topic 7 problem word template

topic 7 problem
word template
Your task this week is to create a layout and design template for a Word document and to apply the design
to the document provided on the CMM1108 site (lines.doc). Your task is to create an alternative design for
the course topic notes to demonstrate your ability to use Microsoft Word and to layout and design
The layout that you design for the document needs to contain the following elements:
a. a chosen set of values for top, bottom,
right and left margins
b. a legible page layout and organisation
c. a footer with caption and page number
d. styles for:
• 4 levels of heading
• text body
• bullet points (unordered)
• numbered points
• figure headings
• figure captions
Submission Requirements
Submit your solution to this problem as a Word document The submission should follow the format given
The first page should explain the design decisions taken in relation to the layout and organisation
of the document including choices of layout, font and style etc.
The remaining pages should show the formatted pages of the lines.doc document showing the
layout, design and styles. The document should contain all the styles being used.
Week 8 Workshop Activities
In your workshop today, your tutor will show you how to use the various features of word and will
demonstrate use of the following features. You should use this page as a checklist to record the Word
features that you are able to use.
Page layout eg. A4, portrait
Margins eg. left margin, top margin, mirrored margins
Using the Formatting palette
Word themes and auto formats
Text formatting eg. font, style, size,
Applying styles
Left and right margins (using the ruler), indents, tabs,
Bullets and numbering
Using the toolbars, setting styles
Inserting images, formatting images eg. wraps
Creating images with the drawing tools
Inserting tables
Formatting tables
Borders and shading