Defending Against Environmental Insults: Drugs, Emergencies, Deaths, and the NOx Emissions Markets Olivier Deschenes, UCSB, IZA, and NBER Michael Greenstone, MIT and NBER Joseph Shapiro MIT Motivation: Evaluations of environmental regulations often ignore economic costs associated with defensive behavior ⇒People may take costly actions to defend against risk or damage: Noise-rated windows and insulation in noisy areas; Burglar alarms AC / energy consumption as protection against extreme heat ** Medications to protect against from respiratory problems ** ⇒Defensive expenditures may represent large share of economic costs associated with damages ⇒Difficult to know since there are little comprehensive largescale data available on the value of defensive expenditures This Paper: Study NOx (nitrogen oxide) Budget Trading Program (NBP) – an emission market – to estimate the importance of defensive behavior in measures of WTP Impact of emissions market on: Emitted pollution Ambient pollution Medication purchases (>>100 million transactions) Hospital visits Mortality rates Focus on ozone pollution: major US issue Asthma affects 8% of population (10% of children), annual costs ≈ $56 Billion (CDC) NBP’s Aggregate Impact on NOx Emissions [Emissions in Thousand Tons] Note: Graph depicts fitted NOx residuals for Wednesday after partialling out day-of-week indicators Approach: Comprehensive collection of real-world data on unit-level emissions, ambient pollution concentrations, medication purchases, hospital visits, and mortality Prior evaluations of emission markets rely on ‘data’ predicted by chemistry, engineering, and epidemiological models. Rely on variation across year, season, and geography in the implementation of the emissions market Leads way to event-study graphs and DDD estimation IV estimation of “structural” effect of ozone on health Outline of Talk 1. Background on ozone and its effects on health 2. NOx Budget Trading Program and abatement technologies 3. Theoretical framework 4. Data 5. Econometric approach 6. Results 7. Interpretation and conclusions Ozone Formation is Complex: Ozone = NOx + VOC + Heat NOx=NO+NO2 VOC=Volatile Organic Compounds (benzene, formaldehyde, …) Ozone: Mixed Health Effects 1. Association between daily ozone concentrations and daily mortality rates (Bell et al 2004; Schwartz et al. 2005) EPA benefit-costs analysis driven by this result 2. Ozone not associated with infant mortality (Currie and Neidell 2005) Controls for zip code fixed effects 3. Ozone is associated with hospitalizations (Moretti and Neidell 2011; Lleras-Muney 2010) Boats in Los Angeles port / Army relocations 4. Smog alerts reduce outdoor activity (Neidell 2009) Zoo and park attendance falls Outline of Talk 1. Background on ozone and its effects on health 2. NOx Budget Trading Program and abatement technologies 3. Theoretical framework 4. Data 5. Econometric approach 6. Results 7. Interpretation and conclusions Ozone Regulation Timeline: Clean Air Act and ozone National Ambient Air Quality (nonattainment) Standards Violations lead to “non-attainment” designation Changes from 1971 – 2008 Current standard: 0.075 ppm 8-hour daily maximum NOx cap-and-trade markets: 1994-2011: RECLAIM (California) 1999-2002: Ozone Transport Commission market (New England) 2003-2008: NOx Budget Program (Eastern US) 2009: CAIR (Eastern US) – covers NOx and SO2 – effectively replaced NBP 2010: EPA’s Transport Rule proposed, disputed NOx Budget Trading Program (as a solution to ozone problems) Many Eastern states argued that they were unfairly subject to CAA Nonattainment Regulations for ozone due to emissions from Midwestern states: Arrows show normal wind patterns and circles are location and amount of NOx emissions NOx Budget Trading Program: Details EPA set caps for 19 states and gave option for commandand-control or cap-and-trade All opted for cap-and-trade: 8 states in 2003, 11 in 2004 Operated May 1 – September 30, 2003-2008 2500+ point sources (electricity generation & industrial boilers) Source of NOx: Utilities 21%, Other Industries 11%; Transportation 60%; Others 8% NOx Budget Trading Program: States Blue: NBP states Red: Non-participating state White: border states (excluded) Rules of the NOx Budget Trading Program States chose how to allocate permits Grandfathering Heat input- based updating Output-based updating Firms can buy and sell permits Market price averaged $2080/ton of NOx Each Fall, firms give EPA one permit for each ton of NOx emitted during the preceding summer Permits may be banked 1:1 across years 30% of firms complied through “non-retrofit” methods (permits, fuel switch, plant retirement) How Firms Complied Technology Share of units choosing this Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR): ammonia or urea sprayed into flue gas then absorbed onto honeycomb-like catalyst (vanadium, tungsten, …) 17 Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR): ammonia added to boiler 4 Combustion Modification (CM) 31 Low NOx Burners (LNB): decrease combustion temperatures 18 Non-retrofit (permits, fuel switching, retirement) 30 NOx abatement in detail (SCR) Clean catalyst from Plant Crist’s SCR in Florida. This plant is not in the NOx market but has good promo photos because it’s a DOE “Clean Coal” project SCR catalyst after use. Gunk is NOx+ammonia. 16 Outline of Talk 1. Background on ozone and its effects on health 2. NOx Budget Trading Program and abatement technologies 3. Theoretical framework 4. Data 5. Econometric approach 6. Results 7. Interpretation and conclusions Model: Grossman (1972) - style model of health production Composite good X, leisure L, sickness S Sick days S = S(D) depends on dose D of pollution ingested Dose of pollution ingested D depend on ambient pollution C and defenses A, D = D(C,A) ⇒ Sick days depend on C and A: S = S(C,A) Consumer problem: max U(X,L,S) s.t. I + pW(T-L-S) ≥ X + pAA Model: Willingness-to-pay Now derive marginal willingness to pay for improvements in air quality (wC) by total differentiation of indirect utility function: dS ∂A * ∂U / ∂S dS wC = pW − + pA ∂C λ dC dC Three terms, each valued in dollars: Lost time (e.g., hospital visits) Investment in defenses (e.g., medications) Disutility of sickness (e.g., deaths) ⇒ This paper can make progress on estimating all 3 terms Caveat: Pollution might enters utility function directly (e.g., aesthetics) Outline of Talk 1. Background on ozone and its effects on health 2. NOx Budget Trading Program and abatement technologies 3. Theoretical framework 4. Data 5. Econometric approach 6. Results 7. Interpretation and conclusions Data Collection: Records Linked by County-Day 4. Medication Data 1. Emission Pollution Data Marketscan (Medstat) 2001-07 Unit-level daily totals (NOx, SO2, CO2) From employees/dependents at 18 large firms (>22 Mil. person×season×year records) 2. Ambient Pollution Data Transaction level data on each purchase, at transacted price (>100 Mil. transactions) Population-based daily monitor readings (Ozone, PM, etc) For CAA enforcement 3. Weather Data Population-based daily monitor readings (Temperature, Rain, Dewpoint) 5. Hospital Visit Data Same Marketscan extract as medications Follow MarketScan methods to extract emergencies from inpatient & outpatient events 6. Mortality Data MCOD Files, 2001-2007 All deaths in US, reports age, county and cause, and exact date Accessed through BRDC Outline of Talk 1. Background on ozone and its effects on health 2. NOx Budget Trading Program and abatement technologies 3. Theoretical framework 4. Data 5. Econometric approach 6. Results 7. Interpretation and conclusions Econometric Approach: Unit of observation: county*season*year Use DDD model since it closely reflects market design: East/West, Pre/Post, Summer/Winter: Ycst = γ 1 NBPc × SUMMERs × Postt + γ 2 NBPc × SUMMERs + W β + µ ct + η st + ε cst ' cst c – county; s – season (winter/summer); t – year Fixed Effects for: county by year; season by year Wcst are controls (eg, weather) ⇒ Graphical event-study figures play central role Grouped data reflecting different numbers of underlying observations: Regression weights proportional to number of observations Weight differs by outcome: (e.g., persons v. pollution readings) Inference: allow arbitrary correlation in errors within MSA Some MSAs participated without rest of state (eg, Birmingham AL & St Louis) Paper also shows results clustered at county, and state Outline of Talk 1. Background on ozone and its effects on health 2. NOx Budget Trading Program and abatement technologies 3. Theoretical framework 4. Data 5. Econometric approach 6. Results 7. Interpretation and conclusions NBP Impact on Emissions NOx Effect / Mean SO2 Effect / Mean CO2 Effect / Mean (2) -0.333*** (0.079) -0.373 (3) -0.295*** (0.079) -0.331 (4) -0.308*** (0.078) -0.345 -0.04 (0.040) -0.015 0.028 (0.056) 0.011 -0.009 (0.052) -0.003 -2.291 (7.138) -0.005 18.648* (10.303) 0.042 -4.725 (10.889) -0.011 Summer*East x x x Summer-by-Year FE x x x Basic Weather Controls x Detailed Weather Controls x County-by-Year FE x x x Note: each observation represents a county-year-season. Covariance matrix allows arbitrary autocorrelation within each MSA. Asterisks denote p-value < 0.10 (*), <0.05 (**), <0.01 (***). Note: Size effects are for counties participating in NBP -8 Ozone 8-Hour Maximum (ppb) -6 -4 -2 0 2 NBP Impact on Ambient Summer Ozone Pollution 2001 2002 2003 2004 NBP - Non-NBP 2005 2006 95% C.I. 2007 -5 -5 0 Summer Days in Indicated Bin 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Market Impact: Summer Days in Indicated Bin 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 NBP Impact on Distribution of Ambient Summer Ozone Pollution 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70*70-80*80-90*90-100 100+ Summer Days in Each Ozone Bin, Eastern US 2001-2002 0-10 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70*70-80*80-90*90-100 100+ NBP Impact on Summer Days in Each Ozone Bin NBP Impact on Ambient Summer Ozone Pollution Ozone 8-Hour Value Effect / Mean Ozone Days ≥ 65 Effect / Mean (2) -1.334** (0.597) -0.027 (3) -3.435*** (0.912) -0.069 (4) -3.273*** (0.740) -0.066 -4.460** (2.173) -0.157 -7.208*** (2.053) -0.253 -10.701*** (3.331) -0.376 Summer*East x x x Summer-by-Year FE x x x Basic Weather Controls x Detailed Weather Controls x County-by-Year FE x x x Note: each observation represents a county-year-season. Regressions are GLS weighted by number of underlying pollution readings. Mean is for 2001-2002 summers in Eastern US. Covariance matrix allows arbitrary autocorrelation within each MSA. Asterisks denote pvalue < 0.10 (*), <0.05 (**), <0.01 (***). Note: Size effects are for counties participating in NBP NBP Impact on Other Ambient Pollution See Table 3 Estimates for NO2, CO, PM2.5, PM10 (NOx can undergo reactions to become PM), SO2 ⇒ No significant effects of NBP on concentrations of pollutants other than ozone ⇒ DDD estimates of health effects likely attributable to ozone channel ⇒ Informative about validity of exclusion restriction (if NBP used to generate IVs for ozone exposure) Log Medication Costs -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 NBP Impact on Log Medication Costs 2001 2002 2003 2004 Diff-in-Diff 2005 95% C.I. 2006 2007 NBP Impact on Log Medication Costs (2) -0.018* (0.010) (3) -0.018* (0.010) (4) -0.016** (0.008) Respiratory -0.032* (0.017) -0.037** (0.017) -0.025* (0.014) Cardiovascular -0.015 (0.010) -0.015 (0.010) -0.016** (0.007) Gastrointestinal -0.009 (0.010) -0.009 (0.010) -0.011 (0.010) All Medications Summer*East x x x Summer-by-Year FE x x x Basic Weather Controls x Detailed Weather Controls x County-by-Year FE x x x Note: each observation represents a county-year-season. Regressions are GLS with weight equal to MarketScan population in a given county-year-season. Covariance matrix allows arbitrary autocorrelation within MSAs. Asterisks denote p-value < 0.10 (*), <0.05 (**), <0.01 (***). NBP Impact on Hospital Visit Costs (2) -0.688 (17.890) (3) -3.082 (17.990) (4) -6.611 (19.428) Respiratory 3.437 (4.235) 3.316 (4.311) 6.066 (3.931) Cardiovascular -7.467 (6.853) -7.619 (6.891) -6.579 (7.771) Injury -4.958 (5.653) -5.648 (5.675) -8.463 (5.787) All Emergencies FE: Summer*East x x x Summer-by-Year FE x x x Basic Weather Controls x Detailed Weather Controls x County-by-Year FE x x x Note: each observation is a county-year-season. Regressions are GLS with weight equal to MarketScan population in a given county-yearseason. Covariance matrix allows arbitrary autocorrelation within each MSA. Asterisks denote p-value < 0.10 (*), <0.05 (* -30 Mortality Rate -15 0 NBP Impact on Mortality Rate (per 100,000) 2001 2002 2003 2004 Diff-in-Diff 2005 95% C.I. 2006 2007 NBP Impact on Mortality Rate (per 100,000) (2) -5.229*** (1.829) (3) -5.413*** (1.987) (4) -5.271** (2.154) Respiratory -0.896** (0.396) -0.884** (0.396) -0.753* (0.404) Cardiovascular -0.836* (0.455) -1.726* (0.886) -1.706* (0.884) Neoplasm -1.959** (0.984) -1.355 (0.901) -0.342 (0.534) External -0.475 (0.546) -0.408 (0.560) -0.179 (0.490) All Other 0.182 (0.410) 0.039 (0.410) 0.259 (0.442) x x x x x x x All Deaths Summer*East Summer-by-Year FE Basic Weather Controls Detailed Weather Controls County-by-Year FE x x x x NBP Impact on Age-Specific Mortality Rate (per 100,000) Cause of Death Age 0 (Infants) Summer*Post*NBP Response Var Mean Implied 2005 Deaths Ages 1-64 Summer*Post*NBP Response Var Mean Implied 2005 Deaths Ages 65-74 Summer*Post*NBP Response Var Mean Implied 2005 Deaths Ages 75+ Summer*Post*NBP Response Var Mean Implied 2005 Deaths All (1) Respiratory Cardiovascular (2) (3) -4.436 (9.972) 263.31 -78 -1.250 (1.215) 5.12 -22 0.111 (1.170) 5.59 2 -1.112 (1.327) 97.66 -1,295 -0.167 (0.174) 4.14 -194 0.016 (0.369) 21.30 19 -12.801 (7.960) 794.47 -1,135 -1.624 (2.456) 79.93 -144 -7.587 (5.398) 240.75 -789 -42.582** -12.536** (19.285) (5.792) 2,768.33 290.89 -3,460 -946 -18.588* (10.260) 1,131.84 -1,703 Outline of Talk 1. Background on ozone and its effects on health 2. NOx Budget Trading Program and abatement technologies 3. Theoretical framework 4. Data 5. Econometric approach 6. Results 7. Interpretation and conclusions Aggregate Abatement Costs of Market Total ($) NBP Abatement Costs, 2003-2007 Total Upper Bound ($ Billion) $3.7 Aggregate Health Benefits of Market (Billions $s) Mortality (Deaths) Mortality Medications Total NBP Health Benefits With Age-Specific VSL and Mortality Rates Total Per Year 7,155 $4.3 $0.7 $5.0 Total 2003-2007 32,198 $19.1 $3.3 $22.4 Main Results 1: NOx Budget Trading Program decreased NOx emissions by 35% Implies reductions in summer ozone concentrations of 7% Reduced the number of summer days with harmful ozone by 38% No impact on concentrations of other ambient air pollutants (NO2, SO2, CO, PM2.5 PM10) Main Results 2: Decrease in ozone pollution has large benefits: 1.6% Reduction in medication purchases: saved $700 million in defenses annually • Almost as large as abatement costs associated with NBP 1.6% Reduction in mortality rate -- prevented 7,000 summertime deaths each year, primarily age 75+ population • Models lack statistical power to detect long-run changes in mortality beyond one season Reduction in hospital visits expenditures (although statistically insignificant) ⇒Combined health benefits greatly exceed the costs of NBP Conclusion: First study to provide a complete assessment, derived from real-world data, of the costs and benefits of large marketbased environmental intervention, the NOx Budget Trading Program Research design and rich data sets allows us to construct credible measures of the willingness to pay for reductions in ozone air pollution concentrations that accounts for defensive expenditures, as well as ozone’s direct health impacts Conclusion: Monetized value of health benefits >> NBP abatement costs Reduction in medication expenditures alone corresponds to $700 million per year, ≈ upper bound estimate of abatement costs But defensive behavior incomplete: ≈ 90% of benefits from mortality One limitation of this study is that it overlooks non-health effects which may have their own compensatory responses Possible impacts on agricultural yields (ozone is bad) Possible impacts on worker productivity