AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Ratih E. Lusianti for the degree of Master of Science in Chemical Engineering presented on August 31, 2010. Title: Removal of Cryoprotectant with the Use of a Microseparation Device. Abstract approved:_________________________________________________________________ Adam Z. Higgins Cryoprotectants (CPAs) such as glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are commonly used during cryopreservation of cell based therapeutics. Although these additives are beneficial during freezing, it is often desirable to remove them before infusion into a patient. Currently, the most common method for CPA removal is by centrifugation. This method is time consuming, labor intensive, and can also lead to significant cell losses. In this study, we investigate the possible use of a microseparation device for removal of CPAs from red blood cell suspensions. A mathematical model was developed to predict the CPA removal performance of the device and cell volume changes during the process. Experiments to ascertain the permeability properties of several different types of membranes of interest were conducted using the device. The resulting experimental values were then incorporated into the model to make CPA removal predictions. To assess the accuracy of the model predictions, glycerol removal experiments from solutions without red blood cells were carried out. Through comparison of the experimental data and the model predictions, it was found that the model could accurately predict CPA removal for membranes with sufficiently small pores where mass transfer is dominated by diffusion; but in membranes with larger pores where mass transfer is dominated by pressure driven flow, the model predicted values that are lower than what was obtained through experiments. The reason for this effect is the pressure discrepancy that was found between the pressure drop recorded during the experiment and the model predicted pressure drop. The model predicted pressure drop assumes ideal fluid flow condition whereas the actual conditions during the experiment indicates the presence of air bubbles trapped inside the channels, obstructing the flow of fluid and possibly altering the surface area available for mass transfer. Parametric studies using model simulations on the CPA removal performance of the membranes with smaller pores were conducted. Through parametric studies, CPA removal trends and cell volume changes during the process using the membranes of interest were better understood. The information gained from this study is useful for designing the next prototype of the microseparation device as well as for developing an optimal CPA removal protocol for red blood cell suspensions. Copyright by Ratih E. Lusianti August 31, 2010 All Rights Reserved Removal of Cryoprotectant with the Use of a Microseparation Device by Ratih E. Lusianti A THESIS Submitted to Oregon State University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Presented August 31, 2010 Commencement June 2011 Master of Science thesis of Ratih E. Lusianti presented on August 31, 2010. APPROVED: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Major Professor, representing Chemical Engineering _________________________________________________________________________________________ Head of the Department of Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering _________________________________________________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. _________________________________________________________________________________________ Ratih E. Lusianti, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Dr. Adam Higgins for being a great advisor through this entire process, my lab mates and friends for assisting me in completing this work, and Kevin and Layla for keeping me sane and making sure I didnt’t go off the deep end. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 Introduction 1 2 Background 4 2.1 Cryopreservation ……………………………………………………… 4 2.2 Cryoprotectant Removal ...…………………………………………. 7 2.2.1 Centrifugation ...………………………………………………… 7 2.2.2 Hollow Fiber Dialysis ...……………………………………… 9 2.2.3 Microfluidic Devices …………………………………………. 11 2.3 Membranes ………………………………………………………………. 14 2.3.1 Gambro AN69-ST ……………………………………………… 16 2.3.2 Millipore ISOPORE ……………………………………………. 16 2.4 Cryoprotectants ………………………….…………………………….. 17 3 Mathematical Model 18 3.1 Cell Membrane Transport …………………………………………. 20 3.2 Synthetic Membrane Transport ………………………………… 21 3.3 Volume Balances ……………………………………………………… 22 3.4 Solute Balances ………………………………………………………... 24 3.5 Pressure Drop ………………………………………………………….. 25 3.6 Model Programming ………………………………………………… 26 4 Experimental Setup 28 4.1 Microseparation Device ………………………………………….…. 28 4.1.1 Microseparation Device Assembly ……………….….…. 29 4.2 Hydraulic Permeability Experiment ………………………..…. 31 4.2.1 Experimental Apparatus ……………………………………. 31 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 4.2.2 Experimental Procedure ……………………………………. 32 4.2.3 Analytical Method ……………………………………………. 33 4.3 Diffusive Permeability Experiment ……………………………. 35 4.3.1 Experimental Apparatus ……………………………………. 35 4.3.2 Experimental Procedure ……………………………………. 36 4.3.3 Analytical Method ……………………………………………… 37 4.4 Model Validation Experiment ……………………………………… 39 4.4.1 Experimental Apparatus ……………………………………… 39 4.4.2 Experimental Procedure ……………………………………… 39 4.4.3 Analytical Methods ……………………………………………… 40 5 Results and Discussion 42 5.1 Hydraulic Permeability Expriments …………………………….. 42 5.1.1 Gambro AN69-ST ……………………………………………….. 42 5.1.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP ……………………………………. 47 5.1.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP …………………………………… 52 5.2 Diffusive Permeability Experiments…………………………….. 57 5.2.1 Gambro AN69-ST ……………………………………………….. 57 5.2.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP ……………………………………. 59 5.2.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP …………………………………… 60 5.3 Model Validation Experiments ……….…………………………… 61 5.4 Parametric Studies ……………………………………………………… 73 6 Conclusions 81 6.1 Hydraulic Permeability ……………………………………………….. 81 6.2 Diffusive Permeability ………………………………………………… 82 6.3 Model Validation ………………………………………………………… 83 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page 6.4 Parametric Studies ……………………………………………………… 84 6.5 Future Work ………………………………………………………………. 85 Bibliography 125 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix Page A Nomenclature …………………………………………………………………………… 87 B Derivation of Differential Equations …………………………...……………… 90 C Protocol for Microseparation Device Assembly …………………..……… 101 D Protocol for Hydraulic Permeability Experiment ………………...……… 103 E Protocol for Diffusive Permeability Experiment ………………….……… 106 F Protocol for Model Validation Experiment …………………...…………….. 109 G Pressure Calibration Curve …………………………………………...…………… 112 H Concentration Calibration Curve ……………………………………...………… 114 I Hydraulic Permeability Experimental Data ………………………………….. 115 I.1 Gambro AN69-ST …………………………………………………….. 115 I.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP ………………………………………… I.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP ………………………………………… 117 116 J Diffusive Permeability Experimental Data …………………………………… 118 J.1 Gambro AN69-ST …………………………………………………….. 118 J.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP …………………………………………. 118 J.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP ………………………………………… 119 K Model Validation Experiment ………………………………………………….….. 120 K.1 Gambro AN69-ST …………………………………………………….. 120 K.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP …………………………………………. 120 K.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP ………………………………………… 120 L Simulation Data …………………………………………………………………………. 121 L.1 Gambro AN69 …………………………………………………………. 121 L.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP ………………………………………… L.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP ………………………………………… 122 L.4 Parametric Studies …………………………………………………… 122 121 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3.1 Page Diagram of the differential volume in microseparation device ……………………………………………………………………………… 19 Boundary conditions at x=0 and x=L. The unknown variables at x=0 and the target values at x=L are boxed …………………….. 27 4.1 Single sheet of lamina embossed with microchannels ………… 28 4.2 Assembled view of the microseparation device ………………….. 30 4.3 Exploded view of the microseparation device ……………………. 30 4.4 Experimental apparatus of the hydraulic permeability experiment ………………………………………………………………………. 32 Experimental apparatus of the diffusive permeability experiment ………………………………………………………………………. 36 4.6 Experimental apparatus of the model validation experiment . 39 5.1 Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to DI water................................... 43 5.2 Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to 10% w/v glycerol solution .……………………..……………………………………....…………….. 44 Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to 40% w/v glycerol solution …………………………………………………………………………….. 44 Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to glycerol solutions of different viscosities …………………………………………………………… 46 Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to glycerol solutions of different viscosities compared to theoretical projections …..... 47 5.6 Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP DI water………………………. 48 5.7 Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution .……………………..………………………….………………………….. 49 3.2 4.5 5.3 5.4 5.5 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5.8 Page Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 40% w/v glycerol solution ………………………………………………………………………..…… 49 5.9 Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to glycerol solutions of different viscosities ……………………………………………………………. 50 5.10 Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to glycerol solutions of different viscosities compared to theoretical projections …….. 51 5.11 Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to DI water …………………. 53 5.12 Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution …………………………………………………………………………….. 53 Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to 40% w/v glycerol solution …………………………………………………………………………….. 54 Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to glycerol solutions of different viscosities …………………………………………………………… 55 Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to glycerol solutions of different viscosities compared to theoretical projections ……. 56 Diffusive permeability of AN69 to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rates ranging from 0.1 to 1 ml/min ……………………….. 58 Diffusive permeability of ISOHTTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rates ranging from 0.1 to 1 ml/min ………….. 60 Diffusive permeability of ISOTMTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rates ranging from 0.1 to 1 ml/min ………….. 61 Model prediction comparison for urea removal to Tuhy’s model and experimental data using AN69 …………………………. 63 Comparison between model validation experimental data and model predictions for membrane AN69 using the experimental Lp value for 10% w/v solution ……………………… 65 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 Page Comparison between model validation experimental data and model predictions for membrane ISOHTTP using the experimental Lp value for 10% w/v solution ……………………… 66 Comparison between model validation experimental data and model predictions for membrane ISOTMTP using the experimental Lp value for 10% w/v solution ……………………… 66 Comparison of experimental data and model predictions of glycerol removal using different hydraulic permeability values for the ISOHTTP membrane ……………………………………. 67 Comparison of experimental data and model predictions of glycerol removal using different hydraulic permeability values for the ISOTMTP membrane ……………………………………. 68 5.25 Effect of flow rate on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using AN69 ………………………………………………………………………... 74 5.26 Effect of flow rate on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using ISOHTTP ……………………………………………………...…………… 75 5.27 Effect of dialyzer length on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using AN69 …………………………………………………………... 77 5.28 Effect of dialyzer length on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using ISOHTTP ……………………………………………………… 77 5.29 The change in concentration of the extracellular solution stream with respect to microchannel length for AN69 and ISOHTTP ……………………………………………………………………………. 79 5.30 The relative cell volume change with respect to microchannel length for AN69 and ISOHTTP …………………………………………….. 79 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1 Membrane properties for comparison ………………………………… 17 5.1 Comparison of pressure drops obtained from experiment and from model predictions for validation experiment using the AN69 membrane ………………………………………………………….. 69 5.2 Comparison of pressure drops obtained from experiment and from model predictions for validation experiment using the ISOHTTP membrane ……………………………………………………... 70 5.3 Comparison of pressure drops obtained from experiment and from model predictions for validation experiment using the ISOTMTP membrane …………………………………………………….. 70 6.1 Hydraulic permeability values in m/Pa-s for the three membranes tested using three solutions of varying glycerol concentrations …………………………………………………………………… 82 6.2 Average diffusive permeability values for the three membranes tested for a flow rate range from 0.1 ml/min to 1 ml/min ……………………………………………………………………………. 83 6.3 Linear approximation of Ps as a function of flow rate for the three membranes tested …………………………………………………….. 83 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES Figure Page B.1 Diagram of the system with coordinates ………………………………. 90 B.2 Concentration profile inside a permeable membrane ……………. 92 B.3 Cell volume content …………………………………………………………….. 97 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Table Page A.1 Nomenclature …………………………………………………………………... 90 G.1 Pressure calibration curve for transducer 1 ……………………….. 112 G.2 Pressure calibration curve for transducer 2 ……………………….. 112 G.3 Pressure calibration curve for transducer 3 ……………………….. 113 G.4 Pressure calibration curve for transducer 4 ……………………….. 113 H.1 Concentration calibration curve ……………………….……………….. 114 I.1 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of AN69 to DI water. Average of 3 sets …………………………………………………….. 115 I.2 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of AN69 to 10 % w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets ………………………………………….. 115 I.3 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of AN69 to 40 % w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets ………………………………………….. 115 I.4 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to DI water. Average of 3 sets …………………………………………………….. 116 I.5 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 10% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets …………………..………………. 116 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to 40% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets ………………………………….. 116 I.6 I.7 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to DI water. Average of 3 sets …………………………………………………….. 117 I.8 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to 10% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets …………………..………………. 117 Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to 40% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets ………………………………….. 117 I.9 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES (Continued) Table J.1 J.2 J.3 K.1 K.2 K.3 L.1 L.2 L.3 L.4 L.5 Page Experimental data for diffusive permeability of AN69 to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rate range between 0.1 to 1.0 ml/min ……………………………………………………………………………. 118 Experimental data for diffusive permeability of ISOHTTP to 10 % w/v glycerol solution for flow rate range between 0.1 to 1.0 ml/min …………………………………………………………………. 118 Experimental data for diffusive permeability of ISOTMTP to 10 % w/v glycerol solution for flow rate range between 0.1 to 1.0 ml/min ………………………………………………………………….. 119 Experimental data for model validation experiment using AN69 ………………………………………………………………………………. 120 Experimental data for model validation experiment using ISOHTTP …………………………………………………………………………. 120 Experimental data for model validation experiment using ISOTMTP …………………………………………………………………………. 120 Simulation data for model validation experiment using AN69 and Ps and Lp obtained from experiment ………………… 121 Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOHTTP and Ps and Lp obtained from experiment (Lp = 1.03e-8 m/Pa-s) …………………………………………………........ 121 Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOHTTP and Lp value from theoretical projection (Lp = 1.70e-8 m/Pa-s) ……………………………………………………… 121 Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOTMTP and Ps and Lp obtained from experiment (Lp = 2.03e-8 m/Pa-s) ……………………………………………………….. 122 Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOTMTP and Lp value from theoretical projection (Lp = 3.74e-8 m/Pa-s) ……………………………………………………….. 122 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES (Continued) Table L.6 L.7 L.8 Page Simulation data for parametric study varying flow rate using AN69 and permeability parameters from experiment ………… 122 Simulation data for parametric study varying flow rate using ISOHTTP and permeability parameters from experiment ……. 123 Simulation data for parametric study varying channel length using AN69, permeability parameters from experiment and a flow rate of 0.4 ml/min ……………………………………………………… 123 L.9 Simulation data for parametric study varying channel length using ISOHTTP, permeability parameters from experiment and a flow rate of 0.4 ml/min ………………………………………………….... 123 L.10 Simulation data for extracellular solution concentration and relative cell volume change as a function of microchannel length for AN69 ………………………………………………………………… 124 Simulation data for extracellular solution concentration and relative cell volume change as a function of microchannel length for ISOHTTP …………………………………………………………… 124 L.11 DEDICATION I dedicate this to my family: Bapak, Ibu, and my little sister ‘Pupy’. 1 Removal of Cryoprotectant with the Use of a Microseparation Device Chapter 1 – Introduction Cell therapy is a form of medical treatment that aims to replace, repair or enhance the biological function of damaged tissue or organs by transplanting or transfusing isolated living cells into the body [1]. With the growing popularity of cell therapy in the medical field, the demand of cell therapy products for treatment is projected to increase into the future. Cryopreservation plays an essential part in enabling the increase of the production of cell therpeutics because it allows for long term storage. Hematopoietic cells are amongst the most common types of cells to be cryopreserved with products ranging from cryopreserved bone marrow to frozen red blood cells for transfusion [2]. Cryopreserved cells are frozen in a solution that contains cryoprotective agents (CPA) to protect it from freezing injury. Before cryopreserved cell therapy products can be used on patients, the CPA needs to be removed to avoid adverse health effects. This study specifically focuses on the CPA removal process in previously frozen red blood cells. Most of the blood products that are stocked in blood banks nowadays are in the form or conventional whole red blood cells (CW-RBC) preserved through refrigeration. Although the shelf life of blood products can be 2 immensely lengthened by cryopreservation, CW-RBC is viewed as a more practical form of blood products because the process of removing the CPA from thawed FS-RBC is arduous. The current standard method of CPA removal from FS-RBC through centrifugation is inadequate because it is time consuming, labor intensive, cost ineffective, and causes significant cell loss. In this study, a method of CPA removal using a microfluidic device consisting of two lamina plates embossed with parallel arrays of microchannels separated by a porous membrane is explored. There are four major goals for this project: (1) to develop a mathematical model that accurately predicts the mass transfer process inside the microseparation device, (2) to ascertain the permeability properties of several different types of membrane that will be used to remove CPA from a suspension of red blood cells, (3) to characterize the removal performance of the microseparation device by running simulations using the membrane permeability properties measured in experiments and verifying the model predictions with experimental data, and (4) to perform several model simulations to investigate the effect of changing different parameters on the CPA removal capabilities of the device. All experiments in this study were carried out using glycerol solutions of different concentration without red blood cells. The effects of CPA removal on the red blood cells were studied by conducting simulations of the mathematical model. This project serves as a 3 foundational study to gain insight on how CPA removal from red blood cells suspension using a microseparation device can be optimized. 4 Chapter 2 – Background 2.1 Cryopreservation In 1949, C. Polge, A.U. Smith, and A.S. Parks discovered that a sample of fowl spermatozoa survived freezing to -70oC when it was frozen in a solution of glycerol [3]. Although accidental, the discovery is what paved the way for an essential technique in cryobiology known today as cryopreservation. Cryopreservation is defined as a technique of maintaining biological samples at cryogenic temperatures (-196oC), to effectively bring all chemical, biological, and physical activity to a halt [4]. Recent advances in tissue engineering and cell therapy have enabled the commercial use of biological products. One major setback in increasing production and distribution is the lack of an efficient method in which to preserve and store biological products. Biological products that are simply preserved through refrigeration have a limited shelf life. Because all metabolic activity in the cellular level is stopped, biological samples that are cryopreserved have significantly longer shelf lives compared to samples that are preserved through refrigeration. For example, blood cryopreserved in 40% w/v glycerol solution has an FDA approved shelf life of 10 years [5]; significantly longer compared to the shelf life of refrigerated conventional whole red blood cells (CW-RBC) of 21 days [6]. Longer product shelf life will enable distributors to maintain a large supply of biological products to ensure a steady supply to patients in need. In a nutshell, 5 it seems like cryopreservation is the answer that biological product manufacturers have been waiting for. The cryopreservation process entails the freezing of biological cells in an aqueous solution from +37oC down to -196oC, and thawing the frozen sample back to +37oC. It is important that high cell viability is maintained through the entire freeze-thaw process to ensure a high survival rate in vivo once the product is transfused into patients [7]. Once subzero temperature is reached during the freezing process, the water content in the aqueous solution will favor the solid state and begin to form ice crystals. Ice crystal formation in the aqueous solution causes freezing injury which may damage or even cause cell fatality [4]. To avoid freezing injury, cryoprotective agents (CPA) such as glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are routinely added to the aqueous solution to protect cells during the cryopreservation process. The addition of CPA reduces the formation of ice crystals and any consequent damages to the cell membrane [7]. If enough CPA is added, ice formation can be suppressed entirely and the aqueous solution would instead form a vitreous, glassy state [7]. Although effective in suppressing ice formation, high CPA concentration in the aqueous solution causes cell toxicity; which would also damage and possibly cause cell death [7]. The right balance of solvent and CPA in the aqueous solution is important in maintaining high cell viability during the cryopreservation process. The development of an optimal protocol 6 for the freeze and thaw process is crucial to the success of cryopreservation [8]. Aside from freezing and thawing, CPA removal from the cryopreserved product is equally important. The necessity of complete removal of CPA is dependent on what CPA was used during the freezing process. Glycerol is a common compound that is found in the body; hence, cryopreserved products with small amounts of glycerol can be used on a patient with relatively low health risks. DMSO, however, is less commonly found in the body should be removed completely to avoid any adverse health effects. Studies have linked DMSO to adverse health effects in patients who received treatments using cryopreserved cell products [9, 10, 11, 12]. It was revealed that the adverse health effects became less serious with decreasing amounts of DMSO left in the cell product [2]. Hence, to avoid any health risks, it is preferable to wash out as much CPA as possible from cryopreserved samples. Hematopoietic cells have become the type of cells most commonly cryopreserved for medical therapy [2]. In 1951, Mollison and Sloviter discovered that human red blood cells can be frozen, thawed, washed, and transfused into a patient with high in vivo survival rate (85-90%) [13]. With this discovery, it was thought that frozen red blood cells (FS-RBC) would be the answer to all problems associated with the CW-RBC products. Problems such as short shelf life, seasonal shortages, and difficulty in meeting high 7 demands in a time of war or other catastrophic events would be mitigated if blood banks are able to stockpile FS-RBC [14]. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the move from CW-RBC to FS-RBC proves to have a few more deterrents than originally thought. One such deterrent is the CPA washing process of thawed FS-RBC. The process of removing CPA from thawed FS-RBC is time consuming, labor intensive, and costly. Because of these issues, FS-RBC only account for a small percentage of the the blood supply kept by blood banks and organizations. The military uses FS-RBC as a part of their blood supply and blood banks store FS-RBC products of rare blood types that are not commonly donated [14]. There is a need for a new CPA removal technology to make the switch from CW-RBC to FS-RBC a reality. 2.2 Cryoprotant Removal Several methods are available for removing the CPA from thawed FS-RBC. Although only centrifugation is used commercially, other methods have shown promise in CPA removal. The pros and cons of each method are discussed in the following subsections. 2.2.1 Centrifugation The centrifugal removal of CPA from thawed FS-RBC employs the use of cell washers like the ones manufactured by Haemonetics and COBE. CPA removal 8 using the centrifugation method was first commercially done using a manually operated, batch process cell washers like the Haemonetics 115 [15]. The blood washing process using the Haemonetics 115 is a complicated process that requires multiple batch steps to decrease the glycerol concentration. The batch step entails adding a solution of lower osmolality, centrifuging the blood, removing the supernatant from the RBC, and resuspending the RBC in a solution with an even lower osmolality. These steps are done multiple times until enough glycerol is removed from the RBC suspension [16]. The blood washing process must be done in steps of decreasing osmolality in order to avoid osmotic damage from excessive shrinking and swelling. Although the blood washed meet the criteria for transfusion, this procedure is far from ideal [15]. Due to the manual nature of the Haemonetics 115, the blood washing process is labor intensive and time consuming (45 minutes per unit of blood), requiring trained operators to properly wash thawed FS-RBC [15]. Furthermore, the Haemonetics 115 features a rotating seal which exposes the system to the atmosphere and thus increase the risk of contamination [15]. Because the Haemonetics 115 is an open system, the blood washed using the unit must be used within 24 hours [15, 16]. Due to the disadvantages of the Haemonetics 115 cell washer, an improved unit called the ACP 215 was created. Unlike its predecessor, the 9 ACP 215 is automated and features a closed system to minimize the risk of contamination [17]. Organizations like the United States Armed Services Blood Program employs the use of this equipment in conjunction with a washing protocol [18] developed by the Naval Blood Research Laboratory to remove CPA from thawed FS-RBC in 40% glycerol [19]. The cell washing process using the ACP 215 still entails the addition of solution in decreasing osmolality to decrease the glycerol concentration; however, since everything is programmed internally, it reduces the level of complexity associated with the blood washing operation. Because it’s a closed system, thawed FS-RBC washed with the ACP 215 unit has a shelf life of 14 days, significantly longer than blood units washed using the Haemonetics 115 [19]. Although its automated and atmospherically sealed, the blood washing process using the ACP 215 is still time consuming (55 minutes per unit of blood) and causes loss of up to 13% of the RBC [19]. 2.2.2 Hollow-Fiber Dialysis Currently the standard of care in removing toxins from the blood of patients with renal disease, hollow fiber dialysis has shown promise for effectively removing CPA from thawed FS-RBC. A common hollow-fiber module is similar to a shell and tube heat exchanger with thousands of hollow fibers encased in a polymer shell. Blood is flowed inside the hollow fibers and the wash 10 solution is flowed in the shell side within the polymer casing in a counter current configuration. Several studies to investigate the performance of hollow fiber dialyzers in removing CPA from blood product have been conducted. Ding et al developed a model to simulate the CPA removal capabilities of a hollow fiber module. Based on simulations, they found that this method can decrease the maximal swelling volume of the RBC and washing time when compared to the centrifugation method [20, 21]. Wickramashinge et al carried out experiments using thawed FS-RBC, platelets, and peripheral blood hematopoietic progenitor cells and found that all blood products were successfully washed using a hollow fiber module to transfusion standards in 30 minutes or less [15, 22]. Arnaud et al demonstrated that the 95% of the DMSO content in a suspension of platelets were successfully removed in one pass through a polysynthane hollow fiber dialyzer [23]. There are also several disadvantages associated with CPA removal using a hollow fiber dialyzer like flow maldistribution and volumetric flow rate restrictions [24]. Flow maldistribution in hollow fiber modules is mainly caused by non uniform packing of the hollow fibers inside the polymer shell, which cause stagnant regions in wash fluid outside of the hollow fibers [24]. Because hollow-fiber dialyzers were originally designed for kidney dialysis, it requires a high operational volumetric flow rate making it less ideal for the 11 processing of cell-based therapeutics with small volume doses like umbilical cord blood or bone marrow stem cells. The required high volumetric flow rate inside the device could also incur excessive shear stress on the red blood cells, causing hemolysis and reducing the amount of viable cells in the end product [24]. In addition to flow maldistribution and flow rate restrictions, hollow fiber dialyzers also require a large amount of washing solution or dialysate during operation. Most hollow fiber dialyzers use a 3:5 blood to dialysate flow rate, resulting in a 60% greater dialysate volume than blood volume processed [24]. The large requirement of dialysate fluid reduces the economic feasibility of this strategy. 2.2.3 Microfluidic Devices Microfluidic devices feature a large surface area to volume ratio that intensifies mass and heat transfer processes by decreasing the path length for diffusion [24]. Over the years, microfluidic systems have been used in a variety of biological applications. One such application is the use of microfluidics system in manipulating cells and other biological samples by exploiting the microscale transport phenomena [25]. Song et al developed a microfluidic device that consists of a single long and narrow channel with three inlet ports and one outlet port [25]. This device was used to load and remove CPA from cell suspensions in a gradual manner. For CPA removal, the cell suspension is injected into the device through the center port while 12 phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution is injected into the other two ports to the left and right. Cell suspensions with CPA loaded and removed using this method exhibited a 25% increase in viability compared to conventional loading and removal methods [25]. However, because this method combines the cell stream and the wash stream with no downstream separation process, the CPA from the cell suspension was not actually removed but merely diluted. Because this process increases the final volume of the cell suspension, the end product is less ideal for transfusion into patients. Mata et al developed a microfluidics device that flows the cell stream parallel to the wash stream, and allows diffusion of CPA to take place between the two streams through diffusion. This method was reported to be able to conclusively demonstrate the effective removal of DMSO while maintaining a high (90% and above) cell recovery [26, 27]. Although this device was successful in removing the CPA content, some cells were still lost in the process due to the lack of a barrier that separates the cell stream from the wash stream. The absence of a clear partition in this device also prevents the ability to control the cell density of the end product due to intermixing between the cell and the wash stream. Because the two streams are not separated, this device relies on diffusional mass transfer and is unable to take advantage of pressure-driven convective flow between the two streams. Furthermore, the absence of a barrier in this device limits the flow 13 configuration to only co-current, a less effective flow configuration for mass transfer. In this study, a microseparation unit consisting of a porous membrane sandwiched between two polymer laminas embossed with parallel arrays of microchannels was used. The polymer laminas consist of 26 microchannels, each microchannel being 200 m wide, 100 m deep, and 56 mm long. The removal process is continous and gradual where a CPA-rich cell stream is pumped on one side of the membrane and a CPA-free wash stream is pumped on the other side in a counter current configuration. The concentration and pressure gradient between the two streams induces glycerol transport through the membrane. The removal of CPA using this microseparation device has multiple potential advantages over the commercial centrifugation method as well as other methods previously discussed. The process of removing CPA from a cell-laden stream using the microseparation device is one continuous process instead of a multistep procedure associated with centrifugation, making it potentially less labor intensive and time consuming than the centrifugation method. The microscale size of the device also makes it more suitable to handle the processing of smaller volume cell-based therapeutics in compared to hollow-fiber dialyzer. Moreover, because the fluid path is defined and controlled in the microchannels, the possibility of having flow maldistribution and dead volumes within the device is reduced. 14 Precisely controlling the fluid path inside the device also eliminates requirement of the high volumetric flow rate and large amount of wash solution when compared to hollow-fiber dialyzer. The presence of a clear partition between the cell-laden stream and the wash stream enables operation in a counter-current configuration, taking advantage of pressuredriven convective flow instead of just diffusion, and potentially recovering 100% of the cells, assuming no cell lysis during the process. 2.3 Membranes Biocompatibility is an important factor when choosing a membrane for biological applications. Upon comparing membrane materials, it was found through previous studies that synthetic membranes are less prone to cause adverse inflammatory reaction in hemodialysis patients when compared to cellulosic membranes [28, 29]. Furthermore, synthetic membranes typically have larger pores, allowing higher water flux and better ultrafiltration capacity compared to cellulose based membranes [28]. For these reasons, all the membranes that were chosen for this study were synthetic based. Aside from biocompatibility, membrane thickness is one of two important factors to take into consideration in order to maximize mass transfer between the CPA-rich stream and the wash stream. For this 15 application, a thin membrane is desired for a several reasons: (1) a thin membrane has less resistance to mass transfer compared to a thick membrane because the molecule has to diffuse through a shorter length [30], and (2) thick membranes has the potential to sag into the microchannels causing channel blockage. One membrane that proved to be unsuitable for this application due to its thickness is the PALL Supor-800 membrane. The Supor-800 membrane is a biocompatible membrane with a pore diameter and membrane thickness of 0.45 and 140 microns, respectively [31]. The thickness of the membrane itself was more than the microchannel height; upon assembly, it was found that the membrane sagged completely into the microchannels, effectively blocking fluid flow. The second factor to take into consideration when choosing a membrane to maximize mass transfer is the average pore size. Larger pore size will allow solutes to pass through more easily; however, pores that are too large may also allow the cells to pass through to the wash stream, which is undesirable. It is known that membranes with a nominal pore diameter of 0.8 to 1 microns allow the passage of intact red blood cells [32]. Hence, the ideal membrane for removal of CPA from red blood cells suspension should have an average pore large enough to allow maximum mass transfer between the two streams, but small enough to ensure that all the red blood cells are contained in the cell-laden stream. 16 2.3.1 Gambro AN69-ST The AN69-ST membrane is a highly biocompatible polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membrane that is commonly used in hemodialysis. It is a wet stored membrane with a smooth luminal surface and an average pore size of 4 nm [33]. The membrane is relatively thin, with an average thickness of 21 microns. 2.3.2 Millipore ISOPORE Two types of ISOPORE membranes were tested in this study: ISOPORE HTTP (ISOHTTP) and ISOPORE TMTP (ISOTMTP). Both ISOPORE membranes are dry stored, microfiltration membranes made of polycarbonate using the same method of production. The only distinguishing difference that set the two membranes apart is the average pore size; the ISOHTTP has an average pore size of 0.4 microns whereas the ISOTMTP has a much larger average pore size of 5 microns [34]. Both ISOPORE membranes have an average thickness of 721 microns [34]. Only the HTTP model is suitable for the application of CPA removal from red blood cells suspensions. The large pores of the ISOTMTP membrane is expected to allow passage of red blood cell through to the wash stream causing unwanted cell loss. The ISOTMTP membrane may be still be useful in removing CPA from suspensions of larger cells, like human oocytes with an approximate size of 100 microns. According to manufacturer’s specification, the ISOTMTP membrane is suitable for bioassay and cytology 17 applications. However, the biocompatibility of the ISOHTTP membrane is unknown. To the author’s knowledge, no publications exist in which the ISOHTTP membrane was used in a biological application. A table summarizing the properties of all the membranes is presented in table 2.1. Membrane Material Storage Thickness (m) AN69-ST Polyacrilonitrile Wet 21 ISOPORE HTTP Polycarbonate Dry 7-21 ISOPORE TMTP Polycarbonate Dry 7-21 Table 2.1: Membrane properties for comparison Pore Size (m) 0.004 0.4 5 2.4 Cryoprotectants CPAs are generally divided into two categories: permeating CPAs like glycerol and DMSO, and non-permeating CPAs like polyvinyl pyrrolidone [4]. Red blood cells are typically frozen in either 20% or 40 % w/v glycerol solution [19] whereas umbilical cord blood and bone marrow are typically frozen in 10% w/v DMSO solution [35]. Because this study focuses on CPA removal from FS-RBC, glycerol was used exclusively in all experiments. The hydraulic permeability experiments were done with three solutions with varying glycerol concentrations: DI water, 10% w/v glycerol and 40% glycerol. The diffusive permeability and model validation experiments were done using 10% w/v glycerol solution and DI water. All solutions used in the experiments did not contain red blood cells. 18 Chapter 3 – Mathematical Model The goal of this model is to accurately predict the CPA removal capabilities of the microseparation device by simulating the mass transfer that occurs between the cell laden, glycerol rich stream and the wash stream. Being able to accurately predict the mass transfer and CPA removal performance is crucial in developing an optimal CPA removal protocol. The flow and mass transfer in the cell stream, extracellular solution stream, and wash stream were modeled using volume and solute balances whereas the mass transfer through the cell and the synthetic membrane were modeled using the twoparameter (2P) and the Kedem-Katchalsky (KK) formulation, respectively. Similar modeling strategies have been utilized to simulate the CPA removal capabilities in a variety of separation devices. Ding et al modeled the flow distribution and mass transfer process inside a hollow fiber module using the conservation equations coupled with the KK formulation [20]. Tuhy modeled the mass transfer of urea using the same microseparation device using the conservation equations coupled with Darcy’s law in the absence of cells [24]. A diagram showing the differential volume for modeling in the microseparation device is shown in figure 3.1. 19 Figure 3.1: Diagram of the differential volume in microseparation device For the model, the system was divided into three separate streams; a stream consisting of the cells exclusively, a stream of extracellular solution suspending the cells, and a wash stream. The cell and the extracellular solution flow on the top side of the membrane whereas the wash stream flows on the bottom side as shown in the diagram. There are four fluxes that describe the membrane transport: Jw,c is the water flux through the cell membrane, Js,c is the solute flux through the cell membrane; Jv is the solution flux through the synthetic membrane; and Js is the solute flux through the synthetic membrane. The velocity of the streams was assumed to be constant and uniform, with no variation in the y or z direction. The uniform velocity assumption allows spatial uniformity of the concentration and pressure in the y and z direction. The mass transfer that occurs in the system was assumed to only occur from the cells to the extracellular solution, and from the 20 extracellular solution through the membrane and onto the wash stream. Additional general assumptions that were also taken are: rectangular uniform channels, laminar flow, constant molar volume, constant temperature and no reaction within the system. 3.1 Cell Membrane Transport Mass transfer across a membrane can be determined using numerous formalisms. Such formalisms include a one-parameter (solute permeability) model, a two-parameter model (water and solute permeability), and a threeparameter model or better known as the KK formalism which adds a solutesolvent interaction term () in addition to the water and solute permeability [36]. The introduction of a third parameter, , significantly increases the complexity of the KK formalism compared to the first two. In a study done by Kleinhans, it was determined that the addition of is often unnecessary and the 2P model describes the transport process as well as the more complicated KK formalism for biological membranes [36]. The 2P model written in terms of the cell membrane permeabilities is J w,c Lp ,c RT (Cc Cs ,c C1 Cs ,1 ) J s ,c Ps,c (C1 Cc ) (3.1) (3.2) 21 where Jw,c is the cell water flux; Js,c, the cell solute flux; Lp,c, the water permeability of the cell membrane; R, the universal gas constant; T, the temperature; Cc, the CPA concentration of the cell stream; Cs,c, the salt concentration of the cell stream; C1, the CPA concentration of the extracellular solution stream; Cs,1, the salt concentration of the extracellular solution stream; and Ps,c, the solute permeability of the cell membrane. 3.2 Synthetic Membrane Transport The analysis of the mass transfer across the synthetic membrane is done using the three-parameter KK formalism. Recent publications have shown that glycerol can pass through hemodialyzer membranes easily and completely, thus making the value of equal to zero [37]. Because this study exclusively used glycerol as a CPA, the solute-solvent coefficient was set to zero in the KK formalism. The KK formalism written in terms of the membrane permeabilities is Jv Lp (P1 P2 ) (3.3) Js Cm Jv Ps (C1 C2 ) (3.4) where Jv is the volumetric solution flux; Js, the molar solute flux; P1, the pressure of the top stream, which includes the cells and the extracellular 22 solution; P2, the pressure of the wash stream; Lp, the membrane hydraulic permeability; Ps, the membrane diffusive permeability; C1 and C2, the CPA concentration of the extracellular solution stream and wash stream, respectively. Cm is the mean intramembrane concentration derived using the local equation for the solute flux within the membrane [38, 39]. For detailed derivation of Cm, refer to appendix B. 3.3 Volume Balances Because the model assumes constant molar volume for glycerol and water, the flux equations from the 2P and KK formalism were used to derive differential equations that describe the volumetric flow rate change in each stream as a function of the channel x-coordinate. The volume balance on the cell stream is particularly important because it relates to the shrinking and swelling of the individual cells as they are exposed to a hypotonic or hypertonic solution. Cell shrinking and swelling tolerances plays an important role in CPA addition and removal because excessive shrinking and swelling could cause significant damage or death to the cells. The volume balance differentials written in terms of the flux equations from the 2P and the KK formalism are 23 dQc A n ( J s,c vg J w,c ) c c (W H ) dx Q1 Qc (3.5) A n dQ1 ( J s ,c vg J w,c ) c c (W H ) J v W dx Q1 Qc (3.6) dQ2 J v W dx (3.7) where the first, second, and third differential describe the volumetric flow rate change with respect to the x-coordinate for the cell stream, extracellular solution stream, and wash stream, respectively. Qc is the volumetric flow rate of the cell stream; Q1, the volumetric flow rate of the extracellular solution stream; Q2, the volumetric flow rate of the wash stream; H, the microchannel height; W, the microchannel width; vg, molar volume of glycerol; Ac, the cell membrane surface area of a single cell; and nc , the number of cells that pass Ac nc through the differential x per time. The term Q1 Qc was derived as a substitution for the original term Atotal, which describes the total surface area of all the cells contained in the differential volume. The term Atotal included a cell volume variable, a variable that is not constant. During the process, the cell volume is not a constant variable since the cells will either shrink or swell during inside the device. Hence, to simplify solving the differential equation, the cell volume term was substituted in terms of flow rate and other constant 24 variables that are known. The detailed derivation of the substitution along with the derivation of the volume balances are presented in appendix B. 3.4 Solute Balances Similar to the volume balances, a set of differential equations used to describe the change in solute concentrations with respect to the channel length was also derived. The solute balances written in terms of solute fluxes through the cell and synthetic membranes are dCc Ac nc d (Qc ) 1 (W H ) Cc ( J s , c vg ) dx (Qc Qb ) Q1 Qc dx (3.8) A n dC1 1 dQ ( J s ,c vg ) c c (W H ) J s W C1 1 dx Q1 Q1 Qc dx (3.9) dC2 1 dx Q2 dQ2 J s W C2 dx (3.10) where the first, second, and third differential describe the solute concentration change with respect to the channel length for the cell stream, suspension solution stream, and wash stream, respectively. Detailed derivations of the solute balances are presented in appendix B. 25 3.5 Pressure Drop Differential equations to describe the pressure drop within the microseparation device were derived using the pressure drop equation for a rectangular channel [40]. The pressure drop differential equations written in terms of the stream flow rates are dP1 dx dP2 dx Q1 Qc H 64 3 (W H ) 1 W tanh 4 1 3 5 H 2 W (3.11) Q2 H 64 3 (W H ) 1 W tanh 2 3 5 H 2 W (3.12) The first differential describes the pressure change with respect to channel length for the top stream which includes the cell and the suspension solution stream, whereas the second differential describes the pressure change with respect to channel length for the wash stream 1 and 2 are the viscosity of the top and bottom streams, respectively. 26 3.6 Model Programming Eight coupled differential equations were derived to describe the mass transfer process inside the microseparation device. These governing differential equations were programmed into MATLAB to be solved simultaneously using Ode45, a built in function in MATLAB that is capable of solving coupled differential equations given the boundary conditions at x=0. Because the device is set to run in a counter current configuration, the boundary conditions at x=0 are only known for the concentration and flow rate of the cell stream and the suspension solution stream as well as the pressure for the wash stream. The diagram shown in figure 3.2 illustrates the unknown variables at x=0. To solve the differential equation, initial guesses for the unknown variables at x=0 were set and the fminsearch function was used to iteratively revise the initial guesses until the model predicted value matches the known target value at x=L. This solution strategy is similar to the shooting method to solve boundary-value problems and have been used in other studies to find heat transfer parameters in a counter-current heat exchanger [41, 42]. 27 Figure 3.2: Boundary conditions at x=0 and x=L. The unknown variables at x=0 and the target values at x=L are boxed. The mathematical model enables the user to input different parameters for the mass transfer process that is going to be simulated; like the cell and synthetic membrane permeabilities, the type and concentration of CPA, the cell volume fraction in the stop stream, and the flow rates of the top and bottom stream. Although this model was originally designed for a specific microseparation unit, the user can also change the number and the dimensions of the microchannels to simulate the removal performance of a theoretical microseparation device. This is especially useful for parametric studies and as a design tool for the next generation of microseparation device. 28 Chapter 4 – Experimental Setup 4.1 Microseparation Device The microchannel separation device that was used during this study features two laminas embossed with parallel arrays of microchannels separated by a porous membrane. A steel casing was used to facilitate alignment and to create a compression seal between the two laminas. The lamina was produced by the Microproducts Breakthrough Institute by hot embossing into a thin polysulfone polymer sheet using a computer numerical controlled (CNC) machine. Each lamina has of 26 microchannels that are each 56 mm long, 200 microns wide, and 100 microns deep. A picture of the lamina used in the separation device is presented in figure 4.1. Figure 4.1. Single sheet of lamina embossed with microchannels 29 4.1.1 Microseparation Device Assembly Three different membranes were used in this study: Gambro AN69 ultrafiltration membrane, Millipore ISOPORE HTTP microfiltration membrane, and Millipore ISOPORE TMTP microfiltration membrane. The microseparation unit was assembled just prior to testing to avoid any damage to the membrane caused by drying. Two laminas were thoroughly rinsed with water prior to assembly. A piece of membrane was placed in between the lamina, with the microchannels side facing the membrane. The excess membrane was then trimmed off and the alignment pins were placed to ensure proper alignment in the steel casing. The lamina was then placed on the bottom steel casing before placing the top casing on. The bolts were then inserted in place and tightened by hand, before finally using a torquemeter to tighten each bolt to 80 cN-m. A detailed protocol of the microseparation device assembly is presented in appendix C. Figure 4.2 and 4.3 show the assembled and exploded view of the device, respectively. 30 Figure 4.2: Assembled view of the microseparation device Figure 4.3: Exploded view of the microseparation device 31 4.2 Hydraulic Permeability Experiment 4.2.1 Experimental Apparatus The experimental apparatus consists of the microseparation unit, two syringe pumps (NE-1010, New Era Pump System), two 60 ml syringe (309653, BD), four pressure transducers (Deltran I, Utah Medical), eight pieces of 15 cm intravenous (IV) tubing (2C6228, Baxter), one stopwatch, and one serological pipette tip. Depending on which membrane is being tested, a 1 ml (53283704, VWR), 5 ml (53283-706, VWR), or 10 ml disposable serological pipette tip (53283-708, VWR) may be used. Pressure transducers were connected to the inlet and outlet ports of the microseparation unit by IV tubing. The pressure signals read by the transducers were recorded using a data acquisition card (USB-6210, National Instruments) and the Measurement and Automation Explorer software. Syringes were connected to the pressure transducers and then to the inlet ports of the microseparation unit in a cocurrent configuration. The fluid exiting the top stream is flowed into a waste container while the volume of the fluid that exits the bottom stream is measured by attaching the serological pipette to the outlet tubing of the bottom stream. A detailed diagram showing the experimental apparatus is shown in figure 4.4. 32 Figure 4.4: Experimental apparatus for the hydraulic permeability experiment 4.2.2 Experimental Procedure The microseparation device was assembled with the membrane to be tested and connected to the experimental apparatus. Two 60-ml syringes were filled with DI water and connected to the setup to rinse the membrane and microchannels. Approximately 10 ml of DI water was allowed to pass through the top and bottom side of separation unit at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. After rinsing the channels and the membrane, the syringes containing the DI water was switched with syringes containing the solution to be tested. Another 10 ml of solution was allowed to pass through each side of the separation unit before the syringe pump connected to the bottom stream is turned off and the outlet tube of the bottom stream is fitted onto the serological pipette. 33 Depending on which membrane is being tested, a 1 ml, 5 ml, or 10 ml disposable serological pipette tip may be used. An additional 10 ml of solution was allowed to pass through the top stream of the microseparation unit before sampling was commenced to ensure that the system has come to steady state. For the AN69 membrane, a sampling time of 10 minutes was selected. The volume level on the pipette was recorded right before the stopwatch was started and right after it was stopped to measure the flux of solution that crosses the membrane. The ISOPORE membranes have a much higher solution flux rate than the AN69 membranes. Hence, it was not possible to carry out the same procedure to measure out the flux. Instead of selecting a sampling time, the flux was measured by the time it took for 1 ml of solution to cross the membrane. The pressure readings (in mV) from all four pressure transducers were also noted while sampling. This experiment was done with five different feed flow rates: 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 ml/min, and triplicate samples were collected for each flow rate. Detailed protocol for the hydraulic permeability experiment is presented in appendix D. 4.2.2 Analytical Method The results of the experiment were analyzed using the solution flux equation from the KK formalism shown in equation 3.3. This method was inspired by the work done by Liao to find membrane permeability properties in hollow fiber dialyzers [37]. The solution flux expression can be written in terms of 34 filtrate volume collected per time and rearranged to solve for the hydraulic permeability Lp V t Ax ( P1 P2 ) (4.1) where Ax is the membrane surface area available for mass transfer and the quantity (P1-P2) is the average transmembrane pressure between the top and bottom stream. The average transmembrane pressure was calculated with the equation P P ( P1 P2 ) 1,inlet 1,outlet 2 P2,inlet P2,outlet 2 (4.2) where P1,inlet is the pressure reading at the inlet of the top stream; P1,outlet is the pressure reading at the outlet of the top stream; P2,inlet is the pressure reading at the inlet of the bottom stream; and P2,outlet is the pressure reading at the outlet of the bottom stream. Because the flow rate of solution into the bottom stream is stopped to measure the filtrate volume, the average pressure of the bottom stream is approximately at atmospheric. The filtrate volume collected during the selected sampling time was obtained from experiments and the total area available for mass transfer can be calculated from the microchannel geometry. The readings from the pressure transducers (in mV) were converted to pressure units (Pa) using a calibration 35 curve (presented in appendix G). The pressure measurements from the inlet and outlet of the top and bottom stream were then averaged to obtain the average transmembrane pressure. 4.3 Diffusive Permeability Experiment 4.3.1 Experimental Apparatus The experimental apparatus for the diffusive permeability consists of the microseparation unit, two syringe pumps (NE-1010, New Era Pump System), two 60-ml syringes (309653, BD), four pressure transducers (Deltran I, Utah Medical), eight pieces of 15 cm intravenous (IV) tubing (2C6228, Baxter), one stopwatch, and six 15-ml centrifuge tubes (89039-664,VWR) per flow rate tested. Pressure transducers were connected to the inlet and outlet ports of the microseparation unit by IV tubing. The pressure signals read by the transducers were recorded using a data acquisition card (USB-6210, National Instruments) and the Measurement and Automation Explorer software. Syringes were connected to the pressure transducers and then to the inlet ports of the microseparation unit in a co-current configuration. The outlet tubing from each stream was placed in a waste container until the system is ready for sampling. A detailed diagram showing the experimental apparatus is shown in figure 4.5. 36 Figure 4.5: Experimental apparatus of the diffusive permeability experiment 4.3.2 Experimental Procedure The microseparation device was assembled with the membrane to be tested and connected to the experimental apparatus. Two 60-ml syringes were filled with DI water and connected to the inlet ports of the microseparation unit to rinse the membrane and microchannels. Approximately 10 ml of DI water was allowed to pass through both streams of the separation unit at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. After rinsing the channels and the membrane, the syringe containing the DI water to the bottom stream was refilled and the syringe connected to the top stream was emptied and refilled a 10% w/v glycerol solution. The same flow rate for the top and bottom streams were selected and the syringe pumps holding both syringes were started simultaneously. By watching the 37 pressure readings, the flow rate to the bottom stream was adjusted so that the pressure drop between the top and bottom stream was approximately zero. After mitigating any pressure driving force between the two streams, the system is allowed to run until 10 ml of solution has passed through both sides of the microseparation unit before samples were collected to ensure that the system has come to steady state. Seven flow rates were tested for this experiment: 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, and 0.1 ml/min, and samples from each flow rate were collected in triplicates for each stream. Detailed protocol for this experiment is appended in appendix E. 4.3.3 Analytical Method The results of the experiment were analyzed using the solute flux equation from the KK formalism presented in equation 3.4. The development of this method was based off of the work done by Liao to assert the membrane permeability properties in a hollow fiber dialyzer [37]. By mitigating the pressure gradient between the top and bottom stream, the equation is reduced to Js Ps (C1 C2 ) (4.3) where C1 and C2 are the CPA concentration of the top and bottom stream, respectively. The solute flux can be written as a mass balance of the amount of CPA that enters and leaves the top stream 38 Q1,0C1,0 Q1, L C1, L Amembrane Ps (C1 C2 ) (4.4) where Q1,0 and C1,0 are the flow rate and concentration of the top stream at the inlet, Q1,L and C1,L are the flow rate and concentration of the top stream at the outlet, and A is the membrane surface area that is available for mass transfer. If we assume that the solution in the channel is well mixed, no diffusion boundary layer effects, steady state, constant diffusive permeability, and that the rate of change in concentration in both streams are proportional to the concentration difference, we can write the concentration difference in terms of a logarithmic mean of the solute concentration of the top and bottom stream. The diffusive permeability can then be solved with rearrangement of equation 4.5. Q1,0C1,0 Q1,L C1,L PsClm Amembrane (4.5) The concentration of the 10% w/v stock solution as well as the concentrations of the samples obtained from experiments were measured in mOsm/kg water using an osmometer (3300, Advanced) and then converted to a unit of mol/m3 using a calibration curve presented in appendix H. The inlet flow rate of the top stream was determined from the syringe pump and the outlet flow rate of the bottom stream was determined through mass balances. 39 4.4 Model Validation Experiment 4.4.1 Experimental Apparatus The experimental apparatus for the model validation experiment was the same as for the diffusive permeability experiment except that the two streams were set to flow counter-current of one another. A detailed diagram showing the experimental apparatus is shown in figure 4.6. Figure 4.6: Experimental apparatus of the model validation experiment 4.4.2 Experimental Procedure The microseparation device was assembled with the membrane to be tested and connected to the experimental apparatus. Two 60-ml syringes were filled 40 with DI water and connected to the inlet ports of the microseparation unit to rinse the membrane and microchannels. Approximately 10 ml of DI water was allowed to pass through both sides of the separation unit at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. After rinsing the channels and the membrane, the syringes containing the DI water to the bottom stream was refilled and the syringe connected to the top stream was emptied and refilled with a 10% w/v glycerol solution. The same flow rate is selected for the top and bottom stream, and the system is allowed to run until 10 ml of solution has passed the separation unit to ensure that the system has come to steady state before sampling was commenced. Five flow rates were tested for this experiment: 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 ml/min, and samples from each flow rate were collected in triplicates for each stream. Detailed protocol for this experiment is presented in appendix F. 4.4.3 Analytical Method The variable of interest for the mass transfer experiment is the fractional glycerol removal from the top stream. The fractional removal was calculated using the following equation C Q % Re moval 1 1.L 1, L C Q 1,o 1,o (4.6) 41 where C1 and Q1 are the CPA concentration and flow rate of the top stream. The subscript o and L denotes conditions at the inlet and outlet, respectively. The concentration of the stock 10% w/v solution and the samples were measured in mOsm/kg water using an osmometer (3300, Advanced) and then converted to mol/m3 using a calibration curve presented in appendix H. The inlet flow rate of the top stream was determined from the syringe pump and the outlet flow rate of the bottom stream was determined through mass balances. 42 Chapter 5 – Results and Discussion 5.1 Hydraulic Permeability Experiments The hydraulic permeability experiments were done using three different solutions, all without red blood cells: DI water, 10% w/v, and 40% w/v glycerol. Three sets of experiments were done for each membrane. In each set, a piece of membrane was assembled onto the microseparation device and five different flow rates were tested: 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 ml/min. After one set is completed, the microseparation device was taken apart and a new membrane is assembled into the unit to begin the next set. Each time the microseparation device is assembled, different amounts of air bubbles get trapped within the channels, reducing the surface area available for mass transfer. In addition to trapped air bubbles, membrane sagging and channel blocking may also contribute to differences in available mass transfer area per set. Due to these factors, the experiments were done in triplicate sets for each type of membrane to obtain an average value of the hydraulic permeability. 5.1.1 Gambro AN69-ST The hydraulic permeability of a membrane is a property that determines how much solution is allowed to pass through for a given amount of exerted pressure. The amount of transmembrane pressure exerted is proportional to 43 the amount of solution that is allowed to pass through. In this experiment, five different flow rates was flowed in the top stream of the microseparation device to obtain the amount of solution that passes through the membrane given a certain transmembrane pressure drop. The Lp value for each flow rate in a set was calculated using eq 4.1. Then, all Lp values from a set was averaged to obtain a set averaged Lp value. The set averaged Lp value from the three sets of experiments were then averaged again to obtain the averaged Lp value of the membrane. Figure 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 presents the results for the hydraulic permeability experiment using the AN69 membrane and DI water, 10% w/w glycerol, and 40% w/v glycerol, respectively. 1.6E-10 1.4E-10 Average Lp = 7.55e-11 m/Pa-s V/t (m3/s) 1.2E-10 1.0E-10 8.0E-11 6.0E-11 1st Set 4.0E-11 2nd Set 2.0E-11 3rd Set Average 0.0E+00 0.00 0.50 1.00 Ax(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.50 Figure 5.1: Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to DI water. 44 1.6E-10 1.4E-10 Average Lp = 7.27e-11 m/Pa-s V/t (m3/s) 1.2E-10 1.0E-10 8.0E-11 1st Set 6.0E-11 2nd set 4.0E-11 3rd Set 2.0E-11 Average 0.0E+00 0.00 0.50 1.00 Ax(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.50 2.00 Figure 5.2: Hydraulic permeability of AN69 10% w/v glycerol solution. 1.6E-10 1.4E-10 Average Lp = 2.78e-11 m/Pa-s V/t (m3/s) 1.2E-10 1.0E-10 8.0E-11 6.0E-11 1st Set 4.0E-11 2nd set 3rd Set 2.0E-11 Average 0.0E+00 0.00 1.00 2.00 Ax(P1-P2) 3.00 4.00 5.00 (m2-Pa) Figure 5.3: Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to 40% w/v glycerol solution. The value of the hydraulic permeability of a membrane is dependent on the viscosity of the solution that passes through. According to Darcy’s law, the flux of fluid through a porous media is proportional to the exerted 45 pressure drop and inversely proportional to the solution viscosity and the thickness of the porous media, written as Jv (P P ) L 1 2 (5.1) where Jv is the solution flux; , the permeability of the medium; , the solution viscosity; L, the thickness of the porous media; and (P1-P2) is the transmembrane pressure drop. The term L in Darcy’s law is equal to the membrane’s hydraulic permeability; indicating that the hydraulic permeability value should decrease with increasing solution viscosity and membrane thickness. Figure 5.4 shows that a decreasing trend is apparent when comparing the membrane hydraulic permeability versus the solution viscosity. 46 9.E-11 = 0.903e-4 Pa-s 8.E-11 = 1.17e-3 Pa-s Lp (m/s-Pa) 7.E-11 6.E-11 5.E-11 4.E-11 3.E-11 2.E-11 = 3.22e-3 Pa-s 1.E-11 0.E+00 0 0.1 0.2 % Glycerol 0.3 0.4 Figure 5.4: Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to glycerol solutions of different viscosities. The viscosities of the solutions tested are 0.903e-3, 1.17e-3, and 3.22e3 Pa-s for DI water, 10% w/v glycerol, and 40%w/v glycerol, respectively. Based on the viscosity differences and Darcy’s law, the hydraulic permeability of 10% w/v, and 40% w/v glycerol should approximately be 20% and 80% less than the value for DI water, respectively. Assuming that the hydraulic permeability value for the 40% w/v glycerol solution is the most accurate based on the standard error, a theoretical projection of what the hydraulic permeability should be according to Darcy’s law for DI water and 10% w/v glycerol can be calculated. A theoretical projection of what the hydraulic permeability should be for 10% w/v and 40%w/v solution can also be calculated using the manufacturer’s reported Lp value for DI water of 7.03e11 m/Pa-s . Figure 5.5 presents the hydraulic permeability data from 47 experiments plotted with the theoretical projections using Darcy’s law based on Lp values of the 40% w/v solution and manufacturer’s DI water value. From the figure it can be seen that the hydraulic permeability values obtained from the experiments fall in the range of the theoretical values projected using Darcy’s law. 1.4E-10 Experimental Data 1.2E-10 Theoretical from 40% w/v Lp value Lp (m/s-Pa) 1.0E-10 Theoretical from manufacturer's value 8.0E-11 6.0E-11 4.0E-11 2.0E-11 0.0E+00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 % Glycerol Figure 5.5: Hydraulic permeability of AN69 to glycerol solutions of different viscosities compared to theoretical projections 5.1.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP The hydraulic permeability experiment using the ISOHTTP membrane was done in the exact same fashion as the experiment for the AN69 membrane. Three sets of experiments were done, testing the same range of flow rates per set. Because the ISOHTTP membrane has an average pore size that is 100 48 times larger than the AN69, the filtrate volume collected during the experiment was much larger than the filtrate volume of the AN69-ST membrane. The larger solution flux made it slightly more difficult to maintain a steady and distinct transmembrane pressure during the experiment compared to the AN69 membrane for solutions with low or no glycerol content. Figure 5.6, 5.7, and 5.8 presents the results for the hydraulic permeability of DI water, 10% w/w glycerol, and 40% w/v glycerol, respectively. 9.0E-09 8.0E-09 Average Lp = 1.40e-8 m/Pa-s V/t (m3/s) 7.0E-09 6.0E-09 5.0E-09 4.0E-09 3.0E-09 1st Set 2nd Set 3rd Set Average 2.0E-09 1.0E-09 0.0E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Ax(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) Figure 5.6: Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to DI water. 49 8.0E-09 Average Lp = 1.03e-8 m/Pa-s 7.0E-09 V/t (m3/s) 6.0E-09 5.0E-09 4.0E-09 3.0E-09 1st Set 2.0E-09 2nd set 1.0E-09 3rd Set Average 0.0E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 Ax(P1-P2) 0.80 (m2-Pa) Figure 5.7: Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution. 7.0E-09 Average Lp = 6.18e-9 m/Pa-s 6.0E-09 V/t (m3/s) 5.0E-09 4.0E-09 3.0E-09 1st Set 2.0E-09 2nd Set 3rd Set 1.0E-09 Average 0.0E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 Ax(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) Figure 5.8: Hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 40% w/v glycerol solution. As is the case with the AN69 membrane, the average hydraulic permeability of the ISOHTTP membrane was expected to decrease with 50 increasing viscosity. The average membrane hydraulic permeability to solutions of different glycerol concentrations is presented in figure 5.10. 1.6E-08 = 0.903e-3 Pa-s 1.4E-08 Lp (m/s-Pa) 1.2E-08 = 1.17e-3 Pa-s 1.0E-08 8.0E-09 6.0E-09 = 3.22e-3 Pa-s 4.0E-09 2.0E-09 0.0E+00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 % Glycerol Figure 5.9: The hydraulic permeability of the ISOHTTP to glycerol solutions of different viscosities. From the figure it can be seen that the hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP does decrease with increasing viscosity. For comparison purposes, a theoretical projection according to Darcy’s law for what the hydraulic permeability value should be for DI water and 10% w/v glycerol was calculated based on the value for 40% w/v glycerol solution. Figure 5.11 presents the experimental data plotted with the theoretical projection using Darcy’s Law. From the figure it can be seen that the decreasing trend of the experimental data is more gradual than what is predicted by the theoretical projection. The discrepancies may be attributed to the difficulties in 51 measuring the transmembrane pressure during the experiment for the solutions with low or no glycerol content. Millipore reports a hydraulic permeability range between 2.42e-8 to 1.93e-7 m/Pa-s for the ISOHTTP membrane [34]. The lower value of this range is in good agreement with the theoretical projected value for DI water. The accuracy of the measurements for the DI water and the 10% w/v glycerol experiments may be improved by testing higher flow rates, which would result in a more steady and distinct transmembrane pressure. 4.00E-08 Experimental Data 3.50E-08 Lp (m/s-Pa) 3.00E-08 Theoretical projection using 40%w/v Lp value 2.50E-08 Theoretical projection using Millipore lower range value 2.00E-08 1.50E-08 1.00E-08 5.00E-09 0.00E+00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 % Glycerol Figure 5.10: Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to solutions of different viscosities compared to theoretical projections. 52 5.1.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP The hydraulic experiment for the ISOTMTP membrane was done in the same manner as the previous membranes, testing the same range of flow rates per set of experiment. The average pore size of the ISOTMTP membrane is much larger than first two membranes; one thousand times larger than the pores of the AN69 membranes and approximately ten times larger than the average pore of the ISOHTTP membrane. Due to the much larger pore size, the resulting filtrate volume for the ISOTMPT membrane was significantly larger than previous membranes for a given transmembrane pressure. The high solution flux across the membrane made it extremely difficult to create a steady and distinct transmembrane pressure difference for solutions with no and low glycerol contents. A more steady and distinct transmembrane pressure was able to be maintained for the 40% w/v glycerol solution due to its high viscosity. Figure 5.11, 5.12, and 5.13 presents the results for the hydraulic permeability experiment using the ISOTMTP membrane and DI water, 10% w/w glycerol, and 40% w/v glycerol, respectively. 53 1.2E-08 Average Lp = 1.35e-8 m/Pa-s V/t (m3/s) 1.0E-08 8.0E-09 6.0E-09 4.0E-09 1st Set 2nd set 3rd Set Average 2.0E-09 0.0E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 Ax(P1-P2) 0.60 (m2-Pa) Figure 5.11: Hydraulic permeability of the ISOTMTP to DI water 1.4E-08 Average Lp = 2.03e-8 m/Pa-s 1.2E-08 V/t (m3/s) 1.0E-08 8.0E-09 6.0E-09 1st Set 2nd Set 3rd Set Average 4.0E-09 2.0E-09 0.0E+00 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 Ax(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 0.60 0.70 0.80 Figure 5.12: Hydraulic permeability of the ISOTMTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution. 54 1.2E-08 Average Lp = 1.36e-8 m/Pa-s 1.0E-08 V/t (m3/s) 8.0E-09 6.0E-09 1st set 4.0E-09 2nd set 2.0E-09 3rd Set Average 0.0E+00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 Ax(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) Figure 5.13: Hydraulic permeability of the ISOTMTP to 40%w/v glycerol solution. Even with a much larger average pore size, the hydraulic permeability of the membrane should still decrease with increasing viscosity. By looking the data presented in figure 5.14, it can be seen that the plot of average membrane Lp versus the glycerol concentration does not follow the expected trend. The amount of scatter and the large degree of uncertainty indicated by the error bars in figure 5.14 signify that the values for the hydraulic permeability of DI water and 10% w/v glycerol solution to the membrane are less accurate than the hydraulic permeability of the 40% w/v glycerol solution. Using the Lp value for 40% w/v glycerol solution, a theoretical projection of what the Lp values should be for DI water and 10% w/v glycerol 55 solution was calculated. The comparison of the experimental data and the theoretical projection is presented in figure 5.15. 2.5E-08 = 1.17e-3 Pa-s Lp (m/s-Pa) 2.0E-08 1.5E-08 = 0.903e-3 Pa-s = 3.22e-3 Pa-s 1.0E-08 5.0E-09 0.0E+00 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 % Glycerol Figure 5.14: Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to solutions of different viscosities. 56 6.E-08 Experimental Data Lp (m/s-Pa) 5.E-08 Theoretical Relationship 4.E-08 3.E-08 2.E-08 1.E-08 0.E+00 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 % Glycerol Figure 5.15. Hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to solutions of different viscosities compared to theoretical projection Figure 5.15 illustrates a large discrepancy between the projected theoretical value and the actual experimental measurements. Millipore reported a single value of 6.05e-7 m/Pa-s instead of a range for the hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to DI water [34]. The manufacturer’s reported hydraulic permeability is an order of magnitude larger than the value obtained from experiments. Although the degree of certainty of the value reported by Millipore is unknown, with the amount of discrepancy from comparison to the theoretical projection, it can be deduced that the design of the hydraulic permeability experiment is unsuitable for the ISOTMTP membrane. The accuracy of the measurements for the ISOTMTP membrane may be improved by revising the design of the experiment in terms of the flow rates used. A much higher flow rate range compared to the range tested 57 for the AN69 experiment should be used to maintain a steady and distinct transmembrane pressure. 5.2 Diffusive Permeability Experiments The diffusive permeability experiments were done with 10% w/v glycerol solution without red blood cells and DI water flowing co-currently. Like the hydraulic permeability experiments, the diffusive permeability experiments were also done in triplicates to obtain an average value for each membrane. Each set of experiments was done using seven different flow rates: 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, and 0.1 ml/min. 5.2.1 Gambro AN69-ST The diffusive permeability at each flow rate is calculated using the solute flux equation from the KK formulation. By assuming steady state, well mixed, no boundary layer effects, and constant diffusive permeability, the flux term in equation 4.3 can be rewritten as a mass balance of glycerol between the inlet and outlet of the channels and the concentration gradient term can be rewritten in terms of a logarithmic mean. The Ps value of the membrane at each of the flow rates tested was calculated and then averaged over the three sets of experiments. The averaged diffusive permeability for the range of the flow rates tested for membrane AN69 is presented in figure 5.16. 58 7.E-06 6.E-06 Ps (m/s) 5.E-06 4.E-06 Ps = 2.96E-06(Q) + 3.44E-06 R² = 9.38E-01 3.E-06 2.E-06 1.E-06 0.E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Flow Rate (ml/min) 0.8 1 Figure 5.16: Diffusive permeability of AN69 to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rates ranging from 1 to 0.1 ml/min The diffusive permeability in this experiment is analogous to the overall mass transfer coefficient, which depends on the resistance to mass transfer of the membrane, as well as the mass transfer resistances in the fluid on either side of the membrane [30]. In the range of flow rates tested, it can be seen that Ps slightly decreases with decreasing flow rate. This effect is attributed to the boundary layer resistance present in the glycerol and wash stream. Resistance to mass transfer in the fluid can be minimized through perfect mixing or agitation of the fluid [43]. In the microchannels, the extent of mixing in the fluid decreases with decreasing flow rate; hence, for lower flow rates, the resistance to mass transfer for the fluid is increased, decreasing the apparent value of the diffusive permeability. In the range of flow rates tested, the relationship of the diffusive permeability to the flow 59 rate can be adequately approximated with a simple linear relationship. The experimental data was fitted with a linear approximation to obtain an expression for diffusive permeability as a function of flow rate that could be easily incorporated into the mathematical model. 5.2.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP Due to its small size, glycerol molecules can diffuse through membranes with nanoscale pores completely and easily [37]. With this information, it is expected that pore size will not have much of an effect in the diffusive permeability value of the ISOHTTP membrane when compared to the AN69 membrane despite its pores being one hundred times larger. The averaged diffusive permeability for the range of the flow rates tested for membrane ISOHTTP is presented in figure 5.17. From the figure it can be seen that the diffusive permeability also decreases with decreasing flow rate as expected. The experimental for the ISOHTTP data was also approximated with a linear relationship to facilitate incorporation into the mathematical model. 60 1.E-05 1.E-05 Ps (m/s) 1.E-05 8.E-06 Ps = 8.16E-06(Q) + 4.88E-06 R² = 0.991 6.E-06 4.E-06 2.E-06 0.E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Flow Rate (ml/min) Figure 5.17: Diffusive permeability of ISOHTTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rates ranging from 1 to 0.1 ml/min 5.2.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP The averaged diffusive permeability for the range of the flow rates tested for membrane ISOTMTP is presented in figure 5.18. The result of this experiment further confirms that average membrane pore size does not affect diffusive permeability. The average pore size of ISOTMTP is approximately one thousand times larger than the average pore size of the AN69 membrane, yet the diffusive permeability values of the two membranes are comparable. The slightly higher range of values that was observed in the ISOPORE membrane result may be attributed to other things; such as difference in pore density which would cause a difference in surface area available for mass transfer or a slight effect of pressure driven flow. For the Ps experiments, the 61 transmembrane pressure was minimized by adjusting the flow rate of the bottom stream; however, a slight transmembrane pressure difference is inevitable, causing slight pressure driven flow through the membrane. Similar to the diffusive permeability trend for the AN69 and the ISOHTTP membrane, the change in diffusive permeability for the ISOTMTP membrane was approximated with a linear relationship to facilitate incorporation into the mathematical model. 2.5E-05 Ps (m/s) 2.0E-05 1.5E-05 1.0E-05 Ps = 1.74E-05(Q) + 2.19E-06 R² = 0.974 5.0E-06 0.0E+00 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Flow Rate (ml/min) 1 1.2 Figure 5.18: Diffusive permeability of ISOTMPT to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rates ranging from 1 to 0.1 ml/min 5.3 Model Validation Experiments The main purpose of the model validation experiment is to produce data that can be compared to the predictions of the mathematical model. Comparison 62 of the data from the model validation experiment to the results of the mathematical model simulation will be able to determine the accuracy of the model. The ability to predict removal rate along with parametric studies on the microseparation unit is crucial in developing the most optimal CPA removal protocol, as well as in designing the prototype of the next generation of the device. Before the model validation experiments were carried out, several preliminary tests was done to ensure the model was working properly. The first test done was by setting the cell permeability values Lp,c and Ps,c to zero. The model prediction showed that there was no mass transfer between the cell and the extracellular solution stream, which is what was expected. The second test done was to set the solution flux through the synthetic membrane to zero. By making the solution flux equal to zero, it is expected that there would be no mass exchange between the top and the bottom stream, making the flow rates constant. Upon analyzing the flow rates of both the top and bottom stream, it was confirmed that it remained constant, indicating no mass transfer across the synthetic membrane. The last test performed to ensure the model was working properly was to compare the model predictions to the predictions of a different model that was developed for the same microseparation device. Tuhy developed a model to characterize the mass transfer of urea in the same microseparation device in a study about 63 microdialysis [24]. The model developed by Tuhy is different from the model developed for this study in that it uses Navier-Stokes equation to describe the flow in the microchannels and that it does not include the presence of cells in the top stream. Figure 5.19 presents the model’s removal prediction of urea compared to the removal predictions of Tuhy’s model and experimental fractional removal data using the AN69 membrane. 70% Model Prediction Fractional Removal (%) 60% Tuhy's model prediction 50% Tuhy's experimental data 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 1 2 3 4 Mean Velocity (m/s) 5 6 Figure 5.19: Model prediction comparison for urea removal to Tuhy’s model and experimental data using AN69 Figure 5.19 shows that the model prediction developed for this study is in good agreement with Tuhy’s model prediction and experimental data. Good agreement between the two model predictions indicates that the simplification assumption of plug flow inside the microchannel is adequate to describe the mass transfer in the device. This test along with the other 64 preliminary test affirms that the model can properly predict the removal rate of solutes given the right membrane permeability values. The model validation experiment measures the fractional removal of the solute from the CPA rich stream. The fractional removal is dependent on the fluid flow rate inside the channels. If two solutions of different concentrations separated by a porous membrane were allowed to come to equilibrium, the concentration in both compartments would eventually be equal if infinite time is allowed. Moreover, for counter-current flow mass transfer in the device, a theoretical 100% removal would be attained given infinite residence time and channel length. Hence, slower flow rates are expected to have a higher CPA fractional removal compared to higher flow rates due to the longer residence time inside the microseparation device. Five different flow rates were done per set of experiments: 1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 ml/min. Like the other experiments, the model validation experiments were done in triplicates to get an average fractional removal. The results from the model validation experiments were compared to the values obtained from simulation. Although the model simulates glycerol removal in a countercurrent configuration, it incorporates parameters that were obtained from the Lp and Ps experiments, which were both obtained in experiments using cocurrent configuration. Because the experiments were done without red blood cells, the model was also set to have no red blood cells in the glycerol rich 65 stream. The comparison of the validation experiments data and the model predictions for the membranes AN69, ISOHTTP, and ISOTMTP are presented in figures 5.20, 5.21, and 5.22, respectively. Fractional Removal (%) 30% Experimental Data Model Prediction 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Flow Rate (ml/min) Figure 5.20: Comparison between model validation experimental data and model predictions for membrane AN69 using the experimental Lp value for 10% w/v solution 66 100% Experimental Data Fractional Removal (%) 90% Model Prediction 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Flow Rate (ml/min) Figure 5.21: Comparison between model validation experimental data and model predictions for membrane ISOHTTP using the experimental Lp value for 10%w/v solution. 100% Fractional Removal (%) 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% Experimental Data 10% Model Prediction 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Flow Rate (ml/min) Figure 5.22: Comparison between model validation experimental data and model predictions for membrane ISOTMTP using the experimental Lp value for 10%w/v solution. 67 From the figures it can be seen that the agreement between the model prediction to the experimental data decreases with increasing pore size; the fit of the model to the experimental data is best for the AN69 data, then the ISOHTTP data, and the least for the ISOTMTP data. Recalling the Lp experimental results and how there were discrepancies for both the ISOPORE membranes, simulations were carried out using the theoretical Lp value projected using Darcy’s Law based on the Lp value for 40% w/v glycerol solution. Figure 5.23 and 5.24 presents the model prediction with the theoretically projected Lp values for the ISOHTTP and the ISOTMTP membrane, respectively. 100% Experimental Data Fractional Removal (%) 90% Prediction using experimental Lp for 10% w/v glycerol 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Flow Rate (ml/min) 1 1.2 Figure 5.23: Comparison of experimental data and model predictions of glycerol removal using different hydraulic permeability values for the ISOHTTP membrane 68 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Fractional Removal (%) Experimental Data Prediction using experimental Lp for 10% w/v glycerol Prediction using theoretical Lp for 10% w/v glycerol 0 0.5 1 1.5 Flow Rate (ml/min) Figure 5.24: Comparison of experimental data and model predictions of glycerol removal different hydraulic permeability values for the ISOTMTP membrane From the figures it can be seen that the fit for the ISOHTTP membrane is improved by using the theoretically projected value of Lp for 10% w/v glycerol solution. The model prediction for the ISOTMTP membrane, however, still does not adequately agree with the experimental data after using the theoretically projected Lp value. This indicates the presence of some other unknown effect inside the microseparation device. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that the predicted pressure drop in the microchannels does not match the pressure drop recorded during experiments. The recorded pressure drops during experiments were much higher than the predicted pressure drops for all 69 three membranes. Tables 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 lists the pressure drop recorded during the experiments and the predicted pressure drop from the model simulation for the AN69, ISOHTTP, and ISOTMTP membrane, respectively. The experimentalP1 and P2 are the pressure drops between the inlet pressure transducer and outlet pressure transducer of the top and bottom stream, respectively. In the experimental apparatus the pressure transducers are connected by 15 cm IV tubing to the microseparation device. Hence, the P1 and P2 that was recorded during the experiment is not truly the pressure drop from the inlet and outlet of the microchannels; it includes the 15 cm IV tubing connectors, and the header regions of the lamina. The predicted P1 and P2 exclusively represents the pressure drop from the inlet and outlet of the top and bottom microchannels. Flow Rate Experimental Predicted Experimental Predicted (ml/min) P1 (Pa) P1 (Pa) P2 (Pa) P2 (Pa) 1 25802 3707 17813 2850 0.8 20722 2961 13141 2285 0.6 15659 2216 9928 1720 0.4 10596 1471 6424 1155 0.2 5235 727 3212 587 Table 5.1: Comparison of pressure drops obtained from experiment and from model predictions for validation experiment using the AN69 membrane. 70 Flow Rate Experimental Predicted Experimental Predicted (ml/min) P1 (Pa) P1 (Pa) P2 (Pa) P2 (Pa) 1 9636 3285 10137 2699 0.8 7469 2625 7512 2163 0.6 5384 1965 5468 1627 0.4 3895 1305 4008 1091 0.2 2108 646 2256 533 Table 5.2: Comparison of pressure drops obtained from experiment and from model predictions for validation experiment using the ISOHTTP membrane. Flow Rate Experimental Predicted Experimental Predicted (ml/min) P1 (Pa) P1 (Pa) P2 (Pa) P2 (Pa) 1 11506 2984 12264 2546 0.8 10403 2387 10804 2038 0.6 7723 1789 7592 1530 0.4 5638 1191 5548 1022 0.2 3255 594 3212 513 Table 5.3: Comparison of pressure drops obtained from experiment and from model predictions for validation experiment using the ISOTMTP membrane. Although the pressure drops recorded during experiments represent slightly different conditions, it does not explain the large pressure difference seen in all membranes. Several different tests were performed to ascertain what is attributing to the pressure drop discrepancies. The pressure transducers were calibrated twice to ensure that they were not defective. The calibration results from both tests were similar, indicating that the pressure transducers worked properly during the experiments. Another possible cause for the pressure discrepancy is membrane sagging or swelling, reducing the channel height on both side of the microseparation device. Simulations were carried out, decreasing the channel height until the predicted pressure drop 71 matched the experimental pressure drop. It was found that the channel height in the mathematical model had to be reduced to half, from 100 microns to about 50 microns, for the pressure drop to match. It is unlikely that the membrane would sag or swell so much into the channels considering all membranes used in this study are only about 20 microns thick. The last theory as to what could be causing the pressure discrepancy is the presence of trapped air bubbles inside the channels. The model predicts the pressure drops of the top and bottom stream assuming ideal conditions; that there is nothing that would obstruct the flow of fluid from the entrance of the channel to the outlet. Most of the air bubbles that get trapped within the channels were probably introduced during assembly of the device. Great care was taken to not introduce excessive air bubbles while assembling and connecting the device into the apparatus; however, it is virtually impossible to completely eliminate air bubbles from the system even after flushing the channels with the solution for an extended period of time. Because the channels are microscale, the tiniest amount of air bubble is capable of adhering into the channel walls, obstructing the flow of fluid. There are several ways that air bubbles could obstruct the flow of fluid: (1) the air bubbles may stick to the channel walls, effectively reducing the channel width and height that is clear for flow, (2) large enough air bubbles may adhere to the walls and cause complete blockage of whole channels, reducing the amount of operating channels, (3) air bubbles could be trapped in the header 72 region of the lamina, blocking whole regions of channel for fluid flow, and (4) a combination of all three possible ways. Because of the physical nature of the device, with the lamina encased in a metal housing, visual observation of how the air bubbles obstruct fluid flow in the device is not possible. A new method of non-visual observation of the air bubbles is necessary to modify the mathematical model to account for non-ideal situations inside the device to make better predictions of the CPA removal. If bubbles were successfully eliminated from inside the device creating conditions that are close to ideal, the experimental data may better agree with the model prediction. Although model validation experiments for all membranes show discrepancies between the experimentally recorded pressure drop and the model predicted pressure drop, the model provided predictions that were in good agreement with experimental data for the membranes with small pores. This effect is most probably attributed to the diffusion dominated mass transfer when membranes with small pores are used. Because the mass transfer process is dominated by diffusion, the pressure discrepancy between the experiment and the model prediction has less of an effect. For membranes with small enough pores like the AN69, the pressure discrepancy has almost no effect in the fractional removal, as evident by the good agreement between the model prediction and the experimental data. The mass transfer through membranes with large pores however, is mostly dominated by pressure 73 driven flow. This is why from the comparison of the model prediction to the experimental data, the effect of the pressure discrepancy is more evident in membranes with larger pores. As the dominating factor in the mass transfer process shifts from diffusion to pressure driven, the discrepancy between the model prediction to the experimental data becomes more apparent. However, since the use of membrane with large average pore size like ISOTMTP is unsuitable for CPA removal from red blood cell suspensions, this matter is of less importance for the scope of this study. 5.4 Parametric Study on Mathematical Model Parametric studies were conducted to gain insight on the effects of several parameters on the CPA removal performance for the membranes of interest. Although all experiments in this study were done in the absence of cells, the parametric studies conducted incorporated cells into the simulations, which account for about 40% of the volume of the top stream for red blood cell suspensions. From the model validation experiment, it is known that the fractional removal of CPA increases with decreasing flow rate. The simulation of the mathematical model for the parametric studies used membrane permeaility properties that were found through experiments. Figure 5.25 and 5.26 shows the effect of flow rate in the CPA removal of a stream that is 40% 74 red blood cells by volume suspended in a 10% w/v glycerol solution using the AN69 and ISOHTTP membranes, respectively 45% Extracellular Solution Stream Fractional Removal (%) 40% 35% Cell Stream 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Flow Rate (ml/min) Figure 5.25: Effect of flow rate on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using AN69 75 Fractional Removal (%) 80% 70% Extracellular Solution Stream 60% Cell Stream 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Flow Rate (ml/min) Figure 5.26: Effect of flow rate on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using ISOHTTP Both figures 5.25 and 5.26 show that the removal rate of glycerol from the extracellular solution is much greater than the rate of removal from the cells. This is due to the cell membrane’s permeability properties being much smaller than the permeability properties of the synthetic membrane. The water and solute permeability of red blood cell membranes is about 1.6e-12 m/Pa-s and 4.2e-8 m/s, respectively [44]; much smaller when compared to the hydraulic and diffusive permeability of both the AN69 and ISOHTTP membranes. Because glycerol is more rapidly removed from the extracellular solution stream, the CPA concentration of the cell stream and the extracellular solution stream will not be at equilibrium upon exiting the microseparation device. Mass transfer between the extracellular solution stream and the cell 76 stream will continue outside of the device until the CPA concentrations in the two streams come to equilibrium. In addition to decreasing flow rate, increasing the microchannel length would also increase the CPA fractional removal. The relationship between channel length and CPA removal is useful in designing the next generation prototype of microseparation device. Figure 5.27 and 5.28 shows the effect of channel length in the CPA removal of a stream that is 40% red blood cells by volume suspended in a 10% w/v glycerol solution using the AN69 and ISOHTTP membranes, respectively, using a fluid flow rate of 0.4 m/min. From the figures it can be seen that doubling the channel length will also double the CPA fractional removal. This is an important factor to consider in the design of the future microseparation device prototype. 77 Fractional Removal (%) 70% 60% Extracellular Solution Stream 50% Cell Stream 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 0 50 100 150 200 Channel Length (mm) Figure 5.27: Effect of dialyzer length on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using AN69 100% Extracellular Solution Stream Fractional Removal (%) 90% 80% Cell Stream 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 40 60 80 Channel Length (mm) 100 120 Figure 5.28: Effect of dialyzer length on the fractional removal of glycerol from red blood cells suspended in 10% w/v glycerol solution using ISOHTTP 78 As mentioned in earlier chapters, an important factor to consider while removing CPA from a cell suspension stream is the cell volume changes that occur during the process. It must be ensured that through the entire process that the cells are not subjected to extreme changes in concentration as to cause excessive shrinking or swelling. Through simulations, the change in concentration of the extracellular solution as well as the cell volume changes as a function of microchannel length may be examined for the microseparation device with the use of any given membrane, solution, or flow rate. Figure 5.30 and 5.31 presents the concentration change in the extracellular solution stream and the relative cell volume change as a function of distance from microchannel inlet for membranes of interest, respectively. The relative cell volume was calculated by taking the cell volume at x and dividing it by the isotonic cell volume to obtain a normalized cell volume. Both figures were simulated using the permeability parameters obtained in experiments with a fluid flow rate of 0.4 ml/min. 79 Extracellular Concentration (M) 1.2 AN69 1 ISOHTTP 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Distance from inlet (mm) Figure 5.29: The change in concentration of the extracellular solution stream with respect to microchannel length for AN69 and ISOHTTP Relative Cell Volume Change 2.00 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 AN69 1.00 ISOHTTP 0.80 0 20 40 60 80 100 Distance from inlet (mm) Figure 5.30: The relative cell volume change with respect to microchannel length for AN69 and ISOHTTP 80 From both figures it can be seen that the removal process with the AN69 membrane is more gradual, whereas removal with the ISOHTTP membrane is more abrupt. The ISOHTTP membrane removes more CPA, but subjects the cells to more rapid concentration changes. From figure 5.29, it was deduced that by doubling the channel length the CPA is almost completely removed by using the ISOHTTP membrane. However, from figure 5.31 it can also be seen that doubling the channel length causes the cells to swell to almost twice its isotonic volume. A channel length that maximizes CPA removal without risking lysing of the cells due to excessive swelling should be chosen for the future prototype of the device. Studying trends and approximations through parametric studies of the mathematical model is a way to gain insight to enable the design of the most optimal microseparation device and protocol for removal of CPA from red blood cells suspension. 81 Chapter 6 – Conclusions 6.1 Hydraulic Permeability Hydraulic permeability values for three membranes using three solutions of different glycerol concentrations were found. The results of the AN69 and the ISOHTTP membrane followed the expected trend with respect to solution viscosity, with a relatively low standard error. Unlike the AN69 and the ISOHTTP membrane, the result for the ISOTMTP did not follow the expected trend and had a relatively high level of uncertainty as indicated by the standard error. This is due to the ISOTMTP membrane having a much larger pore size compared to the other two membranes which caused it to be difficult to maintain a steady transmembrane pressure between the two streams. Using higher flow rates with the ISOTMTP membrane may help achieve a more steady transmembrane pressure and may possibly improve experimental results. It was also determined that pore size has a large effect on hydraulic permeability. The hydraulic permeability values obtained for the membrane AN69 were about three orders of magnitude smaller than those found for the ISOPORE membranes. Table 6.1 summarizes the hydraulic permeability values obtained from experiments for the three membranes with the three solutions used. 82 Solution Membrane 10% w/v DI Water Glycerol AN69-ST (7.55±0.27)e-11 (7.27±0.17)e-11 ISOPORE TMTP (1.35±0.12)e-8 (2.03±0.17)e-8 ISOPORE HTTP (13.7±0.94)e-9 (10.3±0.66)e-9 Table 6.1: Hydraulic permeability values in m/Pa-s for the 40% w/v Glycerol (2.78±0.12)e-11 (1.38±0.03)e-8 (6.18±0.27)e-9 three membranes tested using three solutions of varying glycerol concentrations. 6.2 Diffusive Permeability The diffusive permeability to glycerol solution was found through experiments for three different membranes. The experimental results for all three membranes indicated that the apparent diffusive permeability increases with increasing fluid flow inside the channels. This dependency is due to the resistance to mass transfer in the fluid boundary. The effects of fluid boundary may be reduced with adequate mixing. Since the level of mixing decreases with decreasing flow rate, the resistance to mass transfer from the fluid boundary increases, causing the diffusive permeability values to be lower. If the flow rate was increased to the point where the fluid inside the channels were perfectly mixed, the diffusive permeability will become constant; because at that point the only resistance to mass transfer will be attributed to the membrane itself. The relationship between the diffusive permeability and the flow rate for all three membranes wes able to be approximated with a linear model with relatively high coefficient of determination (R2) values to facilitate incorporation into the mathematical 83 model. Table 6.2 and 6.3 summarizes the average Ps values per flow rate tested and the linear approximation, respectively. AN69 Membrane ISOHTTP ISOTMTP 0.1 (3.35±0.11)e-6 (5.31±0.62)e-6 (2.67±0.14)e-6 0.2 (4.09±0.10)e-6 (6.46±0.16)e-6 (6.26±1.45)e-6 0.3 (4.43±0.32)e-6 (7.54±0.12)e-6 (7.46±1.27)e-6 0.4 (4.81±0.32)e-6 (8.37±0.17)e-6 (10.8±1.22)e-6 0.6 (5.49±0.27)e-6 (10.1±0.59)e-6 (12.1±0.04)e-6 0.8 (5.90±0.30)e-6 (11.3±0.08)e-6 (15.6±1.53)e-6 Flow rate (ml/min) 1 (6.09±0.21)e-6 (12.8±0.25)e-6 (19.7±1.42)e-6 Table 6.2: Average diffusive permeability values for the three membranes tested for a flow rate range from 0.1 ml/min to 1 ml/min. Membrane Linear Expression R2 AN69 Ps = 2.96E-06(Q) + 3.44E-06 0.94 ISOHTTP Ps = 8.16E-06(Q) + 4.88E-06 0.99 ISOTMTP Ps = 1.74E-05(Q) + 2.19E-06 0.97 Table 6.3: Linear approximation of Ps as a function of flow rate for the three membranes tested 6.3 Model Validation CPA removal experiments were carried out to validate the results of the model prediction. The model validation experiments were done with three different membranes using a 10% w/v glycerol and DI water as the fluids in the top and bottom streams, respectively. The results of the experiments were 84 compared to model simulations using membrane permeability values obtained from previous experiments. It was found that the model prediction and the experimental values were in good agreement for the AN69 and ISOHTTP membrane. Upon further investigation it was found that the pressure drops recorded during the experiments were much higher than the values predicted by the model. This indicated that the fluid flow is obstructed inside the channels, most likely by air bubbles. The effect of trapped air bubbles inside the channel was more apparent in the ISOTMTP membrane. This is because the larger pores in the ISOTMTP membrane allowed a higher flux of fluid through the membrane, making the mass transfer process inside the microseparation device largely controlled by convective pressure driven flow. In membranes with smaller pores where the mass transfer is dominated by diffusion, the effect of the pressure discrepancy is less apparent. To get the model prediction to agree with the experimental data, the trapped air bubbles must be eliminated from inside the microchannels when using membranes with large pores. 6.4. Parametric Studies Several parametric studies on the removal rate of CPA using the membrane of interest were done. The CPA fractional removal increases with decreasing fluid flow rate and increasing microchannel length. It was also found that the CPA fractional removal can be doubled by doubling the channel 85 length. This information is useful for designing future prototypes of microseparation device. By examining the extracellular concentration change and the relative cell volume change it was determined that the ISOHTTP membrane removes more CPA but subjects the red blood cells to a more abrupt concentration change. However, even with a more abrupt concentration change, the resulting relative cell volume change is still within tolerable limits for the microseparation unit that was tested. 6.5 Future Work With the results of this study it has been shown that using the microseparation device to remove CPA from a red blood cell suspension is feasible. The immediate next step that must be taken is to develop a method to eliminate or minimize air bubbles trapped inside the channels so that usage of the model to predict CPA removal is not only limited to membranes with a sufficiently small average pore size. Elimination of trapped air bubbles will also improve membrane permeability experimental results. Flushing the device using high flow rates prior to experiments may help force the air bubbles out. Once the presence of air bubbles inside the channels is successfully mitigated, experiments to attain the membrane permeability values of the membranes using different CPAs like DMSO may be done. Experiments using a solution that actually contain red blood cells as opposed to just glycerol solution should be conducted. Further investigation should be 86 performed to attain the ultimate goal of this work; to eventually be able to develop an efficient process to remove CPA from previously frozen blood suspensions using a microseparation device. 87 Appendix A – Nomenclature Variable Description Jw,c Volumetric water flux through the cell membrane. Units m3 / s 2 m Js,c Molar solute flux through the cell membrane. mol / s 2 m Jv Volumetric solution flux through the synthetic membrane. Js Molar solute flux through the synthetic membrane. m3 / s 2 m mol / s 2 m m Pa s m Pa s m s m s m s Lp,c Water permeability of cell membrane. Lp Hydraulic permeability of synthetic membrane. Ps,c Solute permeability of cell membrane. Ps Diffusive permeability of synthetic membrane. Pd Local diffusive permeability in the synthetic membrane. Reflection coefficient. Cc Solute concentration in the cell stream. Cs,c Salt concentration in the cell stream. C1 Solute concentration in the extracellular solution stream. Cs,1 Salt concentration in the extracellular solution stream. C2 Solute concentration in the wash stream. mol 3 m mol 3 m mol 3 m mol 3 m mol 3 m 88 mol 3 m mol 3 m mol 3 m mol 3 m Cm Mean intramembrane solute concentration. Qc Flow rate of the cell stream. Q1 Flow rate of the extracellular solution stream. Q2 Flow rate of the wash stream. Qb Flow rate of the osmotically inactive particles in the cell stream. P1 Pa P2 Pressure of the top stream, mix of the cell and the extracellular solution. Pressure of the wash stream. u Average velocity inside the microchannels. m s 1 2 Viscosity of the top stream, mix of the cell and the extracellular solution. Viscosity of the wash stream. W Microchannel width. H Microchannel height. L Microchannel length. Membrane thickness. Ax Ac Membrane area available for mass transfer from a single channel. Total surface area of all the cells in the differential volume x∙W∙H. The surface area of a single cell. Vc The volume of a single cell. Vb Osmotically inactive volume within the cell. vg Molar volume of glycerol. c Cell volume fraction. m2 mol nc The number of cells occupying the differential volume x∙W∙H per time. cells s Atotal m3 s Pa Pa s Pa s m m m m m m m m m 2 2 2 3 3 89 R Universal gas constant. T Temperature. Table A.1: Nomenclature J mol K K 90 Appendix B - Derivation of Governing Differential Equations A diagram of the system is shown in figure B.1 Figure B.1: Diagram of the system with coordinates Assumptions: - Uniform velocity. No variation in x, y, or z direction. - Concentration and pressure are spatially uniform in the y-direction. - Steady state - No direct mass transfer between the cell stream and the wash stream - Glycerol is the only permeable solute. Salt is impermeable. - Constant molar volume - Constant temperature - No reaction 91 Refer to appendix (A) for detailed description of all variables used in this derivation. The flux equations through the cell membrane are defined as Jw,c Lp,c RT(Cc Cs,c C1 Cs,1) Js,c Ps,c (C1 Cc ) (B.1) (B.2) where Jw,c is the water flux; Js,c, the solute flux; Lp,c, the water permeability of the cell membrane; R, the universal gas constant; T, the temperature; Cc, the solute concentration of the cell stream; Cs,c, the salt concentration of the cell stream; C1, the solute concentration of the extracellular solution stream; Cs,1, the salt concentration of the extracellular solution stream; and Ps,c, the solute permeability of the cell membrane. The flux equations through the synthetic membrane are defined as Jv Lp (P1 P2) (B.3) Js Cm Jv Ps (C1 C2 ) (B.4) where Jv is the volumetric solution flux; Js, the molar solute flux; P1, the pressure of the top stream, which includes the cells and the extracellular solution; P2, the pressure of the wash stream; Lp, the membrane hydraulic diffusivity; Ps, the membrane diffusive permeability; and C2, the solute concentration of the wash stream. Cm is the mean intramembrane solute 92 concentration derived using the local equation for the solute flux within the membrane [Waniewski,Villarroel]. Consider the schematic figure of a possible concentration profile inside of a permeable membrane presented in figure B.2. Figure B.2: Concentration profile inside a permeable membrane C1 and C2 are the solute concentration of the extracellular solution stream and the wash stream, respectively; and is the membrane thickness. The correct description of fluxes within the membrane is expressed as J s Pd dC J vC dx (B.5) where Pd is the local diffusive permeability and C is the solute concentration in an aqueous solution that is in equilibrium with the membrane at any point 93 x, between 0 and [31]. At steady state, both Js and Jv are constant; hence, equation B.5 may be integrated from 0 to and solved for Js. Pd dC J C s J v dx Jv C2 C1 1 J C s Jv dC Js C2 J v ln J C s 1 J v Let Ps Pd Jv (B.6) 0 dx (B.7) J v Pd (B.8) Pd . (B.9) J C2 Jv J s exp v C1Jv J s Ps (B.10) J C2 Jv J s C1Jv J s exp v Ps J J s exp v Ps Jv J s C1 J v exp Ps C2 J v 1 J C exp J v C Js 2 v 1 J v Ps exp 1 P s (B.11) (B.12) (B.13) 94 1 J C exp J v C Js 2 v 1 J v Ps exp 1 Ps 1 J C exp J v C C J P (C C ) Js 2 v 1 m v s 1 2 Ps J v exp 1 Ps (B.14) (B.15) Rearrange equation (B.15) and solve for Cm. J C2 C1 exp v Ps Ps (C C ) Cm 2 1 Jv Jv 1 exp Ps I. Volume Balances i. Volume Balance on Cell Stream (B.16) In – Out + Generation =Accumulation Qc x Qc x x (J s,c vg J w,c ) Atotal 0 (B.17) Atotal is the total cell membrane area of all the cells in the differential volume and is defined as Atotal Ac c (W H x) Vc (B.18) 95 where Ac is the membrane area of a single cell, Vc is the volume of a single cell, c is the cell volume fraction in the suspension, and W and H are the microchannel width and height, respectively. Define c and Vc in terms of known stream flow rates c Qc Q1 Qc (B.19) Qc nc (B.20) Vc where nc is the number of cells that passes through the differential length x per time. Rewrite Atotal in terms of flow rates and substitute it back into the differential. dQc A n ( J s,c vg J w,c ) c c (W H ) dx Q1 Qc ii. (B.21) Volume Balance on Stream 1 In – Out + Generation =Accumulation Q1 x Q1 xx (Js,c vg Jw,c )Atotal Jv W x 0 Express Atotal in terms of flow rates of the cell and suspension solution stream. (B.22) 96 Q1 x Q1 x x ( J s ,c vg J w,c ) Ac nc (W H x ) J v W x 0 Q1 Qc (B.23) Q1 x Q1 xx x ( J s,c vg Jw,c ) Ac nc (W H ) Jv W 0 (B.24) Q1 Qc A n dQ1 ( J s ,c vg J w,c ) c c (W H ) J v W dx Q1 Qc iii. (B.25) Volume Balance on Stream 2 In – Out + Generation =Accumulation Q2 x x Q2 x J v W x 0 Q2 xx Q2 x x J v W 0 dQ2 J v W dx II. Solute Balances i. Solute Balance on Cell Stream (B.26) (B.27) (B.28) Within a cell volume, there are osmotically inactive particles that occupy volume but do not play a part in the mass transfer process. Solutes within the cells are dissolved in the osmotically active part of the cells, in the volume Vc-Vb. 97 Figure B.3: Cell volume content The solute balance must take into account the osmotically inactive part of the cell volume as well as the osmotically active. Hence, the volumetric flow rate that is involved in the mass transfer process is (Qc-Qb), where Qb is the volumetric flow rate of the osmotically inactive particles within the cell. In – Out + Generation =Accumulation [(Qc Qb ) Cc ] x [(Qc Qb ) Cc ] xx ( J s ,c vg ) Ac nc (W H x) 0 Q1 Qc (B.29) [(Qc Qb ) Cc ] x [(Qc Qb ) Cc ] x x x ( J s , c vg ) Ac nc (W H ) 0 Q1 Qc (B.30) d [(Qc Qb ) Cc ] A n ( J s ,c vg ) c c (W H ) dx Q1 Qc Cc d (Qc Qb ) dC A n (Qc Qb ) c (Js,c vg ) c c (W H ) dx dx Q1 Qc (B.31) (B.32) The flow rate of the osmotically inactive part of the cell is constant, and hence the derivative of it is zero. 98 dQc dC A n (Qc Qb ) c ( J s,c vg ) c c (W H ) dx dx Q1 Qc (B.33) dCc Ac nc dQc 1 (W H ) Cc ( J s ,c vg ) dx (Qc Qb ) Q1 Qc dx (B.34) Cc ii. Solute Balance on Stream 1 In – Out + Generation =Accumulation (Q1 C1 ) x (Q1 C1 ) xx ( J s ,c vg ) Ac nc (W H x) J s W x 0 Q1 Qc (B.35) (Q1 C1) x (Q1 C1) xx x (Js,c vg ) Ac nc (W H) Js W 0 Q1 Qc (B.36) A n d (Q1 C1 ) ( J s ,c vg ) c c (W H ) J s W dx Q1 Qc (B.37) A n dQ1 dC Q1 1 ( J s,c vg ) c c (W H ) J s W dx dx Q1 Qc (B.38) A n dC1 1 dQ ( J s ,c vg ) c c (W H ) J s W C1 1 dx Q1 Q1 Qc dx (B.39) C1 iii. Solute Balance on Stream 2 In – Out + Generation =Accumulation Q2 C2 Q2 C2 x x Q2 C2 x J s W x 0 x x Q2 C2 x x J s W 0 (B.40) (B.41) 99 C2 d (Q2 C2 ) J s W dx (B.42) dQ2 dC Q2 2 J s W dx dx (B.43) dC2 1 dx Q2 III. dQ2 J s W C2 dx (B.44) Pressures The differential equation that describes the pressure in the top and bottom stream was derived from a pressure drop equation in a rectangular channel [Bahrami, 2007]. P c2 1 64 u 5 tanh L 3 2 where c (B.45) H W c , b , . 2 2 b (B.46,47,48) i. Pressure of Top Stream u P c2 L H P 2 u L 2 1 64 3 5 tanh 2 H 1 64 W tanh 5 H 3 2 W H H 64 Q1 Qc dP1 2 1 W tanh Ax dx 1 3 5 H 2 W (B.49) (B.50) 2 (B.51) 100 H 64 Q1 Qc dP1 H 1 W (W H ) dx 4 1 3 5 2 dP1 dx ii. tanh H 2 W Q1 Qc H 64 3 (W H ) 1 W tanh 4 1 3 5 H 2 W (B.52) (B.53) Pressure of Bottom Stream H H 64 Q2 dP2 2 1 W tanh Ax dx 2 3 5 H 2 W 2 H 64 Q2 dP H 1 W 2 (W H ) dx 4 2 3 5 2 dP2 dx tanh H 2 W Q2 H 64 3 (W H ) 1 W tanh 2 3 5 H 2 W (B.54) (B.55) (B.56) 101 Appendix C - Protocol for Microseparation Device Assembly 1. Prepare the metal housing for the lamina plates by loosening and removing the bolts to expose the inside. Make sure the gaskets on the inlet and outlet ports are in place. 2. Select 2 lamina plates and note which ones they are on lab notebook. Also note the assembly position of the plates, which plate is on top and which is on the bottom. 3. Dispense a small amount of DI water to wet the microchannels on both lamina plates. Run fingers across the channels to ensure channels are wet to reduce the chance of trapped bubbles once the device is assembled. 4. Cut a piece of membrane. If the membrane is dry-stored, wet the membrane using DI water before placing it between the lamina plates. If the membrane is stored in glycerol, it may be directly placed in between the lamina plates. Place the alignment pins to secure the plates once the membrane is sandwiched. Trim any excess membrane off the lamina plates. 5. Insert the coupled lamina plates into the metal housing. Assemble the metal housing so that lamina plates are encased. 6. Place the bolts in place and screw them in by hand. 7. Using a torquemeter, screw the bolts in to 80 cN-m. Once a bolt is screwed in with the proper amount of torque, screw the bolt that is directly 102 opposite of it. Tightening bolts in opposition helps distribute even pressure on the device. 103 Appendix D - Protocol for Hydraulic Permeability Experiment 1. Prepare solution for experiment (see solution making protocol). Solution with the same concentration should be flowed through the top and bottom stream of the microdialyzer for this experiment. 2. Assemble the microdialyzer with the membrane to be tested sandwiched between the two laminas (see microdialyzer assembly protocol). 3. If using a membrane that is stored in glycerol, Load two 60 ml syringes with DI water and attach it to the apparatus co-currently. Place the syringes on syringe pumps and set the syringe pump flowrates to 1 ml/min. Activate the syringe pump and flush out the glycerol in the membrane with DI water for about 10 minutes. If using a membrane that is stored dry, this step may be skipped. 4. Fill two 60 ml syringes with the solution that is to be used for the experiment and attach it to the apparatus, co-currently. Place the loaded syringes on the syringe pumps. 5. Turn the computer on and once computer is booted, click on Measurement & Automation explore. Once the program has loaded, click on my VI logger task IV. 6. Select an operating flow rate and set both syringe pumps to the selected flow rate. Activate the syringe pump and allow 10 ml of solution to pass 104 through the microdialyzer to assure the channels are filled with the solution to be tested. 7. After 10 ml of solution has passed, stop the syringe pump to the bottom stream and leave the syringe pump to the top stream on. Once the syringe pump to the bottom stream is turned off, click on the ‘Run Task’ button on the top left corner of the data acquisition program interface. 8. Find the color that corresponds to each transducer on the program and note it on the lab notebook. Find the corresponding color by gently tapping each transducer. 9. Allow the system to come to steady state by waiting for 20 minutes before sampling. 10. Once the system has come to steady state, collect the volume of water that drips out from the bottom stream for a certain collection time. Be sure the outlet stream is level with the apparatus. Take three samples. Note the collected volume, collection time, and pressure readings (in mV) from of all four transducers in lab notebook. 11. Repeat experiment for a different flow rate. 12. Once experiments are done, stop the pumps and replace the solution syringes with syringes filled with DI water and flush the system out for approximately 10 minutes. 13. Disassemble the apparatus and take out the lamina plates from the metal housing. Discard the used membrane and place the lamina plates in their 105 storage vials. Rinse the metal housing with DI water and dry with kimwipes. 106 Appendix E - Protocol for Diffusive Permeability Experiment 1. Prepare solution for experiment (see soluton making protocol). The top stream should have CPA solution running through while the bottom stream should have pure water running through for the diffusive permeability experiment. 2. Assemble the microdialyzer with the membrane to be tested sandwiched between the two laminas (see microdialyzer assembly protocol). 3. If using a membrane that is stored in glycerol, Load two 60 ml syringes with DI water and attach it to the apparatus co-currently. Place the syringes on syringe pumps and set the syringe pump flowrates to 1 ml/min. Activate the syringe pump and flush out the glycerol in the membrane with DI water for about 10 minutes. If using a membrane that is stored dry, this step may be skipped. 4. Fill two 60 ml syringes with the solution that is to be used (CPA solution for the top stream and pure water for the bottom stream) for the experiment and attach it to the apparatus, co currently. Set the syringes on syringe pumps to dispense the solution into the microdialyzer. 5. Select an operating flow rate for the syringe pump feeding solution to the top stream and a similar flow rate for the syringe pump feeding solution to the bottom stream. 107 6. Start both syringe pumps simultaneously. Click the ‘Run Task’ button on the top left corner of the data acquisition program and watch for the pressure to equilibrate. 7. Once the pressure is steady, adjust the flow rate of the bottom stream so that the pressure drop for the top and bottom stream is equal. 8. Once the pressure drop difference is mitigated, allow the system to come to steady state. Steady state is usually achieved after allowing 10 ml of solution to pass through the microdialyzer. 9. While waiting for the system to come to steady state, prepare the sample vials. Three samples each from the bottom and top stream will need to be collected. Prepare 6 sample vials labeled appropriately. Weigh the vials and note their empty weights on lab notebook. 10. Once steady state is reached, take samples from the top and bottom stream. A sample collection time of 10 minutes is appropriate for flow rates of 0.3 ml/min and higher. Slower flow rates need longer collection time to ensure enough sample was collected. Repeat sampling process twice to collect 3 pairs of samples total. 11. Once the samples are collected, weigh the vials again. Note the final vial weights in lab notebook. 12. Repeat experiment for a different flow rate. 108 13. After the experiments are finished, stop the pumps and replace the CPA syringe with a syringe filled with DI water and flush the system for another 10 minutes. 14. Disassemble the apparatus and take out the lamina plates from the metal housing. Discard the used membrane and place the lamina plates in their storage vials. Rinse the metal housing with DI water and dry with kimwipes. 109 Appendix F - Protocol for Model Validation Experiment 1. Assemble the microdialyzer with the membrane to be tested sandwiched between the two laminas (see microdialyzer assembly protocol). 2. Set up the apparatus, connecting the microdialyzer with the pressure transducers and the tubing for syringe connection in a counter-current configuration. Place waste receptacles on the end of the blood and dialysate outlet tubes. 3. Turn on the power supply to the pressure transducers. 4. If the membrane used is stored in glycerol, load up two 60 mL syringes with DI water and attach them with tubing to flow into the top and bottom stream. Place the syringes on a syringe pump and set the syringe pump on a flow rate of 1 ml/min. Start the syringe pump and allow 10 ml of DI water to flow through the apparatus to flush the glycerol from the membrane. Remove the syringes once the flushing process is complete. If using a dry stored membrane, this step may be skipped. 5. Load up one 60 mL syringe with CPA solution and another with DI water. Attach the CPA solution syringe to flow into the top side of the dialyzer and the DI water syringe to flow into the bottom side of the dialyzer. 110 6. Select a flow rate on the syringe pump for the top and bottom stream. 7. Turn the computer on and once computer is booted, click on Measurement & Automation explore. Once the program has loaded, click on my VI logger task IV. 8. Once the data acquisition program on the computer is ready, activate the syringe pumps. Once solution is flowing through the microdialyzer, click on the ‘Run Task’ button on the top left of the computer program interface. 9. Find the color that corresponds to each transducer on the program and note it in the lab notebook. Find the corresponding color by gently tapping each transducer. 10. Once each transducer is identified, select a flow rate and allow the system to come to steady state before collecting samples. Steady state should be achieved after allowing approximately 10-15 ml of solution to pass through the microdialyzer. 11. While waiting for the system to come steady state, prepare the sample vials. Three samples each from the bottom and top stream will need to be collected. Prepare 6 sample vials labeled appropriately. Weigh the vials and note their empty weights in lab notebook. 12. Once steady state is reached, take samples from the top and bottom stream. A sample collection time of 10 minutes is appropriate for flow rates of 0.3 ml/min and higher. Slower flow rates need longer 111 collection time to ensure enough sample was collected. Repeat sampling process twice to collect 3 pairs of samples total from each stream. 13. Once the samples are collected, weigh the vials again. Note the final vial weights in lab notebook. 14. Repeat for a new flow rate. 15. After the experiments are finished, stop the pumps and replace the CPA syringe with a syringe loaded with DI water and flush the system for about 10 minutes. 16. Disassemble the apparatus and take out the lamina plates from the metal housing. Discard the used membrane and place the lamina plates in their storage vials. Rinse the metal housing with DI water and dry with kimwipes. 112 Pressure (Pa) Appendix G – Pressure Calibration Curve 109000 108000 107000 106000 105000 104000 103000 102000 101000 100000 P = 2,717,292.33(mV) + 98,344.77 R² = 1.00 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 Voltage (mV) Pressure (Pa) Figure G.1: Pressure calibration curve for transducer 1 109000 108000 107000 106000 105000 104000 103000 102000 101000 100000 P = 2,664,213.92(mV) + 98,790.98 R² = 1.00 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 Voltage (mV) Figure G.2: Pressure calibration curve for transducer 2 0.004 Pressure (Pa) 113 109000 108000 107000 106000 105000 104000 103000 102000 101000 100000 P = 2,725,631.73(mV) + 99,017.22 R² = 1.00 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 Voltage (mV) Figure G.3: Pressure calibration curve for transducer 3 109000 108000 Pressure (Pa) 107000 106000 105000 104000 103000 P= 2,678,197.24(mV)+ 98,780.36 R² = 1.00 102000 101000 100000 0 0.001 0.002 0.003 Voltage (mV) Figure G.4: Pressure calibration curve for transducer 4 0.004 114 Appendix H – Concentratrion Calibration Curve Glycerol Concentration (%w/v) 12 10 8 6 4 % w/v = 0.0079(mOsm/kg water) + 0.2011 R² = 0.99 2 0 -5 195 395 595 795 995 Osmolality (mOsm/kg water) Figure H.1: Concentration Calibration Curve 1195 1395 115 Appendix I – Hydraulic Permeability Experimental Data I.1 Gambro AN69-ST Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 11.2e-11 1.49 7.68e-11 0.8 8.46e-11 1.12 7.57e-11 0.6 6.21e-11 0.84 7.53e-11 0.4 4.93e-11 0.60 8.18e-11 0.2 2.50e-11 0.36 6.18e-11 Table I.1: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of AN69 to DI water. Average of 3 sets. Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 11.5e-11 1.71 6.72e-11 0.8 10.2e-11 1.40 7.29e-11 0.6 7.86e-11 1.10 7.16e-11 0.4 5.78e-11 0.80 7.36e-11 0.2 3.89e-11 0.49 7.82e-11 Table I.2: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of AN69 to 10% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets. Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 12.3e-11 4.18 2.96e-11 0.8 9.63e-11 3.40 2.86e-11 0.6 7.18e-11 2.73 2.66e-11 0.4 5.06e-11 1.84 2.80e-11 0.2 2.86e-11 1.09 2.64e-11 Table I.3: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of AN69 to 40% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets. 116 I.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 6.78e-9 0.50 1.47e-8 0.8 5.04e-9 0.37 1.45e-8 0.6 3.42e-9 0.28 1.35e-8 0.4 2.05e-9 0.17 1.26e-8 0.2 0.73e-9 0.06 1.33e-8 Table I.4: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to DI water. Average of 3 sets. Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 6.13e-9 0.66 1.02e-8 0.8 4.65e-9 0.46 1.02e-8 0.6 3.62e-9 0.36 1.03e-8 0.4 2.26e-9 0.22 1.12e-8 0.2 1.10e-9 0.10 1.03e-8 Table I.5: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 10% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets. Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 6.51e-9 0.92 7.10e-9 0.8 5.24e-9 0.76 6.93e-9 0.6 3.63e-9 0.55 6.58e-9 0.4 2.11e-9 0.36 5.88e-9 0.2 0.72e-9 0.16 4.42e-9 Table I.6: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 40% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets. 117 I.3Millipore ISOPORE TMTP Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 10.0e-9 0.59 1.73e-8 0.8 7.40e-9 0.48 1.55e-8 0.6 5.12e-9 0.40 1.28e-8 0.4 3.31e-9 0.30 1.16e-8 0.2 1.55e-9 0.18 1.04e-8 Table I.7: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to DI water. Average of 3 sets. Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 11.8e-9 0.53 2.32e-8 0.8 9.11e-9 0.43 2.26e-8 0.6 6.78e-9 0.35 2.07e-8 0.4 4.18e-9 0.23 1.88e-8 0.2 1.78e-9 0.13 1.61e-8 Table I.8: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOTMTP to 10% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets. Flow rate (ml/min) Lp (m/Pa-s) V/t (m3/s) A(P1-P2) (m2-Pa) 1.0 11.5e-9 0.76 1.51e-8 0.8 9.42e-9 0.67 1.41e-8 0.6 7.11e-9 0.51 1.39e-8 0.4 4.54e-9 0.35 1.28e-8 0.2 2.19e-9 0.17 1.29e-8 Table I.9: Experimental data for hydraulic permeability of ISOHTTP to 40% w/v glycerol. Average of 3 sets. 118 Appendix J- Diffusive Permeability Experimental Data J.1 Gambro AN69-ST Flow rate (ml/min) Ps (m/s) Standard Error 1.0 6.09e-6 2.09e-7 0.8 5.90e-6 3.10e-7 0.6 5.49e-6 2.68e-7 0.4 4.81e-6 3.21e-7 0.3 4.43e-6 3.66e-7 0.2 4.09e-6 1.01e-7 0.1 3.35e-6 1.14e-7 Table J.1: Experimental data for diffusive permeability of AN69 to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rate range between 0.1 to 1.0 ml/min J.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP Flow rate (ml/min) Ps (m/s) Standard Error 1.0 12.8e-6 2.53-7 0.8 11.3e-6 0.80e-7 0.6 10.1e-6 5.88e-7 0.4 8.37e-6 1.67e-7 0.3 7.54e-6 1.25e-7 0.2 6.46e-6 1.60e-7 0.1 5.31e-6 6.27e-7 Table J.2: Experimental data for diffusive permeability of ISOHTTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rate range between 0.1 to 1.0 ml/min 119 J.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP Flow rate (ml/min) Ps (m/s) Standard Error 1.0 19.7e-6 1.42e-6 0.8 15.6e-6 1.53e-6 0.6 12.1e-6 0.40e-6 0.4 10.8e-6 1.22e-6 0.3 7.46e-6 1.27e-6 0.2 6.26e-6 1.45e-6 0.1 2.67e-6 0.14e-6 Table J.3: Experimental data for diffusive permeability of ISOTMTP to 10% w/v glycerol solution for flow rate range between 0.1 to 1.0 ml/min 120 Appendix K- Model Validation Experimental Data K.1 Gambro AN69-ST Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Standard Error 1.0 9.60 1.71e-3 0.8 10.83 2.85e-3 0.6 12.43 2.90e-3 0.4 14.67 4.10e-3 0.2 24.67 7.93e-3 Table K.1: Experimental data for model validation experiment using AN69 K.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Standard Error 1.0 26.94 4.88e-3 0.8 31.92 4.03e-3 0.6 37.18 8.53e-3 0.4 42.61 1.11e-3 0.2 46.89 1.71e-3 Table K.2: Experimental data for model validation experiment using ISOHTTP K.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Standard Error 1.0 56.82 1.89e-2 0.8 64.64 1.99e-2 0.6 71.44 1.97e-2 0.4 76.14 3.19e-2 0.2 90.16 3.70e-2 Table K.3: Experimental data for model validation experiment using ISOTMTP 121 Appendix L – Simulation Data L.1 Gambro AN69-ST Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Error 1.0 10.08 1.72e-19 0.8 11.28 4.96e-19 0.6 13.21 2.57e-19 0.4 16.83 3.47e-19 0.2 26.09 3.75e-19 Table L.1: Simulation data for model validation experiment using AN69 and Ps and Lp obtained from experiment. L.2 Millipore ISOPORE HTTP Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Error 1.0 25.92 5.21e-19 0.8 27.17 7.44e-19 0.6 29.20 1.19e-19 0.4 33.05 5.34e-19 0.2 42.68 6.03e-19 Table L.2: Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOHTTP and Ps and Lp obtained from experiment (Lp = 1.03e-8 m/Pa-s) Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Error 1.0 31.14 7.48e-19 0.8 32.22 2.47e-17 0.6 34.04 3.33e-19 0.4 37.51 1.89e-18 0.2 46.56 6.21e-19 Table L.3: Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOHTTP and Lp value from theoretical projection (Lp = 1.70e-8 m/Pa-s) 122 L.3 Millipore ISOPORE TMTP Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Error 1.0 39.11 2.63e-18 0.8 39.55 1.05e-18 0.6 40.27 1.77e-18 0.4 41.69 1.62e-18 0.2 45.67 1.56e-18 Table L.4: Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOTMTP and Ps and Lp obtained from experiment (Lp = 2.03e-8 m/Pa-s) Flow rate (ml/min) Fractional Removal (%) Error 1.0 49.20 4.84e-18 0.8 49.55 2.53e-18 0.6 50.13 9.33e-19 0.4 52.40 7.21e-19 0.2 53.80 1.08e-18 Table L.5: Simulation data for model validation experiment using ISOTMTP and Lp value from theoretical projection (Lp = 3.74e-8 m/Pa-s) L.4 Parametric Studies Extracellular Cell Stream Solution Stream Error Removal (%) Removal (%) 1.0 16.48 2.71 2.49e-18 0.8 18.39 3.08 4.60e-19 0.6 21.46 3.73 2.57e-19 0.4 27.14 4.95 5.71e-18 0.2 41.17 8.41 2.35e-19 Table L.6: Simulation data for parametric study varying flow rate using AN69 Flow rate (ml/min) and permeability parameters from experiment. 123 Extracellular Cell Stream Solution Stream Error Removal (%) Removal (%) 1.0 42.23 5.86 2.52e-19 0.8 44.16 6.43 3.06e-19 0.6 47.26 7.31 1.50e-18 0.4 53.00 8.95 2.70e-19 0.2 66.61 13.40 5.79e-19 Table L.7: Simulation data for parametric study varying flow rate using Flow rate (ml/min) ISOHTTP and permeability parameters from experiment. Extracellular Cell Stream Solution Stream Error Removal (%) Removal (%) 50 24.74 4.45 1.62e-18 56 27.14 4.95 5.71e-19 70 32.38 6.09 2.78e-19 90 39.07 7.66 3.58e-18 110 44.96 9.16 8.80e-19 130 50.20 10.60 1.86e-18 150 54.86 12.02 1.96e-19 170 59.05 13.38 2.61e-19 Table L.8: Simulation data for parametric study varying channel length using Microchannel Length (mm) AN69, permeability parameters from experiment and a flow rate of 0.4 ml/min Extracellular Cell Stream Solution Stream Error Removal (%) Removal (%) 50 47.59 7.85 9.05e-19 56 53.00 8.95 2.70e-19 70 65.20 11.74 2.56e-18 90 81.06 16.20 9.54e-19 110 94.12 21.41 1.91e-18 Table L.9: Simulation data for parametric study varying channel length using Microchannel Length (mm) ISOHTTP, permeability parameters from experiment and a flow rate of 0.4 ml/min. 124 Distance Cell Stream Extracellular Solution Relative Cell from Inlet Concentration Stream Concentration (M) Volume (mm) (M) 0.0 1.09 1.09 1.00 16.7 1.03 1.04 1.03 38.0 0.96 0.99 1.07 61.1 0.88 0.93 1.12 86.8 0.79 0.86 1.18 110.0 0.71 0.80 1.24 Table L.10: Simulation data for extracellular solution concentration and relative cell volume change as a function of microchannel length for AN69 Distance Cell Stream Extracellular Solution Relative Cell from Inlet Concentration Stream Concentration (M) Volume (mm) (M) 0.0 1.09 1.09 1.00 25.7 1.03 1.04 1.03 45.3 0.90 0.95 1.10 62.7 0.72 0.81 1.23 83.4 0.46 0.62 1.49 110.0 0.20 0.43 1.97 Table L.11: Simulation data for extracellular solution concentration and relative cell volume change as a function of microchannel length for ISOHTTP 125 Bibliograpy [1] Gage, F. 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