Chabot College Fall 2004 Removed Fall 2010

Chabot College
Fall 2004
Removed Fall 2010
Course Outline for Physical Education 28L
Course Description:
28L –Components of Physical Fitness - Laboratory
1 unit
Implementation of the fundamentals of physical fitness and basic strength training principles
as an intern in the Chabot College Fitness and/or Chabot Strength Training Center.
Prerequisite or Co-requisite: Physical Education 28. 3 hours laboratory.
Prerequisite Skills:
Successful completion of PHED 28 or co-registration in PHED 28. Ability to:
1. identify the major health benefits from exercise;
2. name and demonstrate exercise training for health related fitness;
3. demonstrate the components of health related physical fitness;
4. evaluate individual fitness levels through a series of tests;
5. explain the principles of training to improve physical fitness;
6. demonstrate an understanding of the physiological basis for developing cardiorespiratory
7. identify the interrelationship between nutrition, health and fitness;
8. Measure body composition and its impact on life long health and well being.
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to:
1. successfully use the Chabot Fitness and Strength Center
2. identify the basic components of a good fitness training plan.
3. demonstrate basic strength training exercises.
4. demonstrate basic flexibility exercises.
5. use cardiovascular training to introduce students to training in the Chabot Fitness Center.
6. observe and implement proper progressions in training for cardiovascular fitness and
Course Content:
Introduction to the Chabot Fitness and Strength Training Centers.
Orientation of students to the program.
Procedures prior to exercising at Chabot College
Rules of conduct while in the Chabot Fitness or Strength Training Facility.
Hours of operation.
How to properly set-up up the machines for strength training.
How to set up and monitor heart rate while training.
When to increase intensity or duration in the Chabot Fitness and Strength Training
9. Periodization in fitness training.
10. Individual, gender and age considerations in training.
11. Identifying over-training.
Chabot College
Course Outline for Physical Education 28L, Page 2
Fall 2004
Methods of Presentation:
1. One-on-one consultation
2. Group presentations
3. Email and Internet
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Typical Assignments
a. Maintain records for individuals in the Fitness and/or Strength Training Facility
b. Review individual fitness progressions with the instructor.
c. Show students how to properly set up the Cybex Strength Training Machines in
the Chabot Fitness and how to properly et up the Hammer Strength Machines in
Strength Training Facility
d. Show students how to use heart rate monitor and cardiovascular equipment.
e. Intern will keep a journal on their experiences in Chabot Fitness Center and
Strength Training Facility.
f. Review completed orientation paperwork.
2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress
a. Test on the set up and use of equipment in the Chabot Fitness Center and Strength
Training Facility.
b. Observation of work with students in a one on one training situation.
c. Written review of the student’s observations while interning in the Chabot Fitness
Center and Strength Training Facility.
d. Review of interns journal.
e. Final on proper training protocol and progressions and periodization in training.
Fit and Well, Thomas Fahey, Paul Insel and Walton Roth, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,
5th edition, 2002.
Special Student Materials:
KC – [U:\kc’document\course outline\nutr_28L.doc]
New: September 2003