Document 11530084

Ci#zenship Educa#on and Web 2.0 Amr Sobhy @amrsobhy Ci#zenship Educa#on Web 2.0 Ci#zenship educa#on •  Enabling •  Take responsibility DEMOCRACY Web 2.0 The wall • 
media is produced by professionals mostly comes in from outside world rela#vely comes in sparse chunks it comes in slowly ci#zen technology government Knowledge &understanding Skills and ap#tudes Values and disposi#ons Knowledge and understanding •  Topics as: laws and rules, the democra#c process, diversity, sustainable development; •  Concepts as: democracy, jus#ce, equality, freedom, authority and the rule of law; Qabila Skills and ap#tude •  Cri#cal thinking, expressing opinions, taking part in discussions and debates, nego#a#ng, conflict resolu#on. bgad
bgad ‫ ﺑﺠﺪ؟‬ ‫ده‬
Values and disposi#ons •  Openness, courage to defend a point of view and a willingness to: listen to, work with and stand up for others. 