Department of Early Childhood and Adolescent Education Faculty Meeting March 11, 2013 The meeting was called to order by Dr. Charles Starkey at 3:00pm. The following members were present: Frank D’Angelo Todd Hoover Molly Marnella Cherie Roberts Charles Starkey Caryn Terwilliger David Walker Craig Young Kali Fedor Carol Lengel Lois Purcell Debra Steransky Minutes: 1. Approval of Minutes: a. Dr. Frank D’Angelo made the motion to provisionally approve the minutes that will be emailed to the staff for approval. All voted “I” unanimously for Frank’s motion. 2. Technology Connection: a. Dr. Regina Bobak asked the faculty is they would prefer a two or three year cycle of courses on BOLT. They are in the process of clearing out old courses to provide more memory and storage on the server. The faculty chose to have a three year cycle unless more space is needed. Regina reminded everyone of their homework, “to think of a lesson that is currently taught within one of their courses and the main goal/outcome for that lesson.” Dr. David Walker shared a lesson idea with the group. Regina then showed the next step in setting up a Flipped Classroom lesson. Today’s session focused on three things that you would expect the students to complete prior to the class session. She expressed that it should not be to read or view a lecture online, instead think of videos, diagrams, games, etc. For the next meeting she requested that everyone come ready with: Prior to class outcomes, what the students will do, and the tools/resources they will need. 3. Diversity Requirement for Multicultural Education: a. Dr. Caryn Terwilliger discussed this requirement that started in Fall 2011 for the Multicultural Education course. She noted that up to this point it has been a “bumpy” implementation of the requirement. Although students have been saying it is required for graduation, it is only a requirement for completion of this particular course. It is the responsibility of the course professor to ensure that the students complete this. There is no certificate issued but they do need to attend the diversity event scheduled. If they cannot attend during the semester they take the course, students should be aware that one will be offered each semester and they need to attend to pass the course requirements. 4. restructuring COE update: a. Dr. Charles Starkey asked who was attending the optional meeting this Friday, March 15th. He noted that this meeting was added because some college faculty felt that their voice, comments, and/concerns were not provided an opportunity to be heard. The new department name will be the Department of Teaching and Learning. 5. Curriculum Update: a. Dr. Frank D’Angelo and Dr. Molly Marnella provided comments about recent course proposals. It was noted that the 461 Practicum passed GEC for GEP in Citizenship with no corrections. An additional COEC meeting has been scheduled for March 14th to view additional proposals, so the check sheets are ready for April 1st. Frank asked faculty to consider what class (3 credits) can be developed for education majors and other students for the honors program. Steve Kukoska asked for input since there are about 20 education students in the honors program. Frank thought something with Communication Development could be useful and Todd suggested Ethics in the Workplace. Any other ideas should be sent to Frank by Friday via email. b. During the summer all graduate classes should be ready for online offerings along with ELEMED 340, 331, and 334. It was noted that Teaching Fine Arts and Teaching Social Studies PreK-4 still need to be written for the online component. 6. Money to Spend a. Dr. Charles Starkey reminded everyone of the money available for professional supplies. These items need to be emailed to Dr. Starkey. b. Dr. Caryn Terwilliger shared prospective due date(s) for yearly review portfolio submissions. Specific information and dates will be emailed shortly to those needing to complete these items. 7. Professional Development Committee: a. Dr. Caryn Terwilliger reminded that all temporary faculty performance reviews are due on Friday, March 15th and provided a few other general updates for other faculty on due dates. 8. Side Notes: a. Dr. David Walker noted that a parent and prospective student are coming on March 28th to observe in his class. He asked if anyone else would be willing to have them observe their class as well. Dr. Starkey and Professor Kali Fedor offered their classes. b. Dr. Frank D’Angelo reminded everyone about the upcoming University Elections. If anyone is interested in running for a committee to let our sister departments know of your intent so we can have a more balanced coverage across the university committees. 13. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3:35pm.