The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called... P.M. on Monday, November 20, 2006 in the Dean’s Conference... College of Education Senate

College of Education Senate
University of Northern Iowa
November 20, 2006
Minutes #353
I. Call to Order
The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called to order at 3:19
P.M. on Monday, November 20, 2006 in the Dean’s Conference Room in
Schindler Education Center.
Senators in attendance [in bold]
Dave Christensen [At large]
Rod Dieser [At-large]
Dave Else [ELCPE]
Mary Herring [At-large]
Elana Joram [EPF]
Chris Kliewer [SPED]
Kurt Meredith, Chair [C&I]
Rick Vanderwall [TCHG]
Windee Weiss [HPELS]
Robin Lund [At-large]
Maribelle Betterton
Robert Decker
Donna Douglas
Rob Boody
Amy Staples
Penny Beed
Michelle Swanson
Kevin Finn
Tom Dompier
Ex-Officio Members in attendance [in bold]
Jeffrey W. Cornett, Dean
David Marchesani, Mick Mack, Jane Bentley-Gadow, and
Michelle Holland
II. Approval of Minutes of October 23, 2006 [#352]
It was moved by Kliewer and seconded by Vanderwall that the minutes
[#352] of the October 23, 2006 meeting be approved as read. Motion
III. Welcome Guests
Meredith welcomed David Marchesani, Mick Mack, Jane Bentley-Gadow,
and Michelle Holland to the Senate meeting.
IV. Reports/Announcements
A. New Member[s] of the COE Awards Committee: As discussed at the
last Senate meeting, Greg Stefanich is off campus this semester and
Mike Waggoner is now serving as Interim Head of the Department of
Educational Leadership, Counseling, and Postsecondary Education. As
a result, the Senate will need to identify alternates for both C&I and
ELCPE to serve on this committee. Meredith stated that Lynne
Ensworth will be the C&I representative, however, it was uncertain if
Else had identified anyone from the Department of Educational
Leadership, Counseling, and Postsecondary Education to serve on the
COE Awards Committee.
B. Curriculum Committee/Graduate Studies Committee: Douglas
announced that curriculum packets have been received and a schedule
for processing has been set. Proposals from the School of HPELS and
the Department of Special Education are currently being reviewed. She
stressed that if there are any proposals related to education courses
that these need to be submitted first to the Council on Teacher
Education. Douglas reported that both committees have agreed to
meet at the same time to ensure that the reviews are done
simultaneously. She also stated that there is a much lighter load than
in previous years and that the work should proceed smoothly on
through the university process. This year Todd Evans serves as the
Chair of the Curriculum Committee and Kim Knesting serves as
Secretary. Knesting will then take over as Chair next year.
V. Presentation
David Marchesani and Mick Mack attended the meeting to provide
information on the UNI Academic Advising Association [ACADA]. In
addition, Jane Bentley-Gadow and Michelle Holland were also in
The group plans to begin formal operations starting January 1, 2007 and
have established the following initial goals for the organization:
Establish an advisor recognition award(s) for faculty and
staff advisors at UNI.
Build a ‘one source’ advisor information and resource web
Create a comprehensive (and continually updated) webbased advisor resource to provide academic and personal
information of advisees as well as enhanced
communication tools.
Review the current declaration of major process with a goal
of developing an electronic processing system.
Hold Spring Walk-In Workshops for academic advisors
including individual in-service sessions.
Douglas questioned if the advising services are for undergraduate or
graduate students. Marchesani responded that it is for undergraduates.
Meredith stated that Mack has volunteered to be the Chair of ACADA, but
the College of Education will need to appoint someone to serve on the
Advisory Committee. Douglas questioned if there should be additional
representatives on the Advisory Committee besides one appointed by each
college. Marchesani responded that the size of the committee would be a
factor if the number of committee members would be increased.
Dieser asked if there had been involvement in this process by BentleyGadow and Holland. He reiterated that he would like to see more
consultation with the COE advisors. Meredith stated that he feels there is
tremendous satisfaction right now on the part of COE faculty members
with the current system. Douglas stressed that additional monies must be
channeled into the advising effort in order to address significant and
critical personnel issues. [Marchesani and Mack left the meeting.]
Bentley-Gadow stated that she feels that she and Holland have been left
out of the decision making process. She stated that she has developed an
advising model that has been very successful and she invited the Senate
members to meet with her to see how her model works. Holland stressed
that we need a reallocation of resources and manpower desperately at the
college level. She stated that we can still share ideas across campus, but in
terms of advising ‘one size does not fit all’. Bentley-Gadow encouraged
the Senate to contact the Dean of the College of Business Administration
who has a similar advising structure to see how their college is handling
this issue. Else feels that additional dialogue is needed and that we should
invite Marchesani and Mack to return for additional conversation. [Else
left the meeting.] After some discussion it was decided that Meredith
should contact the Provost for clarification on this issue.
VI. Old Business
A. Award Nominations: Meredith reported that he will forward the
names of the COE nominations for Class of 1943 Faculty Award for
Excellence in Teaching and the Ross A. Nielsen Professional Service
Award to the Provost tomorrow.
B. In addition, nominations for the Regents’ Award for Faculty
Excellence are due to Coleen Wagner, Academic Affairs, by
November 21st. Procedures state that the College of Education may
forward the names of four faculty members. The following
nominations were made at the last Senate meeting:
Larry Hensley, nominated by Finn
Dave Christensen, nominated by Vanderwall
Radhi Al-Mabuk, nominated by Joram
Chris Kliewer, nominated by Joram
Penny Beed [alternate], nominated by Kliewer/Meredith
Christensen stated that he has withdrawn his name from
consideration. However, he will contact Beed to determine if she
will allow her name to be placed in nomination. Kliewer recused
himself. Vanderwall moved to accept the remaining four
nominations. Weiss seconded the motion. Motion carried. Kliewer
returned to the meeting. Bartlett will forward the four names to
Meredith asked Senators to facilitate nominations by December 1st.
Bartlett will send an e-mail reminder along with the criteria for the
Class of 1943 and Ross A. Nielsen awards. Meredith will then
forward the names of two faculty members for consideration.
C. Election Committee: Vanderwall stated that discussion continues
regarding the COE Election Committee. Kliewer, Else, and
Christensen are both willing to serve on the committee. Vanderwall
also proposed that we move the election process to My UNIverse.
However, we will need to determine what committee openings need
to be filled. He and Bartlett will work to coordinate a list of
committees, chairs and elected committee members.
D. Other: None.
VII. New Business
B. Dean Search Committee: Meredith stated that Interim Vice
President Lubker has asked that an external person to named to the
Dean’s Search Committee. He feels this could be beneficial and
important, but also questions whether this person would be a voting
member of the committee. Christensen moved that the Senate
recommend to the Provost that an external, non-voting member
[ex-officio] to named to the Dean’s Search Committee. Weiss
seconded the motion. Else stated that he supports this decision
but feels it could be awkward to ask someone for input on K-12
education, but not allow them to vote on candidates. [Else left the
meeting.] Current individuals named to the COE Dean’s Search
Committee include:
Kurt Meredith
Becky Hawbaker
Cynthia Herndon
Radhi Al-Mabuk
Michele Yehieli
Joel Haack
Michael Waggoner
Sandra Alper
Chris Edginton
Jenny Connolly
Tylor Burke
Meredith stated that he has found some colleges that have formed
an external advisory [interdisciplinary] committee to their formal
search committee. This committee is made up of community
members [stakeholders] and are involved in candidate visits on
campus. That committee then makes a recommendation to the
formal search committee; e.g., strengths and weaknesses. In that
way the successful candidate would have in place a set of informed
community members. However, Meredith feels that the addition
of an external member may be the prerogative of the Search
Committee rather than the Provost. Motion defeated.
Vanderwall then moved that we recommend to the Provost that an
advisory committee to the Dean’s Search Committee be formed.
This advisory committee would be made up of external stakeholders
who would not have the right to vote but would serve only in an
advisory capacity to the search committee. This motion would then
be forwarded to the Provost and a recommendation could then be
made to the Dean’s Search Committee. Christensen seconded the
motion. Motion carried. [Kliewer left the meeting.]
There was consensus of the Senators that the current membership
of the Dean’s Search Committee should remain as it is presently
constructed. Meredith will convey this to the Provost. The Dean’s
Search Committee will meet at 10:00 A.M. on November 28th.
President Allen and Interim Provost Lubker will attend that
C. Faculty Leadership: Meredith stated that Dean Cornett has
indicated that he will pull back from decisions that involve the
College of Education other than day-to-day operations. As a result,
Dr. Callahan has taken on additional administrative duties; such as
budget, etc. Also, no additional weekly management team meetings
are planned. Meredith feels that we must have an information flow
in place when the new Dean arrives in June 2007. Consequently,
the management team should accept responsibility for that with
consensus of what information/priorities should be put forward.
Meredith stated that he would like to call a meeting of the
management team for discussion on whether these meetings should
be ongoing. He reported that he has not discussed this with the rest
of the management team. Weiss made a motion to direct Meredith
to call a meeting of COE Management Team. Lund seconded the
motion. Vanderwall stressed that Dave Smith should be included in
this meeting. Meredith will raise the question of who should be
included in these meetings with Callahan. Motion carried.
D. Other: Douglas asked that Senators review the Hall of Excellence
information provided by Lund.
VIII. Upcoming Meeting Dates
December 18, 2006 [optional]
January 29, 2007
February 19, 2007
IX. Other Dates to Remember
December 16, 2006
January 8, 2007
Spring Semester Begins
X. Adjournment
There was consensus that a decision be made prior to Christmas Break if
the December 18, 2006 meeting is needed. Meredith will send an e-mail
to all Senators advising them if the meeting will take place. The meeting
was adjourned at 5:02 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Sue Bartlett