Density-functional studies on spin, charge, and orbital ordering R. Vidya, P. Ravindran, A. Kjekshus, and H. Fjellvåg Center for Materials Science and Nanotechnology, Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O.Box 1033 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: Abstract: Spin, charge, and orbital orderings are influenced by electron/hole doping, cation radii, oxygen stoichiometry, temperature, magnetic field etc. In order to understand the effect of oxygen content and cation radii, we have studied spin, charge, and orbital ordering in RBaMn2O5+δ (R = Y, La; 0, 0.5) by density functional theory as implemented in the full potential linearizedaugmented plane-wave method. For δ = 0 the ground state is found to be ferrimagnetic whereas the variants with oxygen content δ = 1/2 give rise to an antiferromagnetic ground state, all in perfect agreement with experimental findings. The charge and orbital ordering are analyzed with the help of the energy-projected-density matrices of the d electrons. Very different ordering patterns have emerged for the different phases indicating that both cation radii and oxygen stoichiometry play an important role in deciding spin-, charge-, and orbital-ordering. 1. Introduction Transition-metal (TM) oxides have been intensively studied in order to elucidate relationships between structure, bonding, electronic, and magnetic properties motivated both by intrinsic interest in the subject and also due to the extraordinary technological potential of these materials. Perovskite-type oxides (with general formula ABO3; A = rare/alkaline-earth, B = TM) are the most exotic, and exhibit a wide spectrum of physical properties such as superconductivity, magnetoresistance (MR), various spin ordering (SO) features, ferroelectricity, thermoelectricity etc. MR is the relative change in the electrical resistance of a material produced by the application of a magnetic field. MR = [Δρ/ρ(0)] = |ρ (H) ─ ρ (0) |/ ρ (0) where ρ (H) and ρ (0) are the resistance at a given temperature in the presence and absence of a magnetic field (H), respectively. MR based sensors, read heads, and memories are already commercially available in the market. Large MR [known as colossal magnetoresistance (CMR)] has attracted wide attention, in particular for perovskite oxides. The CMR materials reveal some remarkable features such as charge ordering (CO), orbital ordering (OO), in addition to opening up new avenues for research [1]. The structure of perovskite oxides is highly compact and sensitive to the size of the cationic constituents. Consequently, efforts to go beyond the tolerance limits for the geometrical requirements challenge the structural stability and cause structural distortions. Details of the structural arrangement and interplay of various contributions (like the oxygen environment, cation substitution) may have a considerable impact. This results in the preference of certain constituents for certain sites and formation of an ordered state which in general leads to the lowering of the structural symmetry. One of the most-prominent structural distortions occurring in perovskitelike oxides is the co-operative Jahn-Teller distortion (JTD) [2]. In a TM oxide, where each orbital of the TM constituent has different anisotropy, the displacements of the surrounding O atoms are intimately coupled to the configuration of the d orbitals. For example, when the two apical O atoms in an octahedron move toward the central atom, the degeneracy of the eg orbitals is lifted. 1.1. Charge ordering Charge ordering is a phenomenon observed in solids wherein certain electrons de-facto become localized as a result of ordering of cations with different charges on specific lattice sites [3], thus often rendering the material insulating. The basic requirement for CO to take place is the presence of an element (usually a TM constituent) in different valence states. The incomplete d shells of TMs in oxides do not represent universally stable configurations, and the cations tend to exist in various valence states depending on the actual constituents and external factors like temperature, pressure etc. The combination of all such effects determines the degree of the localization of the valence electrons. The valence of any element is determined by the involvement of the valence electrons in bonding and magnetism. In addition, crystal-field effects play an important role in determining the splitting of the d levels, and consequently in the choice between different valence states for the TM constituents. (In an effort to determine valence states of TM constituents, we make use of theoretically-calculated magnetic moments as well as site- and orbitalprojected density of states (DOS) in our studies.) One of the parameters used to describe CO is the transfer integral t between TM-d and O-p states. When the t value is high, electrons are imagined to be able to hop from one TM atom to another via an appropriately arranged intervening O atom, giving rise to metal-like couplings between electrons known as double-exchange interaction. However, when t is small, the electrons get localized on the TM sites and this ultimately results in CO. Thus the oxygen content and population of the oxygen orbitals relative to the Mn-d orbitals govern the metal-insulator transitions and play an important role in the SO, CO, and OO mechanisms. 1.2. Orbital Ordering Orbital ordering among the TM oxides is concerned with the preferential occupation of electrons in specific d orbitals. The OO gives rise to the anisotropy of the electron-transfer interaction. This favors or disfavors the double-exchange interaction and the superexchange [ferromagnetic (F) or antiferromagnetic (AF)] interaction. Together with the charge and spin degrees of freedom, OO determines all the rich variety of the properties of transition-metal oxides. 1.3. Charge and orbital ordering in RBaMn2O5+δ: Many interesting features like CMR, metalinsulator transitions, and SO, CO, and OO are associated with each other in double perovskite variants with the general formula RAMn2O6 (R = rare-earth, A = alkaline-earth element). In proper cation-ordered double perovskites, alternate stacking of layers of R and A is formed along the c axis. An interesting aspect of these phases with R = Y and La is, their ability to form stable oxygendeficient variants; the oxygen vacancies are normally formed in the R layers of such structures. In systems with R = Y, La and A = Ba, the mismatch between the RO and BaO layers is smallest for the combination La/Ba and largest for Y/Ba. Hence systems comprising Y and La constituents should be good candidates to analyze the effect of cation radius on CO and OO phenomena. In the present phases with δ = 0, the equal amounts of Y/La and Ba lead to equal amounts of Mn atoms in the formal ionic valence states 2+ and 3+, thus maximizing the Coulomb stabilization energy of the CO state. YBaMn2O5 and LaBaMn2O5 crystallize in tetragonal structures (space group P4/nmm) [4,5]. Oxygen-vacant Y/La and oxygen-full Ba layers are formed alternatively along the c axis. Two crystallographically different Mn atoms (Mn1 and Mn2) are situated in squarepyramidal co-ordination with their oxygen neighbors. The extra oxygen atoms in the δ = 0.5 cases partially occupy the earlier oxygenempty Y/La layers. Therefore half of the square-pyramids gain an extra oxygen atom and change their co-ordination polyhedra to octahedra and the crystal structures become orthorhombic. 2. Computational Details In the present calculations we have made use of the density-functional-theory (DFT) approach implemented in the full-potential linearized-augmented plane-wave (WIEN2k) method [6] in a fully-relativistic version (including spin-orbit coupling). The Brillouin zone (BZ) integration was done with a modified tetrahedron method [7] using approximately 200 k points in the irreducible wedge of BZ, depending on the crystal structure. Exchange and correlation effects are treated under the generalized-gradientapproximation (GGA) [8]. In order to account for the strong correlation effects, we have also performed GGA+U calculations for all phases. More details are provided elsewhere [9,10]. identify occupation of a particular orbital in a certain energy range, as well as obtain the correct orientation of the orbitals. The OO and CO patterns obtained using this more appropriate procedure are shown in Fig. 1. 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. RBaMn2O5 We have performed complete structural optimization for these phases in various magnetic configurations and found that the AF configuration has the lowest total-energy. The calculated magnetic moments on Mn1 and Mn2 atoms in YBaMn2O5 are 2.94 and 3.79 μB, respectively (2.99 and 3.88 μB for those in LaBaMn2O5). These two phases have approximately 1 μB total moments in the AF configuration, and accordingly take a ferrimagnetic ground state. The calculated moments and ferrimagnetic ground state are in perfect agreement with experimental findings [4,5]. The RBaMn2O5 phases are semiconducting with an energy gap (Eg) of 0.88 and 0.86 eV for R = Y and La, respectively. The total DOS obtained from GGA+U calculations with U = 4.0eV and J = 0.95eV shows that Eg for YBaMn2O5 changes to 1.49eV and that for LaBaMn2O5 changes to 0.32 eV. The topology of DOS curves for Mn1 and Mn2 are different in these phases. Together with different magnetic moments, they clearly imply a mixed-valence situation for Mn atoms. In the present study we make use of the energy-projected occupation-density matrix of d electrons to evaluate the CO and OO. Using this approach we are able to Fig. 1. Orbital ordering pattern obtained from the occupation-density matrices of d states close to the Fermi level in (a) YBaMn2O5 and (b) LaBaMn2O5. Charge ordering pattern obtained from the occupation-density matrices for majority-spin d orbitals in the entire valence band in (c) YBaMn2O5 and (d) LaBaMn2O5. From Figs. 1a. and 1b we find no significant difference between the OO patterns of YBaMn2O5 and LaBaMn2O5. The dz2 orbital on Mn1 and dz2 and dx2─y2 orbitals on Mn2 occur close to the Fermi level (EF). Therefore, these orbitals order in both RBaMn2O5 phases according to a pattern known as F-orbital order. As the degree of filling of the dx2─y2 orbital on Mn2 in LaBaMn2O5 is slightly larger than that in YBaMn2O5, the radial distribution of this orbital is depicted as considerably larger in Fig.1b). The atomic arrangements of the RBaMn2O5 phases have Mn-Ob-Mn (Ob = basal oxygen) bond angles deviating from 180o in the square-pyramid base plane which hinder the transfer of electrons and tend to localize more electrons on the Mn2 site than on the Mn1 site, thereby leading to a CO state. As each Mn atom is surrounded by five alio-valent Mn atoms as nearest neighbors, a checker board-type CO is established (see Fig.1c,d). 3.2. RBaMn2O5.5 When the oxygen atoms half-fill the R layer in the δ = 1/2 phases, half of the square pyramids have become octahedra. Owing to the oxygen vacancies still present in the R layers, strain in the RMnO2.5 layer induces short Mn2-Oa (apical) distances along the c direction. At the same time, stretching of the BaMnO3 layer produces long Mn1-Oa distances. Consequently JTD of the Mn2 octahedra extends along [010] and this perturbation plays [11] an important role in the ordering phenomena of YBaMn2O5.5 and LaBaMn2O5.5. An explicit magnetic structure for YBaMn2O5.5 is hitherto not reported, but LaBaMn2O5.5 is reported [11] to take a magnetic structure with ferromagnetic spin ladders (SL) along the b axis that are AF coupled along the a and c axes. In order to establish the correct magnetic structure for YBaMn2O5.5 and confirm the experimentallydeduced magnetic structure of LaBaMn2O5.5, we have performed complete structural optimization for these phases in various magnetic configurations. Both YBaMn2O5.5 and LaBaMn2O5.5 take up the b-SL-type arrangement as the ground-state magnetic configuration. As our calculation correctly reproduces the experimental ground state for LaBaMn2O5.5, we believe that YBaMn2O5.5 should also take up the b-SL-type magnetic configuration; however this needs further experimental verifications. The magnetic moments on Mn atoms with squarepyramidal (Mn1) and octahedral (Mn2) configurations in YBaMn2O5.5 are 3.24 and 3.36 μB and those in LaBaMn2O5.5 have 3.15 and 3.25 μB. In the ground-state b-SL-type AF configuration, both the R = Y and La phases have semiconducting behavior with an Eg of 0.58 eV for YBaMn2O5.5 and 0.54 eV for LaBaMn2O5.5. The Eg of YBaMn2O5.5 and LaBaMn2O5.5 increase to 1.25 and 0.95 eV, respectively, on introduction of Coulomb correlation effects (GGA+U). The DOS features of Mn atoms in these phases show some topological differences, however they are not significantly distinct as found in the RBaMn2O5 phases. Fig.2. Orbital ordering pattern obtained from the occupation-density matrices of d states close to the Fermi level in (a) YBaMn2O5.5 and (b) LaBaMn2O5.5. Charge ordering pattern obtained from the occupation-density matrices for majority-spin d orbitals in the entire valence band in (c) YBaMn2O5.5 and (d) LaBaMn2O5.5. The dxy, dyz, and some dxz states have significant presence close to the EF. Thus these orbitals determine the OO on Mn1 in YBaMn2O5.5. On the other hand, mainly dz2 together with a few dx2─y2 states are predominantly present close to the EF on Mn2 and accordingly these orbitals determine OO at this site. However, due to the JTD, the dz2 (d3y2─r2) orbital is rotated and lies along the b axis. The corresponding OO patterns in the YBaMn2O5.5 phase are displayed in Fig. 2a. The dz2 orbital orders on Mn1 in LaBaMn2O5.5 along the c axis. The states close to EF on Mn2 have predominantly dz2 character together with a certain weft of dx2─y2 character. Similar to the case in YBaMn2O5.5, the dz2 orbital is rotated and lies along the b-axis (Fig. 2b) due to the JTD effect. It may be noted that even though the overall electronic-structure features are almost similar for YBaMn2O5.5 and LaBaMn2O5.5, the difference in OO patterns leads to a different degree of distortion of the co-ordination polyhedra in the R = Y and La phases. In spite of the fact that the OO patterns exhibit noticeable differences in the YBaMn2O5.5 and LaBaMn2O5.5 phases, the degree of filling of the valence band is same for both phases. This can be inferred from the almost similar CO patterns as displayed by the filling of majority-spin channel in Fig. 2c, and 2d. 4. Conclusions In order to evaluate the combined effect of oxygen content and size of the R constituents on spin, charge, and orbital orderings, we have carried out accurate electronic band structure calculations on RBaMn2O5+δ (R = Y, La; δ = 0, 1/2). While ferrimagnetic ground states have been correctly established for the RBaMn2O5 phases, an experimentally inferred spin-ladder arrangement along the b direction for LaBaMn2O5.5 has been correctly reproduced by our calculations. Similarly, the magnetic structure for YBaMn2O5.5 is predicted to be the same as that of LaBaMn2O5.5. The electronic structure of these phases is found to be semiconducting, however with a decreased band gap for the δ = 1/2 phases. The overall magnetic and electronic properties change as a function of the oxygen content. The influence of the oxygen content on the Mn-O framework together with valence changes appear to be the origin for this relationship, notably through facilitation or obstruction of charge transfer and/or exchange interactions. We have also established that the size of R constituent plays a role in determining the shape and the related distortions of the coordination polyhedra such as elongation or shortening of particular Mn-O bond(s) which in turn influences the occupancy or vacancy of a particular d orbital(s). Therefore, intricate details of charge and orbital ordering (such as occupation/localization of a particular orbital in a particular energy range and the associated features) are found to vary with the size of the R constituent. Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to the Research Council of Norway for financial support and computer time in Norwegian supercomputer facilities. References 1. C.N.R. Rao and A.K. Cheetham, Science 272, 369 (1996). 2. H.A. Jahn and E. 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