$*!r,g"[x+nrp$wr Z. Geomorph.N.P. Suppl.-Vol.140 93- 102 Berlin .Stuttgart Iulv 2005 Glacier melting and lahar formation during January 22,2}}Leruption, Popocatépetlvolcano (Mexico) PatriciaJulio Mi randa,Alberto E. G onzález-Huesca, Flugo Del gadoG ranados, and AndreasKááb, Zirich 'rith 6 figures and2 tables Summary. During an explosiveevent that occurred on January 22, 2001,at Popocatépetlvolcano, small pyroclasticflows melted part of the glacierand generateda lahar.To evaluatethe volume removed from the glacier,before and after the event,digital terrain models were compared.Total removed mass was ñ 1.0x 106-', brrt a p^rt of it was incorporatedin the - 4 x 105*' 1.h.. asmeltwater( - 1.6x 105m3). The - 2.4 x lOs m3 deposit included more than 500/oof pumiceous material. An important issue for hazard assessment at ice-cladvolcanoesis that not all meltwaterplaysa role in laharicevenrs. Résumé. Pendantun événementexplosif au volcan Popocatép eú le 22 janvier 2001,des écoulements pyroclastiquesde volume modesteont fondu une partie du glacieret ont engendréun lahar.Pour évaluer le volume du glacierperdu, des modélesnumériquesde terrain avantet aprésl?vénementont été comparés.Le volume de glacedisparueétait de - 1.0x 106m3, alorsque une partie de ce volume ( - 1.6x 1Osm3) a été retenucomme eau de fonte dansle lahar de - 4 x 1Osm3.Le dépót de - 2.4x 1Osm3 contenaitpleus de 500/ode ponces.Un élément important pour qui doit évaluerles risquessur les volcanscouverts de glaceest le fait que toute l'eau de fusion desglaciersne participepasi la gendsedeslahars. 1, Introduction Popocatépetl is a large stratovolcano (S+SZa.s.l) comprising an accumulation of lavas, alternating with pyroclastic deposits of andesitic to dacitic composition. Laharic processeshave also been present on the volcano even during episodes of quiescence (Fig. 1).The volcano started ro erupr on December 21,1994,and has not yet ended.The eruption has consisted of an alternation of vulcanian explosions with dacitic lava extrusions (DErcaoo et al. 2OO1). During the last decade, the presence of a body of ice at the summit of the volcano has represented a hazard due to possible laharic events caused by ice-melting during eruptive events (Drrcaoo 6¿ BnucrvrnN 1996).The endangered population of - 8,OOOinhabitants lives in towns and villages on the northeastern flank of the volcano and, in particular, in those places located in the vicinity of the glacier-related drainage sysrem. Santiago Xalitzintl a (2327 inhabitants) is a village situated 14 km from the crater, at the outlet of the main drainage from the glacier area. Since the beginning of the eruption several laharic events have occurred (Pnrncros er al. 1998). Most of them have reached less than 4 km from the source (DErcalo et al. 20OO),and some of which are suspected to have been generated by eruptive activity-glacier interaction. Major lahar events were registered inJune 1997 andJanuary 2001. Both traveled as far as 14 km from the summit, reached the outskirts of Santiago XalitzintlaVillage. 0044-279810410140-0093 s X.XX O 2005 Gebrüder Borntraeger,D-14129Berlin . l)-70176Stutrgart 94 PatriciaJulioMiranda et al. This study describesthe role of ice melt in the January 2001eruptive event by studying the ice-bodysizeand the magnitudeof the laharicevent.This type of study seeksto evaluatehazards that might occur on other ice-cladvolcanoesin Mexico and elsewhere. 9q"00' 98'30' Fig. 1.Location rnap.Popocatépetl(5,+SZa.s.l)is an ice-cladvolcano located70 km southeasrof downtown Mexico City and 40 km west of the city of Puebla.It representsthe southern end of a north-south volcanicchainknownasSierraNevada. TV:Telapón volcano;IZY:Iztaccíhuatl volcano;PV:Popocatépetl volcano; MC: Mexico City; PC: PueblaCity. Methodology 2.1 Glacier eaalwation One way to determinethe amount of water presenton the volcanobeforeand afrcr an eruption is by calculationof the volumeof ice.Juuo-MTnANDAE¿Dpr-cnoo-GnnN¡,Dos(2003)havetackled this issueby applyingdigitalphotogrammetryto producedigitalterrainmodels(DTM) and orthophotos,astools to determinepreciselythe amountof massgainedandforlost over a time interval. Ve haveusedthe @OrthoEnginesoftwareto processaerialphotographstaken two daysbeforethe explosiveeventof January22,2001 (scale1:11000), and a month after on February22,2OOl(scale 1:13000). After digitalphotogrammetricrestitution,DTMs were obtainedand the contoursof the icebodieswere digitized.Volumes of icewereextractedby subtractingDTMs using@S.rrf.,software. Glaciermelting and lahar formation 2 Labar estilnate The January22,2001, explosiongeneratedseveralsmall-sizelaharsthat reacheddifferent distancesfrom the source,on the northern and northwesternflanks.The laharstravelledalong the gorges:Tlamacas;Tenenepanco; La EspineraandTetepeloncocone. These are locatedon the northeasternflank of Popocatépetl(pig. z). Outcrops locatedin (Ot) and Huiloac (Oz and 03) gorgeswere studied,and selectedsamplesfrom theTenenepanco thosedepositswere analyzed.At the outcrops,three sections(I, II and III) were constructedat proximal, middle and distallocationsfrom the source.Thesesectionswere usedto estimatethe areaand volume of the laharicdeposits. The laharic volume was calculatedby measuringthe lahar travel distancealong eachgorge and consideringthe crosssectionalareaat eachoutcrop(IvrnsoN et al. 1998).Grainsizeanalyses Resultsfor the smallerlaharicdepositsarenot shown. were carriedout by d.y sieveanalysis. 19" 06' t9"04' ,,y_f/iri,l9 ,'# To*.rrs @ ciorgcs > if Proxirnalsector ) i II j \,lcdialscctor '11111 Distalsector t t- ^ ()utcrop Sttttl¡ccl I Clacicrarea ffi ffi 0 98"38', l 2 3 4 k m t9"32'. Fig. 2. Map of Popocatépetl'snortheasternflank. Location of the lahar deposit outcrops (O1, 02, 03) studied and secrors(I,It, tIt) inTenenepancoand Huiloac Gorges. 96 3 PatriciaJulioMiranda et al. lce bodiesand eruptiveactivity Two glaciersexistedon the northern flank of Popocatépetl(Ventorrillo and Noroccidental), rogerherwith small permafrostfields.BeforeDecember1994,glacierswere inactive and showed of the a rerreattrend causedby regionaland globalclimatechange(DEI-cnoo 1997).By19964Oolo of the glacierareawas lost (Huccrrwhile 1996-1999 period 22a/o 1958glacierare^disappeared, 8¿ DElcnoo 2000).After the eruption started,glacierretreatwas acceleratedby severalprocesses: temporaland local heatflow increaseat glacierbed; pyroclasticmaterialaccumulationon materialand pyroclasticflow generation,were among glacier'ssurface;ejectionof incandescent (DElcnoo et al., submitted). The glaciersthinned and shrank.Differentialablathe main causes. distribution of the tephra induced reduction of the glacier,leaving tion due to heterogeneous elongatedblocksof ice coveredby tephra and with frontal ice cliffs (f ig. ¡). Fig. 3. Photographof the northern flank of Popocatépetlon February 22,2003.The white line indicates the areacoveredby the ice blocks; the dark color is due to a pyroclasticlayer on top of the blocks. A dome-destruction phase starting on December 11,2000 is of particular interest. l)uring this explosive phase several high eruptive columns were generated and incandescent material was ejected as far as 1 km from the summit. Ashes and blocks were deposited on the glacier's surface. By December 16 the glacier was completely covered by tephra. The explosive activity continued until early January 2001,. On January 22, 2001.,at 15:15 (local time), a degassing event began and emission of ash was observed an hour later. At16:23,the emission of gasesand ash continued and incandescent fragments were ejected out the crater. Pyroclastic flows were emplaced on the northern flank, reached 6.5 km from the crater (RouÁN-CASTTLLo et al. 2003). A flow moved down over the glacierized area triggering a lahar. At 20:45, an army brigade, located 5 km from the volcano, reported'h mud flood in the Huiloac Gorge" (CEXnpnED reports). 97 Glaciermelting and lahar formation 4 Resuhs 4.1 Glacier cbanges Thble 1 shows differencesin surfaceareal determinationsusing DTMs consrnrcredfor dates beforeand after theJanuary222001,event.Theareallossreflectsthe retreatparrernobservedin previousstudies(Dalcaoo 1997,Huccnr & Drrcloo 2OOO, Julro-MTRANDA& DrlcnooGn¡Nnoos 2003).DTM subtractionallowedus to estimatea lost volumeof 1 109804m3 (t tto¡o), equivalentto nearly 1.0x 106m3 of water. Table1.Arealostatglaciers on Popocatépetl volcano. Date Surface area (mt) o1/20/2001 280357 02/21/2001 252262 Lost surface area (m') 28095 4.2 Lahar cbaracteristics The January22,2001,lahariceventwas associated with the explosiveactivity and generatedpresumablyby a pyroclasticflow that flowed over glacier'sarea.The lahar had the characteristicsof a debrisflow asshown by the depositsstudiedat three different locations(pig. Z). At the proximal zone (SectionI), gravelsize clastsare the main componenrar the river bed and border,but sandincreasesasthe main componentin the centralpart of the river bed (Fig.+, sectionI). The histograms(Eig. 5) mostly show bimodal distributions,rhe principal modes are -5Qto 3Qanda meangrainsizebetween-1.770 and1.19Q. Thelargest clastsizeis 1.10 m.Thedepositexhibits very poor sorting,which are a characteristic of laharicdeposits.The skewnessof the deposit reflectsfine asymmetryat the border of the river bed and high coarseasymmerryin the centerof the river bed.Platikurtic valuesindicatethe broad size distribution of the sediments(Fig. 6). In the middle zone (SectionII) gravelsize clastsare the main componentat the centreand marginsof the river bed (Fig. +),the sand is the main componentin the centralchannelof the river bed and in the lobate zone.A bimodal distribution (Fig. 5); showsmain modesvarying from -5Qto 3Q,and a mean sizebetween-2.775and lQ. Field observationsshow that the largestclast size was 40 cm. Valuesshow poor sorting (fig. e).The skewnessof the middle zone does not establisha cleartrend.Platikurticvaluesreflectthe broadsizedistributionof sediment(nig.O). In the distalzone (SectionIII) gravelsizeclastsform the principalcomponent,but in the centre of the channelsandis the main component(Fig.a).The histogramsindicatea bimodal distribution (Fig. S),at the proximal and middle zones,but in the small central channelof the river the distribution is unimodal. The principal modesvary from -2Q to aQ.The mean grain size values are in a rangeof 0.2Q- 3.430. A maximum size of.2 cmwas observedin the field.The sorting varies from very poor to poor. The skewnessreflects fine asymmetry in the deposit and a high coarseasymmetry in the small centralchannel.The platikurtic valuesshow a broad size distribu- 98 PatriciaJulioMiranda et al. Proximal section I ,.5(nr) i l - Samples Stratigrlph¡" S;ti¡ ti;¡¡i;;i"i. iuuingut."r,,trountlctj chsts of purniccrnti rndcsitc.nrcansizc 1.5 c'nr. Saritlirrpporiü'suhingirLir-súlrr.runtlid.:iastJ,;ipunric;'.üil;linü iirit an¡ciit.: gl$!,','.lu'..* '.. Santlsupportr'd.subangul:rr-suhrounrlctl clasfsof punrice.gmy ¡nt-lrctl antlcsitc. .: ¡ncansizr-I c'n¡.-c-lírsts _I :-¡|. __ '. (llast supported.subangular-subroundccl clastsof pumicc lvith olivine xenoliths. ',,.qlI'19i::!lld::I::l::lll1,:li5il::,t$Ii_l_j9l_ Substlate. 't\r S i\ lledial section lI 5 (m) 0 0' A:::--*;.- I J N S Distal scction lll 5 (m) Stratigraphl' 0 I 0.1 0.: I *Sanrples ''" -l'1-ji!¡-u-¡tL,yi*lt.g 5 (m) -*-----::- l 0 - -* - -----"- "-- ;''r, Sanclsuppofcd. subrounded-subangularclasts of pumice. gray and reti andcsitu-. n i c a ns i z c0 . 5 c n l . c l a s l s . ,I c r n . (s,,lrrt.ot.. Fig 4. Sectionsstudiedon the northeasternflank of Popocatépetlvolcano, ar 5.5km,10 km and 17km from the vent area.The stratigraphyof the outcropsis describedin detailper unit. Seelocationmap in Fig. 2. 99 Glaciermelting and lahar formation r rl c¡ o : 3 t ñ L t j ' : * t t Y ¿ ' : - > ,a 8r O R.' i É q € () rrr i 4 ; r,' A C c I - a I I ¡ ¿ ¿ . . . : y !? tt q 3 T d E . I F = c .: n t 8 .= F f a) o a { ¿, -, '; :! U L : , q J ü r ¡ ^ - 1i ^ V a Y y u ti() Y,a O + :l-il-T*:l : a :I -) i 1 1 1 I U t.3 i ti l , ó €- :) -\ - , _ : ,, ' a " : = s c 2 Z t ; F | . ^ l c g ! ü | , t'r AO I i , ¡ ' l ' ; > t l a a U I ¿ i 5 ; '.-ñ¡-tthÍlñ ¡ ]l lr = . a) / ;) , ¡,Q.1 j j ¿-¿_ ¿; a ' . * t A , a - ¿ - ' ¿ E i - - -¿ i i r . n . Z i ^ (J - d o Q ) V Co() (! a , l 2 I T ñl ii L_i*L i l rl ,_, a1 : r\¡ iiil' i l i t x-i g a e 2 ? - ¿ * - + : i : fi':iltlrt\J :, - IviIl\f,.t\l:4 ? u tq. ¡) Acz) E a ; eJ o c c ' ¡ F q J ( ) U U a] ' i l l ñ U E F ;) \ rñ iil t - ñ.9 = J F * F D - v ú 5 li1-KtüNt 1 4 P = v U C J l:4 1 P } { q ) i , ;l ' 3 ; l ¡ 3 ' ¿ , i 2 . 7 2 P .<fi i-Ll'l lJ v o b D itI I --c : ooc 4 . q, i ' - > ó i 1 a J - : q ^ -\ - : J a\ (1 < t ó . ¿ - vl 1 : t ' * - t ^ ^ ) t t i ' l iE i- t=t >r- 2" ' : .. 9 . ¡ 5 ( ) U F ( d ( l F 3 II , : i i 1 cl f, T F i t ¡ ; ''!{TIL\ÍN P ) - s , 9" ! 3 -ñ# . 2 c a E o..; r.t U F 3 o t a d l: P | 1 i Q a 2- )- :: a - a ¿ ¿ r l g ¡ o l r¡V I 'ftlXl\fN"i U F q L oJ , 't ?'r: a ; i = ? r ; . 1 . - : " I J Q . ) H c.l O F C J . 3 v ) A = t r ? o F." f o EÉ ¿ b O O - u - o 6 ) - - i . t r o . boil r ^ o : ( o o ü ü l f s , : 100 PatriciaJulioMiranda et al. tion of the deposit and a leptokurtic vaiue in the small central channel of the river bed, reflect a restricteddistribution (fig. e). The sectionsindicatedin Fig. 4 were usedto obtain the volume of the laharicdepositof January 22,2007,accordingto the parametersshown in Fig. 5. Consideringan averagesediment contentof nearly60%in debrisflow volume,we obtaineda volumeof sedimentof - 2.4 xTOsm3 (Table2).The main componentsof the flow depositare pumice, gray and red andesite.Among all thesecomponents,pumice representsmore than 500/o of the total volume as both clastsand matrix. This fact supportsthe idea that most of the materialparticipatingin the laharic event correspondedto a pumice-richpyroclasticflow that triggeredmeiting of the ice and transported them togetheras a debrisflow. Andesiteand daciticclastswere alsoincorporatedin the debris flow. Thble2.Laharvolumeestimate. The lengths(Eig.2) weremultipliedby the corresponding section al area (Fig.+)to obtainthelaharicvolumeof everysector. Sector Distance (m) Section area (-') Laharvolume (mr) I 3571 59.21 211439 II 5710 34.54 197223 III 2860 0.34 972 Total 12141 94.09 409634 (r¡) SORTINCi i (Sk) i SKEWNESS ¡' KURTOSIS (Kg) l t I L ^ a t 3 t h a r a a I a e t . . o t tDr lD2 2A 2ts 2Cl 2Cl ; ) a 3Bl 382383 SAMPLE Fig.6. Sorting, skewness,and kurtosisvaluesfor everysample.Explanationin the text. Glacier melting and lahar formation 5 101 Discussion Description and characterizationof the lahariceventof January22,2001., and resultingdeposit were important for identification of the role of the glacier's meltwater and the interactions between the glacier and volcanic activity.Clast size, sorting, skewnessand kurtosis indicate that the studied laharic depositsare debris flow related.The contentsof the deposit indicate that more than 500/o of the clastsare madeof pumice as a consequence of the pumiceouspyroclasticflows. The estimatedlaharicvolume in this study differs from those of other authors.CapnR et al. (zoo¡) estimateda flow volume of 2.3x 1Osm3.In this study a laharicvolume ofl4 x105m3 is reported.The differencesin volume are explainedin terms of the delineationof proximai zone of the deposit.A day afterJanuary22nd eruptive event an important depositwas recognized upstreamof the Huiloac Gorge in the feedingTenenepancoGorge.This was consideredthe proximal area in this stud¡ whereasCnpnn et al. (ZOO3) consideredthe proximal areato be in the Huiloac Gorge. The total volume of meltwater releasedduring eruptions does not fully participate in the generationof lahars.During the November 13,1985,eruption of Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia) the meltwater releasedwas estimatedin 43 x 106m3 (THounEr 1990),but nearly 5Oo/o of that water did not contribute to lahar generation.The water was incorporated to snow avalanches, sediment-ladenavalanches, phreaticexplosions,sublimationgeneratedby pyroclasticflows or it was stored in the glacier.Similar processes,including percolation,might have occurred at Popocatépetlvolcanowhere total massremoved( - 1.0x 106*') *", larger than the water in t he lahar(-1 .6 x 1 0 5m 3 ). Calculatedremovedmassinclude melted ice and tephra.During the volcanicactivity that took placesinceDecember112000,was accumulatedon the glacier'ssurface.The earlyJanuary DTM representsa surfacemodified by deposition of volcanic materials.The February DTM showsa landscapetransformedby the removalof both volcanic debrisand ice. The massdifferenceamongDTMs ascomparedto the volume of the laharic depositand particularly to the sediment(lessthan 1.2x 1Osm3of tephra)and water ( - 1.0x 105m3) allow us to establishthat - 8.1x 1Osm3 of ice were removedfrom the glacierbut did not participatein the laharicevent.The resultingmeltingwater was sublimatedby the pumiceouspyroclasticflow or percolated. 6 Conclusions The subtractionof DTMs allowed the calculationof the total massremovedfrom the glaciated (-1.0 x 106m3)by the explosiveeventof January22,2OOl.The slopesof Popocatépetlvolcano meltwater and pumice from the collapsingexplosivecolumn, together with volcanic materials accumulatedon the glacierin December2000,participatedin a lahar (a debrisflow) that rraveled alongthe northern gorgesof the volcano.The lahariceventleft behind a depositof - 2.4x 10sm3, consistingof more than 50%of pumiceousmaterial,and - 1.6x 105m3 of meltwater (t.7 x 105m3 of removedice)was incorporatedin the lahar.This representsñ 170/o of the total ice massremoved. 102 PatriciaJulioMiranda et al. Acknowledgements The National Center for Disaster Prevention and the Ministry of Communications and Transport provided aerial photographs. We thank Isaac A. Farraz, Carrlos Linares, Patricio Chicati, Demian Schneider and F. Graffe, for field, laboratory and abstract translation assistance.This study was funded by CONACYT (grants 074-PÑ and 32527tr). References Cenne, L., Ponlete, M.A. E¿Arvnnnoo, R. (ZOO+): The 1997and 2001laharsof Popocatépetlvolcano (CentralMexico):texturaland sedimentologicalconstraintson their origin and hazards.-J.Volcanol. Geotherm.Res.131:351-369. CENAPRED (CentroNacional de Prevenciónde Desastres): Reportsof Popocatépetl'seruptiveactivity. - Availablefrom: www.cenapred.unam.mx DnLGaoo, ll. (tggZ):The Glaciersof PopocatépetlVolcano (Mexico): changesand causes.- Quatern. Internat.43:1-8. Drtcaoo, H. & BnucunN, Vt. 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