M i n u t e s Academic Policy Council Meeting

Chabot College
Academic Policy
Academic Policy Council Meeting
Thursday, October 15, 2009
3:00–4:15pm, Room 2345
Core Representatives
Chair — Ming Ho (outgoing)
Vice President of Academic Services — George Railey
Vice President of Student Services — Melinda Matsuda
Dean-at-Large — Tram Vo-Kumamoto
Director of Admission and Records — Judy Young
Applied Technology & Business — Mike Absher
Arts & Humanities — Vacant
Counseling — Dara Greene
Health, Physical Education, & Athletics — Jane Vallely
Language Arts — Vacant
Library — Kim Morrison
Science & Mathematics — Laurie Dockter
Social Sciences — Vacant
Adjunct Faculty — Anne Brichacek
Curriculum Committee Representative — Wayne Pitcher
Articulation Officer — Jane Church
Faculty Association — Vacant
Classified Senate — Edna Danaher & Vacant
ASCC — Jessica Gutierrez
1) Call to order by outgoing chair Ming Ho at 3:15pm.
2) Creating New Credit by Examination Process
*Tram is tasked to present to the Deans’ Meeting that we are wish to move
forward with institutionalizing the credit-by-examination process at the
discipline level. Each discipline decides which courses have credit by
examination available.
*Jane Church is tasked to bring back to the Council proposed catalog
language change on credit by examination after consulting with the
Counseling Division. Later, the Credit by Examination form will need to be
updated, and a process to track changes to the list of available exams need
to be developed. The consensus is that an internal list of examinations
available will be kept by Counseling, and the catalog only directs students
where to go to initiate the credit by examination process.
Mike Absher pointed out that other tools besides credit by examination that
are helpful to students are course waivers and course substitution, and these
tools should not be forgotten.
Academic Policy Council October 15, 2009, Minutes
Jane Valleley pointed out that Title V has recently been changed to
discontinue 2+2 articulation, and the only way around it is to grant credit by
examination. Mike says that, because the lab examinations are really involved
in machine tool, they did not develop exams for it.
Jane Valleley suggested that the Assessment Center may also help to proctor
exams for the credit by examination process. Tram remarked that currently
there isn’t capacity to take it on.
3) Waitlist update
The scheduled Waitlist presentation on flex day was canceled. The Council
reached consensus on the following recommendations to address some
issued raised on the Banner Waitlist Specifications that Ming handed out at a
Convocation session:
a) When openings in a class occur, students are invited to enroll in the class
by the order in which they were placed on the waiting list (i.e. first-comefirst-serve). (Note that priority registration period for different groups of
students will remain unchanged.)
b) There will be no length limit on the waitlist.
c) Though not officially enrolled, a waitlisted student must still attend class,
though attendance is not a guarantee of enrollment. Instructors can
remove students from the waitlist for lack of attendance.
d) When a waitlist for a class is closed, the instructor will give priority to
students still on the waitlist before adding other students.
Banner can be programmed to allow students to be placed on waitlists for
classes whose meeting times overlap. However, when a student is notified
that a seat is available to them in a waitlisted course, the student must
resolve that conflict to be enrolled. *Ming will add the following to the waitlist
specification: A message appears in Banner to remind students that they
must drop classes that have time conflicts with the course they are to enroll
from the waitlist.
Tram mentioned that Banner has the ability to allow students to be on multiple
waitlists for sections of the same course, not just on one waitlist. We will have
to discuss which way we want it.
4) Other and future items
a) Credit on standardized exams
Jane Church mentioned that AP Exam policies need to be reviewed. Also,
she suggested that we should consider granting credit based on CLEP
Exams. *She is tasked to obtain AP and CLEP literature providing
information that help institutions decide how credit is granted and to pass
it along to the appropriate disciplines. We will not consider credit via IB
Exam for now, as Dara has earlier mentioned that, after she called many
local high schools, there isn’t a vibrant IB program in our area.
Academic Policy Council October 15, 2009, Minutes
b) Title V GE waiver for holders of bachelor’s degree
Jane Church reported that, according to Stephanie Lew from the State
Chancellor’s Office, Title V does not require students to take an ethnic
studies course. Therefore, our American Cultures requirement is consider
a local requirement. *Mike is tasked to report this to Academic Senate and
have the Senate take action.
c) Policies common across the District.
Jane reported that she has asked the Chancellor repeatedly to provide a
list of policies that he believes should be common between the two
campuses but to no avail. She suggested that we formulate a list to start
the conversation with LPC and the District. *Mike is tasked to bring up this
issue at the Chancellor’s Council.
d) It was the consensus of the Council that no substandard grade be
excluded from GPA calculation when the grade replacing the substandard
grade comes from another institution.
5) Adjournment at 4:30 PM. Next meeting will be on Oct. 29 or Nov. 5, 2009,
with Mike Absher chairing.
* = Assigned tasks