Career Opportunities and Strategies in the Pharmaceutical Industry 2 Apr 2011

Career Opportunities and Strategies in the Pharmaceutical
2 Apr 2011
The Swiss German University Student Chapter of ISPE arranged a very successful seminar
“Peluang dan Strategi Berkarir di Industri Farmasi” in Bandung, Indonesia, on 2 April in
cooperation with BEM Kemafar UNPAD and HMF ITB. This seminar was sponsored by ISPE
Indonesia Affiliate and created for Pharmacy students from UNPAD and ITB.
Over 45 students from each university attended the seminar, well above target numbers.
After registration, the seminar was convened with an opening speech from moderator
Mutiara Amaliani, a member of the SGU Student Chapter of ISPE, then continued with an
Introduction to ISPE and the Student Chapter by Paulus Gunawan from the Executive Board
of ISPE Indonesia and Anisa R. Ramadhan, President of SGU Student Chapter of ISPE.
The final session featured Krestijanto Pandji from the Executive Board of Indonesia Affiliate
as the speaker. The enthusiastic students had many questions for each speaker during the
Question & Answer Session, and agreed that the program was very valuable.
Students during the Seminar Session