20 Fane Road Oxford OX3 0SA United Kingdom H +44 78 05 19 40 59 B evgenith@gmail.com http://folk.uio.no/evgenit Evgenij Thorstensen Curriculum Vitae (2009) Education 2007–2009 2004–2007 MSc, Computer Science, University of Oslo, Norway. BSc, Computer Science, University of Oslo, Norway. In addition to computer science, I have taken courses on philosophy, psychology and linguistics. Experience Industry 2007–2009 Programmer, Symphonical A/S, Oslo. Part-time (full-time during the summers) back-end programming in Python, as well as some web scripting and UNIX system administration. Teaching 2007–2008 Teaching Assistant, University of Oslo. Introductory logic course. 2006–2007 Teaching Assistant, University of Oslo. Introductory courses on formal logic and Java programming, as well as a course on operating systems and network communication protocols. Programming Languages Web Databases Java, C, LISP, Scheme, Python HTML/CSS, PHP, JavaScript, RDF (limited) SQL (MySQL) Professional interests Solving hard problems, or replacing them with easier ones; building frameworks, sometimes with duct tape; doing research and proving theorems. Languages Norwegian English Russian Fluent Fluent Native speaker Born in Russia, moved to Norway at age ten.