Implementation Example for I-Girder System under Vertical Load Legal Load Rating Example A numerical example is provided to illustrate the procedure for using the system factor tables during the rating of an existing bridge. In this example, we assume a hypothetical case where the bending moment capacity of a simple span 120-ft prestressed concrete bridge with six beams at 8-ft spacing was found to be Rn=7200 kip-ft. The dead load effect is Dn=3500 kip-ft. The moment due to the AASHTO truck load alone is LLHS20=1880 kip-ft. The moment for the AASHTO 3S-2 Legal Load is 1682 kip-ft. The distribution factor from the AASHTO LRFD tables is D.F.=0.75 and the impact factor is IM=1.33. The LRFR Operating Rating for a site where the average daily truck traffic is ADTT>5000 is obtained as: R.F . Rn D Dn Rn D Dn 1.0 7200 1.25 3500 0.94 L Ln L LL3S 2 IM D.F . 1.80 1682 1.33 0.75 This rating factor value based on individual member capacity implies that the bridge should be closed, posted, rehabilitated, or replaced. Given the redundant configuration of the bridge, the bridge owners may choose to delay such actions if the bridge system capacity is found to be sufficiently high so that the bridge would be able to withstand the potential overloading of a main girder. To assess the entire system’s load carrying capacity, the system factor is calculated based on Table in the proposed Specifications. A first step would require the calculation of the unfactored live load carrying capacity of the member, LF1: LF1 RD 7200 3500 2.62 D.F . LLHS 20 0.75 1880 The bridge’s six beams are spaced at more than 4-ft and the system factor is a function of the 0.49 . dead load to resistance ratio D 3500 R 7200 1 1.5 D / R 1 1.5 0.49 s 1 1 1.08 2 1 LF12 1 2.62 2 2 A.3-1 The adjusted System Legal Load Rating of the bridge is then executed using: R.F . s Rn D Dn 1.08 1.0 7200 1.25 3500 1.13 L Ln 1.80 1682 1.33 0.75 Where the system factor s is 1.08 and the other factors and variables are those that are normally used during the usual rating process. The adjusted rating factor R.F.=1.13, which is higher than 1.0, implies that, because of the bridge’s redundant configuration, the bridge system will not collapse and will still be able to support the applied legal loads even if one member reaches its limiting capacity. The bridge’s redundancy is making the system’s capacity significantly higher than the capacities of the individual members. A.3-2 Implementation Example for a Continuous Three-Span Steel Tub Girder System under Vertical Load This Example is adopted from Example 4 in the Highway Structures Design Handbook, Vol. II, Chapter 1.A, entitled: “Four LRFD Design Examples of Steel Highway Bridges,” Published by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISC) in cooperation with HDR Engineering, Inc. 1996. This example illustrates the procedure for calculating a system factor for a continuous steel box girder with spans of 58 000 mm (190 ft) - 72 000 mm (236 ft) -58 000 mm (190 ft). The bridge cross section consists of two trapezoidal box sections with top flanges spaced at 3400 mm (11.2 ft) on centers, 3400 mm (11.2 ft) between the centerlines of adjacent top flanges, and 1340 mm (4.40 ft) overhangs for a roadway width equal to 12 000 mm (39.37 ft). The concrete deck is 245 mm (9.65 in) thick including a 13 mm (0.5 in) integral wearing surface. In the example, the positive moment capacity of the entire composite box was found to be Rn+= 38.78 x 109 N-mm (28.60 x 103 kip-ft), the negative bending capacity near the interior supports is Rn- = 62.47 x 109 N-mm (46.08 x 103 kip-ft) for the steel section including the longitudinal reinforcement in the deck or Rn- = 58.86 x 109 N-mm (43.41 x 103 kip-ft) for steel section only. The dead load effect for the box is Dn+=14.035 x 109 N-mm (10.35 x 103 kip-ft) for the maximum positive bending region and Dn- =30.95 x 109 N-mm (22.83 x 103 kip-ft) for the section over the pier. The maximum positive moment due to the AASHTO truck load alone (one design truck is placed at the center of the middle span) is LLHS20+=3272 x 106 N-mm (2413.3 kip-ft). The maximum negative moment due to the AASHTO truck load (two design trucks are placed in adjacent spans) is LLHS20- = 2324 x 106 N-mm (1714.1 kip-ft). For multiple steel box girders with a concrete deck, the live load flexural moment can be determined using the distribution factor determined by the following expression: D.F . 0.05 0.85 N L 0.425 Nb NL (Table, AASHTO LRFD 2012, 6th edition) where: N L = Number of design lanes N b = Number of beams or girder Therefore, the distribution factor for the two tub-girder bridge loaded by two lanes is: N 0.425 D.F . 0.05 0.85 L Nb NL 3 0.425 0.05 0.85 2 3 1.467 To assess the entire system’s load carrying capacity, the system factor is calculated based on Table A first step would require the calculation of the unfactored live load carrying capacity of the member, LF1: A.3-3 LF1 for positive bending region (moments in as provided in the AISC design Handbook) R D 37.78 109 14.035 109 LF 4.95 D.F . LLHS 20 1.467 3272 106 1 LF1 for negative flexure (stresses in MPa as provided in the AISC design Handbook) Compression flanges (Steel section+Long.Reinforcement) f r ( f DC1 f DC2 f DW ) 330.9 (138.78 18.36 10.81) LF1 8.97 D.F . f LLHS 20 1.467 12.31 Tension flanges (Steel section+Long.Reinforcement) f y ( f DC1 f DC2 f DW ) 345 (149.12 17.2 10.13) LF1 9.97 D.F . f LLHS 20 1.467 11.52 The compression flange controls the negative bending load factor LF1-. The above calculations use the distribution factors from the AASHTO LRFD tables. One can also find actual maximum live load effects on the external beam (half box) using a structural analysis program with a grillage model. To find the maximum positive moment, we place one design truck at the center of the middle span. The two design trucks are placed in adjacent spans to produce the maximum negative effects. The results for LF1 are calculated as follows: LF1 R D 37.78 109 / 2 14.035 109 / 2 4.79 L 2481106 LF1 R D 58.86 109 / 2 30.95 109 / 2 9.45 L 1476 106 Using the AASHTO LRFD Tables for the distribution factors, the controlling load factor is LF1 LF1 4.95 . The dead load to resistance ratio: D 14.035 10 9 R 37.78 109 =0.37 Given that the ratio for LF1 / LF1 1.81 1.75 , the system factor is calculated as: 1 1.5 D / R 1 1.5 0.37 s 1 4 1 4 1.12 2 2 1 LF1 1 4.95 2 2 The calculated system factor indicates that the bridge system is highly redundant whereby even if one section reaches its limiting capacity, the system will be able to withstand significant A.3-4 additional load. Therefore, it would still be safe to design the members using lower safety levels. Specifically, the moment capacity of the positive bending region which was designed for Rn = 38.78 x 109 N-mm (28.60 x 103 kip-ft) can be reduced to: RnN Rn 37.78 109 33.73 109 N mm 24.88 103 Kip ft s 1.12 Similarly, the moment capacity of the negative bending region which was designed for Rn = 62.47 x 109 N-mm (46.08 x 103 kip-ft) can be reduced to: RnN Rn 62.47 109 55.78 109 N mm 41.14 103 Kip ft s 1.12 Comments The system factor s =1.12 is obtained because the moment capacity of the steel section in the negative bending region is significantly larger than that in positive bending. Even though the negative bending section is non compact, the system will still be able to undergo significant nonlinear deformations before the negative bending section fails. If the negative bending section did not satisfy the condition LF1 / LF1 1.75 , then the lack of ductility in negative bending would lead to a significantly lower system capacity and the system factor would have been reduced to s =1.03, which implies a reduced level of redundancy. A.3-5 Implementation Example for Bridge System under Lateral Load Weak Cap Beam This example is for a three-span continuous bridge with two three-column bents where the lateral confinement reinforcement ratio of each column is s=0.3% (detail category B). Each column’s height is 32.6-ft with a diameter of 7-ft. The bridge columns are based on stiff foundations that are assumed fixed. A cross-section analysis of the cap beam shows that the plastic moment capacity Mp beam = 202,000 kip-in. The ultimate curvature for the cap beam is u beam = 9.03 ×10-4 in-1. The ultimate moment, plastic moment and ultimate curvature of the middle column subjected to an axial load of 214 kips which includes the dead load and 20% of design live load are Mu column 214,600 kip-in, Mp column=198,600 kip-in, and u column = 5.74×10-4 in-1, respectively. The pushover analysis shows that the first column reaches its plastic capacity when the lateral force is Pp1= 5,244.8 kip. Because the cap beam strength is higher than the plastic moment of the column, but less than the ultimate moment capacity of the column, [Mcol.ultimate>Mbeam.plastic.>Mcol.plastic], then the reduction in the ultimate curvature of the beam-column connection, , is obtained using Equation ( M available M p column M u column M p column M p beam M p column M u column M p column 202,000 198, 600 0.21 214,600 198, 600 Compare the reduced column curvature to that of the beam and use the lower of the two: u column u beam 0.21 5.74 104 in1 1.21104 in1 9.03 104 in1 The bridge members with the relatively weak cap beam are evaluated using the system factor in Eq. ( s Fmc C u tunc 0.21(5.74 104 ) 3.64 104 0.82 0.75 1.16 0.24 tconf tunc 1.55 103 3.64 104 Although this bridge is formed by two 3-column bents, the weakness in the cap beam reduces the ability of the columns to deform until they crush. The failure of the cap beam before concrete column crushing reduces the redundancy of the system that will be able to sustain an applied load PEQ lower than the calculated PP1 while maintaining an adequate level of system reliability. The maximum applied lateral load PEQ is found using Eq. ( PEQ s Pp1 0.82 5, 244.8 kip 4300 kip A.3-6