Chabot Facilities Committee Minutes of August 10, 2004, noon

Chabot Facilities Committee
Minutes of August 10, 2004, noon
In attendance: Robert Carlson, Stan Dobbs, Gene Groppetti, Ashley Long, Marge
Maloney, Jeannine Methe, Roger Noyes, Bill O’Mahoney, Tim Steele, Debbie Budd,
Bob Curry, Sally Jahnke, Judith Rodden, MacGreagor Wright, Melinda Matsuda, Mary
Pastore, Steve Piatetsky, Michael Absher, Ron Taylor, Nolly Ruiz, Diane Zuliani, Darrell
Dolin, Gordon Watt, R. Mangum.
Meeting began at 12:10pm
Ms. Rodden says the Quick Start (QS) Process manual is almost finished.
R. Mangum explained the “macro vision”. His firm tBP will focus on the geographical
layout of the campus, safety, as regards the Facility master Plan.
Dr. Carlson stressed that the Ed. Master Plan is not focusing on curriculum.
Seven people went to the Stanford Univ. meeting and were impressed with what they
saw. Mr. O’Mahoney provided a summary of that visit to the high tech classrooms. He
also stated that he was recommending several conference rooms be outfitted with new
furniture for a try-out period.
Ms. Zuliani of the Classroom design Committee that the committee advocated “smart”
classrooms throughout campus, but of various sizes, and that they should be user friendly
and have technical compatibility between them.
Tim Steele mentioned many “concept” areas to consider, like the grand court, the
“inward” configuration of the campus to more of an “outward” configuration, and the
idea of re-cycling and how that concept would be encouraged in building
designs/renovations. He provided handouts.
Ms. Methe shared comments about some issues involved with the QS requisition process.
All Sub-committees will summarize their conclusions in a written document.
Mr. Long again urged the necessity of having the minutes posted on the website.
The meeting ended at 1:10pm the next meeting will be on Aug. 26, 2004.
Rcn. 8/17/04