Chabot College/Las Positas College April, 1993 Removed Fall 2006 Course Outline for Electronics Technology 71 INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS Catalog Description: 71 - Industrial Controls - 3 units (May be repeated three times) Application of mechanical, electrical, and electronic control systems used in industry. Includes power sources, digital techniques, processor controllers, and input transducers. Prerequisite: Electronics Technology 70 or equivalent. 2 hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. use test instruments, meters, and the oscilloscope; 2. read simple electrical schematic diagrams; 3. demonstrate orderly work habits and be able to plan and execute the experiments presented in class; 4. understand power control systems; 5. understand motor speed control systems; 6. understand programmable controllers; 7. understand input/output transducers. Course Content: 1. AC circuit fundamentals 2. Power sources 3. DC and AC motors, stepping motors 4. Power control circuitry 5. Analog controllers 6. Boolean logic 7. Digital controls 8. Computer controllers 9. Servo systems, feedback, amplifiers, devices 10. Input/output transducers; position, force, motion, fluid and temperature transducers Methods of Presentation: Lecture/discussions; films; overhead projection slides; charts; planned laboratory experiences; written and/or oral reports; field trips; guest speakers Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: Reports; laboratory experiments and a test on laboratory experimentation; written quizzes; midterm and two-hour final examination Textbook(s) (Typical): Industrial Electronics, Maloney; Prentice Hall Special Student Materials: Electronic pocket calculator djb etron71.out 1/90;4/90;1/93;4/93