November 10, 2011 12 Noon, Room 1506 Participants: Reference Sign-in Sheet – Lost during meeting Meeting Started: 12:06; Ended 1:59 1. Meeting Minutes from October 13, 2011 distributed 2. Special Reports A. Facility Master Plan Process – Steinberg Architects Doug introduced presenters and reviewed the District-wide selection process and emphasized the Facility Master Plan Update (FMPU) goal of meeting with all stake holder groups prior to the end of this term to solicit input for the FMPU. AV presentation followed this agenda: Purpose (requirement to update 5-year Capital Plan), Background (Dynamic document of overall development needed to support College’s Missions), Process (engage each college’s senates, facilities committees, Chancellor and Board), Brainstorming (attending group gave suggestions and dialog concerning facility needs for: Student Life, Faculty/Staff Experience, Circulation/Traffic, Campus Environment, and Community Engagement. Next Steps (continuing input through Facilities Committee and solicitation of comments from shared governance groups, committees, and programs. Chabot College B. B-100 Update Marcia provided a handout identifying meetings with user groups and outlining B-100 improvements that can be expedited within the allocated budget that will bring improvement to the learning environments projected for the 1st floor and Library. Discussions concerning needs, cost/ functionality, and timeline followed. It is a wish to possibly have improvements in place as early as Fall 2012, especially if improvements are restricted to non-DSA approval. C. Campus Safety Relocation Doug informed the committee that there is a feasibility study to move Security into the rooms that are located on the ground floor of 700-South. Comments included care to keep current occupants informed; VP Irvin is guiding the feasibility study. Study also includes a possible relocation of VP Student Services to an alternate location within B-700. D. Measure B Budget Status Committee discussed individual project allocations, user needs, project balances, and moving ending balances to support college-wide needs. Doug provided a project budget balance detail and discussed details. 3. Project Status Update…per the handout 4. Rumor Control…non-identified (ran out of time) 5. Other Matters Initiated…(ran out of time) Chabot College