February 28, 2013 12 Noon, Room 1506


February 28, 2013

12 Noon, Room 1506

Meeting Started at 12:05, Ended at 12:55 with tours extending beyond

1. Meeting Minutes from January 24, 2013 distributed

2. Special Reports

Proposed $18.9million Measure B Budget re-prioritization

Doug provided a detailed handout showing entire status of Measure B funding and detailed where reprioritization funding was available. Details included not using possible match funds needed when State gives final approval for their projects (B-1600) and not using funds from projects that have already started into design and construction phases. There was some Q&A to recall history of building 2100 efforts and confirmation that B-100 was on target and funded.

Mark asked when and Doug indica ted that “hopefully” will start in the summer. Committee is open to all campus-wide discussions including input coming in the program review process.

Tour of B2100, Biology

Rebecca Otto and the Biology Department were well prepared with handout, students, smells, and more to present their facility needs to the committee. Testimonials and Q&A included a look at possible short and long term solutions. There were conflicting opinions as to some of the historical reasons why/how 2100 was not included in the original Measure B priority list and how the 2100 facility has not kept pace with changes in the teaching/learning of the biological sciences.

3. Project Status Update

Bid Results for B3400 and B1700

Doug provided brief report on BID opening and Board approval. The low bid for B3400 came in over the budget. $350,000 will be moved into the construction budget from unused campus

Chabot College

Facilities and Sustainability Committee Minutes

Page 2 contingency funds. The Board has approved this action. The low bid for B1700 came in over the estimate but is within the budget because phase 2 (B1800) bids came in below the estimate.

No movement of funds is required. The recommendation to award will go to the March Board meeting.

4. Sustainability Issues

Not addressed, no meeting time for items 4 through 6

5. Rumor Control

6. Other Matters Initiated .

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