CHABOT COLLEGE Curriculum Committee November 27, 2012

Curriculum Committee
November 27, 2012
Members Present:
Debbie Buti, Jane Church, Begoña Cirera-Perez, Donna Gibson, Jay Mumford,
Don Plondke, Linnea Wahamaki
Edna Danaher, Kaaren Krueg, Tram Vo-Kumamoto
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 by the chair, Jane Church.
Minutes of November 13, 2012
MSC (Buti/Wahamaki) to approve the minutes of November 13 as written.
Directive regarding development ot TMC proposals
Jane distributed a letter from Erik Skinner and Barry Russell, State Chancellor’s Office
regarding AA-T and AS-T Goals. Of existing AA/AS degrees offered by the college,
80% of those eligible must be developed into TMC (Transfer Model Curriculum)
degrees by Fall 2013, and 100% by Fall 2014.
It is possible to replace an existing degree with a TMC, which the Business discipline did
with Business Administration, or to keep both degrees, such as the AA-T in
Communication Studies and the AA in Speech Communication.
Jane displayed the C-ID webpage. Courses that are part of TMC programs must have
C-ID numbers. This might involve modifying old or creating new courses. Jane offered
to do discipline oriented TMC workshops for those developing programs.
Update about CurricUNET “Guru” assignment
Jane reported that LPC has a 2 CAH arrangement with LaVaughn Hart to maintain their
CurricUNET system. In a recent conversation, Susan Sperling agreed that this would
work for Chabot, also. Wayne Pitcher will take on this role. He, Jane, and Kaaren
Krueg have been assigned Super Admin status.
Proposal approvals
There was discussion on what scrutiny needs to happen to place courses on a consent
agenda. It was decided that a quorum (5 voting members besides the chair) must have
reviewed the course. All voting members should review everything in the queue by
4 o’clock the day before each committee meeting. Jane will compile the consent agenda
after 4:00 on the Mondays before meetings.
MSC (Gibson/Mumford) that all voting members should review everything in the
queue by 4 o’clock the day before the committee meeting. [Approved with one “Nay”
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Consent Agenda
a. PHED Course Deactivation
Jane said that Ken Grace has been working hard to revamp the Physical Education
courses to bring them into alignment with Title 5. He would like to deactivate a
number of PHED courses. We can do a blanket approval and Kaaren can go into the
system and make the changes.
Jane distributed a list of the courses to be deactivated (attached). Kaaren questioned
whether PHED 9 (Colloquium) and 29 (Independent Study) should be removed.
MSC (Cirera-Perez/Gibson) to deactivate the courses on the list with the exception
of PHED 9 and PHED 29.
b. DHYG Course Modification – Tabled
c. Remove Repeatability from the following courses. No other changes have been made
to the outlines.
CAS 55, Microsoft Office Integration
CAS 58, Introduction to Microsoft Access
CAS 72A, Elementary Computer Keyboarding I
CAS 72B, Elementary Computer Keyboarding II
CAS 72C, Computer Keyboarding III
CAS 72D, Introduction to Microsoft Word
CAS 72E, Introduction to Microsoft Excel
CAS 72F, Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint
CAS 72G, Introduction to Microsoft Access
CAS 72J, 10-Key
CAS 72K, Business English Skills I
CAS 72L, Business English Skills II
CAS 72M, Introduction to Computing
CAS 72N, Introduction to the Internet
CAS 72Q, Microsoft to Outlook
CAS 100, Adapted Computer Keyboarding
CAS 101, Adapted Word Processing
CAS 102, Introduction to Assistive Technology
CAS 103, Assistive Technology Laboratory
MTT 60A, Machine Tool Technology I
MTT 60B, Machine Tool Technology II
MTT 63A, Individual Projects
MTT 63B, Advanced Individual Projects
MTT 65, Production Practices
MTT 71A, Numerical Control Programming I
MTT 71B, Numerical Control Programming II
MTT 75, Numerical Control Operator
MTT 81A, SolidWorks for Machine Shops
MTT 81B, Surfcam
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MTT 81C, Mastercam X
WELD 63, Welding Layout and Fitting
WELD 64A, Beginning ARC, Flux-Core Welding and Blueprint Reading
WELD 64B, Advanced ARC, Flux-Core Welding and Blueprint Reading
WELD 65A, Beginning TIG, MIG, and Blueprint Reading
WELD 65B, Advanced TIG, MIG, and Blueprint Reading
WELD 66, Welding Inspection and Testing
WELD 67A, Welding Skills Laboratory
WELD 67B, Advanced Welding Skills Laboratory
WELD 68, Certification Preparation
WELD 69A, Fabrication and Installing Piping Systems
WELD 69B, Advanced Pipe Welding
WELD 70, Introduction to Welding
WELD 71, Welding for Artists
MSC (Buti/Gibson) to authorize Kaaren to remove the repeatability of the identified
courses, and change the implementation date to Fall 2013.
PHED Curriculum – Tabled
Service Learning Courses – December 4 meeting
Good of the Order
Jane noted that today we successfully dealt with about 150 courses.
November 30 was the deadline for submission of new and revised courses. An exception
will be made for SOTA and PE courses being sorted into families.
The CSU/IGETC deadline is December 14. There are some new courses that might
qualify. Jane will bring those to the committee for approval out of chronological order.
kk 11-29-12
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 PM.
Next meeting: December 4, 2012.