Document 11530065

IN TUNISIA Lead by: Supported by: The General Framework
Partnership convenPon signed between the AIHR and the Ministry of educaPon •Big State reforms •The reform of educaPon •AdapPng the ciPzenship educaPon program to the new regional, naPonal and internaPonal dynamic The specific framework Two missions of expert tesPmony with the IADH 1. ElaboraPng a guide based on a parPcipaPve and interacPve pedagogy 2.Training and organizing acPviPes in the CiPzenship EducaPon and Human right center AcPviPes EvaluaPons For carrying out the mission IADH observed, diagnosed and analyzed the following: Preparatory work Manuels / guides / publicaPons •  EvaluaPng and analysing different manuals and publicaPon on ciPzenship educaPon focusing on human right in the official curriculum •  EvaluaPng and Analysing of the different manuals published by financial partners such as united naPons ObservaPon and analysis sessions •  ObservaPon of ciPzenship educaPon sessions in several colleges and high school •  Focus groups with ciPzenship educaPon teachers •  Focus groups with pupils on ciPzenship educaPon Reforms Manual 1.  Human right educaPon 2.  CiPzenship educaPon 3.  Democracy educaPon reforms Human Rights « THE BASIS » HR Universality/ HR EvoluPon / HR AcPvists / Mecanism of HR protecPon CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION « THE QUALITY» Universality and specificiPes / difference and tolerance / Rights – obligaPon – responsibility / how to parPcipate to the public life Democracy EducaPon « The mecanisms» Sovereignty of people /democracy and form of government / forms of Democracy (Direct –
RepresentaPve – ParPcipaPve) separaPon of powers/poliPcal regimes/Rule of law/
INTERACTING WITH THE COMMUNITY CITIZENSHIP AND HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION CLUBS CECDH •  Training on: basic noPons/management of the projects managements/parPcipaPve and democraPc management •  Accompaniment in the design and the seeng of CE projects (One thousand Tunisian dinars/club) ObjecPves Develop CE acPvites in school Connect the school to its environment UPDATE FLOP • The reforms are moving very slowly because of troubles between Labour Unions and the ministry of educaPons TOP • 110 Clubs are acPve this school year NACE – NETWORKING ARAB ON CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION NACE – NETWORKING ARAB ON CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION •  NETWORKING ARAB ON CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION “NACE", will be a network that will include all NGO’s from the MENA region and will be working to unify and coordinate efforts among different civil sociePes concerned with Human Rights and CiPzenship EducaPon to monitor and if possible influence the policies, procedures, formal and non-­‐formal regulaPons in order to ensure the adopPon of legislaPons that respect Human Rights and dignity and build acPve and responsible ciPzens. NACE – NETWORKING ARAB ON CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES •  To contribute to monitor and if possible influencing the policies, governmental and non-­‐governmental regulaPons which guarantee the integraPon and the enforcement of Human Rights and CiPzenship in formal and informal educaPonal curriculum •  To empower Network members and build their capaciPes on Human Rights and CiPzenship educaPon •  To insPtuPonalize the network and forPfy its internal set-­‐up to allow the network to conduct its work effecPvely NEXT STEPS •  IdenPfy the partners from each Arab country •  Vision •  Organize the first conference to finalise the chart, internal regulaPon. MAIN TOPICS CSIM -­‐ CIVIL SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL MEETING The conference will be organized around the following three topics: •  Auto-­‐evaluaPon and redefiniPon of the role of civil society •  DecentralizaPon as redistribuPon of power and redefine it through local governance. •  Civic educaPon in a changing society. Can we prepare future generaPons? how to prepare them ? –  “Exchange between Europe and North Africa” in Civic educaPon –  CE reforms MAIN TOPIC MAIN TOPICS Civil Society reposi?oning •  EvaluaPon of the role of CS so far •  Challenges and recommandaPon •  (TOC) Decentraliza?on and local governance •  EvaluaPon of the new legal framework •  Challenges facing the process •  Role of civil society Ci?zenship educa?ons •  PresentaPon of the final CE reforms Project •  Focus group OBJECTIVES The forum will try to bring strategic answers to the big challenges that the country is going thru 1. 
Set the expecta?ons and challenges Evaluate the progress made Iden?fy the major challenges The future of the reforms of the civic educa?on The future of the decentraliza?on and the local governance for the next decades. OUTCOMES During the conference, the ideas and all relevant proposals of the par?cipants and workshop res?tu?ons will be synthesized in a report that will be published aSer the event. Self-­‐Assessment report of the role of civil society in the transi?on period Road map to redefine the new role of Tunisian civil society to complete the Tunisian democra?za?on process Networking Official announcement of NACE PARTICIPANTS a Total of 300
par?cipants (NGO’S, Experts, MP’s, Poli?cians, Academics, medias) 55 Interna?onal par?cipants (25 Europeans, 15 MENA,15 Africans) 30 Na?onal and Interna?onal Experts and speakers 20 Interna?onal organiza?ons 195 Tunisian NGO representa?ves DRAFT PROGRAM • 
1st day 14:00 Arrival & Registra?on 2nd day 09:00 Opening Ceremony 10:00 Plenary session on Theme 1 11:00 Plenary session on Theme 2 12:00 Plenary session on Theme 3 13:30 Lunch 15:00 Expo opening 19;30 Dinner 21;00 Cultural event 3rd day 09:00 Workshops 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Workshops 13:30 Lunch 15:00 World Café et Expo ac?vi?es 18:00 End of the second day 21:00 Dinner+cultural ac?vi?es 4th day 09:00 Workshop to prepare the group work res?tu?on 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Res?tu?on and closing ceremony 13:00 Lunch 15:00 Departure Where? SITE AND SPONSORS The site
• A capacity up to 5000 persons
• 1 Plenary room up to 2500 persons •  Theatre for 600 persons
• 1 theatre for 350 personnes
• 25 workshop rooms (from 25 to 250 persons)
• 3 hotels avec 740 rooms Sponsors:
Tunis air
Mosaïque FM
La Presse
Télévision NaLonale ou Nessma
La Médina -­‐ Hammamet
Thank you J
Moez ALI E-­‐mail: 