INVIGILATOR APPLICATION FORM It is important that you type or write legibly using black ink when completing the form as it will be photocopied. You may supply additional material if relevant but unfortunately it is not sufficient to only send a copy of your Curriculum Vitae. Due to the high volume of applications we receive, unfortunately we can only contact successful applicants. If you do not hear back from us, please assume that on this occasion your application has not been successful. Applications should be returned to the address provided in the job details or via PERSONAL DETAILS Surname: Title (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms): Forename(s): Home Address (including postcode): Tel no: Mobile no: Email (work): Email (home): May we contact you by telephone or email Are you currently a KCL student? : Yes at work? (please indicate as appropriate) Title of Course: No Qualification (BA/MSc/PhD): National Insurance no: Would you require a Certificate of Sponsorship to take up this post?: Yes No Don’t know If no, please advise why you are eligible to work for King’s College: I am a UK/European Economic Area National Other Please state: If yes and you currently hold a visa, please advise what type of visa you hold and when it expires: Have you applied to/been employed by King’s College before? If so, please give details/dates: EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS University/College Subject From (mth/yr) To (mth/yr) Results (Hons/Level attained) To (mth/yr) Results To (mth/yr) Grades Technical, professional, commercial or relevant in-house training College/Institute Type of training From (mth/yr) Membership of professional bodies / Professional registration Secondary School Examinations passed From (mth/yr) REFERENCES Please provide the names and addresses of two referees (one of whom should normally be your manager/supervisor at your current workplace). For recent graduates your personal tutor could also be appropriate. Relatives may not be given as referees. 1. 2. Tel no: Fax no: Email address: Job title of referee: Relationship to you: Tel no: Fax no: Email address: Job title of referee: Relationship to you: If you are shortlisted, references may be taken up prior to interview. Please indicate employer prior to interview. if you do not wish us to contact your current CURRENT AND PREVIOUS APPOINTMENTS (please start with most recent) Employer's name, address and type of business Positions held (briefly describe duties) From (mth/yr) To (mth/yr) Reason for leaving DETAILS OF RELEVANT EXPERIENCE/TRANSFERABLE SKILLS Please fill in the following questions fully, providing examples from your current employment, voluntary or educational experiences. 1. Please detail what previous experience and which key skills and personal qualities you possess that would make you successful in the role of invigilator? 2. What qualities and skills do you possess that would make you a strong and effective team player? Please give examples of times you have worked in a team. 3. Students can sometimes be difficult and aggressive, particularly those who arrive at the exam hall to find they are not on the seating plan for their exams. How would you deal with this situation? 4. Many of the processes conducted at examination venues require meticulous attention to detail. What experience do you have of work that requires such attention to detail? 5. Below are five scenarios that can occur during an examination. Please rank these in the order you would address each (1st = most important and 5th = least important): A) A student feeling unwell outside the exam hall B) An invigilator requesting help to move spare stationery C) Three students requesting further answer booklets D) Making note of an absent student E) 1st A student with an examination paper query 2nd 3rd 4th 5th DATA PROTECTION STATEMENT Access to this information will be restricted to a limited number of authorised College Staff. The information may also be used for the purposes of compiling employee statistics and equal opportunities monitoring. For those staff who hold honorary contracts with the NHS, the data may be shared with your honorary employer. I give my consent to this information being processed and stored (by means of a computer database or otherwise) as described above, for the duration of my contract of employment and to fulfil the statutory, or recommended, retention periods when I am no longer an employee at King’s College London. I confirm that all the information given on this form is complete and correct by printing my name below. Print name: ........................................................................................... Date: ............................................................ Please note that failure to disclose relevant details or a deliberate attempt to falsify information may lead to dismissal.