Centennial Honors College Western Illinois University Undergraduate Research Day 2014

Centennial Honors College
Western Illinois University
Undergraduate Research Day 2014
Poster Presentation
Fat Replacement in Pie Crusts: Characteristics of Z Trim and Maltrin M100
Jacob Osman
Faculty Mentor: Emily Shupe
Excess consumption of fat is known to cause health complications for individuals. Fat
replacers are common substitutes for fat in many recipes. Two common carbohydratebased fat replacers (Z Trim and Maltrin M100) are discussed and their ability to replace
fat in pie crusts is evaluated. Pie crusts were analyzed through the characteristics of
appearance, texture, and tenderness. The control, a high quality pie crust with 100%
levels of fat, was deemed to have a light golden brown appearance with darker edges
and small blisters on the surface. It was moist, friable, flaky, and contained a ‘melt in
mouth’ tenderness. Z Trim and Maltrin were used separately, to test each replacer’s
consumer acceptability, at levels of 20% and 50% fat replacement. The results indicated
that at 20% replacement, both fat replacers exhibited acceptable characteristics on their
pie crust. Z Trim’s crust was slightly less flaky and friable, and exhibited a minor
chewiness. The Maltrin crust at 20% fat was marginally drier than the control, and
contained flakiness that was somewhat more compacted giving the crust slight
crispiness. Appearance between the pie crusts was varied and inconsistent. These
characteristics, nearly indistinct at 20% replacement, became more defined at 50%
replacement. The result was a pie crust determined to be commercially unacceptable.
Overall, Maltrin’s characteristics were considered texturally superior to Z Trim’s. Both
brands of fat replacers yielded products inferior to the control.