30 June Avenue
Guelph, ON
N1H 1H6
Phone: 519-824-4560 Fax: 519-824-9520
Principal: Miss. Chris Kay
Office Coordinator: Mrs. D. Roosenboom
Our mission at June Ave. P. S. is to teach skills that assist each child in his/her academic,
social and emotional development. We do this by using all our available resources and
expertise through team collaboration and planning. We do this so that all children can learn
and achieve their potential.
October 2015
Predictably, the first month of the new school year has flown by and what a busy start
we’ve had. We’re now into the flow of our daily routines and know the expectations for
work and behaviour within the classroom and on the yard. Students have done a great
job beginning their learning and co-curricular activities and have participated
enthusiastically in our celebration events such as Dot Day and Terry Fox.
Thanks to all the families who supported us through the first month with their patience
as we sorted out busing times, patrols and class arrangements, and to the teachers who
have given up their time to run extra activities and for spending time to make sure
students adhere to the expectations to keep our learning and play environments safe.
A big thank you our Parent Council for once again making a commitment to enhancing
learning at June Ave by providing funds to allow all students to enjoy extra programming
in the arts and science areas again this year. We are excited to be hosting Scientists in
the Classroom, Do-Re-Mi and a special visit from Big Kid’s Entertainment just to name a
We have settled into a school population of 179 students. Class sizes are within Ministry
and Board requirements with schedules established for gym, library, French and
teachers’ planning times. The playground is busy with children playing cooperatively,
sharing equipment and having fun. It’s a happy place. Staffing seems to be settled now
as temporary positions and vacancies are filled and new hiring is coming to a close. I am
delighted to welcome new staff: in kindergarten, Ms. Sara Slater who replaces Mrs.
Knicely until Mrs. Koop returns in the new year, Mrs. Karen Lewis replacing Ms. Walser
in grade 3/4 on Day 1 afternoons and Day 2 mornings for the year while Mrs. Waddell is
on maternity leave, and Mr. Bill Hasson as our permanent custodian. Please help June Ave
staff welcome these people to our school family.
Principal’s Message Continued . . .
We have an energetic, happy and kind group of McMaster Nursing students with us again
this year. They are with us until December to complete their Public Health practicum.
Their role while they are here is to work with teachers and students to help build
strong, positive, personal character traits in everyone by working on a character building
program. As part of their program the nursing students will be watching and listening to
student interactions in the classroom and on the yard. The class with the most students
demonstrating good character by “paying it forward” throughout the week will earn the
privilege of hosting a Beta Fish as a class pet for the week. More on this exciting
initiative as the program progresses.
If you would be able to host one of the fish in your home for a weekend, fill in the fish
form that will be sent next week and return it the school. We will fit as many homes as
are available with a fish throughout the year.
We look forward to the continued support of our school family, to the commitment of
our students to be the best learners they can be and to an eventful and colourful fall.
Chris Kay
Character is Key
In June, students from June Ave presented an introductory message to students on the
topic of character education. This will be a focus for students this year as we will be
working on a different trait every 4 – 6 weeks. We look forward to the character team
presenting on more specific issues beginning the second week of October.
Your child’s safety is of utmost importance to us. Please remember to contact the
school before 9:00 a.m. if your child is going to be late or absent. For your convenience
we also have voice mail which allows you to contact the school at any time during the
night, over the weekend and early in the morning. When you leave a message please be
sure to note your child’s full name, teacher and the reason for the absence.
If your child is absent and we have not heard from you, we will attempt to contact a
parent/guardian to ensure that your child is ‘safe’. It is important to let the school
know if there is any change in your personal information (i.e. home/work phone number,
emergency contact, etc.) so that in the event of an absence or emergency, we can
contact you immediately.
Students arriving late are expected to obtain an admit slip at the office.
As always, to ensure your child’s safety, any parent/guardian picking up his/her child,
must report to the office.
Fundraising Activities and School Trips
Volunteers Needed
Throughout the year, our classes may
participate in a variety of excursions
related to the curriculum. We understand
that these trips can become quite costly
but we also want to emphasize the
educational value of these experiences. We
do not want any child left out, so if at any
time you feel you cannot afford a trip,
please do not hesitate to call your child’s
teacher or speak with Miss. Kay. There are
ways to support funding needs so that
these experiences can continue with
everyone participating.
Regular volunteers as well as “occasional”
volunteers are needed in the library, to
help with the lunch program, classrooms
and throughout the school. Your
assistance in any of these areas will
support student achievement and help
teaching staff have one to one contact
with every student. Any assistance and
involvement with the school at all levels
would be appreciated. If you are
available to support the operation of the
school, delivery of curriculum and/or give
time to students to build confidence and
a love for learning, please contact the
school and let us know. We will find a
valuable place for you.
Found Clothing
With the change in seasons it’s time to put away the crocs and sandals, shorts and t-shirts,
and say hello to our cozy autumn wardrobes. As you put away summer and recognize you
are missing items from your child’s closet, please drop by the school and
check out the lost and found. Many items, some almost brand new, have
gathered there and we’d like to give them back. Any items not claimed by the
October 30th PA Day will be bagged and saved for our Parent Council Bag to
School fundraising .
Whenever possible, medication should be administered at home. Written authorization
from the parent/guardian must be on file at the school before school personnel can
administer any medication (including medication for minor headaches, etc). The
parent/guardian must deliver the medication to the principal in the original container. It
must be clearly labeled with the child’s name and directions for administration and
storage. Students are not permitted to administer their own medication at school.
Be Part of the Library!
Help keep our Resource Centre in order. Keeping our resources
intact and organized is key to maintaining a well-functioning library.
If you are able to volunteer your time to shelve and repair books,
please contact Ms Pennesi at ext. 225.
October's Environmental Theme: PROTECT OUR EARTH
This year we will challenge ourselves to LIVE green every day, because one small change one
day at a time adds up to a world of difference. The environmental theme for September is
sustainability. ‘Sustainability’ means protecting our Earth and using Earth's natural resources
carefully, like forests, water, minerals, and fossil fuels.
Part of living in a sustainable way is using, buying and eating only what you really need. This
saves resources and cuts down on waste too. For example, do you really need a new pencil case
or pencil crayons or a brand new eraser every year, or do your old ones still work? Do you throw
your leftover lunch items in the garbage at school, or do you take them home and eat them for
a snack after school? Do you buy vintage clothing or wear hand-me downs? Do you eat meat
every day, or do you eat vegetarian at least once a week, like those who have accepted the
'Meatless Monday Canada' challenge.
To find out how carefully you use the Earth's resources, Google the following words: “zero
footprint calculator” and take the footprint calculator quiz. It will tell you how
many Earths we would need to survive if everyone lived like you!
Slogan of the month: Sustainability – choosing to live better with less!
Please join us for our second School Council meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, October
13th, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Involvement in School Council is a wonderful way to meet other committed parents
and make a huge difference for the students at June Ave.
Please be sure to welcome our new School Council Executive:
David Christiansen
Lori Halliday
Andrea Moyer
Co-Ordinator: Dana Schinkman
Marni Tobin
Erin Sanders
Hats Off to all of you!
We need your help to ensure our playground is a safe play place for the children.
We ask also that you contact the Guelph Police Department (519-824-1212) if you
notice people abusing or vandalizing the school property.
Thank you for your assistance.
If bus students are being picked up at
the end of the day and not riding the
bus, they need to be signed out by the
person who is taking them. Please
contact the school if students are being
picked up by someone other than
parents. This procedure has worked
quite effectively and ensures the safety
of all our bus students. The clipboards
will be available in the office or at the
bus line.
We often have parents ask for
suggestions and like to keep a current
list of child care providers.
If you might be interested in caring for
children before/after school or possibly
on PD Days, please contact the school
Leave your name and contact information
with Mrs. Roosenboom at 824-4560.
We love to present school plays, have
sports events and other class projects
for our students’ benefit open to
members of our community for viewing.
However, there is a risk of invading the
privacy rights of other students,
parents and staff.
Please feel free to record or take
photos of your child’s events, but act to
protect everyone’s privacy by not
posting them on social networks like
Facebook or You Tube.
Please remember our Freedom of
Information and Protection
of Privacy policy is there to
protect everyone. Your help
and cooperation are greatly
Our Terry Fox Walk circled the
playground on September 19th, at 2 p.m.
Thank you to Mr. Clark and Mr.
Campbell who supported the organizing
of this very important event. We have
reached our
goal of
$406.85 and
the donations
are still
coming in.
Thank you to
all who
donated and
A reminder that the Student Accident
Insurance forms are to be sent directly
to Old Republic Insurance Company of
It is mandatory that you send back
the Acknowledgement Form to your
child’s teacher. If you require an
additional form, please contact the
school office.
Blue Jay Fever
Have you caught Blue Jay Fever yet, or are you already thinking about the NHL pre-season?
Maybe you’re not a sports enthusiast, and instead are busy taking your children to dance,
swimming or music lessons. Whatever the case, why not incorporate math into these
afterschool activities? Here are some quick and easy connections to share with your children
on those early mornings, after school or late night drives that connect math to our everyday
Batting average
This number tells fans how many times a player gets a hit compared to the amount of
times he gets up to bat. Simple division is used to figure out a batting average. For
each game divide the number of hits the player gets by the number of times he is at
bat. The answer should result in a decimal answer. (For example: Bautista gets up to
bat 8 times, but he only hits 5 times. The equation would be 5 divided by 8 giving a
batting average of 0.625.)
Staying out of the penalty box
Which fraction is largest: 5/4, 4/3, 3/2 or 2/1? If the Leafs have a 5 on 4 advantage,
and Phaneuf has to decide whether to draw an opponent away from the play, it's
important for him to know that 4/3 is a larger fraction than 5/4. Math tells us that 4
skaters have a better advantage over 3 than 5 skaters have over 4.
Patterns in Music
Musical pieces often have repeating choruses or bars, similar to patterns. In
mathematics, we look for patterns to explain and predict the unknown. Music uses
similar strategies. When looking at a musical piece, musicians look for notes they
recognize to find notes that are less familiar. In this way, notes relate to each
other. Relationships are fundamental to mathematics and create an interesting link
between music and math. Listen carefully to the music next time. You’ll definitely hear
the patterns!
Swimmingly Mathematical
Speed of swim (measurement of distance and time), surface area of palm (area
measurement of odd shape), kicking angle of the legs (trigonometry, angle), rhythm of
the stroke (sequence, counting, pattern sector), and breathing (volume of air required,
space measurement) are all about the math!
The Science of Dance
There’s the symmetry (between arms and legs, but also between bodies and within a single body),
counting, rhythm, momentum, mass, connection, sequence, and shape. Every area of math can
be expressed with the human body.
Source: https://www.google.ca
Go Math Go! Go Math Go! Go Math Go! Go Math Go! Go Math Go! Go Math Go! Go Math Go!
The Special EducaƟon Advisory CommiƩee (SEAC)
The Upper Grand District School Board has established a Special Educa on Advisory Commi ee (SEAC) in accordance with the Educa on Act. SEAC is made up of local parent representa ves of Provincial Associa ons, two school trustees and interested local community representa ves. SEAC members receive orienta on and training to become informed on important topics in Special Educa on: ● Sec ons of the Educa on Act rela ng to Special Educa on ● Regula ons and Ministry memoranda ● Board policies regarding Special Educa on ● The Board Special Educa on Report ● Roles and responsibili es of SEAC  The funding of Special Educa on What does SEAC do?
● Makes recommenda ons for the establishment, development and delivery of Special Educa on programs and services for excep onal pupils in our Board. ● Par cipates in the Board’s annual review of its Special Educa on Report. ● Par cipates in the Board’s annual budget process and financial statement review as they relate to Special Educa on. ● Provides informa on to parents, as requested.  Supports the Special Olympics Annual Track and Field day. Procedures for SelecƟng Members
● nomina ons from local associa ons ● approaching local chapters of provincial associa ons for sugges ons ● wri ng a presenta on that can be shared with parent councils, families of schools, etc. to get the informa on about SEAC into the community MeeƟng Times and Dates
The SEAC meets on a regular basis. Mee ngs occur on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Upper Grand District School Board office at 500 Victoria Road North, in the Board room. Mee ngs are open to the public. Members of the public should contact Program Services (Krystyna Gazo at 5199416191 ext. 254) to confirm the me, date and loca on of the mee ngs. Further informa on regarding SEAC, as well as Special Educa on in Upper Grand District School Board can be found on the UGDSB Special Educa on Plan ., as well as the Board website
in your public library!
Upper Grand students can now get a
Chromebook to do assignments after school,
evenings and Saturdays
Talking About Mental Health!
Welcome to the new school year! My name is Dr. Lynn Woodford and I am the Mental Health and Addiction
Lead for the school board. Every month I write a column for school newsletters about mental health and
provide strategies and resources for families.
Hope that the transition back to school has been a positive one for you and your family. If your child or youth
is experiencing any challenges with the transition back to school, please talk to your child or youth’s teacher
or administrator.
The UGDSB has many resources available on its website: http://www.ugdsb.on.ca/ for parents and students
to access. To access these resources: click on the Parent tab then click on the Mental Health Tab. There is
also a Student tab with a Mental Health tab, which you can share with your children and youth.
Once you are on site, you will find information about local mental health and addiction resources:
Canadian Mental Health Association Waterloo Wellington Dufferin Branch (CMHA WWD)
To access Addictions, Mental Health (including eating disorders and first episode psychosis) and
Crisis Services (Guelph/Wellington for Children/Youth and Guelph/Wellington/Dufferin for
Adults) contact:
HERE247 at 1 844 437 3247 (1 844 HERE247)
Walk in Services on Tuesdays for Children/Youth 1:30- 7:00
485 Silvercreek Pkwy, Guelph
Dufferin Child and Family Services (Services for Children/Youth in Dufferin County)
To access Addictions, Mental Health and Crisis Services
Talk in Services on Tuesdays 1:00- 7:00
655 Riddell Road, Orangeville
There is an Access to Mental Health Resources document that provides more details about counselling and
supports in Guelph Wellington Dufferin.
There are also links to useful websites with information for parents about mental health and addictions such
Kids Help Phone (1 800 668 6868) www.KidsHelpPhone.ca provides phone and web counselling for
youth under the age of 20. Support is free, 24/7, anonymous and confidential.
The ABCs of Mental Health http://www.hincksdellcrest.org/ABC/Welcome
provides information related to different mental health concerns, according to developmental ages.
Hope these resources are helpful for you and your families. Hope you have a wonderful fall!
Dr. Lynn Woodford is the Mental Health and Addiction Lead for Upper Grand District School Board
Child Abuse Preven on Policy & Program
The Upper Grand District School Board places a high priority on the
safety of our students. The Child Abuse Prevention Policy is evidence of
our commitment to this priority. The following is a quote from the policy:
“Every citizen in the community shares a responsibility for our children.
School officials and teachers share this collective community
responsibility for creating safe and nurturing environments for children.
Under the Child and Family Services Act, this responsibility includes the
legal requirement to report to the local Children’s Aid Society any
suspected child abuse or other situations where a child may be in need of
protection. Teachers and other Board employees have a special opportunity
to know and understand children during their most influential years of
development. They are in a unique position to be able to see early signs of
maltreatment, and to know or hear about the abuse and neglect that is
often suffered by children.”
As required in the Policy, we will be teaching age-appropriate lessons to
help our students identify abuse and protect themselves from abusive
situations. The goal is to provide children with the tools they need to keep
themselves safe. The lessons cover a broad range of safety issues
including bullying, stranger danger and abuse by a known and trusted adult.
These lessons will occur during the school year and teachers will notify you
in writing prior to lessons being taught.
For more information regarding the Child Abuse Prevention Policy and/or
Programs please contact your child’s teacher, Principal or our Child and
Youth Counselor.
Please do your part to reduce traffic in front of our
schools. Encourage your child to walk to school. It is healthy
for the body and the mind. Older children should walk to
school with friends. Younger children should walk with the
supervision of an adult or an older child. Please consider
walking as the first option for your child to go to and from
If you choose to drive your child to school, children in
junior and senior grades should be dropped off a few blocks
from the school and walk the rest of the way. Many schools
have access to the schoolyard from neighbouring less
congested side streets. This allows parents of primary aged
children, JK and SK, to use the appropriate stopping areas and
roadways closest to the school.
There are many signs in the school zones that regulate
parking, stopping, turns, access, and speed. Drivers who
choose to ignore the traffic signs near schools are breaking the
law, increasing the danger to all children and motorists in the
area. Please obey the rules and drive in a safe and considerate
519 824-12121 EXT. 7256
Day 4
Day 4
(no school)
Day 5
Soccer Tournament
At Margaret Green
World Teacher’s
Day 1
Day 5
Day 5
Parent Council
7 p.m.
Day 5
Picture Day
Day 1
Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 2
Day 3
Day 3
Day 2
Day 2
Cross Country
October 2015
Day 4
PA Day
(no school)
Pizza Day
Day 3
Pizza Day
Day 3
World Egg Day
Day 4
Pizza Day
Pizza Day