A p p r o v e d ... Academic Policy Council Meeting Thursday, March 5, 2009 2:15–4:15pm, Room 2345

Chabot College
Academic Policy
Academic Policy Council Meeting
Approved Minutes
Thursday, March 5, 2009
2:15–4:15pm, Room 2345
Core Representatives
Chair — Ming Ho (Interim)
Vice President of Academic Services — Gene Groppetti
Vice President of Student Services — Melinda Matsuda
Dean-at-Large — Tram Vo-Kumamoto
Director of Admission and Records — Judy Young
Applied Technology & Business — Vacant
Arts & Humanities — Vacant
Counseling — Dara Greene
Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Vacant
Language Arts — Vacant
Library — Kim Morrison
Science & Mathematics — Laurie Dockter
Social Sciences — Vacant
Adjunct Faculty — Anne Brichacek
Curriculum Committee Representative — Wayne Pitcher
Articulation Officer — Jane Church
Faculty Association — Vacant
Classified Senate — Vacant & Vacant
ASCC — Jessica Gutierrez
Others Present:
Edna Danaher, Admission and Records.
1) Call to order at 2:17 PM by Interim Chair Ming Ho.
2) Assignment of minute taker to be Ming.
3) Approval of minutes, February 19, 2009. MSC(Greene/Morrison).
4) Referrals to Curriculum Committee
Ming suggested that the following issues below should be referred to the
Curriculum Committee, but the APC still wishes to discuss them here. Ming
will inform the Curriculum Council, the District Curriculum Council, and the
LPC Senate of our interests in them.
a) Waiver of AA/AS GE and proficiency requirements for holders of
bachelor’s degree or higher
This idea was well received by members of the committee. It was noted
that foreign bachelor’s degrees may not have a GE component, so those
Academic Policy Council March 5, 2009, Approved Minutes
would have to be evaluated course by course to see which specific GE
requirements have been fulfilled. It was noted that only degrees conferred
by regionally-accredited institutions should be accepted. There are
nationally-accredited institutions with narrow fields (e.g. culinary
academies) that don’t have a broad GE requirement. Edna was tasked to
provide something in writing for our consideration next time.
b) Conferring multiple degrees
The main issue is that if two degrees have most classes in common, then
it does not seem appropriate to confer both degrees. Many present noted
that at many four-year institutions, there are limits to the number of
courses or units that can be used to satisfy multiple major requirements.
Edna was tasked to provide something in writing for our consideration next
5) Process for updating catalog
Jane passed out a timeline she got from Kaaren Krueg for the 2008-2010
catalog. Dara expressed that the request for input from various sources
wasn’t sent until early March 3, 2008. It could be done a lot earlier (e.g. Oct
15, 2007) for VP Student Services, A&R, and Counseling so that they have
more time to prepare.
The first group of students who could use an updated catalog is the MegaDay
group in May, so it would be nice to have the catalog delivered by May 1
instead of the June date listed in the timeline. Jane and Ming will asked
Kaaren to come to APC to help us understand by which constraints the
timeline dates are restricted.
It was noted that any discrepancy found in the catalog should be reported to
the appropriate dean.
Jane noted that Santa Monica College’s catalog has a program description for
each discipline, showing students their options in that field (certificate,
degree, transfer, etc.) Dara will contact them to see if we can adapt them for
our use.
6) Phase II of Title V changes was tabled due to Judy’s absence.
7) Waitlist issues
a) Use of priority number to add from waitlist
b) Removal of students from waitlist for non-attendance
Tram mentioned that she talked to Jeannine Methe, Chief Technology Officer
at the District Office, about implementing a waitlist. The response is favorable,
but the waitlist will have to be implemented after Banner upgrade in
December stabilizes. Jeannine suggests having a task force, among which is
faculty, to examine issues regarding the waitlist closely over the summer.
Therefore, the implementation details of a waitlist will be tasked to that group.
Academic Policy Council March 5, 2009, Approved Minutes
Ming will share our interest in the waitlist with the Chancellor and LPC Senate
President, as it will have district wide impact.
8) Awarding credit through CLEP, IB, and other established programs
Jane will provide information material to disciplines with CLEP and IB
examination to help the faculty determine how to award credit. Dara will
contact high schools to find out the status of IB there.
9) Other and future items: Data on readmits of dismissed students,
evaluation of non-traditional education; on-line labs policy
10) Selection of chair is postponed, as there are still many vacancies unfilled.
11) Adjournment at 4 PM.