The Study of Si Surface Structures and Their Influence Upon Pb Islands During Growth Daniel Johnson, REU Program, Physics W. Yeh, Graduate, Physics M.C. Tringides, Researcher, Ames National Laboratory, U.S. DOE Abstract: The goal of this study is to determine the ratios of surface type upon the Si sample. Data is collected from the Si samples using SPALEED. By analyzing the data from dates where combined surfaces are present it is possible to determine the amount of certain types of surfaces present on the sample. The ultimate goal is the ability to control the growth of Pb islands upon the Si crystal. Applications of this research include the design of advanced microprocessors and quantum wires. Introduction: The goal of the REU project to which I was assigned is to determine the amounts of certain types of crystalline surface structures present upon the Si crystal that had been used in previous experiments involving the formation of Pb islands at low temperature. This is accomplished by analyzing certain aspects of the data collected by Spot Profile Analysis Low Energy Electron Diffraction (SPALEED). The data sets are taken from different experimental runs involving various surfaces and are compared to one another. These surfaces include combined types of surface structures as well as those with only a single surface structure present. Background and Experimental Procedure: Within ultra-high vacuum and at very low temperature, a Si crystal is placed. This crystal is heated by use of a tungsten filament high eliminate impurities. to The temperatures Si is then in order heated again to at certain temperatures and for specific durations of time in order to create particular crystalline surface structures. Atoms of Pb are then deposited upon the Si crystal by a process of evaporation. The amount of Pb deposited is known and is measured in terms of monolayers, or layers of Pb upon the surface measuring one atom in height. These Pb atoms upon deposition form islands of a particular height. Electrons at low, known energies are then used to analyze the surface via their diffraction off the surface. The diffraction utilized in the laboratory is similar to that used in optical applications. The differences lie in the execution of the diffraction and in the use of electrons at low energy as opposed to using photons. In typical optical diffraction the photons are analyzed using a known diffracting surface that can be altered in order gather information about the nature of the photons. In the process utilized by the experimenters here it is the beam that is known and the surface that is to be investigated. The energy of the electrons and the areas upon which they strike the surface can be altered in order to investigate the nature of the surface. The interference created by the electron interaction can be analyzed in order to form a picture of the surface. The data from the SPA-LEED then undergoes a Fourier transform in order to display visibly the locations of the highest intensities present and most prominent features of the surface. The aspects of the data collected that are of most interest are the locations and intensities of particular Si atoms and deposited Pb islands. The types of surfaces present can be determined by the intensities and locations of certain Si atoms. The surfaces that are known to be present are the 7 x 7 surface and the sqrt (3) x sqrt (3) surface. The intensities of specifically investigated atoms can allow to be known the amounts of each surface type present in the sample for which data was taken. The data concerning the intensity of determine their height, width the and Pb spots shape. is used Together, to the scans of the Si and the Pb spots form a picture of what is happening and what has formed upon the surface of the Si sample. Analysis: The aspect analysis of the of work the data completed collected this is the summer. primary Data, taken earlier in the year from experiments which involved the combination of the 7 x 7 and sqrt(3) x sqrt(3) surfaces, contained many un-addressed questions. This summer’s work was done to determine the amounts of each type of surface upon the Si, both before and after the deposition of Pb. Within the data collected form various experiments, surface scans certain resolutions, positions, angles, and energies are found. Those of most interest are those scans that are of certain spots upon the surface. Data scans of matching energies, angles, and resolutions are then gathered and analyzed. The analysis of the data involves fitting the data peaks that result from the Fourier analysis. These peaks are fit using either a gaussian or a lawrencian 3/2 fitting model of either a “single scan” or a “double ring” fit. The “single scan” is used primarily for simple and symmetrical peaks. The “double ring” model is used for more complicated overlapping peaks that can be found in certain data sets. project was All of done the so lawrencian 3/2 model. data with a that was “single analyzed scan” fit for this using a The fittings allow the areas and widths of the peaks to be accurately known. The areas under the peaks correspond to the intensities of the peaks and thus to the amounts of Si or Pb atoms present. The width of the peaks speaks of their with upon the Si surface. By comparing the intensities of specific Si spots with each other and at various values of Pb coverage the amount of each surface type can be determined. common to all scans reference point. and surface The Si (0,0) spot, types is used as a The Si (-1/7,0) is commonly analyzed in order to determine the presence of the 7 x 7 surface. The Si (-1/3, -1/3) as well as the Si (-2/3,-2/3) spot is used to determine the amount of sqrt (3) x sqrt (3) surface is present upon the sample. as well plotted as the against The intensities of these spots, intensities each other of the with Pb(1,0) varying spots, values of are Pb coverage and patterns are searched for. Problems arise in some of the data points. Some of the peaks suffer from poor resolution and/or poor symmetry. These data sets are commonly unable to be fit with the models available. Other problems arise due to a lack of data of certain scans for certain points. This results in an inability to compare the data points due to the lack of matching resolutions. Conclusion: The research of this summer has yet to yield results. Further comparisons need to be made between the combined surface and surface that is composed of a pure sqrt (3) x sqrt (3) surface. another type Further of It is also possible that there may be surface investigation intended. present into up this the sample possibility surface. is also Additional data concerning the Si spots is also to be compared to each other concerning the dates on which the data was taken. The goal of the research in general is to be able to control the Pb islands’ height, width and position upon the silicon. It is known through previous experiments that the surface of the Si upon which the Pb is deposited can change the height of the Pb islands formed. By altering the silicon surface upon which the Pb is deposited it is hoped that the Pb islands can be controlled. The hope is that the work here can help pave the way for computer chip architecture in the next fifty years. If the in Pb islands can be deposited evenly and placed specific locations it is believed that they can be use as quantum wires, dramatically silicon chip computer. increasing the speed of the At this time the data is promising. With more data and further analysis the problems of controllable Pb island formation are sure to be solved. The use of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and SPA-LEED are the keys to unlocking the mysteries of the Si surface and it’s connection to the formation of the Pb islands.