Department of Early Childhood and Adolescent Education Faculty Meeting February 13, 2013 The meeting was called to order by Dr. Charles Starkey at 3:00pm. The following members were present: Virginia Bonomo Frank D’Angelo Todd Hoover Cherie Roberts Charles Starkey Caryn Terwilliger David Walker Craig Young Kali Fedor Lois Purcell Deb Steransky Minutes: Prior to the start of the official meeting Dr. David Walker wrote the following information on the chalkboard for all department members: o IRB submissions should now be sent to Joe Hazzard not Gerrold Harris. 1. Technology Training: a. Dr. Regina Bobak thanked all department members for taking an online technology survey. She explained that during every faculty meeting this spring she will conduct a 5 minute training session focused on the Flipped Classroom. Today’s session covered the four parts of a Flipped Classroom. She then provided an assignment to be completed for our next meeting. Regina asked everyone to think of a lesson that is currently taught within one of their courses and the main goal/outcome for that lesson. 2. Approval of November 2012 Minutes: a. Dr. David Walker made a motion to accept and Dr. Todd Hoover seconded. 3. Approval of new program check sheet(s): a. Dr. Frank D’Angelo provided an update on the changes to the sheets to reflect current GEP’S and competencies. There was a brief discussion about “Why are we unique?” in connection to some of the changes reflected on the sheets for our programs. The possibility of providing a content area focus for our students and more classroom management training embedded into a methods course were discussed. These are items that could make our students more marketable when applying and interviewing for teaching positions. b. Some questions were raised about how we will handle current student check sheets. It was noted that there will be an established cut-off date for the change over to the new check sheets. Dr. Starkey stated that he will handle substitution forms during the changeover of the program check sheets. c. Dr. David Walker made a motion to approve the new program check sheets and Dr. Cherie Roberts seconded. All were in favor by stating “I”. 4. Discussion of restructuring COE: a. Dr. Charles Starkey and Dr. Frank D’Angelo provided information on the possible options for the restricting of the COE. The options include a 2, 3, or 4 department calibration. Some concerns and positives were raised about the different options during the discussion. Dr. Starkey noted that this will be resolved very soon and the new structure would be effective for Summer I. 5. Literacy and Learning Conference: a. Dr. Cherie Roberts, Dr. Craig Young, Dr. David Walker, and Dr. Virginia Bonomo discussed the progress on the Literacy and Learning Conference. It was noted that more exhibitors are needed. Based on past feedback from participants, repeat sessions for some presenters may be offered. Right now there are 16 proposals for the breakout sessions. Dr. Craig Young asked the members of the department for assistance reading the one-page proposals and scoring them using the scoring rubric. Dr. Virginia Bonomo is waiting on a few emails and Dr. David Walker’s graduate assistant will be working on acquiring door prizes from local businesses. Dr. Cherie Roberts is looking into providing portfolios with the university symbol instead of the canvas bags used in previous years. 6. PBS Model Implementation: a. Dr. Virginia Bonomo reviewed the success that Exceptionalities has seen with their implementation within the department. Many students have provided positive feedback on the system. She reviewed the different elements within the model and the sequence that would be followed during implementation. It was requested that if anyone has feedback or suggestions for changes to make this model work better for our department to email her. Dr. Starkey noted that he would like to try implementation after spring break to see how it goes. This is an initiative that our dean wants to be college wide. 7. Professional doctorates: a. Dr. Charles Starkey shared information about Bloomsburg potentially offering an EDD within the next 24-36 months. The EDD will be offered in one of three areas: ECE, Ed Leadership, or Curriculum and Instruction. Bloomsburg will be collaborating with Lockhaven on this new program. There will be cohorts that attend classes at both universities in order to share resources and expertise from each campus. 8. Search and Screen: a. Dr. Cherie Roberts shared information on the number of candidates that are coming to the campus for interviews. She asked for assistance in airport pick-up/returns, lunches, and dinners during their time in Bloomsburg. 9. Professional Development: a. Dr. Caryn Terwilliger shared prospective due date(s) for yearly review portfolio submissions. Specific information and dates will be emailed shortly to those needing to complete these items. 10. Proposal from ESSE regarding Student Teaching Supervision: a. Dr. Charles Starkey wanted everyone in the department to be aware of the upcoming proposal. 11. Online Courses: a. Dr. Charles Starkey discussed the need for the development and writing of online syllabi for any courses that could be offered in the fall. He also noted that the graduate programs are in dire need of online components to make our program more competitive and desirable. Dr. David Walker is piloting a course in the fall using the Poly-com system with some off-campus locations. 12. Side Notes: a. A side note was provided about a recent email that went out to students discussing a concentration in ‘Play’. This is not a current offering, if any students come to inquire. b. Any 461 Urban Practicums can go for 1 GEC for citizenship under goal 10. This would be especially useful to our mid-level students. c. There is some money for professional supplies. If anyone has items for courses that are needed email Dr. Starkey by March so they can be ordered. 13. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 4:15pm.