1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Inter-Club Council General Meeting Agenda Thursday February 7th 2013 12 PM Building 500, Room 554 Organizational Items Call to Order (12:08) Roll Call Recognition of Quorum The following are approved clubs in good standing. Quorum is recognized as at least 50% +1 of the ICC representatives being present. Architecture Club Present Active Dreamers Present Alpha Gamma Sigma Present American Martial Arts Club Present Black Student Union Present Chemistry Club Present FX Present Chabot Science and Engineering Club Present International Club Present GSA Present Striving Black Brothers Coalition Present Students for Social Justice Present School of the Arts Art Club (SoTA Art Club) Present KCRH Present Law & Justice Present M.E.Ch.A Absent Hip Hop Spot Present Vietnamese Student Association Present Able-Disabled Club Present Anthropology Club Present Chabot Biology Club Absent French Club Absent Puente Club Absent Political Science Absent CARP Present Audio Templars Present DECA Present Sitori Present Studio 1328 Present Cheerleading Absent All clubs on campus are invited to attend the ICC meetings and to participate in discussions and events. 2.0 Adoption of the Agenda Moved By: FX Seconded by: VSA 3.0 Approval of the Minutes 3.1ICC General Meeting Dec 6th, 2012 Moved by: FX Seconded by: GSA 4.0 Public Comments - SSJ, Chavez Speech, Tues 12pm - Audio Templars, 2nd Mondays at the Bistro -CARP, Ballroom Dancing, Fri 7-9pm in 2305 -GSA, Fundraiser in Front of Cafeteria next Monday & Tues 5.0 Special Orders No items. 6.0 Consent Agenda No items. 7.0 Oral Reports 7.1 ICC Chair 7.2 ASCC Advisor/OSL Administration 8.0 Unfinished Business None 9.0 New Business 9.1 Funds Request ` By GSA –Suggested that GSA not donate to the Red Cross Tabled by Unanimous decision 9.2 March in March By Skye -March 4th, trip to the capital, limited seating, still organizing -Important to get student voices in policy making decisions about education Discussion piece 9.3 Neighborhood Promise (working with high schools) By Skye (Tabled by Unanimous decision) 10.0 Written Reports 10.1 Club Reports No items. 10.2 Committees No items. 11.0 Good of the Order: Items for the next meeting’s agenda 12.1Adjournment Meeting Adjournment at 1:28 Moved by: GSA Seconded by: Able-Disabled Next regular ICC Meeting: February 21, 2013 Any person with a disability may request this agenda be made available in an appropriate alternative format. A request for a disability-related modification or accommodation may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting to the Office of Student Life, Room 2355, 25555 Hesperian Boulevard, Hayward, CA 94545, between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM at least 48 hours before the meeting.