College Council Thursday, July 21st, 2005 2 to 3:30 p.m. – Room 3902 REVISED MINUTES The meeting was called to order by President Carlson at 2:05 p.m. New staff were introduced: Dr. Marcia Corcoran, Dean, Language Arts; Jessica Vernieri, GrantWriter; Roberto Mendes, Financial Aid/Outreach Liaison; and Dale Wagoner, Interim Dean, Health, P.E., and Athletics. 1) Grants – Program Support (Dr. Carlson): A review of the Grants program was made, and discussion on the commitments for the Grant Developer/Writer Funds and time for Spring 2005 and Summer and Fall 2005 were made. $24,865 was spent in 20042005 on grant writing, and $3,000 is now available. Cheryl Dietrich was hired to \write one or two nursing grants that will increase the success rates in nursing and compete with the capacity. The deadline is Julyl 26 t h . Those funds were spent as an investment in those grants, and money was used to hire a consultant. We only $3,000 left for the Grantwriter salary and benefits fund. We have already spent $4,000 in nursing program grant. We are trying to get four TRIO programs. We are trying to write the 2 n d one that is due in October called Talent Search. Jessica and Kathleen Schaefer went to a conference last week for the Talent Search grant. Jessie will write this grant and have Kathleen Schaefer edit it. This is going to be where Jessie will spend the majority of her time. The other thing is that the difficult dialogues programs (Staff Development) hard political issues related to the Middle East. We didn’t get it – it was a letter of inquiry – they got 625 letters, but only 25 could be accepted. Kip Waldo worked hard on it. If the Foundation needs grants written, we will have Jessie work on that. Carolyn felt we need to talk about Title III – they canceled the competition for new people. We will contact them to see if they will hold the competition this year. We would need to pull a group together to do this. The grant writer is set by the grant development committee and IPBC in order to fund the strategic plan and priorities. These are the priorities we already have. Melinda Matsuda stated that the Talent Search grant serves 600 junior high and high school students, and tracks them and identifies low-income, first-generation students who have a 2 to 2.5 GPA, provides support in the schools, and tracks them through to college. These grants tend to be on going. The College is applying for the Department of Labor Grant, a long, well-funded grant. Dr. Carlson said we need to identify where there are some curriculum needs, and where we will use these funds. 2) Community Outreach (Melinda Matsuda): BFAP funds helped to fund Roberto Mendez’s position. This came with the increase in fees; there would be more funding available to people on financial aid. This will handle the Cash for College events. Student Services/Financial Aid/Outreach Liaison – Roberto Mendez - will carry the financial aid message wherever he goes, but will work with Outreach within the 25555 Hesperian Boulevard. Hayward CA 94545 Office of the President (510) 723-6640 or 6641 community. We will need to establish priorities. .The focus will be high schools, only a small portion of the students who come here. Prior, he was director of Talent Search and Upward Bound. Roberto is located in Room 216. He is here to work with everyone and he has met most staff to find out what everyone is doing. He will better be able to target where we need to work campus wide. He is trying to connect in the community so they know what everyone is doing at Chabot. He met Scott Raty at Hayward Chamber of Commerce, and he is making community connections. He is trying to fill in the gap with the community what they don’t know. 3) Chabot Alumni Association (Rich Talmo): The Chabot Foundation has developed a business plan which includes outreach. We think about alumni within that outreach effort. We thought out Homecoming with that attempt to bring back alumni to campus. The thought was traditionally was homecomings are organized by the campus to welcome alumni back. We just assembled a Homecoming Committee, and the BBQ Homecoming is Saturday, September 17 t h . We want to grow the committee and we want to bring back alumni back to campus. The two chair persons are Chad Mark Glen and Karen Silva. As a result of Rich’s leadership on the Foundation, we are initiating an alumni association. At 11 a.m., we are hosting a BBQ on the Ladies Softball Field, to the left of the football field. We will have a jazz band there, and at half-time a show with cheerleaders, and we will have a half-half cash raffle. Susan May is helping with Marketing, and there will be a kick-off BBQ to promote the new alumni association. We have a membership with Classmates.Com, and we will televise and broadcast the game and event life on KCRH and TV Station. We want to have an Open House Fair where we highlight our program. I want you to go to your faculty and see how they can promote their academic programs and other programs, and contact Karen with your submissions and we will work with the Chabot counselors to make sure that high school students get into the homecoming game at half price if they show their high school ID card. The faire part will be behind the press box area on the grass area. The thought is to make sure that every division is represented on the committee. We will contact administrators to ensure we are well represented, and we want to invite participation. We want to display our academic ideas to encourage high school students to attend and learn more about Chabot, and to create good public relations. The Bookstore will have a table to promote Chabot spirit, and to sell alumni clothing that the Alumni Association is forming. We want to recruit alumni board members. The goal is to gather a core of students, and we will announce our new Alumni Association President at the next meeting. President Carlson stated that we are trying to gain momentum and contact with our alumni, and we want to have feedback that we need help from the divisions to help create a database of alumni, have the divisions provide contact information or lists of contact information to help us – they need to forward this list to the Foundation. It is not a fundraiser, but an opportunity to create contact with alumni and to build a community and communication with them. We hope to help us build a sense of community spirit around the institution (i.e., theater, athletics, nursing). It’s subliminal marketing that we want to use. We want to build the Moscow Ballet event and a spring event through this. President Carlson wants help from the divisions and deans and faculty and staff to talk it up to communicate this to students. Lot of people don’t attend athletic events, and we want to encourage them to attend. Presence is important, and we encourage faculty and staff to come to this. 4) Convocation Week Plan: Sally Jahnke reported that the committee has been meeting and planning Convocation Week since Spring. A draft schedule was distributed that featured workshops and other events. The focus is on student learning outcomes, strategic planning, and program review. Student Learning Outcomes is built through the theme of the Convocation Week schedule. You need to pay attention to who is discussing the vision of the institution, the background and general thoughts, and what student learning outcomes mean to the institution. The actual movement and discusion and looking at student outcomes will take place Thursday, August 18 t h in preparation for discussion on Division Day (Friday, August 19 t h ). Dr. Norena Norton Badway will lead a discussion on “Learning to Learn About Student Learning” on Thursday, August 18 t h . When we write the Accreditation report in two years, we need to include progress and outcome on the student learning outcomes. We need to look at how we got our assessment process in place, and we need to think of how we are going to measure it, as part of our next Accreditation process. We will have to review every course outline in a three-year period, depending on what happens with the State. We need to look at templates on how we speak to them with course outlines. We need to look at assessment. It will be a push to get there, and is a must do. IPBC met and appointed a subcommittee (a SLOAC committee). Rachel LePell is leading that and there may be a few folks on there that don’t represent a division, but there should be one faculty member from each division on each committee so we get the work done. 5) Other Business. a) Bookstore Managers– Kathleen Kaser is sending out book lists to all publishers to let us know if there are lower cost alternatives on the booklist – some have Ebooks available and some have other versions as an alternative. We are trying to round out the Bay 10 of bookstore managers in the first part of August to put together a consortium of bookstores that have common adoptions where we can negotiate lower prices on textbooks. It will require English 1A to narrow down to five selections, which will be a huge task. We will maximize cost efficiency and we will have to narrow down selections. We will have to negotiate a price that if you want to sell to the Bay 10, you have to lower your price. We will have to ensure that there is a benefit to our students, and we have to ensure that this message gets communicated and understood to publishers. If we buy in bulk for all ten colleges in certain areas, we can reduce the prices of textbooks in many areas. If we can convince our publishers to lower prices of textbooks by 10 or 20%, we can get the publishers to be responsive to our needs. It will benefit our students. b) Melinda Matsuda– President Carlson reported that last year when the Bookstore was paid off, the students voted as a consensus to leave the 3% on the books and use it for scholarships (books and required supplies). We will accept that recommendation and say that is what we want to do. President Carlson said the recommendation has been accepted, and we will have Anthony Gutierrez develop a process. We need to isolate those funds and distribute those funds. It will be discussed at the next College Council meeting. c) d) 6) Chad Mark Glen reported that at the last WinterFest 2004 (January 2004) we had 1,700 people attend, with over 50 acts, and one main act who flew in from Germany. This weekend, we are going to have the Amplified Summer Fest, but have a different financial backer. We are hoping for 3,000 people. We didn’t have enough lead time to market this event, but we have 500 tickets sold to date. This contract requires we get money upfront to benefit the radio station (KCRH). The radio spots said we open at 3 p.m. It’s an 18 and over event. Mac Wright has hand-selected the security and police officers who will be staffing this event. It’s in the Cesar Chavez Mini Court Yard, the cafeteria, and the back half of the gym. There will be 50 acts that will rotate throughout the event. The staff this year will do all they can to ensure that there will not be people dealing drugs and ensure that they escort those who are doing that. We will try to make it a safe and fun event. Downtown B Street Fair will be held tonight at 5:30 p.m. Meeting Adjournment. kls 7/22/05