MEMO TO: Engineering Instructor FROM: Engr-XXXX Student DATE: 24-Jun-09 CC: AnyOne RE: Weekly Report for: dd-Mmm-yy → dd-Mmm-yy All text written in this COURIER FONT contains suggestions, and/or place Holders for the Student-Written information. The courier font should be deleted and replace with the student’s writing using ARIAL Font REPORT LENGTH → half-Page MIMUMUM → 1-Page OPTIMUM → 2-Pages Maximum DELETE THIS BOX Previous Week Accomplishments A few lines that briefly describe the work/tasks completed the previous week. Should include * WHAT was done and/or learned * WHO did it * RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS drawn from any tests or analyses * The status of the progress against the SCHEDULE Some examples: Went to Grainger office on Industrial Ave in Hayward. Talked to the service Rep to find a motor to drive our water-motion mechanism (Mr. Smith) o Motor cost is only $47.69 Designed a mounting bracket for the Grainger Motor (Ms. Jones) o The Bracket will be machined from StainLess Steel 304 angle Tested Motion-Concept in home Swimming Pool. It worked well, with hardly any splashing (Mr. Rodgers) Plans For Next Week A BULLET List of the actions PLANNED against the design project during the UPCOMING week. Some Examples Consult Newark catalog to select a motor-speed controller for the Grainger Motor (Ms. Green) Start drawing the Formal AutoCAD drawings for the designed “Piece Parts” such as the motor mounting Bracket (Mr. Brown) Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College Engineering • Weekly Report • page 1 Document1 Appendix Include in the appendices (as many as you judge necessary) useful, but perhaps tangential information in regards to what you learned or did during the previous week * Primarily information that may be useful to YOU, but NOT perhaps to the reader See Example on Weekly_Report_Example_BMayer_010611.doc ENGR11 WebPage: Print Date/Time = 29-May-16/03:58 Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College Engineering • Weekly Report • page 2 Document1