The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called... Windee Weiss, Chair, at 3:20 P.M. on Monday, December 6,... College of Education Senate

College of Education Senate
University of Northern Iowa
December 6, 2010
Minutes #386
I. Call to Order
The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called to order by
Windee Weiss, Chair, at 3:20 P.M. on Monday, December 6, 2010 in the
Dean’s Conference Room in Schindler Education Center.
Senators in attendance [in bold]
Windee Weiss, Chair [HPELS]
Robin Lund, Vice Chair [At-large]
Mike Waggoner [ELCPE]
Rod Dieser [At-large]
Suzanne Freedman [EPF]
Chris Kliewer [SPED]
Kim Knesting [At-large]
Elizabeth Zwanziger [TCHG]
Leigh Zeitz [C&I]
Heather Olsen [At-large]
Todd Evans
Jennifer Waldron
Pace, Gilson, Jones
Oksana Grybovych
Katheryn East
Chris Curran
Deb Deemer
Rick Knivsland
Mingshui Cai
Fabio Fontana
Term expires
Ex-Officio Members in attendance
Dwight C. Watson, Dean
II. Approval of Minutes
It was moved by Knesting and seconded by Lund that the minutes of the
November 15, 2010 [#385] meeting be approved as read. There was no
discussion. All ayes. Motion carried.
III. Reports/Announcements
Ross A. Nielsen Professional Service Award: Weiss thanked
everyone for getting nominations in for both the Ross A. Nielsen
Professional Service Award and the Class of 1943 Faculty Award for
Excellence in Teaching. The dean contacted those faculty members
who were nominated for the Ross Nielsen Award: Vickie Robinson,
Rip Marston, Todd Evans, Joe Wilson, and Iradge Ahrabi-Fard.
The COE Faculty Awards Committee will then pick two names to
put forward. Some frustration was expressed with faculty who
declined to be nominated due to the amount of work involved with
the nomination requirements. Discussion took place on whether
the nominator or the nominee should be the person responsible for
compiling the necessary information. The dean asked if the
information could be made available on our Web site with an
“Award Schedule” link so that it could be more anticipatory on the
part of faculty. He will send a prototype to Weiss.
Class of 1943 Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching:
The dean contacted those faculty members who were nominated for
the Class of 1943 Award: Robin Lund and Sue Etscheidt. The COE
Faculty Awards Committee will put the names of those two faculty
Regents Award for Faculty Excellence: It was announced that
the names of Sam Lankford, Windee Weiss, Amy Lockhart and
Shelly Bromwich have been forwarded to the Provost for the
Regents Award.
IV. Old Business
A. Diversity: Weiss stated that Radhi Al-Mabuk, Chair of the COE
Diversity Committee, had forwarded to her what he covered at the
last Senate meeting. No word has yet been received if we can be the
pilot for the ‘Train the Trainer’ next spring. (Zeitz arrived at 3:35)
V. New Business
A. COE Spring Faculty Meeting: Weiss asked the Senate for input
on topics for the upcoming COE Spring Faculty meeting scheduled
for January 30, 2011. The dean suggested discussing the strategic
plan and where we are going with that. Each department is
supposed to be working on their individual goals and we could have
a conversation around alignment. Weiss reminded people about
undergraduate research proposals and the spring research forum.
Dean Watson suggested looking at the new COE magazine,
“Acclaim”, as a means to include faculty based on what they are
doing. This might generate more of an audience. Knesting
suggested an interdisciplinary theme for the forum or would that be
too broad? Zeitz suggested putting the pictures on the Web site
when selected. Weiss will put a rough draft together and send it
out. Lund suggested that heads might be a good resource for
B. Curriculum Review: Weiss reported that we are slated to receive
curriculum proposals by February 1st so she would like everyone to
review the first packets. Knesting thinks we can do two per
meeting. A question was raised on who would be the appropriate
person to evaluate the packets; i.e., a Senator who is a member or
someone who is external to that particular department. It was
decided to have a representative from another department to
 Curriculum & Instruction: Robin Lund and Suzanne
 Educational Leadership, Counseling and Postsecondary
Education: Rod Dieser and Heather Olsen
 Educational Psychology and Foundations: Mike Waggoner
and Windee Weiss
 School of HPELS: Chris Kliewer and Kim Knesting
 Special Education: Leigh Zeitz and Elizabeth Zwanziger
 Doctoral (Intensive Study Area): This will go to the
Graduate Curriculum Committee and then to the COE
Curriculum Committee. Weiss will review.
Knesting questioned if it would be appropriate to do a description
of the different committees. Bartlett will send to everyone. Weiss
expressed concern that Department of Teaching faculty members
should not chair the Curriculum Committee, however, they could be
members. Could the Senate come up with a way so that there is an
overlap with the Curriculum Committee chairs?
Weiss will ask Rob Boody for five sample questions on how to
evaluate proposals. Weiss will contact Karen Breitbach who will tell
us which packets are ready for review.
VI. Dean’s Report
Dean Watson reported on the following:
Requests to Fill for 2011-12. Dean Watson reported that we are
down about 22 positions across the college. We have some monies
that are in various pockets throughout the college that can be
bundled together to fund positions vacant due to phased
retirements, etc. However, he stressed, that none of the pockets are
enough to fund a full line. With early retirements, lines disappear
completely. Dean Watson has asked the department heads to
submit a Request to Recruit which must not be a replacement line
but a position that is going to move us forward. We will then bring
these requests to the table and begin to prioritize. He wants this
decision to be more engaging and transparent. Buzz words that will
help us move forward to generate diverse candidates include:
Diversity, multicultural, social justice, global inclusivity, etc.
New budget person: It was suggested that we invite Brenda
Biersner, the new Budget Coordinator for the Dean’s Office, to an
upcoming meeting.
Winter Event: A Winter Gathering will be hosted by the Dean’s
Office on Thursday, December 16th, from 4:30-6:30 in the Georgian
VII. Upcoming Meeting Dates
December 20, 2010 – HOLIDAY BREAK
February 21, 2011
March 21, 2011
April 18, 2011
VIII. Other Dates to Remember
December 18, 2010
January 10, 2011
January 31, 2011
March 14-18, 2011
May 7, 2011
Fall Commencement
Spring Semester Begins
Spring Faculty Meeting
Spring Break
IX. Adjournment
The next meeting of the COE Senate will be held on Monday, January 24,
2011 at 3:15 P.M. in the Dean’s Conference Room in Schindler Education
Center. It was moved by Zeitz and seconded by Zwanziger that the
meeting be adjourned. All ayes. Motion carried. The meeting was
adjourned at 4:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Sue Bartlett, Secretary
College of Education