The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called... P.M. on Monday, October 23, 2006 in the Dean‟s Conference... College of Education Senate

College of Education Senate
University of Northern Iowa
October 23, 2006
Minutes #352
I. Call to Order
The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called to order at 3:19
P.M. on Monday, October 23, 2006 in the Dean‟s Conference Room in
Schindler Education Center.
Senators in attendance [in bold]
Dave Christensen [At large]
Rod Dieser [At-large]
Dave Else [ELCPE]
Mary Herring [At-large]
Elana Joram [EPF]
Chris Kliewer [SPED]
Kurt Meredith, Chair [C&I]
Rick Vanderwall [TCHG]
Windee Weiss [HPELS]
Robin Lund [At-large]
Maribelle Betterton
Robert Decker
Donna Douglas
Rob Boody
Amy Staples
Penny Beed
Michelle Swanson
Kevin Finn
Tom Dompier
Ex-Officio Members in attendance
Jeffrey W. Cornett, Dean
Sandra Alper, Deb Gallagher, and John Smith
II. Approval of Minutes of September 18, 2006 [#351]
It was moved by Kliewer and seconded by Lund that the minutes [#351] of
the September 18, 2006 meeting be approved as read. Motion carried.
III. Reports/Announcements
A. Fall Faculty Meeting: Meredith stated that the COE Fall Faculty
meeting was attended by approximately 76 faculty members and that
he felt it went well. There were several positive comments on the
presentation on the Human Performance Center and on the comments
made by Dean Cornett. Meredith also stated that he liked the balance
of input from the various units across the College, however, there was
some discussion about a perceived lack of diversity of subjects.
B. Election Committee: Vanderwall distributed the results from the
recent COE Senate election. He stated that about 25% of COE faculty
voted in the election. After some discussion, it was moved by Douglas
and seconded by Kliewer to ratify the results of the election. Motion
Joram expressed concern with the process of communication involved
with the recent elections. She felt that an email should have been sent
out prior to the deadline to vote, reminding faculty of the upcoming
deadline. She also suggested that this email should contain a link to a
site where one could vote electronically. Vanderwall stated that the
current procedure allows for an Election Committee to establish
election procedures. However, there are no guidelines in the Senate
by-laws as to how such elections should be run. He stated that he has
researched how other committees coordinate elections and found that
the use of MyUNIverse is well established and widely used. Ballots and
tabulations are kept secret, so confidentiality of the voters is ensured.
There is no cost for this service and results are kept indefinitely.
Vanderwall stated that he would like the Senate to identify an Election
Committee which could establish a fair and equitable election process.
It was agreed that the Senate Vice Chair serve on this committee with
two additional Senators. Kliewer and Douglas volunteered, however it
was pointed out that Douglas serves as an alternate. After some
discussion, it was decided to table this topic for discussion at the next
Senate meeting.
Dean Cornett questioned the adequacy of representation of faculty
members from different departments on the ballot. If this trend
continues, it was agreed that we would have a disparity of
departmental representation. There was consensus that this process
needs to be changed.
C. Appointment of Mick Mack to Student Appeals Committee: Meredith
reported that earlier this fall that Dean Cornett appointed Mick Mack
to fulfill the final year of Greg Reed‟s three year term as the COE
representative to the Student Appeals Committee. However, he further
stated that this appointment needs approval from the Senate. Joram
questioned whether there is a separate appeals committee for graduate
students. Dean Cornett responded that he thought there was a
Graduate Appeals Committee. It was moved by Kliewer and seconded
by Joram that Mick Mack serve as the COE representative on the
Student Appeals Committee. Motion carried.
D. November 20 Meeting -- ACADA: Meredith reported that Mick Mack
and David Marchesani, Co-Chairs of the UNI Academic Advising
Association [ACADA], would like to attend the November 20th Senate
meeting, along with Michelle Holland and Jane Bentley-Gadow.
E. Status of Curriculum Committee Work: Meredith reminded the
Senators of the November 3, 2006 deadline for departments to
complete the curriculum review cycle process.
IV. Old Business
A. Doctoral Studies Handbook: Drs. Alper, Gallagher, and Smith
attended the meeting to respond to questions concerning the
proposed Doctoral Studies Handbook, December 2005 edition. A
motion was made by Decker and seconded by Vanderwall to begin
discussion on this topic. Alper stated that information contained in
the handbook is taken from Intensive Study Areas [ISAs] and
existing graduate policies and procedures. Vanderwall questioned
why Senate would have approval of this. Meredith responded that
it has to do with faculty governance as it relates to curriculum.
Lund questioned if this increases the rigor of the curriculum and, if
so, whether would there be a change in curriculum requirements.
Alper stated that the goal of the handbook is not to modify
curriculum but to serve as a guidebook for students in order to
make information easily available to both students and faculty
There was some discussion on identifying a committee, which
would report to the Graduate Studies Committee, to help solve
structural problems and eliminate governance issues. It was
suggested that Sue Koch be involved in this discussion. Alper and
Sam Lankford serve on both the Graduate Studies Committee and
the Doctoral Studies Committee. Decker asked for clarification on
whether the Doctoral Studies Handbook is focused on the college or
the departmental level. It was agreed that it was at the college level.
It was also stated that there are some faculty members who do not
want to follow the guidelines specified in the handbook. If the
handbook is strictly advisory, then faculty would have the right to
do whatever they want as long as they follow the Graduate College
guidelines. There was some discussion on the problem of „optional‟
comprehensive examinations. Also, there was consensus that some
wording in the handbook, such as clarification of the role of the
Graduate Studies Committee, needs to be modified before going
forward. Finn made an amended motion to accept the document
and to request that the Graduate Studies Committee also review the
document. Vanderwall seconded the motion.
Joram provided the Senators with a copy of an e-mail she received
from Melissa Heston which stated that if “this document is to be
treated as a set of policies governing doctoral programs or students
in the College of Education” that it be approved by both committees
following a “broad distribution” to all graduate faculty. Joram
asked whether graduate faculty and students had reviewed the
current document. Alper responded that numerous faculty
members had reviewed the handbook and were very supportive, as
were students. She also stated that this document will need to be
reviewed on a yearly basis. The motion as amended carried.
[Alper, Gallagher, & Smith left the meeting.] Decker feels this
document needs to be viewed as advisory and not regulatory.
Joram stated that she feels non-standardization of policy across
ISAs continues to be a problem. Lund added that if the handbook
specified each ISA‟s requirements, then even if procedures vary
across ISAs, at least students and faculty will know exactly what is
required for each individual ISA.
B. Other: None.
V. New Business
A. The Class of 1943 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching/Ross A.
Nielsen Professional Service Award: Meredith discussed the faculty
awards which are under consideration this fall. Greg Stefanich
[C&I], Pat Sitlington [SPED], Lowell Hoeft [TCHG], Tom Davis
[HPELS], Mike Waggoner [ELCPE], and Radhi Al-Mabuk [EPF]
currently serve on the COE Awards Committee. As Stefanich is off
campus this semester and Mike Waggoner is now serving as Interim
Head of the Department of Educational Leadership, Counseling,
and Postsecondary Education, the Senate will need to identify
alternates for both C&I and ELCPE. It was agreed that Decker
would work with ELCPE to identify an alternate and Meredith
would do the same for Curriculum and Instruction.
Both of the above awards require specific criteria and procedures
for selection. Meredith asked the Senate to consider nominations
for these awards carefully. He will ask the Awards Committee how
many nominees can be named for each of these awards. The Dean
said that he would recuse himself during this nomination
procedure. With the February 6, 2007 deadline for both awards, it
was decided to discuss this at the November 20th meeting since
December meeting is optional.
B. Regents‟ Awards for Faculty Excellence: Meredith stated that
nominations for the Regents‟ Award for Faculty Excellence are due
to Coleen Wagner, Academic Affairs, by November 21st. Procedures
state that the College of Education may forward the names of four
faculty members. The following nominations were made:
Larry Hensley, nominated by Finn
Dave Christensen, nominated by Vanderwall
Radhi Al-Mabuk, nominated by Joram
Chris Kliewer, nominated by Joram
Penny Beed [alternate], nominated by Kliewer/Meredith
Vanderwall made a motion to accept the above four nominations for
the Regents‟ Awards for Faculty Excellence. Finn seconded the
motion. Motion carried.
C. University Book & Supply Outstanding Teaching Award: This was
referred to the Awards Committee for their deliberation. Meredith
encouraged Senators to have non-tenured faculty apply for this
award. The deadline for nominations is January 1, 2007.
D. Community Building: This item was tabled for discussion at an
upcoming meeting.
E. Senate Web Page: Meredith reported that he is in the process of
updating the Web Page. If anyone has recommendations, they are
to submit them to him.
VI. Dean’s Report
Dean Cornett congratulated the School of HPELS on their recent Hall of
Excellence ceremony. William Thrall and Eleanor C. Crawford, previous
heads of the men‟s and women‟s physical education divisions that merged
into the current School of HPELS in 1991, worked hard to establish this
Hall of Excellence. The first group of inductees was honored last year. A
Friday evening reception, Saturday morning brunch and installation were
held last Saturday. The Dean said this was very well supported by HPELS
faculty and he encouraged everyone to attend next year. He asked Lund to
bring information concerning the recent ceremony to share at the next
Senate meeting.
The Dean also stated that the Alumni Silent Auction will take place next
Saturday evening at the Lab School. It is a great opportunity to purchase
donated items and $15 tickets are still available.
There was also some conversation about scheduling a tour of the new
McLeod Center at a future date.
VII. Upcoming Meeting Dates
November 20, 2006
December 18, 2006 [optional]
January 22, 2007
February 19, 2007
VIII. Other Dates to Remember
October 28, 2006
November 6, 2006
December 16, 2006
January 8, 2007
Celebration of Excellence
Teacher Educ. Fall Faculty Meeting
Spring Semester Begins
IX. Adjournment
The next meeting of the COE Senate will be held on Monday, November
20, 2006 at 3:15 P.M. in the Dean‟s Conference Room in Schindler
Education Center. The meeting was adjourned at 4:56 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Sue Bartlett