Content Codes Håkon A. Hjortland 1 Department of Informatics University of Oslo Codes Basics My work UWB meeting 2010-11-23 Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes Basics Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 1 / 17 Content Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes Basics Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 2 / 17 Multiplex techniques Multiplexing is used to allow several users to share the radio medium: CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) 1 TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) Codes Basics My work FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access) Polarization SDMA (Space-Division Multiple Access) - Cellular network, directed antennas MIMO (Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output) ChDMA (Channel Division Multiple Access) - Impulse response is the channel Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes Basics Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 3 / 17 DSSS (Direct-Sequence Spread Spectrum) Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes Basics Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 4 / 17 UWB meeting 2010-11-23 6 / 17 Misc Multiply (XOR) the digital data with a higher-speed digital “noise” signal before carrier wave modulation. Spreads the energy over a wider bandwidth. Receiver must listen for that particular “noise” to receive the data. Longer symbols give more processing gain. Synchronous CDMA: Orthogonal channels. Requires rigid synchronization (usable for base-to-mobile links). Asynchronous CDMA: Different channels will interfere slightly with each other, i.e. channels are not orthogonal. Requires power control. Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 5 / 17 Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes Codes Basics Codes Basics Properties Code examples m-sequence: Good periodic autocorrrelation. Barker: Max ±1 out-of-phase autocorrelation. Single channel only. -1/1 (bipolar codes), -1/0/1 (ternary codes). Orthogonality. Ternary perfect-autocorrelation (seen in 802.15.4a): Out-of-phase periodic autocorrelation is 0. Good for synchronization purposes. Out-of-phase correlation properties (synchronous / asynchronous CDMA). Walsh-Hadamard: Orthogonal. Not good out-of-phase cross/auto-correlation properties. Low cross-correlation. Looking at periodic (cyclic) or aperiodic (partial) auto/cross-correlation. Gold: Good periodic auto/cross-correlation properties. Kasami: Good periodic auto/cross-correlation properties. “Selected random”: Pick and choose properties, use brute force to get codes. Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes My work Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 7 / 17 Content 1 Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes My work Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 8 / 17 “Selected random” codes Codes Basics My work Pick and choose properties, use brute force to get codes. Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes My work Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 9 / 17 Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes My work Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 10 / 17 0 4 10 2 20 0 30 -2 40 -4 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 Figure: Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figure: UWB meeting 2010-11-23 11 / 17 Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 12 / 17 Codes My work Codes My work 0 30 20 10 10 20 0 30 -10 40 -20 -30 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 Figure: Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes My work 30 40 50 Figure: Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 13 / 17 Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes My work Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 14 / 17 600 30 20 500 10 400 0 300 -10 200 -20 100 -30 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 Figure: Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes My work Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 15 / 17 Asynchronous CDMA (not orthogonal) => MAI => must usually have power control. This technique is for when different symbols are not sent at the same time (that will only cause collision, not false positives, though). Example application: RFID. Codes 10 15 20 25 30 Figure: Near-perfect discrimination Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) 5 UWB meeting 2010-11-23 17 / 17 Håkon A. Hjortland (Univ. of Oslo) Codes UWB meeting 2010-11-23 16 / 17