Document 11526915

Curriculum Committee Minutes
March 20, 2007
Members Present:
Jim Matthews, Jan Novak, Don Plondke, Norberto Ruiz, Patricia Shannon,
Ernesto Victoria
Members Present:
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Ron Taylor
Steve Small
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order without a quorum at 2:10 p.m. by committee chair
Norberto Ruiz.
Credit – Noncredit Courses with Laboratories
Ron stated that he will be discussing this subject with the deans in a couple of weeks. He
distributed three items and commented as noted:
• Noncredit at a Glance (State Chancellor’s Office)
o Pages 7-9 list criteria.
o Pages 13-15 define the criteria for each type of instruction. Ron noted that
some of our contract ed could be granted credit, but we do not claim
apportionment. Jan asked whether it is true that a class without open
enrollment isn’t eligible for state funding. Ron replied that it is generally
true, but there are some exceptions (apprenticeship, grants, etc.).
• Supplemental Learning Assistance and Tutoring Regulations and Guidelines
(State Chancellor’s Office)
o Ron added the last page, which is a web address for Title 5. Jim Matthews
reported that the Library has the book, and that it is updated on a regular
Supplemental Instruction in a Laboratory Setting (CIO Task Force)
Ron said that this is the best reference in terms of the topic being addressed.
He added that an open learning lab can garner income for either credit or
noncredit enrollment. If we were able to enroll a student in a supplemental
lab on site we would be able to claim apportionment for that student.
We could convert our 500 courses to fit into Option #1. This would provide
the least burden to the student. These courses, as originally structured, fit
into Option #2. Ron reminded the committee that we collect roughly half as
much for noncredit hours as we do for credit hours, but stated that it is good
to have the noncredit courses as a back up.
Ron added that the state is enforcing the hours per unit ratio, so our 500
courses as currently written are not legal, and to add credit increases the fee
students must pay. It would be prudent to build the lab work into existing
courses. We could add 1 – 1½ hours per week without going over the ratio.
Patricia Shannon stated that when her division first heard about this option,
they wanted to add a lab hour to all of their courses. The Curriculum
Committee was not supportive, so the division has not pursued the idea. Ron
Curriculum Committee
3-20-07, page 2
added that you have to identify learning needs and meet the needs. You must
distinguish between homework and assistance and prove that there is value
added. He noted that added technology is making things more complex.
Jim commented that Mission District is being audited because they were not
actually doing the TBA labs. Jan asked about “required” attendance. Is roll
taken? Does lack of attendance affect a student’s grade? This would
increase the number of hours a student must be on campus.
Ron reported that a current theory regarding our enrollment downturn is that
we discontinued our 500 courses and haven’t captured the enrollment
Option #3. These are mostly areas that we are not going to do. Exceptions
might be ESL, Disabled Students, Vocational.
Ron reported that SB361 was activated in January 2007. One intention was to increase
noncredit funding. Eligible courses have to be part of a sequence leading to some kind of
a certificate. At Chabot, we will probably be working in Basic Skills. Basic Skills work
could be credit or noncredit, but a link must be built between the noncredit work and a
credit certificate to claim funds.
Automotive Technology A.S. Degree GE Course Selection
Steve Small distributed a Program-based General Education Proposal for the Automotive
Technology A.S. Degree. He reported that the discipline has selected courses that they
believe will enhance their degree. Edna Danaher asked where this information would be
placed in the catalog. Consensus was that it would be added to the degree program page.
A quorum having been achieved, it was MSC (Matthews/Shannon) to accept the
Automotive Technology proposal for Program-based General Education credit.
Good of the Order
Patricia Shannon reported that the sculpture and pottery courses are investigating ways
that they can offer their courses with maximum repeatability. They would like an answer
before next year’s curriculum process. Students will find ways of taking the courses
because they want to be able to use the facilities. Machine Tool Technology has
addressed the problem by offering MTT 63A (Individual Projects) and MTT 63B
(Advanced Individual Projects), each of which is repeatable three times.
Next Meeting: April 3, 2007.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
kk 3/26/07