Name: Coopera on ‐ Courage ‐ Kindness ‐ | | | Respect‐ | Caring‐ | Trustworthy‐ | Honesty‐ | Responsibility‐ Ci zenship‐ | Gra tude‐ Op mism‐ | Fairness ‐ | | | Persistence | Integrity‐ | Empathy/Compassion‐ 1. Knowing what you need to do and doing it; being accountable. ___________________________ 2. Being truthful in ac ons and words.___________________________________________ 3. Following the rules in play and in social situa ons.______________________________________ 4. Being hopeful and posi ve, finding goodness about something.___________________________ 5. Showing concern and caring for the needs of others.___________________________________ 6. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Accept differences._________________________ 7. Working together and helping others.___________________________________________ 8. Doing the right thing even when it is difficult._____________________________________ 9. Being warm hearted and considerate to others._____________________________________ 10.Having strong morals, do the right thing when nobody is watching.________________________ 11.Do your share in your community and at school._______________________________________ 12.Help people in need, be kind, show gra tude, forgive others._____________________________ 13.Be honest, reliable and loyal, keep promises._________________________________ 14.Don’t give up, s ck with it.____________________________________________ 15.Show genuine apprecia on and thanks.___________________________________________________ © h ps:// 115 ANSWERS: 1. Responsibility 2. Honesty 3. Fairness 4. Op mism 5. Compassion/empathy 6. Respect 7. Coopera on 8. Courage 9. Kindness 10. Integrity 11. Ci zenship 12. Caring 13. Trustworthy 14. Persistence 15. Gra tude 116