~ 1 Bloomsburg Department of Exceptionality Programs llN 1VE RSITY MINUTES Departmental M eeti ng January 30, 2012 2:00 pm Na vy Ha ll 107 Present: J. Ac kerman, J. Bent ley -Sassaman, N. Edwards, M . Karpinsk i, T. Knoster, C. l ee, A. Pang, D. Perner, D. Stryker, P. Tucker, J. van der Jagt, M . Wa lsh, B. Wilson, W. Zilz B. Wert Absent: Interpreters: T. Fosse, B. Kovach Recorder: C And rezze ****** Thanks to Dr. Pang for providing refreshments . Approval of Minutes Minu tes from t he December 5, 2011 depa rt ment meet ing were approved. (Bentley­ Sa ssaman/ W ilson) Spring 2012 Alternative Final Exam Requests Reque sts for Altern atives to Final Exam have been received thus far from : • Dr. Bentley-Sassaman • Dr. Tucker • Dr. van der Jagt • Dr. Wa lsh These w ere approved by faculty (Zil z/van der Jagt), and w ill be forwarded to Dean M auch . General Education Points GEPs w ill lau nch t his Fal l. Priority courses are those which freshmen or soph omores w ill be t aking Fall 2012. As noted on th e Agenda, th e fo llow ing co urses are of priority for development and sub mission for GE Ps: • • • • SPECED 101 - Intro to Indiv w/ Except SPE CED 275 - Linki ng Assessme nt / Instruction SPECED 202 - Tech fo r Indiv w/ Disa bili ties AS LTERP 155 - ASl l • ASLTERP 226 - ASL " ASLTER P 330 - Deaf Culture • • DEAF HH 201 - History, Educ & Guidan ce D/ HH Dr. Knoster distri buted "Goa ls for General Ed Student Le arnin g Outcomes" and GEPs applied to the Goals for Gen ral Ed Stud ent Learning Outcomes" . 103 Navy Hall . Bloomsburg University . 400 East Second Street . Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1 301 Voice and TDD: (570) 389.14119 • FAX: (570) 389-3980 AMember of Pennsylvania's Smte System of Higher Education Upcom ing meetings of COE : 2/14 and 2/28 . We need to push to ge t t hese requests sub mitted in February. CDE Faculty Meeting 1/27/12 Dr. Knoster distributed the PowerPoint from t he meeting, along with the latest draft of t he COE Strategic Plan. Th is document ma y go to faculty for a vote in April; t herefo re, fac ulty are encouraged to provide any addit ional input to Dr. Knoste r as soo n as possible. Dr. Tucker questioned the technology pi ece (b ei ng techno logica lly current) whi ch appe ared to be missing. Look for an announcement to be made early Fe bruary regarding a potential gift t o estab lish an Institute on Teacher Excellence in PBS. Applicatio ns are being accepted fo r fund ing from the COE Spe cia l In itiat ives Fund. in addit ion to th is f unding source, Dr. W ilson rem inde d fa culty of the avail ability of t he Presid ent's Strategic Plan ning Grants for in novative progra ms an d Cen ters of Excellence. Faculty are encouraged to subm it proposals. See Dr. Knoster if you need assistan ce getti ng started. Planning Retreat Faculty are remind ed to respond to th e recent Meeting Wi zard inq uiry w hich was sent regarding availability for a pla nni ng retreat date in M arch. Search & Screen Updates • Sp ecial Ed Po sition - B. Wilson : Eight app lications have been received, in varying degrees of com pl etion . Se arch closes 2/ 28/ 12. • Deaf/H H Position - D. Stryker: Two completed applications have been received. Search closes 2/28/ 12. Ann ouncements: Faculty are di rected t o the add iti onal annou ncement s noted on today' s Agenda: • Fa cu lty are re minded to ch ec k out the Assessment Instrum ents link of COE website. • Tea ch ing schedul es for Summer/ Fall 2012 . Contact Dr. Knoster with questions/concerns. • COE Retre at - 4/16/ 12. • COE Professi onal Development Workshop on Diversity and add it ional diversity requ irement for students. • Note Februa ry 13 Departme nt Meeting has been moved to Februa ry 20. Special Ed Program Are a Meet ing moved from Fe bruary 20 to Februa ry 13 - both 3:00 p.m . M eeti ng adjo urned 4:03 pm ~~ Dates Ti mothy P. Kn oster, Chairperso n 2