Chabot College October 1993 Replaced Fall 2006 Course Outline for Art 17 CERAMIC SCULPTURE Catalog Description: 17 - Ceramic Sculpture May be repeated 1 time 3 units Construction methods in clay through design of three-dimensional and relief sculptures. Includes an introduction to contemporary ceramic art history and fundamentals of firing procedures. 2 hours lecture, 4 hours laboratory. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should: 1 develop craftsmanship and expression through abstract and non-representational works in clay; 2. understand basic ceramic glaze and firing terms and technology; 3. have a command over various surface adornment techniques such as sgraffito, relief carving and englobe decoration; 4. be aware of current achievements of contemporary ceramic artists. Course Content: 1. Exercises in hollow construction of sculpture using various clay assembly techniques as follows: a. portrait bust b. spirit house c. sgraffito plate e. Bas relief 2. Portrait head: a. Clay, human size skull on armature, b. Clay likeness on clay skull. c. Making of multi-piece plaster mold. d. Removal and reassembly of mold from clay model. e. Slip casting. Formula for professional slip given. f. Removal of mold and finishing of cast clay surface. g. Mounting of fired head on base. Coloration of portrait head. 3. An “open” style of expression derived from human form. a. Drawings of idea. b. Armature building for plaster design; steel or wood. c. Plaster form, built-up, on armature. d. Finishing the surface according to the expression intended (texture and color considerations). Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. 4. Lecture/demonstrations Slide and video presentations Library references Individual guidance Chabot College Course Outline for Art 17, Page 2 October 1993 Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Proof of completion of all work assigned throughout the term 2. Developed personal form of expression 3. Notebook of assigned projects Textbook(s) Typical: None Special Student Materials: old clothes plastic bowls pottery kit fettling knife spray bottle paintbrush comb large and small sponges sur-form blades cotton flannel (2 yards) coarse canvas (1 yard) underglazes (Englobe) wire loop sgraffito tool CT:kh Art17.Rev Revised: 10/18/93 kk 7/26/01 c:\documents\word\outlines\art\art17.doc