CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee Minutes December 6, 2005 Members Present: Desmond Chun, Rudolph Cockerham, Jim Matthews, Bill McDonald, Clara McLean, Jan Novak, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon Ex-Officio Members Present: Tom Clark, Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor Guests: Bob Buell, Gene Groppetti, Gaila Moore, Judy Odom, Steve Small I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair Norberto Ruiz. II. Minutes MSC (Chun/Novak) that the minutes of November 29, 2005, be approved as presented. III. Vote on Science/Math Proposal Regarding the question of Math 54 serving as a prerequisite to Chemistry 1A and Chemistry 31, the discipline has decided that it does not meet the requirements. A revised outline for Mathematics 65L was submitted. Des Chun submitted a revised program page for the AA/AS Degree in Computer Science (General) which reflects the deletion of obsolete courses from the catalog. MSC (Matthews/McLean) to approve the Science/Math Proposal as amended. IV. Applied Tech and Business Presentation (Continued) Jan Novak recapped the items that were not completed at the last meeting. BUS 10, Business Law, 4 units A revised outline was submitted. It contains additional Outcomes, Course Content, and Typical Assignments to support the request to include the course under GE Area A2. Consensus was that the revision now meets the requirements for A2. BUS 95, Business Work Experience, 1-3 units Work Experience 95, Occupational Work Experience, 1-3 units • The outlines are now identical. The discipline would like to keep both courses (cross listed), and the repeatability statement will read “Business 95 and Work Experience 95 may be repeated for a combined total of 3 units.” AA Degree, Business Administration Jan Novak recapped last week’s discussion. There was further discussion on the wisdom of adding Business 12 to the major, including the following: • Whether it is fair to students to increase the number of units; Curriculum Committee 12-6-05, page 2 • • • • Most 4-year institutions don’t require an Intro to Business course. Most of our students transfer to a CSU; only Chico requires an Intro to Business course. Probably, most of the students who attain the AA do not go on to get a BA; There are multiple audiences; we are doing our students a disservice if we send them into the workforce without knowing the general terminology of business. Norberto asked whether the CAS courses are needed. Bill McDonald replied that CSUEB will allow students to fulfill this requirement either by taking the courses or by taking a test. Gaila Moore reported that CAS 55 was revised last year and now requires two prerequisites. She suggested replacing it with CAS/CSCI 8. Bill suggested a separate listing of “Courses Recommended for Transfer” (See the Architecture program in the catalog) Needed: • Remove “Transfer Program and” from the degree title. • Remove the asterisk and footnote after Business 12. • Replace CAS 55 with “CAS 8 or CSCI 8”. • Remove the paragraph beginning “This transfer program is designed…” • Consider a separate listing of “Courses Recommended for Transfer.” Norberto will agenda the vote for next meeting. Bill requested that the AA Degree in Business Administration be voted on separately. Patricia Shannon commented that we have been moving toward separating transfer and AA degrees for two years. Approving this degree will reflect a shift in philosophy. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Steve Small presented. ATEC 62, Automotive Air Conditioning, Cooling and Heating Systems, 2.5 units Increase lab by from 3.5 to 4 hours; minor changes to meet NATEF requirements. It was noted that while the old course outline says “2 units,” the course has been listed as “2.5 units” since it was first published in the 1994-96 catalog. No changes were suggested. FIRE TECHNOLOGY Bob Buell presented. FT 89, Firefighter 1 Academy Evaluation, .5 unit New course (presented as FT 90). This is a 16-hour class that will be offered one week before the beginning of Firefighter 1 Academy. It measures students’ technical knowledge and physical skills to determine whether they will be successful in the Academy, and should reduce the attrition rate currently experienced in Academy classes (FT 90A, B, C). Consensus was that the course should be added to the degree page. This course will be added to the prerequisites for FT 90A. After discussing various numbering options, it was decided that the course should be numbered 89. Curriculum Committee 12-6-05, page 3 Needed: • Renumber the course to FT 89. • Submit a Library Consultation form. • Add FT 89 to the Fire Technology AA and Certificate of Achievement programs (include a statement of rationale and revised program pages in the final packet). FT 90A, Firefighter-1 Certification Preparation, 2 units Adds FT 89 as a prerequisite. It was suggested that adding “(May be taken concurrently.)” after 89 might ease registration. Needed: • In the Abbreviated Course Description and Catalog Description, and Prerequisite Content Review form change “Fire Technology 90” to “Fire Technology 89”. • Correct Methods of Presentation 4. to read “Simulations.” • Add FT 89 to the Fire Technology AA and Certificate of Achievement programs (include a statement of rationale and revised program pages in the final packet). COMPUTER APPLICATION SYSTEMS Gaila Moore and Judy Odom presented. The discipline is presenting nine courses for DE delivery and has revised degrees and certificates to accommodate course changes and deletions. CAS 54B, Microsoft Excel® II, 3 units. Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). Norberto initiated discussion on this being an “advanced” class without a prerequisite. Gaila stated that the course has always been offered this way, and that many students are successful without having taken CAS 54A. Consensus was that the advisory should be kept as written, and that a prerequisite is not necessary. In a discussion on the hours to units ratio of 2 hours lecture, 2 hours laboratory for 3 units, Gaila stated that an additional hour of lab work is assigned. Bill asked how lab work and homework differ. Tom Clark read the following passage from the state’s Program and Course Approval Handbook: …in a computer applications course which is primarily laboratory, there may nonetheless be a certain amount of reading involved outside of class. The college might thus award one unit of credit for only two hours per week of hands-on computer instruction, as long as the instructor assigns one hour per week of out-of-class study. It was noted that we are striving to standardize wording of the Special Student Materials section for computer classes. Needed: • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” Curriculum Committee 12-6-05, page 4 CAS 58, Introduction to Microsoft Access®, 3 units. Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). Norberto suggested revising the second sentence of the course description to read, “For students requiring an overview…” Needed: • In both the Abbreviated Course Description and the Catalog Description, revise the second sentence to read, “For students requiring an overview…” • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” CAS 72K, Business English Skills I, 1 unit Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). Needed: • Rewrite Typical Student Assignments to read, “Complete grammar pretest,” “Complete grammar exercises,” etc. • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” CAS 72L, Business English Skills II, 1 unit Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). Needed: • Rewrite Typical Student Assignments to read, “Complete grammar pretest on verb tenses,” etc. • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” CAS 82, Designing Web Pages, 3 units Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). There was discussion on rewording the course description to increase clarity (see below). Needed: • In both the Abbreviated Course Description and the Catalog Description, revise the first sentence to read, “Design and enhance Web Pages using creative web site design principles…” • In the Catalog Description, revise the third sentence to read, “Includes publishing a website.” • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” CAS 84, Designing Business Graphics, 3 units Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). Needed: • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” Curriculum Committee 12-6-05, page 5 CAS 88A, Microsoft Word® I, 3 units Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). Needed: • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” CAS 88B, Microsoft Word® II, 3 units Request to offer in DE delivery format (approved by DECSC). Needed: • Revise Special Student Materials to read, “Removable storage, such as USB Flash drives or floppy diskettes.” Administrative Assistant, AS Degree Revised to accommodate changes in curriculum offerings. Bill commented that because both English 52A and 70 fulfill graduation requirements it might be possible to eliminate the English requirement and reduce the total units for the major. Gaila replied that these courses are better suited to this major than English 1A, which also meets the graduation requirement. She added that if a student had already taken English 1A, she would waive this requirement. Needed: • Resolve discrepancy between Degree and Certificate (See discussion under Administrative Assistant, Certificate of Achievement.) • Bring revised outline (if applicable) to next meeting. Software Specialist, AS Degree Revised to accommodate changes in curriculum offerings. Bill suggested adding English 1A, 52A, and 70 as options to Business 14. The discipline rejected the suggestion. Des Chun led a discussion on whether CSCI 14 is too complex for this major. Consensus was to remove it. It was also suggested that CAS 82 and 84 be added as options to CSCI 91. Needed: • Add “or Computer Application Systems 82 (Designing Web Pages) or Computer Application Systems 84 (Designing Business Graphics)” to Computer Science 91 (Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)) [NOTE: Do not remove these courses from the list of electives.] • Remove Computer Science 14 (Introduction to Structured Programming in C++) • Change total units to “26-30” Curriculum Committee 12-6-05, page 6 Administrative Assistant, Certificate of Achievement Revised to accommodate changes in curriculum offerings. Bill spoke about building from the certificate to the degree. He noted that if a student took either CAS 55 or 84 as an option for the certificate, it would not count toward the degree. He suggested either adding the courses to the degree or removing them from the certificate. Needed: • Resolve discrepancy between Degree and Certificate • Bring revised outline (if applicable) to next meeting. At 4:00 it was MSC (Novak/Shannon) to extend the meeting by 15 minutes. Office Technology, Certificate of Achievement Revised to accommodate changes in curriculum offerings. Edna Danaher noted that to remain a Certificate of Achievement the program must have a minimum of 20 units. Gaila stated that she would increase the electives to 6 units. Needed: • Increase electives to 6 units. • Change total units to “20.” Software Specialist, Certificate of Achievement Revised to accommodate changes in curriculum offerings. It was suggested that CAS 82 and 84 be added as options to CSCI 91. Needed: • Add “or Computer Application Systems 82 (Designing Web Pages) or Computer Application Systems 84 (Designing Business Graphics)” to Computer Science 91 (Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)) [NOTE: Do not remove these courses from the list of electives.] • Change total units to “24-26.” Remove from Catalog: CAS 70, Computer Keyboarding and Formatting, 3 units CAS 80, Basic Computer Programming in BASIC, 4 units INSPECTION Tom Clark reported that the Inspection Program has been on suspension since 200304. At this time, the Division would like to remove the program and its courses from the catalog. DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Tom Clark is requesting that the Design Technology Program be placed on suspension. A note stating, “The Design Technology Program is currently suspended until further notice” will be placed in the catalog, and Design Technology courses will not be listed. Curriculum Committee 12-6-05, page 7 V. Good of the Order Patricia Shannon will be bringing revised outlines for Music 500 and Theater Arts 500 to the next meeting. Patricia Posada has reported that OSCAR (Online Services for Curriculum and Articulation Review), an electronic submission device, is the only way to submit courses to CSU for inclusion in the CSU GE and IGETC lists. She is having difficulty fitting longer outlines (including those with expanded typical assignment) into the OSCAR format. (Kaaren Krueg) VI. VII. Next meeting: December 13, 2005 The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m. kk 12/8/05 c:\documents\word\curric\2005-2006\12-6-05.min.doc