B.A. in Nonprofit Administration

B.A. in Nonprofit Administration
Why Nonprofit Administration?
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c o m mu n i t y
h e a l t h a n d
d i r e c t o r
Yo u t h C h a l l e n g e
H a b i t a t
youthser vices
a d v o c a c y
v o l u n t e e r
C l e v e l a n d
F o o d B a n k
p r o g r a m
c o m mu n i t y
m a n a g e r
»» Students learn how to solve complex issues that affect
nonprofit organizations, effectively engage and manage
volunteers and professionals, and discover how public policy
decisions affect daily life.
»» Course topics include proposal writing, negotiation and conflict
management, and fundamentals of nonprofit administration.
»» Accelerated 5-year (BA + Master of Nonprofit Administration
and Leadership) program available.
What can I do with this degree?
Our graduates work in nonprofit organizations, children and family service agencies,
and other organizations with charitable and human services missions. In addition to
professional careers, this degree prepares students for law school and graduate study.
Nonprofit Administration Major Requirements
Urban Affairs College Requirements
UST 200 Introduction to Urban Studies
UST 404 Urban Data Analysis
UST 405 Methods of Research & Evaluation
UST 490 Urban Internship
Major Field Requirements
Core Courses
UST 300 Economics of Policy Analysis
UST 302 Contemporary Urban Issues
UST 410 Proposal Writing
UST 433 Negotiation & Conflict Management
UST 451 Fundraising & External Relations for Nonprofit Organizations
UST 452 Management of Urban and Nonprofit Organizations (Capstone)
UST 456 Fundamentals of Nonprofit Administration & Leadership
UST 458 Urban Policy Analysis
Nonprofit Electives
Choose three (3) of the following courses:
UST 380 Urban Family Development
UST 419 Neighborhood Planning
UST 424 Distressed People, Distressed Places
UST 435 Environmental Policy
UST 453 Managing Urban Diversity
UST 455 Gender and Leadership
UST 493 Special Topics
UST 473 Columbus Seminar
UST 474 Washington Seminar
UST 494 Levin Chair Seminar
MGT 321 Organizational Behavior
MKT 301 Fundamentals of Marketing
SWK 300 Social Welfare Policy
SWK 303 Human Behavior & Soc. Environ. II
Why Levin?
Nationally ranked programs
The only Urban Affairs college in Ohio
Online and evening classes offered
AAPLE Program allows students to earn
academic credit for related professional
»» Scholarships available
»» Experienced faculty and practitioners
research, publish, and work in the field
»» Internships provide practical experience
»» Seminars in Columbus, Ohio and
Washington, D.C.
Visit csuohio.edu/urban/undergraduate