The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called... Windee Weiss, Chair, at 3:00 P.M. on Monday, April 1,... College of Education Senate

College of Education Senate
University of Northern Iowa
April 1, 2013
Minutes #407
I. Call to Order
The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called to order by
Windee Weiss, Chair, at 3:00 P.M. on Monday, April 1, 2013 in Room 205
in Schindler Education Center.
Senators in attendance [in bold]
Windee Weiss, Chair [HPELS]
Robin Lund, Vice Chair [At-large]
Mike Waggoner [ELPE]
Oksana Matvienko [At-large]
Suzanne Freedman [EPF]
Chris Kliewer [SPED]
Todd Evans [At-large]
Elizabeth Zwanziger [TCHG]
Leigh Zeitz [C&I]
Heather Olsen [At-large]
Ex-Officio Members in attendance
Guests in attendance
Rob Boody
Kerri Clopton
Forrest Dolgener
Tony Gabriele
Nick Pace
Catherine Zeman
II. Approval of Minutes
There were no minutes.
Kelli Snyder
Jennifer Waldron
Dewitt Jones
Oksana Grybovych
Katheryn East
Peter Neibert
Rick Knivsland
Ping Gao
Fabio Fontana
Term expires
III. Reports/Announcements
There were no reports/announcements.
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
A. Curriculum Proposals:
1. Department of Special Education: Unfortunately no one
from that department showed up.
2. School of Health, Physical Education & Leisure Services:
Physical Education: Forrest Dolgener provided a
summary on the proposed curricular changes. They
would like to drop a two hour, required course and
add another two hour course back in. This will be an
“even swap” of six sections. The new course will be
geared more toward discipline and a better
preparation for career/professional development. It
was moved by Zeitz and seconded by Olsen to accept.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Health Education: Catherine Zeman attended. They
are proposing to drop four courses (12 hours) and add
a new course. It was moved by Zeitz and seconded by
Freedman to accept. All ayes. Motion carried.
Leisure, Youth, & Human Services. Olsen reported
they recently went through accreditation so some of
the changes are as a result of this. They want to add
“Foundations of Therapeutic Recreation” (name
change). They are also proposing to add three
graduate courses for master’s level as an elective.
There was considerable discussion. They explained
why it needs to be a ‘new’ course although it will
probably only be offered once every 2-3 years. It is
not part of the core. Freedman suggested offering it
as a seminar. Perhaps they need to rethink the
description and build in justification. Weiss will ‘roll
back’ the concerns raised by the Senate to the
appropriate person. Zeitz wants to make sure that the
definition of ‘seminar’ is restated: 1] Consider an
experimental course; and 2] Rethink ‘seminar’ idea.
It was decided to table any action on this proposal.
3. Educational Psychology & Foundations:
School Psychology: Kerri Clopton proposed going
from 71 to 68 required credit hours plus one new
course which has not been offered experimentally in
School Psychology. This is a restatement of a major
and two additional courses. They would eliminate the
thesis. Boody also was present.
Educational Studies: Tony Gabriele discussed a new
minor in Educational Studies. It would be
appropriate for undergraduate non-teacher education
majors. There was some discussion on ways to better
state the justification. It was moved by Lund and
seconded by Zwanziger to accept. All ayes. Motion
4. Educational Leadership & Postsecondary Education:
Postsecondary Education: Nick Pace gave an
overview of changes proposed in Postsecondary
Education. (Watson arrived at 4:21) Boody raised a
question concerning whether or not departments
could substitute classes within their own department
instead of classes offered in other departments. There
is a problem with the issue of cohort groups. It was
decided to discuss further at the next meeting.
5. Ed.D.: Weiss stated that there are sufficient issues such that
we need to postpone discussed until the next meeting. It was
decided to invite Mary Herring to participate in this
VI. Dean’s Report
There was no dean’s report.
VII. Dates
Upcoming Senate Meeting Dates: (3rd Monday of each month)
 April 15, 2013
 August 19, 2013
Upcoming UNI Dates
 May 11, 2013
Upcoming COE Events
 April 2, 2013
 April 11, 2013
 April 12, 2013
 April 22, 2013
 April 29, 2013
Teacher Induction Convocation
COE Alumni-in-Residence
COE External Advisory Committee
COE Spring Faculty Meeting
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Sue Bartlett, Secretary
College of Education