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Combustion in Helium Atmosphere (Continued) EXPERIMENT NO. Date Oxygen Content (%) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) PC0127 PC0128 6/29/95 2.9 6/29/95 41 41 2.2 1100 2.2 1100 0.210 13.72 13.32 0.40 7.18 7.18 0.209 100 100 184.50 84.31 17.3954 15.7825 1.6129 0.0462 1.5359 0.0014 17.7681 16.9248 0.8433 957.01 14.0439 462.80 13.1140 0.1642 0.0529 6.94 15.4 GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (I/min) He (1/min) 02 (1/min) Quench Flow (I/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N (`)/0) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (')/0 by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (c1/0) g N Release /g Fuel N (%) NOTE: 10.69 0.035 12.88 10.88 2.00 7.15 7.15 0.0486 0.7623 0.0007 0.00006 4.16 95.84 Not enough char 112 Table B.3 Experimental Data and Results for Black Liquor Char Combustion EXPERIMENT NO. Date Environment Oxygen Content ( %) Reactor Path Length (inches) Residence Time (sec) Reactor Temperature (°C) GAS FLOW Primary Flow (1/min) Secondary Flow (1 /min) He or N2 (1/min) 02 (1/min) Quench Flow (1/min) Tip (1/min) Wall (1/min) NOx Meter Scale Total Running Time (sec) BLACK LIQUOR DATA BLS Before (g) BLS After (g) BLS Input Weight (g) Flush Char Weight (g) Actual BLS Input Weight (g) Total Fuel N Input (g) NO DATA Total NO Released (ppm.$) g N as NO / g Fuel N ( %) CHAR DATA Char Weight (g) Char Yield (%) N Content in Char (% by wt) Total Char N (g) g Char N / g Fuel N (%) g N Release / g Fuel N (%) NOTE: PCO131 7/25/95 He 15.4 PC0132 PC0133 7/26/95 He 7/26/95 15.4 21 N2 41 41 41 7.7 2.2 2.2 900 900 900 0.231 14.67 12.42 2.25 7.23 7.23 0.230 14.66 12.40 2.26 7.15 7.15 0.230 100 100 100 45.58 130.92 89.96 12.3112 12.2354 0.0758 0.0053 0.0670 0.0001 12.1568 11.6722 0.4846 0.0100 0.4679 0.0004 12.4371 12.1936 79.97 30.5819 616.30 33.5905 415.00 32.3480 0.0230 34.35 0.1883 40.24 0.035 0.00007 15.65 84.35 0.0428 18.26 Not enough char 10.72 8.50 2.22 4.90 4.90 0.2435 0.0055 0.2343 0.0002 Not enough char