Inter-Club Council Special Meeting Agenda Thursday, September 27, 2012 12:05 PM

Inter-Club Council Special Meeting Agenda
Thursday, September 27, 2012
12:05 PM
Building 500, Room 505
Organizational Items
Call to Order
Roll Call
Recognition of Quorum
The following are approved clubs in good standing. Quorum is recognized as at least 50% +1 of the
ICC representatives being present.
American Martial Arts Club (Present)
Chabot Science and Engineering Club (Absent)
For The Cross (FX)(Present)
International Club (Present)
Striving Black Brothers Coalition (Absent)
Students for Social Justice (Present)
School of the Arts Art Club (SoTA Art Club) (Present)
M.E.Ch.A (Absent)
Hip Hop Spot (Absent)
Vietnamese Student Association (Present)
French Club (Present)
Puente Club (Present)
Fellowship Christian Athletes (Absent)
Able-Disabled Club (Present)
Political Science Club (Present)
Anthropology Club (Present)
Chabot Biology Club (Present)
All clubs on campus are invited to attend the ICC meetings and to participate in discussions and
Adoption of the Agenda
Motion to adopt the Agenda
Moved by: SoTA
Seconded by: Able-Disabled
Motion: passes.
Approval of the Minutes
Approval of Sept 11, ICC Meeting
Public Comments
The Council requests that the public speak at this time. Any person wishing to address the Council on
any matter of concern not stated on the agenda is requested to complete a “Request to Address the
Council” card and file it with the ICC Secretary prior to the start of the meeting. The law does not
permit any action to be taken, nor extended discussion of any items not on the agenda, except under
special circumstances as deemed by the presiding officer. The Council may briefly respond to
statements made or questions posed, however, for further information, please contact the ICC Chair
for the item of discussion to be placed on a future agenda.
Special Orders
No items.
Consent Agenda
No items.
Oral Reports
7.1 ICC Chair
No items.
7.2 ASCC Advisor/OSL Administration
No items.
Unfinished Business
New Business
9.1 Decision on Start up & Matching Funds
ICC Chair, Skye Ontiveros
Discussion on the topic of whether to provide start up funds to new clubs only. It is difficult to define
“new.” The ICC has $7,000 in its budget remaining for the year; that money needs to be allocated
carefully. Clubs are “new” every year if there are new members.
Motion to allocate $150 per academic year to all clubs, whether returning or new.
$400 cap on Matching Funds
Moved by: Bio Club Seconded by:SoTA
Motion: Passes.
Democratic Party Volunteers
Noel, Intern at Democratic Party
KCRH Radio Halloween Party
KCRH Radio
Day of the Dead Request of Funds
Pauline Cabello, SoTA
Did not attend.
Did not attend
Item delayed until next meeting.
Written Reports
10.1 Club Reports
No items.
10.2 Committees
No items.
Good of the Order: Items for the next meeting’s agenda
Adjournment: 12:59pm.
Next ICC Meeting:
The 1st, 3rd Thursday of the month from 12-1:00 PM, Chabot College, Building 500, Room 505.
Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative
format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person
with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public
meeting to the Office of Student Life, Room 2355, 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94545,
between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM at least 48 hours before the meeting