Document 11534622

Department of Exceptionality Programs
MINUTES Departmental M eeting October 10, 2011 2:00 pm Navy Hall 107 Present:
J. Ackerm an, J. Bentley-Sassaman, N. Edwa rds, D. Hartma n, M . Karpinski,
T. Kno ster, C. Lee, A. Pang, D. Perner, S. Reed, D. Stryker, P. Tucker,
J. van der Jagt, M . Walsh, B. Wert, B. Wilson, W. Zilz
Interpreters: T. Fosse, S. Glowaski
C. Andrezze
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Approval of Minutes M inutes f rom the September 26,2011 department meeting w ere approved. (Zi lz/Pern er) Fall 2011 Commencement M arshalls & Readers Drs . We rt and Tucker will serve as Marshalls during the Fall 2011 com mencement ce rem on ies. Dr. Knoster will serve as the Reader. University Forum Representation Dr. Zilz was nom inated (Walsh/ Pemer) an d unanimously approved to serve as our Rep resentat ive to the Universi ty Forum . COE Strategic Planning Worksheet Environmental Scan (SWOT) As an initia l step in the COE' s deve lopment of its own strategic plan, facu lt y input w as solicited to id entify Strengths, Weakn esses, Opport unities and Threats via the SWOT Analysis form which Dr. Knoster provided to faculty. Consid erab le discussion occurred, with seve ra l initial issues and t houghts being document ed. Dr. Knoster w ill take t his input back to the Ch airperson Council Strategic Plan ning group . Fa culty are asked to continue to th ink about th is and forward ad ditional ideas/tho ughts to Dr. Knost er. Faculty may provide inform at ion direct ly to t he De an as well. Announcements: • T. Zilz: Let Dr. Zi lz know if you will be subm itting promotion and/or tenure do cuments.
• B. Wilso n: If you w ant to pu rchase any materia ls for the Li brary, t he mo ney is avai lable
until M ay. Fo rward requests to Dr. Wilson as soon as possible.
Meeting adjo urn ed 2:58 pm (Wilson/Wert ).
11 / 11-/11
Timothy P. Knoster, Chairperson
103 Navy Hall. Bloomsburg University. 400 East Second Street . Bloomsburg, PA 17815.1301
Voice and TOO: (570) 389-4119 • FAX: (570) 389-3980
A Member of Pennsylvania s Stllte System of Higher Education