WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 FACULTY LOAD REPORT (TO BE PROVIDED BY IR DEPARTMENT) Name Evaluation Period _______________ Department Years at WV Northern ___________ Rank __________________________________________ Total Revised 2/7/14 % passing (C or better) retained% Ending enrollment Initial enrollment Title Cap Credit (or contact) hours Dept Course # Section CRN Semester (SP, F, SUM) List the course title(s), course number(s), section(s), contact hours, and the number of students enrolled during the current evaluation period (Jan-Dec), including overloads, summer, and CLC’s if any. WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 FACULTY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT Each faculty member submits an annual Accomplishment Report that addresses the previous year’s goals and any additional accomplishments by the last Friday in January of each year to the Division Chair. The Accomplishment Report can also assist the faculty/staff member in documenting performance when he/she is being considered for formal recognition (e.g., promotion, continuing appointment, awards) NAME: ______________________________________________ YEAR: _________________ List your Teaching, Service and Professional Development Goals from last year and summarize accomplishments from previous goals during the past twelve months and include documentation. If you were not able to achieve a certain goal from the previous year, please explain what prevented you from doing that. Goal documentation can include assessment of activity that has been preapproved by division chair, documentation from provider, (programs and travel forms, CEU, CEH, badge and travel forms) or a summary report of the activity, which should include the name/title of the activity, date(s), and relevant details. (Alternate forms of documentation may be required for merit packet.) Then include a summary and documentation of any additional accomplishments for the year. List Teaching Goals from previous year & Accomplishments: Additional Accomplishments related to Teaching: List Service Goals & Accomplishments: Additional Accomplishments related to Service: List Professional Development Goals & Accomplishments: Additional Accomplishments related to Professional Development: Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 SCORING (Circle points awarded and record on Faculty Status Report) 3 Points (Stated goals and additional goals are met and documented w/ explanation of any goals not met) 2 Points (Stated goals are met and documented) 1 Point (Stated goals are not met and explanation is not given or sufficient) Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 FACULTY GOALS (PLAN FOR NEXT EVALUATION CYCLE) Each faculty must submit 2 goals in each of the 3 areas listed below, activity or activities which relate to the goal, and how it will be measured, to Division Chair by the last Friday in January. This plan should include faculty goals in support of the Institutional Compact, the Strategic Plan, Institutional Goals and Academic Goals where applicable. (See Appendix I for examples of goal statements). (Rating: > 2 clearly stated and measurable goals in each area including one regarding retention= 3; 2 clearly stated goals in each area listed =2; < 2 goals in each area or not clearly stated or measurable=1) NAME: ______________________________________ YEAR(S): __________ List your major academic and professional goals for the next twelve months. For goal(s) related to improved teaching, retention, or student success, please include specific plan/method for assessing/measuring the impact or success of this goal. If that is not possible, please explain. Teaching Goals for next evaluation cycle: Service goals for next evaluation cycle: Professional Development goals for next evaluation cycle: Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 FACULTY POSITION DESCRIPTION AND RESPONSIBILITIES (Please write numbers/scores in each box- do not use check marks) 3 2 1 Self Evaluation NO ITEMS ON THIS PAGE CAN BE DESIGNATED N/A; EACH ITEM MUST HAVE A 1, 2, OR 3 3 2 1 Chair Evaluation 1.) Follow the rules and regulations of the college. (This is a 2 unless it was not done) 2.) Meets classes as scheduled and provides instruction. (Met 100% of all classes =3; met 95% or >=2; met < 95% = 1), allowing for College service, approved professional development, or documented illness or emergency 3.) Teach thirty credits or 600 contact hours (health sciences only) during the day and/or evening per academic year. The Division Chair and/or the Vice President of Academic Affairs may make adjustments as necessary. Teaching in the summer, doing overloads or CLC’s = 3; otherwise 2 unless not done) 4.) Develop a syllabus for each course he/she teaches. Submit each syllabus electronically to the Division Chair by the first day of class. Follow the College guidelines for syllabus construction. (2 unless not done in a timely manner or does not follow College guidelines) 5.) Maintain a minimum of ten (10) office hours per week, two (2) may be by appointment only, distributed over five (5) days, to include the week before classes begin and final exam week. Schedule must be completed and entered into electronic calendar via current medium) and filed with the Division secretary, Division Chair, and VPAA within the first week of classes each semester. (3 if scheduled more than the minimum # of required hours; 2 meets expectations; 1 if less than 10 are scheduled or office hours are not kept) 6.) Participate in commencement ceremonies. (This will be a 2 unless not properly excused) 7.) Participate in institutional service & activities such as College-wide events, college standing committees, and ad hoc committees. (3 activities=3; 2 activities=2; 1 activity=1) 8.) Is available for consultation and/or advising students in his/her program(s) which may include: *academic counseling, *aid in scheduling courses,*withdrawal/retention counseling *career guidance and preparation, (3 if done in non contract times (or outside of normal working hours, e.g., Saturday)- (if a 3, documentation of date, time, & event must be included in accomplishment report) 9.) Participate in community or public service activities as appropriate (such as reviewing portfolios for BOG degree or other programs related to experiential learning, working with workforce development and/or campus deans to provide credit or non-credit courses, seminars, & workshops, and other special College or community events or activities. (3 if multiple activities, done in off contract time or outside of regular work hours, e.g., Saturday; 2= meets expectations; 1=does not meet expectations). (if a 3, documentation of date, time, & event must be included in accomplishment report) 10.) Attend faculty Assembly meetings, academic division meetings, advisory meetings and other faculty related events as identified by the administration. (3 =attended 90% of meetings from three different activities; 2=attended 75% of meetings from three different activities; 1= attended less than 75% of meetings from three different activities) 11.) Participate in professional development activities and professional organizations (minimum of 1 activity and 1 organization required to meet expectations) (3 activities=3; 2 activities=2; 1 activity=1) 12.) Assist in the selection of textbook(s) for courses taught. Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 ( 3=takes initiative and coordinates textbook selection w/in the discipline or program; 2=adequate participation; 1= not done) 13.) Assist the Program Director and/or the Division Chair with preparation of : • program review • required reports (assessment, self-study, etc) • part-time faculty evaluation • recommendations for purchase of equipment • preparing semester schedules • development of new courses or programs • and/or supervision of lab assistants/work study students (3= exceeds expectations/contributes more than most faculty in the division; 2 = meets expectations / contributes to division adequately; 1= does not meet expectations/contributes less than most faculty in the division) (Division Chair will consult with the appropriate program director to obtain input for this score) 14.) Notify Program director, Division Chair, and division secretary of intent to travel on college business well in advance of the date of the expected absence, and unexpected absences, so appropriate arrangements can be made. Complete a copy of the Absence form. Submit completed form to Division Chair. (2 unless not done) 15.) Participate in activities related to and internal and external marketing & promotional activities, & recruitment as requested by Division Chair, Program director, campus dean, or other College official as appropriate (3 if faculty member developed and initiated activity, participated in multiple activities, OR if done in off contract time or outside of normal working hours, e.g., Saturday); 2 – at least one event during contract time/regular work hours or there was no opportunity to participate in such activities; 1= no activity (if a 3, documentation of date, time, & event must be included in accomplishment report) TOTALS Any score of “1” may lead to an Improvement plan (see Appendix II). Two or more “1” ratings eliminates eligibility for merit. A minimum of three “3” ratings must be recorded to be considered for merit. I hereby affirm that all information contained in this completed evaluation packet (load analysis, accomplishment report, goals, self-evaluation of position description) is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and contains no willful misrepresentations or falsifications. I am fully aware that should investigation at some time disclose any such misrepresentation or falsification, I would become subject to appropriate disciplinary action which may include dismissal. I authorize any verification of all statements contained in this evaluation as may be necessary in arriving at a score decision and agree to hold WV Northern Community College harmless from any information obtained. I realize it is my responsibility to complete fully all sections of the evaluation and submit all documents within specified deadlines, and failure to do so may result in scores that render me ineligible for merit Faculty Member Signature: _________________________________ Date: _______________ (after self-evaluation completed) Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 Division Chair Signature: __________________________________ Date: _______________ EVALUATION OF TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS BY SUPERVISOR (after Division chair evaluation completed) COURSE ORGANIZATION - course syllabus and other course materials as shared by the instructor. CLASSROOM OBSERVATION - observing a class in session. (When the evaluation is complete, please share a copy in person with the individual being evaluated.) Instructor’s Name: ____________________________________________ Course Number: ______________________________________________ Course Name: _______________________________________________ # of students enrolled: ____________ # in attendance during classroom observation: ______________ COURSE ORGANIZATION The faculty will be rated on a three point scale 3 = Meritorious/Exceptional; 2 = Expected; 1 = Needs Improvement (Division chair should review a copy of the syllabi, any additional handouts or study guides provided to students, exams, or projects to complete the organization section below) 1. Are course materials (syllabi, handouts, etc) shared with students clear and understandable? 3 2 1 2. Are the grading procedures shared with students specific, clear and understandable? 3 2 1 3. Do the evaluation tools (exams, projects, assignments) appear to relate directly to the course learning outcomes from the master course guide? 3 2 1 4. Does the syllabus include: instructor contact information, textbook, course description, global outcomes, and performance objectives? 3 2 1 5. Does the syllabus include specific information about requirements, including assignments, exams, grading criteria, points, and scale? 3 2 1 6. Does the syllabus include: policies regarding classroom behavior, academic honesty, attendance, participation, and disability accommodations? 3 2 1 Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 7. Does it appear that the faculty member has attempted to integrate or utilize writing, the use of technology, and/or oral presentations in this class? Score of 3 >16 = MERITORIOUS Score of 2 12-16 = MEETS EXPECTATIONS 3 2 1 Score of 1 <12= NOT ACCEPTABLE Total CLASSROOM OBSERVATION FORM 3 = Meritorious/Exceptional; 2 = Expected; 1 = Needs Improvement (Division chair or designee should complete the section below from observing at least one class session) 1. Does the instructor appear well prepared for class (lecture organized, learning aids provided, reviews past lessons, arrives on time)? 3 2 1 2. Class time is used efficiently, appropriate to and focused on the subject: 3 2 1 3. How well does the instructor use eye contact, movement, gestures, or other communication techniques to engage students during the class? 3 2 1 4. The instructor exhibits the ability to manage and control classroom activities and to deal with disruptive or irrelevant behavior: 3 2 1 5. The students perform appropriately (take notes, respond to questions, participate in the discussion) and seem to be learning the material: 3 2 1 6. 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 Most students appear alert, interested, and involved in the class: 7. Does the instructor appear to have a positive attitude toward the subject matter of the course? 8. Does the instructor welcome and respond effectively to student’s questions? Revised 2/7/14 3 3 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 Total Score of 3 > 19 = MERITORIOUS Score of 2 16-19 = MEETS EXPECTATIONS Score of 1 <16= NOT ACCEPTABLE WHAT TEACHING TECHNIQUES WERE OBSERVED DURING THIS CLASS? (check all that apply) _____Lecture _____Discussion _____ Group activity _____Q &A _____PPT _____ audiovisual or multimedia aids _____Simulation or other activity _____Read from the book _____ Other specify)___________________________________ PLEASE WRITE A SUMMARY OF YOUR OBSERVATIONS ON CLASSROOM ORGANIZATION AND OBSERVATION W/ COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS: Supervisor Narrative/Comments on Course Organization (course materials): Strengths: Concerns: Recommendations/Suggestions: Supervisor Narrative/Comments on Classroom Observation: Strengths: Concerns: Recommendations/Suggestions: Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 Comments by faculty member following evaluation feedback: Supervisor or Designee initials: ______ Faculty member initials: ________ Date Shared w/ Instructor: _________ (Does not indicate agreement with evaluation but merely that evaluation has been read & discussed) Revised 2/7/14 WV NORTHERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE FACULTY PROFESSIONAL PLAN & EVALUATION DOCUMENT Effective January, 2014 SUMMARY/SIGNATURE PAGE TO BE COMPLETED DURING EVALUATION CONFERENCE Name of Faculty Member________________________________________________________ Academic Division ______________________________________________________________ SCORES Faculty Accomplishment Report _____ (out of 3) Faculty Goals _____ (out of 3) Faculty Position Description/Evaluation (Supervisor) _____ Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (Organization) _____ (out of 3) Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (Observation) _____ (out of 3) (out of 3) Student Course Evaluation Reports Reviewed & discussed by faculty member & Division chair and addressed concerns if necessary _____Yes _____No Total _____ (15 possible) Above 12 points = Meritorious; 10-12 points =Meets expectations; Below 10 = Needs improvement I have reviewed the evaluation documents listed above, and consulted with the faculty member. I offer the following comments and/or suggestions: Narrative/Summary: __________An improvement plan is attached __________An improvement plan is not attached I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my supervisor. ______ YES _______ NO Faculty Member Signature: _________________________________ Date: ________________ _____________ I have ___________I have not (Attached a response to this evaluation) Initial here _______ Division Chair Signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________ This faculty member: _____is _____is not eligible for merit for this evaluation cycle _______________________ _____________ Division Chair initials Date VPAA Signature: _________________________________________ Date: ________________ Revised 2/7/14