Curriculum Committee March 12, 2013 Members Present: Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Luis Flores (ASCC), Dov Hassan, Lynn Klein, Wayne Pitcher, Ernesto Victoria Ex-Officio: Kaaren Krueg, Tram Vo-Kumamoto Guests: Larry Leach, Annie Roake, Eric Schultz, Clayton Theil 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:15 by the chair, Jane Church. 2. Minutes of March 5, 2013 MSC (Buti/Victoria) to approve the minutes of March 5, 2013, as presented. 3. Report from Deans’ Meeting: none. 4. Consent Agenda and FYI Information Only: The following were presented as Information Only/No Action items and were approved by consensus: Astronomy 10, Introduction to Astronomy: The Solar System, 3 units Astronomy 20, Introduction to Astronomy: Stars and the Universe, 3 units Astronomy 30, Introduction to Astronomy Lab, 1 unit Health 8, Human Sexuality, 3 units Real Estate 80, Real Estate Principles, 3 units\ Real Estate 81A, Legal Aspects of Real Estate, 3 units Real Estate 82A, Real Estate Appraisal, 3 units Real Estate 90, Exam Preparation: State of California Real Estate Licensing Exam, 2 units New Courses: ATHL PRSW, Pre-Season Training for Men’s and Women’s Intercollegiate Swimming, 0.5-2 units ATHL PRWR, Pre-Season Training for Competitive Wrestling, 0.5-2 units ATHL PSGF, Pre-Season Training for Competitive Golf, 0.5-2 units Communication Studies 70B, Experienced Communication Tutor Training, 23 units English as a Second Language 115A, Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers I, 0.5 unit English as a Second Language 115B, Writing Workshop for Non-Native Speakers II, 0.5 unit English as a Second Language 116A, Introduction to Review of Basic English, 3 units English as a Second Language 116B, Review of Basic English, 3 units English as a Second Language 117A, Introduction to Reading and Writing, 3 units Curriculum Committee 3/12/13, Page 2 English as a Second Language 117B, Intermediate Reading and Writing, 3 units Health 61, First Responder, 2.5 units KINE 13R, American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Review, 1.5 units KINE BBDT, Theory and Technique of Defensive Baseball, 2 units KINE BBOT, Theory and Technique of Offensive Baseball, 2 units KINE PDBB, Principles of Defensive Baseball, 2 units PEAC HIP1, Introduction to Hip-hop Dance, 0.5-2 units PEAC HIP2, Advanced Beginning Hip-hop Dance, 0.5-2 units Tutoring 31A, ChabotLink Beginning Peer Advisor Training Minor changes: Art 2C, Individual Projects in Academic Realism Drawing, 3 units Art 12A, Beginning Oil Painting, 3 units Art 12B, Intermediate Oil Painting, 3 units Art 12A, Advanced Oil Painting, 3 units Art 18A, Wood and Stone Sculpture 1, 3 units Art 20, All Media Sculpture, 3 units Art 22, Metal Sculpture – Lost Wax Bronze Casting, 3 units English 11A, Introduction to Creative Writing, 3 units MSC (Flores/Hassan) to approve the Consent Agenda. 5. Update on progress of proposals Jane has been going through “stuck” items. She is referring authors to their division reps for help. If reps are unable to help, please refer them to Jane immediately. 6. Colloquia At the present time, no course outlines are generated for colloquia, and they do not come through the curriculum committee for approval. A quick review of Class Schedules shows colloquia in English, Mathematics, Mass Communications, and Art. Clayton Thiel led a discussion on the colloquium he conducts, which provides students with one unit of credit for learning to hang an exhibit at an annual conference. Clayton does not receive credit for teaching the class. He stated that it is possible that students might do this on their own, but it is unlikely. Making it a “class” makes it happen. He said that using colloquium was originally suggested by Elliott Charnow. In a discussion of how to make this work, the following were addressed: • The lack of repeatability is worrisome • Possibility of creating individual “9’s” in different disciplines, such as Art 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D; English 9A, 9B, 9C, 9D; etc. • The committee will need a set of procedures for dealing with colloquia Curriculum Committee 3/12/13, Page 3 7. Curriculum Calendar Last year we were operating under the calendar that started in January 2012. We got no proposals in spring. There was discussion on what affects deadlines, and why we have gone so far past the November deadline we originally set. 8. Families Eric has faculty who want to see the ruling on families “in writing.” Jane will provide the document. The following music courses may be repeated three times because several universities (San Jose State, Cal State East Bay, Humboldt State and UCLA) require them as lower division preparation: MUSA 40, Applied Lessons MUSA 11, Jazz Improvisation MUSP 12, Wind Ensemble MUSP 13, Wind Symphony MUSP 14, Jazz Lab MUSP 15, Jazz Ensemble MUSP 16, Jazz Orchestra MUSP 18, Percussion Ensemble MUSP 41, Chamber Winds MUSP 44, Concert Choir MUSP 45, Chamber Choir MUSP 47, College Production – Music Jane requested that this list be kept in the SOTA office and the Office of Academic Services. The Music Department provided a list of families, including input from LPC. Visual Arts has not yet completed the LPC information on their families list. 9. Good of the Order Jane distributed a memo from the C-ID Advisory Committee stating that from November 1, 2012 forward, at least one textbook on the course outline must be from the last seven years. (For books that do not conform—classics, etc.—put justification on the Rationale page in CurricUNET.) Jane announced that we don’t have to submit the final Board List until March 22, so we have one more week to finish items in the queue. We will submit a list of both completed and pending items to Senate on March 14. 10. kk 3/14/13 The meeting was adjourned at 3:50 PM. Next meeting: March 19, 2013. c:\documents\word\curric\2012-13\3-12-13.min.doc